Articolo in rivista, 2013, ENG

A second rhodopsin-like protein in Cyanophora paradoxa: Gene sequence and protein expression in a cell-free system

Frassanito AM, Barsanti L, Passarelli V, Evangelista V, Gualtieri P

Istituto di Biofisica, CNR, Via Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy

Here we report the identification and expression of a second rhodopsin-like protein in the alga Cyanophora paradoxa (Glaucophyta), named Cyanophopsin_2. This new protein was identified due to a serendipity event, since the RACE reaction performed to complete the sequence of Cyanophopsin_1, (the first rhodopsin-like protein of C. paradoxa identified in 2009 by our group), amplified a 619 bp sequence corresponding to a portion of a new gene of the same protein family. The full sequence consists of 1175 bp consisting of 849 bp coding DNA sequence and 4 introns of 326 bp. The protein is characterized by an N-terminal region of 47 amino acids, followed by a region with 7 ?-helices of 213 amino acids and a C-terminal region of 22 amino acids. This protein showed high identity with Cyanophopsin_1 and other rhodopsin-like proteins of Archea, Bacteria, Fungi and Algae. Cyanophosin_2 (CpR2) was expressed in a cell-free expression system, and characterized by means of absorption spectroscopy.

Journal of photochemistry and photobiology. B, Biology (Print) 125 , pp. 188–193


Rhodopsin-like protein, Cyanophora paradoxa, CpR2, Cell-free expression, Absorption spectrum

CNR authors

Frassanito Anna Maria, Evangelista Valtere, Gualtieri Paolo, Passarelli Vincenzo, Barsanti Laura

CNR institutes

IBF – Istituto di biofisica

ID: 257117

Year: 2013

Type: Articolo in rivista

Creation: 2013-09-06 10:22:13.000

Last update: 2017-07-06 16:53:20.000

External IDs

CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:257117

PubMed: 23851421