2020, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Michele Iavarone, Giuseppe Cavuoto, Nicola Pelosi, Michele Punzo, Daniela Tarallo, Rodolfo Baculo, Barbara Bianchi, Vincenzo Di Fiore
In riferimento alla Ripartizione delle Attività e competenze tra CNR-IGAG e CNR-IAMC nell'ambito della convenzione stipulata tra il Commissario Straordinario del Governo per la Ricostruzione Sisma 2016 e l'Istituto di Geologia Ambientale e Geoingegneria del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (per il Centro per la Microzonazione Sismica e le sue applicazioni), il Gruppo di Geofisica dell'ISMAR (precedentemente IAMC, afferente al Centro per la Microzonazione Sismica e sue applicazioni ed attualmente ISPC) è stato incaricato per l'esecuzione di indagini geofisiche di tipo Down-Hole (DH) ai fini di studi di Microzonazione Sismica (MS) di livello 3. In termini generali, lo studio di MS di livello 3 è finalizzato a quantificare la pericolosità sismica locale di microzone, con particolare riferimento alle aree stabili, alle aree stabili suscettibili di amplificazione e alle aree instabili. Il gruppo di lavoro ha eseguito indagini DH nelle Macroaree: Marche 2, Marche 3 e Umbria. In totale sono state effettuate 71 prove. Tali prove sono state utilizzate per definire il profilo di rigidità dei terreni che, accoppiato al profilo stratigrafico derivante dalla perforazione del foro, fornisce un modello geotecnico completo del sottosuolo.
2015, Rapporto di ricerca (Research report), ENG
Michele Punzo(1), Chiara Lanciano(2), Daniela Tarallo(1), Francesco Bianco(2), Giuseppe Cavuoto(1), Rosanna De Rosa(2), Vincenzo Di Fiore(1), Fabrizio Lirer(1), Nicola Pelosi(1), Giuseppe Cianflone(2), Rocco Dominici(2), Michele Iavarone(1), Rodolfo Baculo(1), Paolo Scotto di Vettimo(1), Stefania Musella(1), Giovanni Ludeno(3), Antonio Natale(3), Roberta Iavarone(1) and Ennio Marsella(1)
This report presents an example of application of the X-Band Wave Radar under the actions of "Coastal Monitoring" provided in the SIGIEC PON Project (Integrated Management System for Coastal Erosion), realized by the University of Calabria in partnership with some companies and with the National Research Council (IAMC and ISAC). The Project deals with the assessment of causes and effects of intense erosion phenomena affecting beaches located in sample areas in the Italian regions of Calabria and Puglia. SIGIEC's main purpose is to implement a prototype of integrated system to support decisions, which includes both the development of coastal erosion models and technological options to contrast erosion thanks to risk mitigation systems, which have low environmental impact. The SIGIEC's system studies the impact of extreme events, which are potentially more frequent than the past due to climatic change on coast areas. Four days of X-Band Wave Radar data, 24-27 February 2015, have been analyzed using the Remocean system developed at IREA-CNR in order to obtain information about coastal erosion and useful data to project coastal defense works.
2011, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Sarubbi F., Palomba R., Auriemma G., Baculo R. Maglione G.
L'Agricoltura biologica in risposta alle sfide del futuro: il sostegno della ricerca e dell'innovazione, Catania, 7-8 novembre 20112011, Contributo in atti di convegno, ITA/ENG
Sarubbi F., Palomba R., Auriemma G., Spagnuolo M.S., Polimeno F, Baculo R.
L'Agricoltura biologica in risposta alle sfide del futuro: il sostegno della ricerca e dell'innovazione, Catania, 7-8 novembre 20112010, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Giuseppe Auriemma, Giuseppe Grazioli, Rodolfo Baculo, Fiorella Sarubbi
[Introduzione] Il mais (Zea maY$) è un cereale che ha assunto, a livello mondiale, una diffusione e un'importanza crescenti. Gran parte del mais coltivato in Italia (82%) è destinato all'alimentazione degli animali ad interesse zootecnico; se a questa percentuale si aggiunge la quota del 3,7% di mais utilizzato come sottoprodotto dell'industria dell'amido, si raggiunge un valore dell' 86%. La granella e l'insilato di mais sono la fonte energetica per eccellenza nell'alimentazione dei ruminanti per cui la presenza di At1atossine (AF) rappresenta un serio problema. L'impiego del mais come pianta intera, trinciato e insilato, e delle diverse parti botaniche (pastone di pannocchia) è largamente diffuso in quanto costituisce un alimento di grande interesse nutrizionale per le sue caratteristiche di elevata appetibilità, versatilità e buona digeribilità dei principi nutritivi, oltre ad essere caratterizzato da un basso costo di acquisto e produzione. La granella di mais, in diverse forme tìsiche (intera, sfàrinata, fioccata, estrusa, ecc.) rappresenta invece la fonte energetica per eccellenza nell'alimentazione sia dei monogastrici (suini, avicoli, ecc.) che dei grandi e piccoli ruminanti. [SEGUE]
2010, Contributo in atti di convegno
Sarubbi F., Baculo R., Palomba R., Auriemma G.
III Congresso Nazionale "Qualità del suolo, Alimenti, Salute", Napoli2010, Contributo in atti di convegno
Sarubbi F., Auriemma G., Palomba R., Baculo R.
III Congresso Nazionale "Qualità del suolo, Alimenti, Salute", Napoli2009, Abstract in atti di convegno
Auriemma G. Grazioli G., Baculo R., Sarubbi F.
III Congresso Nazionale Le micotossine nella filiera Agroalimentare e zootecnica, Roma Italy2009, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Sarubbi F, Baculo R, Balzarano D, Auriemma G.
Being the last phase of pregnancy and the being of lactation of the most sensitive moment and to which the entire course of the lactation, the incidence and the severity of the nutritional metabolic disease the consequent impact on production and reproduction of the subjects it seemed interesting to investigate the effect of the administration of three homeopathic remedies (Nux vomica, Chelidonium and Lycopodium) on the liver functionality and milk yield and qualities. These studies has covered only the first phase of lactation.
2008, Contributo in atti di convegno, ITA
Auriemma G., Baculo R., Balzarano D., Grazioli G. e Sarubbi F.
Convegno Nazionale sulla Biodiversità:, Lecce, 21-23 aprile 20082008, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Sarubbi, F (Sarubbi, F.)1; Baculo, R (Baculo, R.)1; Balzarano, D (Balzarano, D.)1
The objective of this study has been to develop a prediction equation of fat-free mass (FFM) from buffalo calves. Twenty buffaloes were fed ad libitum access at unifeed, with vitamin-mineral integration, for 14 months. Seven days before slaughtering, the animals were weighed and bioelectrical impedance measurements were collected. The data were analyzed by multiple linear regressions to evaluate the relationship between FFM and various predictor variables. Stepwise regression was used to eliminate variables that did not influence variation in the model. The value of resistance collected showed a decrease when the electrical frequency increases, while the values of reactance (Xc) increase. When using live weight (LW) and reactance at 500 and at 1000 kHz as independent variables, we obtained the best R(2) Adj (0.967) and Durbin Watson statistic (2.596) that explain the prediction model (FFM = -30.59 + 0.993LW + 0.150Xc(500) - 0.123Xc(1000) + 9.11). These results indicate that the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis has excellent potential as a rapid method, with minimal perturbation for the animal to predict FFM in buffalo.
2008, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Fiorella Sarubbi, Rodolfo Baculo, Leopoldo Iannuzzi
Twenty young buffalo male calves were fed ad libitum with a total mix ration and with vitamin-mineral integration for 14 months. Seven days before slaughter, the animals were weighed and bioelectrical impedance measurements were collected in live animals. Physical and chemical characteristics were assessed on the Longissimus dorsi muscle after slaughter. Correlations and regression equations were calculated to determine the possible use of bioelectrical impedance for evaluating hot carcass weight. Bioelectrical impedance analysis at different frequencies, simple correlation and analysis of regression were examined for all the data collected, supporting the possibility of hot carcass weight prediction with equation at multi-frequency.
2007, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Sarubbi F., Baculo R. and Vescia F.
[Introduzionene] Le dermatiti possono essere provocate da numerosi agenti eziologici tra cui trovano maggiore diffusione gli irritanti esterni, ustioni, allergeni, traumi ed infezioni batteriche, parassitarie e micotiche. Ricordiamo che possono essere associate a concomitanti malattie sistemiche; in più fattori ereditari possono essere implicati nello sviluppo dei disordini cutanei. Il sintomo più comune nelle dermitati è rappresentato dal grattamento conseguente alla comparsa di lesioni cutanee, che a partire da edema ed eritema, si trasformano in papule, vescicole, trasudazioni con formazioni di croste e/o squame. Su tali lesioni, spesso, si istaurano infezioni secondarie. [segue]
2006, Poster, ENG
Spagnuolo M.S., Baculo, R., Abrescia P., Polimeno F., Carlucci A., Sitzia M., Fois N., Ferrara L
Increased frequency or amount of metabolic processes, during growth, is associated to enhanced production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). The imbalance between ROS production and antioxidant defence mechanisms can lead to "oxidative stress". Retinol and ?-tocopherol scavenge ROS, and prevent lipid oxidation in growing tissues. Condensed tannins, as reducing protein degradation in rumen and increasing the flow of essential amino-acids toward the intestine, improve protein utilization. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) prevents the formation of tannin-protein complexes. We analysed the effect of a diet, containing condensed tannins, on redox and energy status in growing lambs. Twelve lambs were fed, for two months, by grazing on sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) (5 hours/day), and on Italian ryegrass sward. Twelve lambs received the same diet, supplemented by PEG. Plasma samples, collected weekly, were analysed for retinol and ?-tocopherol levels. Plasma nitro-tyrosine concentration was measured, and used as marker of protein oxidation. The levels of retinol, tocopherol, and nitrotyrosine were not different between the two groups. Similarly, plasma levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose, titrated to evaluate the energetic status, did not differ between the groups. Our data demonstrate that plasma levels of the analysed parameters were not affected by PEG administration, and suggest that condensed tannins, as not influencing energy and redox status, might regulate other physiological functions of growing lambs.
2006, Poster, ENG
Polimeno, F., Novi, G., Vitale, V., Baculo, R., Sarubbi, F., Maglione, G.
The objective of this study is to examine the fermentation and degradation characteristics of seven substrates (alfalfa hay, soybean flour, wheat by-product, flaked barley, ryegrass, maize silage and straw) typically used in a commercial buffalo dairy farm, using the in vitro Reading Pressure Technique [RPT] according to Mauricio et al. (1999). This feed evaluation system is designed to examine the rate and extent of both fermentation [gas release] and substrate degradation simultaneously. With regards to measurements, standard parameters will be evaluated i.e. dry matter (DMD) and organic matter degradation (OMD) and fermentation gas release over a 96 h incubation period.
2005, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG
De Lorenzo, A., Sarubbi, F., Polimeno, F., Baculo, R., Servidio, M., Abrescia, P., Ferrara, L.
56th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production., Uppsala (Sweden)2003, Poster
Sarubbi, F.; Polimeno, F.; Baculo, R.; Maglione, G; Ferrara, L.
The administration of Aspergillus oryzae (AO) in bovine gave contradictory results related to its effect on the yields. In order to verify the AO administration effect on lactating buffaloes were established two experimental groups each of 14 buffaloes multiparous homogeneous for yield level and milk composition (pH, DM, fat, proteins, lactose and urea). The treated group (T) received, besides the unifeed, a mix containing an AO fermentation extract, while the untreated group (C) received only the unifeed. The period of lactation was divided in 5 intervals (A, B, C, D and E). During the first 100 days the yields of group T was lower than C group even if not significantly. In the third interval there were no differences between the two groups and in the intervals D and E the yield was overlapping. Only significant differences (P<0.05) were observed related to urea concentration higher for the T group. This behaviour could be due to the decrease proteins degradability consequently to the AO administration. The higher value in fat contents for the T group gave no significant difference as well as the contents of lactose and proteins. The AO administration implied a decrease of yield, even if no significant, in the first 100 days likely ascribed to a modification of food retention time into the intestinal tract.