Poster, 2021, ENG

Experimental investigation and gyrokinetic simulations of multi-scale electron heat transport in JET, AUG and TCV

Mariani A.; Bonanomi N.; Mantica P.; Angioni C.; Casson FJ.; Citrin J.; Goerler T.; Keeling D.; Lerche E.; Sauter O.; Sertoli M.; Staebler G.; Taylor D.; Thorman A.; Eurofusion JET1 contributors; Eurofusion MST1 contributors; ASDEX Upgrade team; TCV team; ITPA transport & confinement group

Istituto per la Scienza e la Tecnologia dei Plasmi, CNR, Milano, Italy; Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany; EURATOM Association, Garching, Germany; UKAEA; FOM DIFFER - Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research; CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, UK; LPP-ERM/KMS; École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL); Swiss Plasma Center (SPC), Lausanne, Switzerland; General Atomics.

Tokamaks dominated by electron heating like ITER could possibly suffer from the consequences of an elec-tron temperature gradient (ETG) mode destabilisation, which could develop a turbulent electron heat flux ca-pable of setting an upper limit to the achievable electron temperature peaking, resulting in a degradation of thefusion performances. An effort is carried out in the paper to collect and compare the results of dedicated plasmadischarges performed during the last years at three of the major European tokamaks, TCV, AUG and JET, byanalysing the electron heat transport for cases presumably compatible with ETGs relevance given the actual the-oretical understanding of these instabilities. The response of the electron temperature profiles to electron heatflux changes is experimentally investigated by performing both steady state heat flux scans and perturbativeanalysis by radio frequency modulation. The experimental results are confronted with numerical simulations,ranging from simpler linear gyrokinetic or quasi-linear runs, to very computationally expensive nonlinear multi-scale gyrokinetic simulations, resolving ion and electron scales at the same time. The results collected so fartend to confirm the previously emerging picture indicating that only cases with a proper balance of electron andion heating, with similar electron and ion temperatures and sufficiently large electron temperature gradient, arecompatible with a non negligible impact of ETGs on the electron heat transport. The ion heating destabilisesETGs not only by increasing the ion temperature but also thanks to the stabilisation of ion-scale turbulence bya synergy of fast ions andE×Bshearing which are in some cases associated to it. The stabilising effect ofplasma impurities on ETGs is still under investigation by means of multi-scale gyrokinetic simulations, and alsodirect experimental measurements of density and temperature fluctuations at electron scales would be needed toultimately assess the impact of ETGs.

28th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2020), Virtual Event, 10-15 maggio 2021


multi-scale electron heat transport, JET, AUG, TCV

CNR authors

Mariani Alberto, Mantica Paola

CNR institutes

ISTP – Istituto per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Plasmi

ID: 455395

Year: 2021

Type: Poster

Creation: 2021-07-20 09:30:22.000

Last update: 2023-02-07 13:59:54.000

External IDs

CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:455395