Abstract in atti di convegno, 2021, ENG
Tala T.; Salmi A.; Solano E.R.; Morales R.B.; Carvalho I.S.; Citrin J.; Chomiczewska Czarnecka A.; Delabie E.; Eriksson F.; Ferreira J.; Fransson E.; Horwath L.; Jacquet P.; King D.; Lerche E.; Maggi C.; Mantica P.; Mariani A.; Marin M.; Maslov M.; Menmuir S.; Naulin V.; Nave F.; Nordman H.; Perez Thun C.; Scheider P.A.; Sips G.; Tanaka K.; JET contributors
VTT, Espoo, Finland; CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain; CCFE, Culham Science Centre, Abingdon, UK; Instituto de Plasmas e Fusão Nuclear, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal; DIFFER, Eindhoven, Netherlands; IPPLM, Warsaw, Poland; Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden; LPP-ERM/KMS, TEC Partner, Brussels, Belgium; Istituto di Fisica del Plasma, CNR, Milano, Italy; Danish Technical University Physics, Lyngby, Denmark; Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching, Germany; EuropeanCommission, Brussels, Belgium National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Gifu, Japan.
Up to 15s H-mode plasmas with 8MW of ICRH power were executed on JET, with the JET record high injected ICRH energy of 108MJ. The ICRH discharges, using the H minority heating scheme at 3% minority concentration, were stationary without any major MHD activities or impurity accumulation. NBI heated discharges were executed consecutively to match the dimensionless plasma profiles of q, ?*, ?*, ?n and Ti/Te using the same shape. Both pulses had gas puff modulation at 3Hz for the whole duration of the discharges to extract perturbative particle transport coefficients. The ELM frequencies are 75Hz and 45Hz for the ICRH and NBI pulses, respectively, with mixed ELMs and affected by gas puff modulation.
47th EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Virtual Conference Stiges (Spain), 21 - 25 June 2021
ICRH, NBI, Heated Dimensionless Identity Plasmas, JET
Mariani Alberto, Mantica Paola
ID: 455550
Year: 2021
Type: Abstract in atti di convegno
Creation: 2021-07-26 16:34:36.000
Last update: 2022-03-30 14:31:44.000
CNR authors
CNR institutes
External IDs
CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:455550