Manufatto e relativi progetti, 2018, ENG

Advanced manufacturing system for Movement Assisting Devices

Andrea Ballarino, Guido Chizzoli, Fabrizio Silva


The developed prototype is an advanced 6 axis degree of freedom deposition machine, guaranteeing the capability to material free-form deposition and therefore allowing complex structures creation. The prototype is also equipped with an innovative single screw material extruder which allows to change the composition of the material to be extruded according to requirements. The machine is thermally insulated and has a controlled temperature to avoid the rapid passage of temperature from the extruder to the external environment. The work area is a cylinder of 300mm in diameter and a height of 500mm. This allows the realization of a MAD in one time. Also the support surface on which the MAD is printed is controlled in temperature to help the adhesion between the extruded material and the plate itself.


additive manufacturing, extrusion system, redundancy, multimaterial, advanced CNC

CNR authors

Ballarino Andrea, Silva Fabrizio, Chizzoli Guido

CNR institutes

STIIMA – Istituto di Sistemi e Tecnologie Industriali Intelligenti per il Manifatturiero Avanzato