Francesca Frontini
Labex OBVIL - LIP6 UPMC Paris - ILC CNR Pisa
Quantitative approaches to the study of style in literature are far from a modern novelty. They have however recently gained more and more popularity, not only among computer scientists and corpus linguistics, but also among some influential literary critics. The present panorama of quantitative techniques is very rich, but often confusing, with a plethora of denominations and methodologies often difficult to reconcile; computer scientists classify their work as stylometry or computational stylistics, while linguists may use the label corpus stylistics, and finally critics like Franco Moretti will talk about macro-analysis and distant reading. This talk will try first to identify the differences between these trends, distinguishing between corpus based and corpus driven approaches on the methodological side (Quiniou et al 2012), and (following Ramsey 2011) between experimental and hermeneutical approaches. Finally we will present ongoing work conducted at Labex OBVIL on syntactic pattern extraction from theatrical characters. The proposed approach, using correspondence analysis to extract distinctive traits for each character, is imagined rather as an hermeneutical tool, in the sense that it does not seek to demonstrate that two different characters have been endowed with significantly different stylistic traits by the playwright, but it does enable the visualisation of their relative distances and the extraction of those elements that make them distinct.
Cycle des séminaires ILES LIMSI, Paris, 03/02/2015
ILC – Istituto di linguistica computazionale "Antonio Zampolli"
ID: 315607
Year: 2015
Type: Presentazione
Creation: 2015-02-20 18:58:32.000
Last update: 2015-02-20 18:58:32.000
CNR authors
External IDs
CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:315607