Rapporto di progetto (Project report), 2016, ENG
Francesca Ardizzone (1), Federica Fiorucci (1), Paola Reichenbach (1), Michele Santangelo (1), Alessandro Mondini (1), Christian Bignami (2), Matteo Albano (2), Salvatore Stramondo (2), Natalia Spanou (3), Vassilis Sakkas (4)
(1) CNR-IRPI (2) INGV (3) IGME (4) NKUA
The main objective of WP5000, "Future space assets for DRR (Disaster and Risk Reduction)", is to perform a gap analysis between the current space technology and the user needs required for landslide and seismic hazard mapping. As a result, a requirements baseline, including EO data types, processing methods, output products, ICTs storage and processing options, and current and future planned missions, is delivered for future space assets in DRR. WP5000 is subdivided in four sub-tasks including WP5100 "User needs analysis" aimed to define the EO technical requirements for landslide and seismic hazard evaluation, including the user required to prepare landslide inventory maps, a prerequisite for landslide hazard assessment. The deliverable describes user requirements and system specifications (satellite imagery types and characteristics) appropriate for landslide and seismic hazard evaluation. For landslide hazard we analyse: i) the requirements of the satellite images useful to prepare landslide inventory maps and ii) the system specifications for the optical and the SAR sensors. This report, will consider only the landslide inventory maps acquired using the photo-interpretation. The interpretation of aerial photographs or satellite images is the method most widely used to prepare inventory maps necessary to evaluate landslide hazard posed by a population of mass movements. For seismic hazard, we focus on the requirements associated with the existing solutions and on the ICT system specifications.
Fiorucci Federica, Santangelo Michele, Reichenbach Paola, Ardizzone Francesca, Mondini Alessandro Cesare
ID: 366683
Year: 2016
Type: Rapporto di progetto (Project report)
Creation: 2017-02-08 16:26:12.000
Last update: 2020-10-19 15:22:23.000
External IDs
CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:366683