Rapporto di ricerca (Research report), 2011, ENG

Feedback from Contact Points on National Initiatives in the Area of Language Resources

Joseph Mariani, Paola Baroni, Claudia Soria

Laboratoire d'Informatique pour la Mécanique et les Sciences de l'Ingénieur / Institute for Multilingual and Multimedia Information - Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Orsay, CNR-ILC

A survey of existing initiatives on language resources all over the world promoted by the FLaReNet WG7 and carried out with contributions from the 102 FLaReNet National Contact Points.


Language Resources

CNR authors

Soria Claudia, Baroni Paola

CNR institutes

ILC – Istituto di linguistica computazionale "Antonio Zampolli"

ID: 206326

Year: 2011

Type: Rapporto di ricerca (Research report)

Creation: 2013-03-11 11:02:47.000

Last update: 2015-04-21 11:05:47.000

External IDs

CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:206326