Curatela di numero monografico (di rivista o di collana), 2012, ENG
Pachler N., Ranieri M., Manca S., Cook J.
University of London, Università di Firenze, ITD-CNR, London Metropolitan University
This special issue aims at exploring educational and socio-cultural perspectives on the use of the increasing convergence of mobile devices and digital media for social networking in formal and informal contexts of learning. It originated from the work of the Theme Team SoMobNet (Social Mobile Networking for Informal Learning;, a capacity-building network part-funded by STELLAR, the Network of Excellence on technology-enhanced learning funded by the European Union within the Framework Program 7 (FP7), in particular the international roundtable held at the Institute of Education in London on November 2011.
social networking, mobile learning
ID: 196159
Year: 2012
Type: Curatela di numero monografico (di rivista o di collana)
Creation: 2012-12-19 18:33:50.000
Last update: 2015-12-25 11:50:26.000
CNR authors
CNR institutes
External IDs
CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:196159