2020, Presentazione, ENG
Proietti, Emanuela and Capoccia, Giovanni and Marcelli, Romolo and Sardi, Giovanni Maria and Mastrangeli, Francesca and Caponera, Barbara and Bernabei, Mara
In the last decades, the interest of scientific community in characterizing, monitoring and preserving heritage monuments has increased in reaction to the acceleration of the degradation process due to the rising level of pollution. The actual strategies adopted to contrast the degradation of the artefacts are corrective strategies. Preventive strategies capable of detecting early stages of the deterioration process and prompt an action to stop it before major damage happens, are deficient. We present the ADRIANA project, in collaboration with the Autonomous Institute of Villa Adriana and Villa d'Este (VA-VE), UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1999 in Tivoli, Italy. The project aims to develop microwave probes to get local images and spectral properties of surfaces and sub-surfaces of the marble stones of Villa Adriana and, therefore, gather information on their conservative status by detecting physical and mechanical changes associated with the deterioration.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Aldrigo, M.; Cismaru, A.; Dragoman, M.; Iordanescu, S.; Proietti, E.; Sardi, G. M.; Bartolucci, G.; Marcelli, R.
In this paper, a permalloy layer has been employed in the fabrication of a coupled line electromagnetic bandgap (EMBG) device to tune both amplitude and phase. A magnetically biased microwave coplanar configuration manufactured with evaporated permalloy has been measured, and a circuit modelling has been studied to evaluate the measured effects in terms of variable attenuation and phase shift. Starting from a permalloy made by the mixture 80% nickel and 20% iron content, we fabricated an electromagnetic bandgap (EMBG) structure based on a periodic arrangement of single sections of a transmission line with variable impedance, also including a central region with coupled lines. The bandpass characteristics of the EMBG device can be tuned by changing permalloy's permeability through the application of a DC magnetic field H0 (parallel to the plane of the structure). In particular, using a magnetic field up to 3000 Oe, it was possible to change the phase by ca. 45o and the amplitude by ca. 7 dB in the X band.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Vysotskii, S. L.; Pavlov, E. S.; Kozhevnikov, A. V.; Dudko, G. M.; Filimonov, Yu A.; Stognii, A. I.; Marcelli, R.; Nikitov, S. A.
Abstract: We have analyzed the self-action effects in the propagation of surface magnetostatic wave (SMSW) pulses in a 1D magnonic crystal-dielectric-metal structure in which the region of anomalous dispersion controlled by the selection of thickness h of the insulator and ensuring the fulfillment of the Lighthill criterion in the generation of SMSW solitons is formed. It is shown that when the metallization-induced region of anomalous dispersion coincides with the Bragg resonance frequency range, no SMSW solitons form.
2019, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Cismaru, A.; Aldrigo, M.; Iordanescu, S.; Parvulescu, C.; Proietti, E.; Sardi, G. M.; Marcelli, R.
In this paper is presented the design and fabrication of an Electromagnetic Band Gap (EMBG) resonator in coupled lines configuration, to obtain tunable Magnetostatic Wave (MSW) Band Stop Resonators using a magnetic material, namely YIG (yttrium Iron garnet) biased by means of an external magnetic DC field. In particular, a microwave tunable resonator configuration based on a MSW resonator, working at frequencies up to 16 GHz has been studied. The specific purpose of this work is to analyze the filtering response of coplanar waveguide (CPW) EMBG magnetically tunable resonators in a band stop configuration. Measurements of the S 21 parameter demonstrate an important attenuation with more than 20 dB of the higher order modes. They exhibit a good selectivity obtained by the combination between EMBG resonators and YIG ones in the frequency range 5-18 GHz. Tunable EMBG YIG resonators from 5 GHz to 18 GHz, corresponding to the X band and to the Ku band in the microwave region, which are presently a focus for many ground and space applications, have been studied.
2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Lucibello, Andrea; Marcelli, Romolo; Di Paola, Ernesto; Di Nardo, Sergio; Pochesci, Daniele; Croci, Renato; Germani, Chiara
RF MEMS in low-temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC) technology have been designed, manufactured and tested for potential utilization in reconfigurable space sub-systems. Specifically, single-pole-single-throw (SPST) and single-pole-double-throw (SPDT) ohmic switch configurations have been studied for wide-band applications. Advantages coming from the measured RF performances and from the integration of RF MEMS by means of the LTCC technology only, to be used also for packaging, are discussed. Furthermore, preliminary on-wafer DC test on a double-pole-double-throw (DPDT) ohmic switch has been done in order to check both the mechanical response and the quality of the ohmic contact (contact resistance).
2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Sardi, G. M.; Lucibello, A.; Cursi, F.; Proietti, E.; Marcelli, R.
In this work, we present a sensor suitable for performing the spectroscopy on a localized micrometric volume of a generic liquid, in the spectral range comprised between 1 and 20 GHz. The sensor is based on two ungrounded, open-ended coplanar waveguides, acting as Input/Output ports, with a microfluidic channel passing through them. It works by detecting the change of the reflection and transmission of microwaves due to the variation of the dielectric properties characteristic of the liquid. The devices have been designed and numerically simulated to obtain the electromagnetic response in different conditions: an empty channel for having a zero-reference response and for observing variations as a function of liquids filling the channel. We considered standard (i.e., common in literature) liquids (deionized water, ethanol, and glycerol); by means of that set of simulations we were able to start the creation of the calibration curves and defining the sensitivity of the sensor with respect to dielectric properties of the liquid under test. Then, we realized a batch of prototypes utilizing a standard photolithographic process. Later we proceeded to check the operation of the sensors. We recorded experimental data by a Vector Network Analyser connected to the devices by means of microwave probes. Sensors are designed to perform both reflection and transmission measurements on the liquid sample, and local microscopy on a micrometric volume of the solution under test. Actually, the device works avoiding any contact between the metallic parts and the liquid that can flow uncontaminated through the microfluidic channel.
2018, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Capoccia, G.; Sardi, G. M.; Marcelli, R.; Proietti, E.
In this work, an electromagnetic technique for imaging and spectroscopy of materials and devices, suitable for the characterization of MEMS and microelectronics configurations as a function of frequency in the microwave range, will be presented. In particular, near field measurements will be shown for the evaluation of dielectric properties of the materials and for imaging of RF devices. Perspective utilization in the evaluation of quantities having specific interest for the microelectronics and MEMS industries will be discussed, with reference to properties that can be deduced from the measured surface impedance, like the morphology and the frequency dependence of the material properties.
2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Persano A.; Siciliano P.; Quaranta F.; Taurino A.; Lucibello A.; Marcelli R.; Capoccia G.; Proietti E.; Bagolini A.; Iannacci J.
In this work, a thin-film packaging was developed to be used for radio-frequency microelectromechanical system configurations. The fabricated packages are suspended membranes in the multilayer SixNy/aSi/SixNy on conductive coplanar waveguides (CPWs) of different length. Several geometric parameters of the membranes, which are the length, the curvature radius at the vertices of the rectangular base, the density and the diameter of holes on the capping surface, were also varied. The mechanical properties of the suspended membranes were investigated by mechanical simulations and surface profilometry measurements as a function of the geometric parameters. RF characterization was performed to evaluate the impact of the package on the CPW performance. Finally, network analysis was carried out, allowing to clarify the origin of the RF losses measured for the fabricated microdevices.
2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Mulloni, Viviana; Margesin, Benno; Farinelli, Paola; Marcelli, Romolo; Lucibello, Andrea; De Angelis, Giorgio
Contact resistance is the main parameter used for assessing the high cycling reliability of RF microelectromechanical (RF-MEMS) switches. In this paper the use of a modified contact material is tested and compared to pure gold in cycling experiments performed on a RF-MEMS switch in shunt capacitive configuration. The modified contact material is a gold-based multilayer with a thin layer of platinum sandwiched between two layers of gold. The experiment consists in comparing devices with the same layout but with different contact material. While the two types of switch start with similar RF performances, the device with the modified material shows a marked improvement in cycling reliability and a lower series resistance up to 10 cycles when compared to gold contact devices.
2017, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Lucibello, A.; Sardi, G. M.; Proietti, E.; Marcelli, R.; Bartolucci, G.
In this paper we present the methodology and the numerical results related to the analysis of aging of the SU-8 polymer when used as a primary layer for the realization of Coplanar Waveguide (CPW) structures. As test devices, we used a set of transmission lines with different lengths and T-shaped open stubs shunt resonators; by using these geometries, we are able to acquire the data in a broadband range, in principle between 1 GHz and 40 GHz. We conduct the analysis by comparing two different technology run: The first wafer with a deposited layer by a 12-year-old SU-8 and the second wafer, with the same photolithographed metallic geometries, with a brand-new processed SU-8 photoresist.
2017, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Marcelli, R.; Lucibello, A.; Capoccia, G.; Proietti, E.; Sardi, G. M.; Joseph, C. H.; Michalas, L.; Bartolucci, G.; Kienberger, F.; Gramse, G.
In this paper, the basic principles of Near-Field Microscopy will be reviewed with focus on the micro- and nano-scale resolution configurations for material science measurements. Results on doping profile, dielectric and magnetic properties will be presented, with details on the calibration protocols needed for quantitative estimation of the dielectric constant and of the permeability
2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Lucibello, A.; Joseph, C. H.; Proietti, E.; Sardi, G. M.; Capoccia, G.; Marcelli, R.
In this work, the authors present a technique for the local characterization of the dielectric properties of materials. More in details, a setup will be described, and the related measurement modeling will be discussed. In this way, it is possible to obtain a calibrated and nondestructive determination of the dielectric constant in a submicrometric region; the detection of any surface or buried metallization is a straightforward application for microelectronics. The analysis is performed as a function of the frequency in the microwave range and, further on, the data can be transformed in time domain for one dimensional tomography. The authors will show that microwave spectroscopy can be performed by means of standard coaxial pins employed as probes for measurements both in reflection and transmission mode, giving the information of the frequency dependent properties of the exploited material or structure by means of the measured impedance. Experiments are performed in the range between 1 and 18 GHz, and different dielectric samples are tested. In order to evaluate the surface and subsurface measuring capability, samples obtained by thin metallic film deposition on a silicon wafer and buried by a polymeric layer are realized and characterized.
DOI: 10.1116/1.4973635
2016, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Bartolucci, Giancarlo; De Angelis, Giorgio; Lucibello, Andrea; Marcelli, Romolo; Proietti, Emanuela
In this paper a new method to solve the microwave matching problem of MEMS shunt connected switches is proposed, as an extension of a previously presented approach based on the image parameter formulation. The image phase concept is used to impose the matching condition in the "ON" state of the device, which is the most critical one. Two different configurations are investigated: a single basic cell and double basic cell topologies. For both of them an analytic modeling procedure is developed, and the equations for the synthesis of the structures are derived. In order to provide some examples, the method has been applied to a previously realized MEMS shunt variable capacitor.
2016, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Michalas, L.; Brinciotti, E.; Lucibello, A.; Gramse, G.; Joseph, C. H.; Kienberger, F.; Proietti, E.; Marcelli, R.
The paper presents a methodology for de-embedding scanning microwave microscopy (SMM) measurements, mainly for semiconductor characterization. Analytical modeling, a parametric study and experimental verification are presented. The proposed methodology is based on the analysis of system response in the linear scale, instead of the dB scale commonly utilized in RF measurements, and on expressing the standard calibration capacitances per unit area. In this way the total measured capacitance is determined by the tip area which is then obtained as a result of the model fitting on the experimental data. Additional evaluation is performed by a straightforward experimental comparison with the usually adopted technique that is based on the electrostatic force microscopy approach curve method. The results obtained by the application of both techniques on the same tip during the same experiment were found to be in good agreement and moreover allowed a detailed discussion on the features of each one of the two methodologies. The paper provides also in this way useful knowledge for the potential users in order to choose the most appropriate technique according to the corresponding SMM application.
2016, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Joseph, C. H.; Sardi, G. M.; Tuca, S. S.; Gramse, G.; Lucibello, A.; Proietti, E.; Kienberger, F.; Marcelli, R.
In this work, microwave characterization of magnetic materials using the scanning microwave microscopy (SMM) technique is presented. The capabilities of the SMM are employed for analyzing and imaging local magnetic properties of the materials under test at the nanoscale. The analyses are performed by acquiring both amplitude and phase of the reflected microwave signal. The changes in the reflection coefficient S-11 are related to the local properties of the material under investigation, and the changes in its magnetic properties have been studied as a function of an external DC magnetic bias. Yttrium iron garnet (YIG) films deposited by RF sputtering and grown by liquid phase epitaxial (LPE) on gadolinium gallium garnet (GGG) substrates and permalloy samples have been characterized. An equivalent electromagnetic transmission line model is discussed for the quantitative analysis of the local magnetic properties. We also observed the hysteretic behavior of the reflection coefficient S11 with an external bias field. The imaging and spectroscopy analysis on the experimental results are evidently indicating the possibilities of measuring local changes in the intrinsic magnetic properties on the surface of the material. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2016, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Lucibello, A.; Proietti, E.; Marcelli, R.; Sardi, G. M.; Bartolucci, G.
Triangular resonators, designed by using Radio Frequency Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (RF MEMS) cantilevers in coplanar waveguide (CPW) configuration, have been proposed, fabricated on alumina and on silicon substrates and tested up to 40 GHz. They can be utilized as building blocks for realizing reconfigurable filters. A triangular split ring resonator has been etched in the central conductor of the CPW transmission line and the split is provided by the presence of a technologically actuated cantilever beam, i.e. with metal directly deposited without the sacrificial layer, to emulate the ideal actuation and to get preliminary information of the expected microwave response in comparison to numerical simulations. Two main configurations of the triangular transmission line have been studied for narrow-band microwave switching, the first one without the MEMS cantilever and the second one with a technologically actuated MEMS cantilever switch. Because of the contributions of both the resonator and the switch, the device has a narrow band filtering feature. Moreover, these geometries can also be characterized in the broad class of metamaterial devices, because the unit cell can be described by negative equivalent electric permittivity and/or magnetic permeability, by means of a transmission line parameters extraction method. This finding contributes to the possibility of miniaturization implementations of the resonating structures. A simple but effective lumped element circuit for the modeling of the single triangular resonator is presented in the end.
2016, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Lucibello, A.; Sardi, G. M.; Capoccia, G.; Proietti, E.; Marcelli, R.; Kasper, M.; Gramse, G.; Kienberger, F.
In this paper, we present in detail the design, both electromagnetic and mechanical, the fabrication, and the test of the first prototype of a Scanning Microwave Microscope (SMM) suitable for a two-port transmission measurement, recording, and processing the high frequency transmission scattering parameter S21 passing through the investigated sample. The S21 toolbox is composed by a microwave emitter, placed below the sample, which excites an electromagnetic wave passing through the sample under test, and is collected by the cantilever used as the detector, electrically matched for high frequency measurements. This prototype enhances the actual capability of the instrument for a sub-surface imaging at the nanoscale. Moreover, it allows the study of the electromagnetic properties of the material under test obtained through the measurement of the reflection (S11) and transmission (S21) parameters at the same time. The SMM operates between 1 GHz and 20 GHz, current limit for the microwave matching of the cantilever, and the high frequency signal is recorded by means of a two-port Vector Network Analyzer, using both contact and no-contact modes of operation, the latter, especially minded for a fully nondestructive and topography-free characterization. This tool is an upgrade of the already established setup for the reflection mode S11 measurement. Actually, the proposed setup is able to give richer information in terms of scattering parameters, including amplitude and phase measurements, by means of the two-port arrangement.
DOI: 10.1063/1.4948291
2016, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Persano A.; Siciliano P.; Quaranta F.; Lucibello A.; Marcelli R.; Capoccia G.; Proietti E.; Bagolini A.; Iannacci J.
In this work, thin film packages were developed for radio-frequency microelectromechanical system (RF MEMS) configurations. The fabricated packages are suspended membranes in the multilayer SixNyHz/aSi/SixNyHz on conductive coplanar lines of different length. Several geometric parameters of the membranes, which are the length, the curvature radius at the vertices of the rectangular base, the density and the diameter of holes, were also varied. The mechanical properties of the suspended membranes were investigated by surface profilometry as a function of the geometric parameters. Finally, the RF characterization was performed to evaluate the impact of the package on the coplanar line performance. Hence, the proposed study provides results of crucial importance for the application of thin-film suspended microstructures for the packaging of RF MEMS devices.
2016, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Persano A.; Quaranta F.; Capoccia G.; Proietti E.; Lucibello A.; Marcelli R.; Bagolini A.; Iannacci J.; Taurino A.; Siciliano P.
Shunt capacitive radio-frequency microelectromechanical system (RF MEMS) switches were fabricated on silicon substrate and characterized in the RF domain. Various switch typologies were obtained by three different approaches, which are: (1) the change of the bridge geometric parameters, (2) the covering of the actuator with a floating metal, and (3) the deposition of the bridge directly on the actuator. The S parameters of the fabricated switches were measured in the up and down states, observing the impact on the RF performance of the variation of the geometric parameters and the fabrication process. The electromagnetic modelling of the fabricated switches was used to interpret the measured RF behaviour, allowing to elucidate the drawbacks of the non-perfect conforming of the bridge on the actuator. Finally, the reliability of the fabricated RF MEMS switches under a bipolar voltage excitation was evaluated by cycling tests. Hence, the study presented here provides guidelines to solve some issues of the tight correlation between design, fabrication, performance, and reliability of RF MEMS switches, in view of a large-scale development of these devices.
2015, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Gramse, Georg; Brinciotti, Enrico; Lucibello, Andrea; Patil, Samadhan B.; Kasper, Manuel; Rankl, Christian; Giridharagopal, Rajiv; Hinterdorfer, Peter; Marcelli, Romolo; Kienberger, Ferry
The capability of scanning microwave microscopy for calibrated sub-surface and non-contact capacitance imaging of silicon (Si) samples is quantitatively studied at broadband frequencies ranging from 1 to 20 GHz. Calibrated capacitance images of flat Si test samples with varying dopant density (10-10 atoms cm) and covered with dielectric thin films of SiO (100-400 nm thickness) are measured to demonstrate the sensitivity of scanning microwave microscopy (SMM) for sub-surface imaging. Using standard SMM imaging conditions the dopant areas could still be sensed under a 400 nm thick oxide layer. Non-contact SMM imaging in lift-mode and constant height mode is quantitatively demonstrated on a 50 nm thick SiO test pad. The differences between non-contact and contact mode capacitances are studied with respect to the main parameters influencing the imaging contrast, namely the probe tip diameter and the tip-sample distance. Finite element modelling was used to further analyse the influence of the tip radius and the tip-sample distance on the SMM sensitivity. The understanding of how the two key parameters determine the SMM sensitivity and quantitative capacitances represents an important step towards its routine application for non-contact and sub-surface imaging.