Contributo in atti di convegno, 2022, ITA

Language Technologies for the Creation of Multilingual Terminologies. Lessons Learned from the SSHOC Project

Federica Gamba, Francesca Frontini, Daan Broeder, Monica Monachini

Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, UFAL, Prague Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "A. Zampolli" (ILC-CNR) Pisa CLARIN ERIC Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "A. Zampolli" (ILC-CNR) Pisa

This paper is framed in the context of the SSHOC project and aims at exploring how Language Technologies can help in promoting and facilitating multilingualism in the Social Sciences and Humanities (SSH). Although most SSH researchers produce culturally and societally relevant work in their local languages, metadata and vocabularies used in the SSH domain to describe and index research data are currently mostly in English. We thus investigate Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation approaches in view of providing resources and tools to foster multilingual access and discovery to SSH content across different languages. As case studies, we create and deliver as freely, openly available data a set of multilingual metadata concepts and an automatically extracted multilingual Data Stewardship terminology. The two case studies allow as well to evaluate performances of state-of-the-art tools and to derive a set of recommendations as to how best apply them. Although not adapted to the specific domain, the employed tools prove to be a valid asset to translation tasks. Nonetheless, validation of results by domain experts proficient in the language is an unavoidable phase of the whole workflow.

13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), pp. 154–163, Marseille, France, 22/06/2022-24/06/2022


Multilingual terminologies, data curation, language resource infrastructures

CNR authors

Monachini Monica, Frontini Francesca

CNR institutes

ILC – Istituto di linguistica computazionale "Antonio Zampolli"

ID: 472292

Year: 2022

Type: Contributo in atti di convegno

Creation: 2022-10-20 16:31:08.000

Last update: 2022-10-21 13:07:20.000

External links

OAI-PMH: Dublin Core




External IDs

CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:472292