Rapporto di progetto (Project report), 2016, ENG

e-CODEX technical and logic addresses management

Marco Velicogna, Ferdinand Rödlich, Giampiero Lupo, Giulio Borsari, Stefano Mardegan, Gerardo Giardiello, Francesco Contini, Matías González, Johann Kickinger, Natalie Nickel, Huub Moelker

Marco Velicogna (IRSIG-CNR), Ferdinand Rödlich (Ministry of Justice Austria), Giampiero Lupo (IRSIG-CNR), Giulio Borsari (Ministero Giustizia Italia), Stefano Mardegan (Camere di Commercio Italia), Gerardo Giardiello (ITTIG-CNR), Francesco Contini (IRSIG-CNR), Matías González (Ministry of Justice Spain), Johann Kickinger (Ministry of Justice North Reine Westfalia), Natalie Nickel (Ministry of Justice North Reine Westfalia), Huub Moelker (Ministry of Justice, the Netherlands).

This document investigates the issue of addressing a message and the management of technical and logical addresses in e-CODEX. In particular, two possible solutions for the management of technical addresses are analysed here. A first solution foresees the provision to the end user of the technical addresses of courts/authorities/service provider(in the European Court Databaseor other database) in order to address courts/authorities/service provider within e-CODEX. A second solution, foresees that sender will only required to provide the address at the logical level and leaves the management of technical addresses and the sorting of messages, to the sending or receiving country components of the e-CODEX infrastructure. Here, the two solutions are analysed and compared with reference to their implications at the organizational, technological and legal level. Furthermore, the question of how to link the courts/authorities/service provider to the technical or logical address is discussed in light of present and possible future available options. The analysis of a questionnaire sent to the authorities involved in e-CODEX partnershelp investigating the solutions adopted by piloting countries in the different use-cases. Finally, some recommendations regarding management of addresses in e-CODEX and sorting of messages are provided.


Technical address management, e-CODEX, e-Justice

CNR authors

Lupo Giampiero, Velicogna Marco

CNR institutes

IRSIG – Istituto di ricerca sui sistemi giudiziari, IGSG – Istituto di Informatica Giuridica e Sistemi Giudiziari

ID: 388997

Year: 2016

Type: Rapporto di progetto (Project report)

Creation: 2018-07-04 10:05:12.000

Last update: 2018-10-09 12:45:20.000

External links

OAI-PMH: Dublin Core



External IDs

CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:388997