Articolo in rivista, 2019, ENG, 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.01.049

The CNESM neutron imaging diagnostic for SPIDER beam source

Croci G.; Muraro A.; Perelli Cippo E.; Grosso G.; Pasqualotto R.; Cavenago M.; Cervaro V.; Dalla Palma M.; Feng S.; Fincato M.; Franchin L.; Giacomelli L.; Murtas F.; Nocente M.; Rebai M.; Tardocchi M.; Tollin M.; Gorini G.

a IFP-CNR, Via Cozzi 53, Milano, Italy; b Sez. INFN Milano-Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy; c INFN-LNF, Via Enrico Fermi 40, Frascati, Italy; d INFN-LNL, Viale dell'Università 2, Legnaro, Italy; e Consorzio RFX (CNR, ENEA, INFN, Università di Padova, Acciaierie Venete SpA), Corso Stati Uniti 4 - 35127 Padova, Italy; f University of Milano-Bicocca, Piazza della Scienza 3, Milano, Italy. ( Croci, G.a,b,f, Muraro, A.a, Perelli Cippo, E.a, Grosso, G.a, Pasqualotto, R.e, Cavenago, M.d, Cervaro, V.e, Dalla Palma, M.e, Feng, S.f, Fincato, M.e, Franchin, L.e, Giacomelli, L.a, Murtas, F.c, Nocente, M.f, Rebai, M.a,f, Tardocchi, M.a, Tollin, M.e, Gorini, G.b,f)

The PRIMA project aims at the construction of two ITER-NBI facilities in Padova (Italy). The first one is called SPIDER which is negative H/D 100 keV RF source, while the second one (MITICA) will be a full scale 1 MeV deuterium beam injector as the one that will be used in ITER. In order to resolve the horizontal beam intensity profile in MITICA and one of the eight beamlets groups in SPIDER, the Close-contact Neutron Emission Surface Mapping (CNESM) system is being developed. The goal of this device is to reconstruct the D - beam evaluating the map of the neutron emission due to interaction of the deuterium beam with the deuterons implanted in the beam dump surface. For this reason, the CNESM diagnostic, which is based on nGEM detectors for fast neutrons, will be placed right behind the SPIDER and MITICA beam dump, i.e. in an UHV (Ultra High Vacuum) environment. Since the nGEM detectors need to operate at atmospheric pressure a vacuum sealed detector box has been designed to be installed inside the vacuum vessel and able to sustain atmospheric pressure inside. This paper describes the status of the CNESM diagnostic and underlines the different phases followed during the realization and installation of the diagnostic on the SPIDER beam dump as well as its imaging performances.

Fusion engineering and design 146 , pp. 660–665


Neutral Beam Injector, Deuterium map, Neutron imaging, GEM detectors Vacuum

CNR authors

Croci Gabriele, Cervaro Vannino, Fincato Michele, Grosso Giovanni Maria, Dalla Palma Mauro, Perelli Cippo Enrico, Giacomelli Luca Carlo, Muraro Andrea, Tardocchi Marco, Pasqualotto Roberto

CNR institutes

IFP – Istituto di fisica del plasma "Piero Caldirola", IGI – Istituto gas ionizzati, ISTP – Istituto per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Plasmi

ID: 402781

Year: 2019

Type: Articolo in rivista

Creation: 2019-05-14 11:34:50.000

Last update: 2022-04-19 13:50:51.000

External IDs

CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:402781

DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2019.01.049

Scopus: 2-s2.0-85061926047

ISI Web of Science (WOS): 000488307400147