Lorenza Evangelista1, Laura Giordano1, Aniello Coppola2, Alessandro Di Filippo, Vincenzo Di Fiore1, Antonio Iengo3, Luciana Ferraro1, Rosanna Ferraro1, Michele Punzo, Daniela Tarallo1, Ennio Marsella1
1 IAMC - CNR (Istituto per l'Ambiente Marino Costiero) 2 Libero Professionista 3 ARPAL (Agenzia Regionale per la Protezione dell'Ambiente Ligure)
This technical report describes an innovative and integrated prototype system of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) for advanced environmental monitoring; the water platform's is developed at the Coastal Marine Environmental Institute - National Research Council (Italy), within the Project: Integrated Systems and Technologies for Geophysical and Environmental Monitoring in coastal-marine areas (STIGEAC), in the framework of the National Operational Programs 2007-2013. The project concerns in the research of new technologies and the design of vehicles, for the surveys of the coastal marine environment, understood as a "multipurpose" laboratory for sea research with characteristics of modularity and portability. The goal involves not only the execution of scientific and technological research but also for the valorization of marine cultural heritage, for industrial activity and for emergency interventions related to environmental crises. Major innovations concern the design of a new architecture of the control system and/or to allow the cooperation between heterogeneous unmanned vehicles, the integration of distributed sensing techniques and real-time image processing capabilities [Marsella et al., 2015].
Unmanned Surface Vehicles, Stigeac Project
Ferraro Luciana, Di Fiore Vincenzo, Ferraro Rosanna, Giordano Laura, Punzo Michele, Evangelista Lorenza, Tarallo Daniela, Di Filippo Alessandro, Marsella Ennio
ID: 374058
Year: 2017
Type: Rapporto tecnico
Creation: 2017-07-05 14:34:55.000
Last update: 2021-04-07 19:56:46.000
CNR institutes
External IDs
CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:374058