Sorriso-Valvo L., Marino R., Carbone V., Noullez A., Lepreti F., Veltri P., Bruno R., Bavassano B., Pietropaolo E.
INFM, CNR, Licryl Reg Lab, I-87036 Arcavacata Di Rende, Italy; Univ Calabria, Dipartimento Fis, I-87036 Arcavacata Di Rende, Italy; Observ Cote Azur, F-06003 Nice, France; IFSI, CNR, Rome, Italy; Univ Aquila, Dipartimento Fis, I-67100 Laquila, Italy
Direct evidence for the presence of an inertial energy cascade, the most characteristic signature of hydromagnetic turbulence (MHD), is observed in the solar wind by the Ulysses spacecraft. After a brief rederivation of the equivalent of Yaglom's law for MHD turbulence, a linear relation is indeed observed for the scaling of mixed third-order structure functions involving Elsasser variables. This experimental result firmly establishes the turbulent character of low-frequency velocity and magnetic field fluctuations in the solar wind plasma.
Physical review letters (Print) 99
IPCF – Istituto per i processi chimico-fisici, INFM – Centro di responsabilità scientifica INFM
CNR authors
External IDs
CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:167924