Contributo in atti di convegno, 2010, ENG
Picchi E.; Sassolini E.
This article presents NLP techniques (text mining, text analysis) to create tools for the avaluation, analysis and classification of text materials available on the web. In particular we developed tools for the automatic extraction of mistic relevant information related to the cultural heritage domain and tools for linguistic resouces creation. On this knowledge basis, we also developed a system for text browsing.
4-th Intl. Congr. Science and Technology for the Safeguard of Cultural Heritage in the Mediterranean Basin, pp. 435–439, Il Cairo, 6-7-8 dicembre 2009
information extraction, named entity recognition, text bvrowsing
ILC – Istituto di linguistica computazionale "Antonio Zampolli"
CNR authors
External IDs
CNR OAI-PMH: oai:it.cnr:prodotti:84806
PUMA: /cnr.ilc/2010-A2-032