Rapporto di progetto (Project report), 2017, ITA
Zoppini Annamaria
This document resumes the research activities carried out in the SP3_WP2_AZ1_UO06 which aimed to study the impact of anthropogenic inputs on coastal ecosystems C-flux mediated by microbial communities. The realization of the experimental project consisted both in laboratory and in field investigations conducted in the Po river prodelta and adjacent lagoons. Laboratory tests were conducted to study the riverine impact on organic matter bioavailability applying the ultrafiltration technique. Coastal water samples differently affected by riverine water, was ultrafiltered to obtain different molecular weigh (MW) classes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC, 0.7um-10KDa; 1-10kDa; <1 kDa). After incubating MW classes with natural microbial communities, high salinity water showed the lowest bioavailability in terms of respiration and bacterial C incorporation rates, principally due to the largest MW classes of DOC (>1kDa). This DOC size, in which may be included organic pollutants, constitutes a significant fraction of DOC in the test samples and therefore potentially able to slow the turnover rates. The in situ experiments were aimed to relate the environmental status to changes of carbon fluxes mediated by natural microbial communities. A first survey was conducted in the Po river prodelta under high intensity river flood to describe the impact on the concentration of organic priority substances (2008/195/EC), e.g. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and nonylphenol, as well on key processes mediating C-flux. The results highlighted that such event had the effect of diluting the concentration of organic pollutants and to change the C-flux between the organic matter and the microbial cells (high BCP/cell ratio) in the most impacted sites by the flood. Sediments were also analysed in five lagoons of the Po river delta, for a total number of 12 sites. Organic contaminants (IPA, NP, PCB, BPA) were analysed along with microbial community processes. It was highlighted differences in the different trophic status of the sediments, the status of quality and changes in the activity of the resident microbial communities responsible for the C flow and nutrients.
comunità microbiche, sedimenti, cicli biogeochimici, inquinanti organici, PAH, lagune, acque costiere
ID: 370798
Year: 2017
Type: Rapporto di progetto (Project report)
Creation: 2017-05-28 19:39:31.000
Last update: 2019-12-13 12:04:26.000
CNR authors
CNR institutes
External IDs
CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:370798