2015, Contributo in volume, ENG
Giovanna Morgavi* , Roberto Nerino* , Lucia Marconi?, Paola Cutugno?, Claudia Ferraris*, Alessandra Cinini? , Mauro Morando*
The paper presents the outline and the preliminary developments of NINFA (iNtelligent Integrated Network For Aged people), a project for the well-being of the elderly people at home. This architecture is based on a service platform suited for elder people called the Virtual Village Network, whose user interface allows to deliver different services at home, namely: user supervision, communication and interaction among users for social inclusion, exergame delivering, monitoring of the wellness status.
2015, Contributo in atti di convegno, SPA
L. Marconi, P. Cutugno, R. Lucentini, D. Chiarella, G. Morgavi, M. Morando
2014, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Giovanna Morgavi, Roberto Nerino , Lucia Marconi, Paola Cutugno, Claudia Ferraris, Alessandra Cinini , Mauro Morando
In this paper we present the NINFA project outline and its preliminary developments. The project is based on a service platform suited for elder people called the Virtual Village Network, whose user interface allows to deliver at home different services. i.e.: user supervision, communication and interaction among users for social inclusion, exergame delivering, monitoring of the wellness status. The preliminary work done on ICT technologies acceptability issues and on the implementation of the User Interface (UI) and of the Human Computer Interface (HCI) is presented. The HCI we developed is particularly suited for elderly people and motor impaired patients because the interaction is managed only by finger/hand gestures and vocal control. Furthermore, the relationship between a sets of motor, linguistic and cognitive parameters evaluated during exergame execution and the wellness status of the user is investigated.
2014, Contributo in atti di convegno, SPA
Davide Chiarella, Paola Cutugno, Lucia Marconi, Mauro Morando, Giovanna Morgavi
El lenguaje es una forma privilegiada de desarrollo de ideas, expresión de sentimientos y conocimientos, enfrentarse con otros y también de cohesión social; el saber es generalmente procesado y transmitido a través del lenguaje. Cada persona está tan acostumbrada a vivir en su propia realidad cultural que la cree universal; cada cultura tiende a ponerse al centro del mundo y considerarse como un punto de referencia y medida de todas las otras. Un fenómeno evidente de la lengua fang es la falta de "palabras - conceptos" en sentido occidental, o palabras que abarcan una cantidad de objetos que tienen características en común.En la estructuración del diccionario hemos elegido algunos elementos de la cultura fang como organización y jerarquía social, constitución de la familia, ámbito económico, ámbito artístico, ámbito literario, ámbito de la medicina; además hemos examinado unos aspectos de la representación del tiempo y del espacio, algunas topologías de danza y juegos y unos elementos descriptivos del bosque.
2014, Articolo in rivista, ENG
P. Cutugno, L. Marconi, G.Morgavi, D. Chiarella, M. Morando
In recent years, the transition from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 enabled the creation of content by the users of the Network: social networks, blogs, forums, chats and wikis have arisen.. Phenomena, such as collaborative/collective writing, already born at the beginning of the 20th century, found their natural setting, a wide audience of reference of writers and readers in multiple languages within the Web 2.0. In this paper our goal is to verify if and how the characteristics of the textual analysis of narrative plots can be used for the analysis of collaborative narrative texts. In particular, we will check if features like correctness, completeness, consistency and coherence together with tools for statistical analysis of language suitable for analysing the new collaborative writing 2.0.
2013, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Giovanna Morgavi, Mauro Morando, Marconi Lucia, Cutugno Paola
Turn-taking is the process by which participants in a conversation alternate speech and silence, it is an essential component of spoken interaction. I order to lead productive conversations, people need not only know what to say but also when to say it. Usually, we evaluate the whole communication process focusing our attention on semantic meanings of exchanged words, but actually this analysis cannot be automatically performed. In this paper we propose a method to extract information on the dynamics of the dialog processes through simple turn-taking quantitative measurements. Over 1000 research interviews made from students during their psychology university course have been analyzed. Each whole interview process has been considered as a complex system evolving in the time. Our approach founds on analogies between interviews and mathematical chaotic processes. The proposed procedure allows the extraction of information on the dialog evolution: phase portraits with anomalous paths indicate situations where the communication has been troubled from external references.
2012, Contributo in volume, ENG
Morgavi, Giovanna; Marconi, Lucia; Morando, Mauro; Cutugno, Paola
In epigenetic robotics, a new research field, interdisciplinary theory and empirical evidences are used to inform adaptive robotic models, and, vice-versa, these models can be used as tools to make experimental predictions in developmental psychology. A truly autonomous robot should be capable of evolving and `growing up' through experience. Following different psychological points of view, growing up implies a knowledge creative process called: change of functional meaning; increased complexity; enlargement of the internal knowledge map; abstraction and insight. To understand this creative process, we organized an experiment with pre-school children diving with the abstraction process. The cognitive development of children of this age do not include the ability of abstraction, but they are able to explain the process they are thinking. Forty-two metaphoric sentences have been proposed to eight working-groups, of nine to ten children each, asking for their abstracted meanings. After a preliminary "brainstorming" phase , where the free creative associations were prevalent, we addressed children's attention towards the individuation of the metaphoric meaning. The process has been recorded and then we analyzed and classified the answers. Collective speech have been analyzed to compensate the individual differences. The children disclosure was mostly driven by their value system, their motivations and their emotions. They tried many different strategies to reach the abstract meaning, starting from their concrete knowledge and experiences. Each children followed a set of thinking paths that resulted in some very interesting suggestions for the architecture of an adaptive and evolving robot: i.e. the importance of multi-sensor perception, motivation and emotional drives are underlined and, the growing up insights shows similarities to emergent self-organized behaviours.
2009, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG
Morgavi Giovanna; Marconi Lucia; Morando Mauro; Cutugno Paola
Background: Over the last decade, a number of researchers have suggested a developmental perspective on AI and robotics. The ultimate shared goal among them seems to be the idea of bootstrapping high-level cognition through a process in which the agent interacts with a real physical environment over extended periods of time [2]. These studies generated epigenetic robotics, a new AI/ robotics field which includes the two-fold goal of understanding biological systems by the interdisciplinary integration between social/life and engineering sciences and, simultaneously, that of enabling robots and other artificial systems to autonomously develop skills for any particular environment (instead of programming them to solve particular goals for a specific environment). Interdisciplinary theory and empirical evidence are used to inform epigenetic robotic models, and these models can be used as theoretical tools to make experimental predictions in developmental psychology and other disciplines studying cognitive development in living systems. One of the fundamental methodological assumptions is that cognition is embodied, which means that it arises from bodily interactions with the real world[1]. The next logical step along the road towards truly autonomous robots that can dive in unpredictable environments is to investigate how one might design robots that are capable of `growing up' through experience. A living artifact grows up when its capabilities, abilities/knowledge, shift to a further level of complexity [3]. Following different psychological points of view, growing up implies: adaptation, change of functional meaning; increased complexity; enlargement of the internal knowledge map; ; abstraction and insight.
2009, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Morgavi Giovanna; Marconi Lucia; Morando Mauro; Cutugno Paola
Background: Over the last decade, a number of researchers have suggested a developmental perspective on AI and robotics. The ultimate shared goal among them seems to be the idea of bootstrapping high-level cognition through a process in which the agent interacts with a real physical environment over extended periods of time [2]. These studies generated epigenetic robotics, a new AI/ robotics field which includes the two-fold goal of understanding biological systems by the interdisciplinary integration between social/life and engineering sciences and, simultaneously, that of enabling robots and other artificial systems to autonomously develop skills for any particular environment (instead of programming them to solve particular goals for a specific environment). Interdisciplinary theory and empirical evidence are used to inform epigenetic robotic models, and these models can be used as theoretical tools to make experimental predictions in developmental psychology and other disciplines studying cognitive development in living systems. One of the fundamental methodological assumptions is that cognition is embodied, which means that it arises from bodily interactions with the real world[1]. The next logical step along the road towards truly autonomous robots that can dive in unpredictable environments is to investigate how one might design robots that are capable of `growing up' through experience. A living artifact grows up when its capabilities, abilities/knowledge, shift to a further level of complexity [3]. Following different psychological points of view, growing up implies: adaptation, change of functional meaning; increased complexity; enlargement of the internal knowledge map; abstraction and insight.
2009, Contributo in atti di convegno
G. Morgavi, L. Marconi, M. Morando, P. Cutugno
2009, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Giovanna Morgavi; Lucia Marconi; Paola Cutugno; Mauro Morando; Giovanna Turrini; Paola Baroni
Since 150 years Italian people migrated abroad. Today the community with people with Italian origin add up to 10 million of people, including immigrant descendants in different countries. For these community the link with their original root can be useful for maintaining the self identity. In this paper we present the architecture for the design of Wikimemo, a portal for Italian Language and Culture Heritage conservation. From one side it aims to supply instruments to retrieve the records of the immigration experiences allowing their story telling through voices, sounds, pictures, documents, objects, from the others it offers didactical instruments (like texts, frequency lexicon, form vocabulary, anagrams lists etc.) useful for ameliorating the language knowledge. The whole project is focused on the autobiographical writing, the importance of free sharing of experiences and memories, of linguistic and cultural resources, of tools supporting the Italian language learning. The problems connected with the importance of a friendly user interface and of the usage of security tools is underlined.
2008, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Morgavi Giovanna; Marconi Lucia; Morando Mauro
A great deal of current research work in robotics and autonomous systems is still focused on getting an agent to learn to do some task such as recognizing an object or going to a specific place. The learning process may be supervised, unsupervised or a process of occasional reinforcement, but the whole aim in such work is to get the robot to achieve the task that was predefined by the researcher. The next logical step along the road towards truly autonomous robots that can dive in unpredictable environments is to investigate how one might design robots that are capable of `growing up' through experience. A living artifact grows up when its capabilities, abilities/knowledge, shift to a further level of complexity, i.e. the complexity rank of its internal capabilities performs a step forward. Robotics researchers increasingly agree that ideas from nature and self-organization can strongly benefit the design of autonomous robots. In this paper we studied the modalities through which pre-school children (from 4 to 5) tackle with a growing up process: the abstraction. Children of these ages are not supposed to be able to perform the abstraction process, but they have a sufficient knowledge of the natural language that allow the description of the processes they are using when they try to reach the meaning of an abstract sentence. This experiment resulted in some very interesting suggestions on what can be useful for the architecture of an adaptive and evolving robot. The importance of multi-sensor perception, motivation and emotional drives are underlined and, above all, the growing up insights shows similarities to emergent self-organized behaviors.
2007, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Morgavi Giovanna; Costanzi Carla; Florini Valentina; Morando Mauro; Aiello Maurizio
With the aging of the population and the increase of the health risks, the percentage of old singles grows tremendously. Loneliness and fear are common among elderly people seem to be related to each other and were both found to be "threats" to a good life in old age. ICT and technological innovations in other fields offer opportunities to bring independent living in old age. Smart home and consumer electronic developments can make management of the home and everyday living a lot easier for older people. But the automation of a domotic house shouldn't risk to take away the few social contacts an old user still has with human beings. The automation of a domotic house shouldn't risk to take away the few social contacts an old user still has with human beings. The intelligent houses for the old people should consider three class of functions: safety and security, environment comfort and sanitary surveillance. These activities are carried out with respect to the security, the safety and the privacy of the user. In this paper we propose an architecture that allows the maximum help to old people, but that respect their needs. It is organized in two logical networks: a Daily Support Network (DSN) and a Village Network (VN). The focus of this architecture is based on human aspects of the elderly people needs, to improve the quality of life of elderly people and their caregivers. The final goal is facilitating an independent and not isolated, good social life, inside one's home as long as possible.
2007, Contributo in atti di convegno
G. Morgavi; C. Costanzi; V. Florini; M.Morando; M. Aiello
2007, Contributo in atti di convegno, SPA
Paola Cutugno; Lucia Marconi; Giovanna Morgavi; Mauro Morando
CoLFIS: sistemas de interrogación online. CoLFIS es una base de datos de la lengua italiana escrita de 3.798.275 palabras, formada de textos escritos de varios generes pesados oportunamente y selecionados en tres distintos sectores: diarios, periodicos y libros. El producto realizado representa el italiano leido mas bien que toda la lengua italiana escrita. Esta eleccion se justifica en cuanto se deseaba construir un corpus, y en consecuencia un lexico de frecuencia, que se acercara los mas posible al lexico mental de un hablante de media cultura y no a un diccionario de la lengua italiana. Los diarios con 1.836.119 palabras se han extraido de los tres diarios mas importantes y leidos en Italia: Il Corriere Della Sera, Repubblica, La Stampa. En cada diario se han elegidos textos de 9 diferentes subsectores: economia, cronica local, cronica mundana, cronica negra, politica exterior, politica interior, ciencia, espectaculo y deporte. El sector de los periodicos es constituido por 1.306.653 palabras elejdas entre 12 differentes subsectores: arte-ciencia-tecnica, auto-nautica, ninos-muchachos, casa-hobby, femenino, fotonovelas, informacion general, cronica mundana, radio-television, deporte, viajes-ecologia y otro. El sector de los libros es constituido por 655.503 palabras elejdas entre 13 generos literarios: arte, ninos, ficcion, gialli espionaje, hobby y viajes, narrativa clasica, narrativa moderna, rosa, ensaystica, ciencias naturales y exactas, ciencias sociales y humanas, teatro y poesia. El corpus CoLFIS ha sido sometido a una lematizacion completa y se han desarrollado paquetes software de analisis estadistico para producir los lexicos de frecuencia relativos al corpus total y a los distintos sectores para cada lema y formas relativas. . En este trabajo seran explicados los metodos de interogacion realizados para ayudar el usuario que quiere acercarse al corpus, puesto a disposicion en internet, y obtener informaciones del corpus, del corpus con lematizacion, de los lexicos de frecuencia. Ademas se ensenarà un estudio sobre los adverbios derivados, es decir los adverbios que terminan en -mente, como ejemplo de posibles investigaciones permitidas del material linguistico y del sistema de interogacion a disposicion. Se presenteran los porcentajes de las distintas tipologias adverbiales y se analizara la posicion del adverbio en la oracion buscando evaluar sus posibilidades combinatorias.
2007, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Morgavi Giovanna; Morando Mauro; Marconi Lucia; Cutugno Paola
When humans want to use language to communicate orally with each other, they are faced with a sort of coordination problem: no one monopolizes the floor but the participants take turns to speak. This important concept in linguistic interaction is called "turn-taking". Recent studies showed that turn taking depends on whether speakers have a specific task and role. Often the turn taking is guided by a set of rules that speakers in a conversation adhere to. In the Psychological interviews, i.e., speakers have a non-symmetric role in the conversation; one speaker is supposed to provide information about a certain task, while the other speaker should carefully listen to the interviewee, giving a set of accepting feedbacks. Usually, we evaluate this whole communication process focusing our attention on semantic meanings of pronounced words, but actually this analysis cannot be automatically performed. In this paper we propose the extraction of some information on the evolution of the interview process through simple turn taking quantitative measurements. Over 1000 research interviews made from students during their psychology university course have been analyzed. Each whole interview process has been considered as a complex system evolving in the time. Our approach founds on analogies between interviews and mathematical chaotic processes. The proposed procedure allows the extraction of information on the conversation evolution: phase portraits with anomalous paths indicate situations where the communication has been troubled from external references. Some parameters showing very good indication on the process evolution are proposed.
2006, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Morgavi Giovanna; Costanzi Carla; Florini Valentina; Morando Mauro; Aiello Maurizio
Demographic change and ageing of the population is one of the socioeconomic challenges European societies have to face in the 21 st century. Loneliness and fear are common among elderly people. Both variables seem to be related to each other and were both found to be "threats" to a good life in old age. The automation of a domotic house shouldn't risk to take away the few social contacts an old user still has with human beings. This paper proposes a network architecture oriented to improve the quality of life of elderly people and their caregivers. The final goal is facilitating an independent and not isolated social life, inside one's home as long as possible . Contextually this architecture tries to facilitate the job of the caregivers allowing the communication with the elders and supplying the attendance with a smaller workload. A Virtual Call Centre (VC2) and a Village Network can give human support helpful for both user and caregiver.
2005, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Morgavi Giovanna; Morando Mauro; Biorci Grazia; Caviglia Daniele
Biological systems live and grow. Many aspects are inherent to the concept of living, such as the adaptation, the interaction with the environment, and the ability to deal with limited resources. Living systems present multiple levels of organization, with elements at one level interacting and aggregating to create more complex behavior at a higher level. In recent years, many new techniques used to investigate the spatio-temporal activity in living being have demonstrated the presence of features common to the behavior of self organizing dynamical systems. Thus a question arises: Is this chaos useful to model living beings? The answer is very difficult to find. Many experimental data support the dynamic chaotic modelling of living systems. Complex behaviors such as perceiving, intending, acting, learning, and remembering arise as metastable spatio-temporal patterns of brain activity that are themselves produced by the cooperative interactions among neural clusters. In this article we present and discuss that question, and we try to give indication for a possible answer, with the aim of defining the basic features of a behavioral kernel for living artefacts.
2005, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Morgavi Giovanna; Morando Mauro
The cognitive sciences grew up studying cognition--rational, logical thought. Emotion was traditionally ignored as some leftover from our animal heritage. It turns out that's not true. For example people who have suffered damage to the prefrontal lobes so that they can no longer show emotions are very intelligent and sensible, but they cannot make decisions.' Emotion', or 'affect,' contribute to the information processing system, in a dinstict way from cognition. Autonomous robots needing to deal with unexpected problems that cannot be solved by hard-coded algorithms should have function similar to emotions for the same reason that people do: to keep them safe, make them curious and help them to learn The present work propose an architecture using functionalities similar to those emotions have in human cognition for an evolving robot diving in a real world environment.
2004, Rapporto di ricerca (Research report), ENG
Giovanna Morgavi ; Mauro Morando ; Grazia Biorci ; Marco Arscone ; Daniele Caviglia