2010, Manuale tecnico/Guida tecnica, ITA
Bozzi R.; Chimenti M.; Fantini E.
The software component of the SIND system (System for Non-destructive Inspections), developed in the participation to the CNR Strategic Project SP1a, has been provided with new programs for the processing of data obtained by material inspections with ultrasonic waves. The report describes the user manuals of dedicated modules for signal acquisition, signal analysis and data display. The report describes also the manuals of the developed procedures that perform all the above mentioned functions.
2010, Manuale tecnico/Guida tecnica, ITA
Bozzi R.; Chimenti M.; Fantini E.
The software component of the SIND system (System for Non-destructive Inspections), developed in the participation to the CNR Strategic Project SP1a, has been provided with new programs for the automatic processing of data obtained by material inspections with ultrasonic waves. The report describes the functionality of the developed modules oriented to signal acquisition and analysis and to the visualization of row data and processing results. The developed programs can be used in study or control applications.
2009, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Chimenti M.; Bozzi R.; Fantini E.
The report describes the functionality and the use of a procedure, developed for the analysis of the signals obtained by discrete inspections of dielectric samples using microwave probes. The described procedure is a software module of the H/S system SIND (System for Non-destructive Inspections), developed in the participation to the CNR Strategic Project SP1a; the procedure is a tool offered by SIND system for the analysis of the signals previously acquired using other modules.
2009, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Chimenti M.; Bozzi R.; Fantini E.
The report describes the functionality and the use of a procedure, developed for the analysis of the signals obtained by discrete inspections of samples using ultrasound probes. The described procedure is a software module of the H/S system SIND (System for Non-destructive Inspections), developed in the participation to the CNR Strategic Project SP1a; the procedure is a tool offered by the system for the analysis of the signals previously acquired using other SIND's modules.
2007, Progetto, ENG
Bozzi E.; Bozzi R.; Chimenti M.; Fantini E.; Gagliardi G.; Salerno E.; Salvetti O.
Not abstract available
2006, Software, ITA
Bozzi E., Bozzi R., Chimenti M.
Il programma esegue l'analisi dei dati ottenuti mediante un'ispezione non distruttiva basata sulla tecnica a ultrasuoni. Il programma esegue una fase di apprendimento nel tratto iniziale del vettore di dati e determina una soglia per individuare l'intervallo di elaborazione, in cui vengono ricavati i parametri caratteristici del segnale a ultrasuoni. Mediante il confronto con valori di riferimento, il programma è in grado di rivelare eventuali anomalie presenti nell'oggetto ispezionato.