2022, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ITA
Andrea Bardazzi, Alessia Lucarelli, Chiara Pilloton, Massimo Adriani, Roberto Zagaglia, Claudio Lugni
Il presente documento tecnico descrive le fasi di progettazione, costruzione e installazione del primo prototipo di turbina eolica galleggiante nel Mediterraneo, presso il MaRELab (laboratorio a mare) antistante il porto di Napoli. Una delle innovazioni del progetto è rappresentata dall'utilizzo di una piattaforma galleggiante, prima al mondo, che utilizza la tecnologia a pendolo Hexafloat, brevettato da Saipem. Grazie a questo progetto innovativo è stato possibile testare per la prima volta delle nuove soluzioni tecnologiche innovative, come l'utilizzo di cavi in fibra sintetica per gli ancoraggi e per i tiranti del contrappeso.
2021, Rapporto tecnico, ITA/ENG
Sellini Massimiliano, Montanari Massimo, Adriani Massimo
In this paper is presented a report of the status of the sensors after the stress test measurements carried out on a propeller of an outboard engine, preceded by the installation ehase for the most correct understanding of the anomalies and malfunctions occurred in the experimental phase, within the CSP Fluid-Techno project.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Spinosa Emanuele, Santic Ivan, Grizzi Silvano, Iafrati Alessandro, Olivieri Flavio, Zagaglia Roberto, Carta Fabio, Camassa Antonio, Coppola Giovanni, Di Cola Alessandro, Cutini Calisti Fiorello, Sellini Massimiliano, Adriani Massimo, Basti Roberto, Dalla Torre Stefano, Fabbri Luigi, D'Addeo Luigi, Palini Massimo, Ugolini Alberto, Maggi Veraldo, Bonci Ivana
In this report the data of the tests on scaled fuselages with dynamic pitch performed at CNR-INM (Institute of Marine Engineering), former CNR-INSEAN, on scaled fuselage models are presented. The report provides details on the test models, their design and built, on the experimental setup and the test data. The tests with dynamic pitch enable to estimate the unsteady pressures and loads acting on the fuselage as a consequence of an enforced pitch motion. The data allow to assess the capability of the computational tools to predict the changes in the loading associated with the dynamic pitch variation, which is the forcing terms of the equations of body motion. In turn, this is an important step to ensure an accurate reconstruction of the aircraft dynamics. Moreover, the effect of the interaction with waves during the ditching phase is analysed in both heading and following sea conditions
2013, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Calcagni Danilo (1), Calabretta Angelo(2), Sellini Massimiliano(1), Mancini Andrea(1), Moriconi Alessandro(1), Bonci Ivana(1), Adriani Massimo(1), Di Felice Fabio(1), Salvatore Francesco(1), Dubbioso Giulio(1), Greco Luca(1), Testa Claudio(1)
This technical report concerns with experimental investigations carried-out at the CNR-INSEAN towing tank on oscillating 3D wings. The experimental campaign is aimed at characterizing the behavior of 3D translating and pitching wings, with different sectional shapes, in terms of unsteady hydrodynamic loads due to selected harmonic pitching laws. The main interest of the activity is on the dynamic stall onset that, if present, changes the hydrodynamic response of the wing respect to the stationary operating condition. For this reason, data analysis highlights the differences between steady and unsteady forces to define the operating conditions boundaries for each wing-type herein investigated. This document represents the Project Deliverable 2.0 in fulfillment to tasks 4-7 of Contract 05CT12.
2013, Brevetto di invenzione industriale, ENG
Adriani Massimo
Thermionic converter with a linear arrangement of the components, suitable for the direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy and the combined generation of heat and energy, comprising: an elongated vacuum tube (3) which houses a cathode (24; 25; 26; 27; 28) and at least one anode (6), the cathode (24; 25; 26; 27; 28) and said at least one anode (6) being arranged longitudinally alongside each other along the tube (3), wherein the cathode is suspended centrally inside the tube (3) at at least one end (25L) which forms a corresponding current output of the cathode (24; 25; 26; 27; 28), characterized in that the cathode is a cathode in the form of a spiral.
2011, Brevetto di invenzione industriale, ENG
Adriani Massimo
Thermionic solar converter with a linear arrangement of the components, suitable for the direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy and the combined generation of heat and energy, in the form of an elongated transparent vacuum tube comprising: a cathode (5) and at least one anode (6), said cathode and anode being arranged longitudinally alongside each other along the tube: grid electrodes (10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16) for generating electric fields; means (18) for directly cooling the at least one anode; means (7) for electrically connecting the electrodes from the inside to the outside; an optical access window (4) along the surface area of the tube; wherein: the cathode is made of conductive refractory material, is suspended centrally inside the tube with an elongated form and forms the element for capturing the solar energy, on which the sunlight is directly focused in order to perform the thermionic conversion, without any intermediate heat transfer means; the electrical connection means form a longer path and have a form which is able to compensate for the heat expansion; the cathode and the at least one anode have a relative arrangement with a view factor of between 0.001 and 0.5, more preferably between 0.001 and 0.3, more preferably between 0.001 and 0.1, more preferably between 0.001 and 0.05, even more preferably between 0.001 and 0.03; said converter comprising further a radiation shield (9) which is positioned along the inner surface of the tube.
2011, Rapporto di ricerca (Research report)
A. Iafrati; F. Carta; R. Zagaglia; F. La Gala; M. Sellini; M. Adriani ;A. Sabelli; F. Ortolani; M. Montanari; R. Basti; M. Palini
In the present report the preparation and the instrumentation of the model are discussed. In particular, installation and positioning of the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), of the accelerometers and of the pressure probes are illustrated, together with their calibration and verification. Hence, some details concerning with the on-board acquisition system are provided. A separate section is devoted to the instrumentation and calibration of the body flaps. The final setting of the mass, the positioning of the COG and the procedures adopted to reproduce the moments of inertia are discussed as well.
2010, Rapporto tecnico, ENG
"Sonda" Capacitive wave elevation sensors are connected to the final user pc by an interface device. This equipment, once connected to the USB pc port, manage the data flowing to and from the several sensors connected, through the use of the system control software.
2009, Rapporto tecnico, ITA/ENG
Sellini Massimiliano, La gala Francesco, Ortolani Fabrizio
Progettazione e realizzazione di una interfaccia hardware per la produzione di un sensore capacitivo in grado di misurare l'altezza del profilo ondoso generato in vasca navale: hardware e programmazione del microprocessore integrato.
1999, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Adriani Massimo
Sistema di protezione elettronica per azionamenti miniaturizzati per modellismo alimentati a batterie realizzato tramite relè, interruttore inerziale autocostruito, e fusibili.
1997, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Adriani Massimo
Calcoli di progetto per la verifica delle potenzialità installate e del funzionamento in seguito a modifiche della distribuzione, delle immissioni di aria condizionata e dell'ampliamento dei locali seviti dall'impianto dell'area Presidenza INSEAN.
1997, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Zarotti Roberto; Adriani Massimo
La relazione riguarda l'individuazione dei lavori di alleggerimento e ammodernamento degli impianti elettrici e di regolazione riguardanti Carro Dinamometrico n° 1, con le prescrizioni tecniche per la preparazione della gara per l'appalto delle opere.
1995, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Adriani Massimo
Relazione tecnico-economica su un intervento sperimentale di riparazione delle tenute idrauliche dei giunti strutturali effettuato nel 1995 sul bacino rettilineo n° 2.