Curatela di numero monografico (di rivista o di collana), 2023, ENG

Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications: ICAMDATA 2022

Laricchiuta A.; Gordon I.E.; Hill C.; Colonna G.; Ptasinska S.

CNR ISTP - Istituto per la Scienza e la Tecnologia dei Plasmi, Sede di Bari, Italy; Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Cambridge MA, USA; Nuclear Data Section, NAPC Division, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna International Centre, Vienna, Austria; Radiation Laboratory, Department of Physics and Astronomy University of Notre Dame, Indiana, USA.

The Topical Issue collects original papers originating from the presentations at the International Conference on Atomic and Molecular Data and Their Applications (ICAMDATA), a continuing series of international conferences that promotes the use of atomic and molecular (AM) data in various fields of science and technology, providing a forum for interaction of AM data producers and users and for information exchange on AM data needs and availability, and fostering the cross-disciplinary cooperation between the AM data producers and users and the coordination of AM data activities and databases worldwide.


Atomic Data, Molecular Data, ICAMDATA 2022

CNR authors

Colonna Gianpiero, Laricchiuta Annarita

CNR institutes

ISTP – Istituto per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Plasmi

ID: 485468

Year: 2023

Type: Curatela di numero monografico (di rivista o di collana)

Creation: 2023-08-11 14:08:47.000

Last update: 2023-08-11 14:37:30.000

External IDs

CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:485468