Gambino G., Altieri M., Boccacci P., Cuozzo D., Avanzato C., Pezzotti M., Delledonne M., Mannini F., Gribaudo I.
Altieri M., Avanzato C., Pezzotti M, Delledonne M. - Centro di Genomica Funzionale, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie, Università degli Studi di Verona, Italy Vitali M., Cuozzo D., Pagliarani C., Lovisolo C. - Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie, Forestali e Alimentari, Università di Torino, Italy
The economical success of the grape and wine-related agribusiness depends on quality of the grapes produced, which is heavily influenced by genetic diversity (clones) and environment (terroir). Among the important Italian varieties, 'Nebbiolo' (with the renowned wines made with this grape: Barolo and Barbaresco), is one of the best examples of this connection. The behavior of three 'Nebbiolo' clones (CVT71, CVT185, CVT423) grafted on the same rootstock (Kober 5BB) and grown in three different experimental vineyards in typical growing areas of Piedmont (Italy), was analyzed in relation to the different soil and environmental conditions. In 2013 the performances of those vines were monitored from winter pruning to harvest recording phenological dates, vigour, potential fertility, yield, juice composition and anthocyanin profile. RNA-Seq analyses were performed on berries collected in three different developmental stages during the vegetative season: berry pea size stage, veraison and at harvest (24 °Brix). The analysis of agronomical data revealed many cases of statistically significant effects linked to genotype x environment interactions. The environmental component appears to be important for some quality parameters, such as sugar and acidity, whose levels are often similar within individual vineyards. The clone CVT423 showed higher extractability of anthocyanins with high levels of peonidin, a di-substituted anthocyanidin, therefore less stable but more easily extractable. These interactions between genetic and environmental component will be further studied during the 2014 vintage. Within the next few months the completion of RNA-Seq analyses on berries will allow to relate the phenotypical characteristics of different clones to the transcriptomic changes. In addition, it will allow to identify genes differentially modulated during grapevine plastic adjustments, as well as genes, transcripts, and splicing variants influencing the clones fitness under diverse growing environments.
3th annual Conference COST FA1106 Quality Fruit, pp. 66–66, Chania (Grecia), 21/09-24/09/2014
Nebbiolo, clones, transcriptomic, terroir
Gribaudo Ivana, Gambino Giorgio, Boccacci Paolo, Mannini Franco
IVV – Istituto di virologia vegetale, IPSP – Istituto per la Protezione Sostenibile delle Piante
External IDs
CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:307016