2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Valentina Gargiulo a, Michela Alfe a,*, Giovanna Ruoppolo a, Francesco Cammarota a, Cesare Oliviero Rossi b, Valeria Loise b, Michele Porto b, Pietro Calandra c,*, Mikolaj Pochylski d, Jacek Gapinski d, Paolino Caputo b
Modifying bitumens to improve their characteristics is one of the ways to increase road pavement durability reducing maintenance costs and environmental issues. In this study the structural and mechanical characteristics of a 50/70 bitumen modified by two different char samples are presented. The choice of char as bitumen modifier fulfils the recent needs for environmental protection. The two char samples come from the pyrolysis of Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) and waste tyres (WT), respectively. They differ in composition and morphology and their production took place with different yields. Char-modified bitumens revealed increased shear modulus and resistance to mechanical stress as found by rheometry. Artificial aging of these char-modified bitumens unveiled that the bitumen modified by char from WT (WT-char) possessed a certain resilience against aging, with a reduced increase in rigidity upon aging. The anti-aging effect showed by WT-char was attributed to its higher carbon content, which confers higher compatibility with the bitumen chemical nature and presumably a more uniform dispersion within the bituminous structure thanks to the establishment of more effective interactions.
2023, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Francesco Cammarota, Massimo Panicucci, Renata Tremaroli
La relazione, consistente nella classificazione di luogo con pericolo di esplosione (ATEX) per la presenza di gas infiammabili e della valutazione del rischio per la presenza di ATEX (documento sulla protezione contro le esplosioni), è stata redatta ai sensi dell'articolo 290, 293 e 294 del D.Lgs. 81/2008 s.m.i.
2022, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Francesco Cammarota, Massimo Panicucci, Renata Tremaroli
La relazione, consistente nella classificazione di luogo con pericolo di esplosione (ATEX) per la presenza di polveri infiammabili e della valutazione del rischio per la presenza di ATEX (documento sulla protezione contro le esplosioni), è stata redatta ai sensi dell'articolo 290, 293 e 294 del D.Lgs. 81/2008 s.m.i.
2022, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Cammarota Francesco, Tremaroli Renata, Panicucci Massimo
La presente relazione tecnica è stata redatta, dal dr. F. Cammarota, M. Panicucci RSPP e dr. ing. R. Tremaroli (gruppo di lavoro sui rischi di formazione di atmosfere esplosive -ATEX nelle strutture del CNR), a seguito della richiesta al Responsabile dell'UPP-CNR dr. G. Sotis (del 07-07-2022 ) da parte del dr. ing. Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti (direttore STIIMA- CNR) e dei suoi collaboratori: ing. Nicola Pedrocchi, ing. Enrico Villagrossi (di seguito gruppo di ricerca), per fornire supporto e consulenza inerenti la formazione di atmosfere esplosive (ATEX): collaborazione e supporto all'Istituto STIIMA per la classificazione di luogo (di seguito deposito) con pericolo di esplosione (ATEX) per la presenza di gas, vapori o nebbie infiammabili per la messa a dimora degli accumulatori ai Sali di Litio.
2022, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Francesco Cammarota, Renata Tremaroli, Massimo Panicucci
La presente relazione tecnica è stata redatta, dal dr. F. Cammarota, M. Panicucci RSPP e dr. ing. R. Tremaroli (gruppo di lavoro sui rischi di formazione di atmosfere esplosive -ATEX nelle strutture del CNR), a seguito della richiesta al Responsabile dell'UPP-CNR dr. G. Sotis (del 07-07-2022 ) da parte del dr. ing. Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti (direttore STIIMA- CNR) e dei suoi collaboratori: ing. Nicola Pedrocchi, ing. Enrico Villagrossi (di seguito gruppo di ricerca), per fornire supporto e consulenza inerenti la formazione di atmosfere esplosive (ATEX): collaborazione e supporto all'Istituto STIIMA per la Classificazione di luogo(di seguito cella) con pericolo di esplosione (ATEX) per la presenza di gas, vapori o nebbie infiammabili durante il "disassemblaggio manuale di un pacco di batterie automobilistico.
2022, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
F. Cammarota, R. Tremaroli, M. Panicucci
La presente relazione tecnica è stata redatta, dal dr. F. Cammarota, M. Panicucci RSPP, dr. ing. R. Tremaroli (gruppo di lavoro sui rischi di formazione di atmosfere esplosive -ATEX nelle strutture del CNR) a seguito della richiesta (del 14-07 u. sn. prot.2568.) da parte del dr. ing. Lorenzo Molinari Tosatti (direttore STIIMA CNR) e dei suoi collaboratori: ing. Nicola Pedrocchi, ing. Enrico Villagrossi, per fornire supporto e consulenza inerenti la formazione di atmosfere esplosive (ATEX), misure prescrittive e suggerimenti impiantistici-procedurali, relativi al progetto di realizzazione di una "cella di macrodisassemblaggio di pacchi batterie per auto ibride plugin"
2021, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Cammarota, Francesco; Di Sarli, Valeria
Alcohol-ester mixtures and, specifically, ethanol-ethyl acetate mixtures are widely used as solvents in the packaging industry. Such mixtures are flammable and, thus, pose serious safety issues. In order to design adequate prevention and mitigation measures for the process industries where flammable substances are stored, handled and used, reliable safety data are required. According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the key parameters for classifying flammable liquids are the flash point and the boiling point [1]. However, for liquid fuels, explosive conditions may also arise when fuel evaporation and its mixing with air occur. At temperatures higher than the flash point, liquid fuel evaporation may result in the formation of a flammable cloud, the accidental ignition of which may lead to explosion [2]. In the literature, efforts have mainly been focused on measuring and predicting the flash point of ethanol, ethyl acetate, and their mixtures (see, for example, [3]). On the contrary, the explosion behavior of such systems has been essentially neglected. This is especially true for ethanol-ethyl acetate mixtures. In this work, a preliminary characterization of the explosion behavior of ethanol-ethyl acetate/air was performed. To this end, closed-vessel explosion tests were carried out considering a fixed ethanol-ethyl acetate composition in stoichiometric air. In order to explore the possibility of a synergy between the two fuels composing the mixture, explosion tests were also extended to stoichiometric ethanol/ and ethyl acetate/air.
2019, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Francesco Cammarota*, Almerinda Di Benedetto**, Valeria Di Sarli*, Ernesto Salzano***
The explosion behavior of n-dodecane has been investigated through experiments performed in a closed 5-l cylindrical vessel by varying the concentration of (vaporized) fuel in air at two different initial temperatures - 130°C and 160°C. From the recorded pressure-time histories, the maximum explosion pressure has been quantified. Chemical equilibrium calculations were also run to compute the adiabatic pressure. It has been found that, prior to feeding air and igniting the fuel/air mixture, the n-dodecane injected into the explosion vessel undergoes pyrolysis phenomena that interfere with combustion, thus affecting the performed measurements.
2019, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
*Renata Tremaroli, **Francesco Cammarota
Il presente documento, redatto ai sensi del D. Lgs. 81/08 e s.m.i. ha lo scopo di effettuare la valutazione globale e documentata di tutti i rischi per la salute e la sicurezza dei lavoratori presenti nell'ambito dell'organizzazione in cui essi prestano la propria attività, finalizzata ad individuare le adeguate misure di prevenzione e di protezione e ad elaborare il programma delle misure atte a garantire il miglioramento nel tempo dei livelli di salute e sicurezza.
2019, Annual report, ITA
*Renata Tremaroli, **Francesco Cammarota
Relazione per la valutazione delle misure di prevenzione e protezione attuate ,conservate e migliorative delle condizioni di salute e sicurezza nei luoghi di lavoro in cui operano i dipendenti dell' Istituto di Ricerche sulla Combustione. Tale relazione è determinante per la riunione periodica di sicurezza ex art.35 D. Leg.vo 81/08
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Francesco Cammarota, Almerinda Di Benedetto, Valeria Di Sarli, Ernesto Salzano
There is an increasing industrial interest towards long-chain hydrocarbons, also due to the fact that they can be obtained from renewable organic materials. These substances are flammable and, under certain conditions, can explode. Nevertheless, very few experimental data are available on their thermal and kinetic characteristics and, more specifically, on their flammability and explosion behavior under various process conditions. In the work presented in this paper, the explosion behavior of n-dodecane has been investigated through experiments performed in a closed 5-l cylindrical vessel by varying the concentration of (vaporized) fuel in air at different initial temperatures - 130 °C and 160 °C - and pressures - 1, 2 and 3 bar. From the recorded pressure-time histories, the most important parameters for the assessment of process hazards and the safe design of process equipment - maximum pressure, maximum rate of pressure rise, and deflagration index - have been quantified. It has been found that, prior to feeding air and igniting the fuel/air mixture, the n-dodecane injected into the explosion vessel undergoes pyrolysis phenomena that interfere with combustion, thus affecting the performed measurements. On the basis of these results, it can be expected that pyrolysis also affects the flammability and explosion behavior of long-chain hydrocarbons others than n-dodecane involved in industrial processes at high temperature and, thus, it should be taken into consideration when addressing safety-related issues.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Cammarota A.; Cammarota F.; Chirone R.; Ruoppolo G.; Solimene R.; Urciuolo M.
Fluidized bed combustion stems out as one of the most feasible technology to burn sewage sludge. However, the performances of bubbling fluidized bed combustors fueled with pelletized sewage sludge are still lacking at pilot scale. In this work, an experimental campaign on a pilot scale bubbling fluidized bed combustor (FBC370), was carried out to investigate the effect of sewage sludge pelletization on combustion behavior. The gaseous and particulate emissions during stable thermal regimes for thermal power ranging roughly from 50 to 65 kW were measured. Under the experimental conditions investigated, a stable and efficient combustion behavior was obtained in terms of low emissions of unburnt species, but a train of cleaning processes is necessary to reduce gaseous and particulate emissions. A two stage de-dusting system for the capture of fine and ultrafine particles and the proper units for the abatement of the NOx, SO, and HCl produced in high concentrations are needed. The temperature profile in the post-combustion zone and stable combustion conditions are critical for the formation of dioxins. On the whole, the sewage sludge pelletization plays an important role in fuel conversion and in the formation of particulate and gaseous macro pollutants. In particular, it is observed that: 1) the partitioning between fly and bottom ash significantly changes reducing the generation of fines particles produced; 2) the stratified combustion of volatile matter and char particles can be enhanced at low fluidization velocity favoring bed agglomeration phenomena; 3) NO emissions are affected by ash accumulation inside the bed when efficient fuel mixing conditions are achieved.
2018, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
M. Urciuolo, R. Chirone, R. Solimene, G. Ruoppolo, A. Cammarota, F. Cammarota, F. Stanzione, A. Cante, E. Marinò
La presente relazione riporta la sintesi finale della campagna sperimentale volta alla caratterizzazione della fattibilità del processo di combustione di un fango biologico, essiccato e pellettizzato, fornitoci dalla MM S.p.A. Acque Reflue e Depurazione - Servizio Idrico proveniente dall'impianto di depurazione Milano San Rocco. Particolare attenzione è stata dedicata alla determinazione ed alla caratterizzazione chimico fisica dei macro e micro inquinanti generati dalla combustione dei pellet di fango.
2018, Rapporto tecnico, ITA
Francesco Cammarota, Valeria Di Sarli
In questo report, sono presentati i risultati ottenuti da prove sperimentali volte a determinare i parametri di sicurezza (calore di combustione superiore, punto di infiammabilità, limiti di infiammabilità inferiore e superiore, velocità di combustione) per la sostanza denominata CVE (diCloroVinilEtere), così come ricevuta da Solvay Specialty Polymers S.p.A. di Spinetta Marengo (AL).
2018, Rapporto tecnico, ENG
Valeria Di Sarli, Francesco Cammarota, Ernesto Salzano
In this report, results are presented as obtained from experimental tests run to determine the maximum explosion pressure, Pmax, the maximum rate of pressure rise, (dP/dt)max, and the deflagration index, KG, for liquid pink. All parameters were measured at 180°C.
2018, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
A. Cammarota, F. Cammarota, R. Chirone, G. Ruoppolo, R. Solimene, M. Urciuolo
Thermal conversion of sewage sludge is a viable route to reduce the amount of waste to dispose. A pilot scale bubbling fluidized bed combustor (FBC370) was used to investigate the combustion of dried and pelletized sewage sludge particles. An experimental campaign was carried out to study gaseous and particulate emissions and stable thermal regimes during the combustion of dried and pelletized sewage sludge in the thermal power ranging from 45 to 65 kWth. The results show that, under the experimental conditions investigated, a stable and efficient combustion behavior was obtained in terms of low emissions of unburnt species, but a train of cleaning processes is necessary to reduce gaseous and particulate emissions. A two stage de-dusting system for the capture of fine and ultrafine particles and the proper units for the abatement of the NOx, SO2 and HCl produced in high concentrations are needed. The temperature profile in the post-combustion zone and stable combustion conditions are critical for the formation of dioxins.
2017, Rapporto tecnico, ENG
Valeria Di Sarli, Francesco Cammarota, Ernesto Salzano
In this report, results are presented as obtained from experimental tests run to determine the lower flammability limit (LFL) at 350°C (reactor wall temperature) and the limiting oxygen concentration (LOC) at 250°C, 300°C and 350°C (reactor wall temperature) of Therminol VP-1, an eutectic mixture of Biphenyl and Diphenyl Oxide.
2017, Rapporto tecnico, ENG
Valeria Di Sarli, Francesco Cammarota, Ernesto Salzano
In this report, results are presented as obtained from experimental tests run to determine the maximum explosion pressure, Pmax, the maximum rate of pressure rise, (dP/dt)max, and the deflagration index, KG, of n-Dodecane. All parameters were measured at initial temperature equal to 100, 130 and 160°C. Experimental tests were also performed at lower temperatures (80 and 85°C). However, under such initial conditions, it was not possible to get ignition.
2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Barba, D.; Cammarota, F.; Vaiano, V.; Salzano, E.; Palma, V.
Recent environmental and economic considerations have made the focus of attention new treatment processes of the residual (tail) gas of Claus plants, based on the oxidative decomposition of H2S to Sulphur and Hydrogen, In this work, the thermal, oxidative decomposition of H2S in an homogeneous phase has been studied by developing a comprehensive chemical kinetic model for the oxidation of H2S in a low oxygen atmosphere, by varying the O-2/H2S ratio (0.2-0.35), residence time (150-300 ms), and process temperatures (900-1100 C-omicron). The kinetic model has been developed by combining existing models for the oxidation of H2S, with no tuning of the parameters or kinetic constants and validated in relation to the experimental data.
2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Di Sarli V.; Cammarota F.; Salzano E.; Di Benedetto A.
The effect of enriching air with oxygen on the explosion behavior of ammonia and ammonia/methane has been experimentally investigated in a closed 5-l cylindrical vessel. Results have shown that for both ammonia and ammonia/methane, when moving from air to pure oxygen, a transition takes place from a normal deflagration behavior to one that near or at the end is accompanied by a combustion-induced Rapid Phase Transition (cRPT) pressure pulse, an explosion mode characterized by strong oscillations in pressure time histories culminating in over-adiabatic peaks (i.e., values of the peak pressure even higher than 400 bar and, thus, much higher than the thermodynamic value). On the basis of these findings under the experimental conditions applied in our tests, the occurrence of cRPT should be carefully considered in the development of industrial processes based on ammonia reactions in oxygen-enriched atmosphere. For that, the phenomenon should be investigated in equipment of larger volume. © 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Process Saf Prog 36: 368-371, 2017.
DOI: 10.1002/prs.11912