2020, Comunicazione in rivista (Letter - Letter to editor), ITA
Gianicolo E.; Andreassi M.G.; Bruni A.; Cervino M.; Latini G.; Mangia C.; Portaluri M.; Vigotti M.A.
Epidemiologia e prevenzione 44, pp. 3–42020, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Marco Cervino, Cristina Mangia
Ricerca scientifica - cOVID19
2020, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Cristina Mangia, Marco Cervino
Cambiamenti nella comunicazione scientifica
2020, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Marco Cervino, Cristina Mangia
Catastrofe climatica
2020, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ITA
Cristina Mangia1, Antonello Russo, Marco Cervino1, Emilio Gianicolo3
Valutazione dello stato di salute della popolazione di San Donaci (Brindisi)
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Mangia C.; Cervino M.; Russo A.; Singer S.; Gianicolo E.A.L.
Public interventions to reduce industrial emissions and improve air quality are particularly necessary in areas that suffer an environmental and health emergency. Taranto (Apulia region, Southern Italy) is one of the most industrialized cities in Southern Italy due to the massive presence of industrial sites, including a huge steel plant. The latter hosts a large open-air mineral deposit, whose dust strongly impacts the Tamburi neighborhood, downwind of the plant when the wind blows north-wester. In order to reduce the PM (particulate matter) and B(a)P (Benzo(a)pirene) concentrations in this neighborhood, the Apulia Region enacted a law restricting some industrial activities during certain meteorological situations, called wind days, characterized by strong north-westerly winds. Connected to the regional law, there was a Local Health Unit warning to the Tamburi population to ventilate indoor environments during the central hours of the day. The aim of this work is to assess the effectiveness and the appropriateness of the intervention implemented and to evaluate whether it effectively improved the air quality in the neighborhood close to the mineral deposit. Time-space statistical analysis of PM data measured by the fixed monitoring network before and after the intervention period was carried out. The analysis was performed for different meteorological conditions, different wind days characteristics (long/short), time periods, and other pollutants such as PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon), which includes B(a)P for which measurements were not available. In the area closest to the industrial area, there was a reduction in the difference between the concentration of PM on wind days and those in other weather conditions. The reduction was more consistent on long, persistent wind days, when the difference in concentrations reduced from 13.3 to 3.9 ?g/m. However, the uncertainties regarding the wind days predictions suggest that the PM reduction may only partially be attributed to the regional law. Furthermore, the analysis of the PAH showed that there are weather conditions other than wind days that lead to a deterioration in the air quality in the neighborhood. Regarding the warning given by local health authorities to protect the population from dust injuries, the wind days daily PM profiles do not evidence a sharp reduction during the selected time slot, while other industrial pollutants clearly increase in the same time slot. Overall, results evidence the partiality of the intervention and call for a more comprehensive emissions plan to reduce their impact on air quality. In general, the study shows the need to periodically evaluate the effectiveness of any intervention and to take the consequent decisions to adapt them.
2019, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG
Emilio Gianicolo - Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Mainz, Germany Cristina Mangia - Istituto di scienze dell'atmosfera e del clima, Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Lecce, Italy Marco Cervino - Istituto di scienze dell'atmosfera e del clima, Consiglio nazionale delle ricerche, Bologna, Italy Antonello Russo Susanne Singer - Institut für Medizinische Biometrie, Epidemiologie und Informatik der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Mainz, Germany
Text Introduction: In recent years, several accountability studies have been conducted on the effectiveness of air quality regulations [1]. The present study focuses on the city of Taranto, an industrialized area in southern Italy, where one of the largest steel plants in Europe is situated. The health effects of air pollution were reported in several studies and the impact of the plant was investigated within a cohort study ordered by the Court of Taranto [2]. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of a regional law (October-2012), which, among others, imposes an obligation on the steel industry to reduce PM10 emissions from open mineral deposits. In particular, measures are required when strong winds are forecasted form northwesterly sectors ("wind days") in order to prevent pollution in a neighborhood located close to the plant. Materials and methods: We analyzed monthly PM10 data registered in the period 2009-2016 from two monitoring stations: one located in the neighborhood close (1.7 km) to the steel plant; the other one far away (13 km) from it. We used the latter as the control. We performed descriptive analyses and pre-/post intervention comparisons. Furthermore, in order to detect the impact of the regional intervention, we conducted an interrupted time series analysis [3]. We tested for autocorrelation using the Durbin-Watson test and adjusted regression standard errors for autocorrelation in the identified order [4]. Results: Steel production decreased in the observed period from a yearly mean of 7.1 million tons in 2009-2012 to yearly a mean of 5.7 in 2013-2016. After taking into account Saharan dust incursions, differences in PM10 concentrations during wind days and no-wind days reduced, decreasing from 9.2 in the period 2009-2012 to 1.4 ?g/m3 in the period 2013-2016. In the neighborhood close to the steel plant, the interrupted time series analysis showed a reduction in PM10 concentration levels following the intervention (-8.4?g/m3), but no difference in slope was observed between pre and post intervention. Before the intervention, we did not observe any difference in slope in PM10 concentrations measured in the area close to the steel plant and at the monitoring station far away from it. We observed a difference (-2.1 ?g/m3) in PM10 levels between the two series before (8.2 ?g/m3) and after the intervention (6.1 ?g/m3). However, the control series also showed a level change after the intervention (-2.2 ?g/m3). Discussion: We observed a strong reduction in the PM10 concentrations in the period after the intervention. However, the controlled interrupted time series analysis did not evidence any decrease in PM10 concentrations potentially associated with the intervention in the neighborhood close to the steel plant. Indeed, the reduction observed in PM10 levels in the neighborhood close to the industrial area might be associated with other factors, which also likely influenced the control time series. An analysis of other air pollutants is required for a comprehensive evaluation of the intervention. Furthermore, research is needed in order to analyze the role of steel-production and meteorological variables in the concentration of PM10. The authors declare that they have no competing interests. The authors declare that an ethics committee vote is not required.
DOI: 10.3205/19gmds043
2019, Abstract in atti di convegno, ITA
Cristina Mangia Eliana Ferroni, Cristiana Marchese, Emilio Gianicolo Marco Cervino Liliana Cori, Fabrizio Bianchi, Elisa Bustaffa
INTRODUZIONE Ragazzi e ragazze, uomini e donne si differenziano biologicamente e nelle loro relazioni sociali e di potere lungo tutto l'arco della loro vita. In epidemiologia ambientale i termini sesso (legato alla dimensione biologica) e genere (legato alla dimensione sociale) sono spesso confusi e usati in modo intercambiabile, trascurando il fatto che le 2 dimensioni interagiscono tra loro e che entrambe possono l'influenzare esposizione ed effetto. OBIETTIVI Se la dimensione di genere è rilevante nel definire l'esposizione e il percorso concentrazione- esposizione, la dimensione biologica lo è nel percorso esposizione-dose-dose efficace-effetto sanitario, che a sua volta può essere influenzato da differenze di genere nel riconoscimento della malattia e nell'accesso all'assistenza. L'applicazione di una adeguata metodologia possono evitare di incorrere in errori, quali la ricerca di una concordanza tra i dati riferiti ai due sessi, interpretata come elemento rafforzativo dell'evidenza. METODI Due studi epidemiologici vengono riletti attraverso le evidenze derivate dalla letteratura scientifica internazionale sulle differenze di genere in epidemiologia. Il primo riguarda gli effetti a breve termine dell'inquinamento atmosferico sulla salute a Brindisi. Il secondo è uno studio di coorte su mortalità e ricoveri a Viggiano e Grumento Nova in Basilicata. RISULTATI In entrambi gli studi emergono differenze significative tra i due generi. Nel caso di Brindisi si registra un incremento statisticamente significativo di ricoveri per cause respiratorie per le donne per incrementi di concentrazione di NO2. Nello studio di coorte nelle aree a maggiore esposizione è stato stimato un rischio maggiore di mortalità per cause circolatorie più forte per le donne. Le ipotesi esplicative discusse in letteratura sono indirizzate a sottolineare sia la dimensione di suscettibilità biologica che quella socioculturale. Nell'ultimo caso la relazione genere-esposizione può essere approfondita attraverso il diverso ruolo sociale e occupazionale, che porterebbe i maschi a trascorrere un tempo maggiore lontano dalla residenza, indebolendo l'efficacia della matrice spaziale di esposizione. CONCLUSIONI Oltre a migliorare l'interpretazione dei risultati di uno studio epidemiologico, l'analisi di genere può contribuire a chiarire le differenze di possibili fonti di modificazione degli effetti e mirare opportunamente gli interventi di salute pubblica. La stratificazione dei dati epidemiologici per genere rappresenta solo un punto di partenza. Le evidenze scientifiche a cui si ispira il Piano Nazionale per la medicina di genere mettono in evidenza come sia necessario analizzare sempre le domande di ricerca iniziali, che nel caso dell'epidemiologia ambientale vuol dire cercare di capire se e quanto tali domande catturino adeguatamente l'esposizione di uomini e donne e se non esistano bias di genere negli indicatori di outcome sanitari considerati.
2019, Contributo in atti di convegno, ITA
Cristina Mangia, Marco Cervino, Emilio Gianicolo
La stima di rischi sulla salute di un'attività antropica è condizionata da fattori di natura diversa tra cui, principalmente, l'esposizione a inquinanti atmosferici. Tradizionalmente, l'esposizione si è basata sull'utilizzo e l'interpretazione di misurazioni di contaminanti nelle matrici ambientali. Più di recente ha assunto pari valore l'approccio che utilizza informazioni ambientali ottenute tramite studi modellistici come ad esempio la valutazione della dispersione in aria degli inquinanti. I modelli di dispersione sono infatti uno strumento utile nella valutazione dell'esposizione della popolazione a contaminanti atmosferici in quanto integrano emissioni, meteorologia e concentrazioni e riproducono l'evoluzione spazio-temporale dei contaminanti emessi. La loro applicazione in presenza di scenari emissivi non controllati o in studi a breve termine è però limitata dalla disponibilità di informazioni giornaliere molto dettagliate sulla meteorologia e sulle emissioni. L'obiettivo di tale studio è presentare punti di forza e criticità legate ai modelli di esposizione che utilizzano misurazioni e modelli numerici nell'ambito di studi epidemiologici da noi realizzati.
2019, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG
Background and aimTaranto is one of the most industrialized cities in southern Italy. Environmentally impacting activities include: steel production, oil refining, cement production, harbour activities. The steel plant hosts an openair huge mineral storage piles whose dusts strongly impact the Tamburi neighborhood, downwind the plant with northwestely winds. Epidemiological studies have revealed adverse health effects related to air pollution both in this neighborhood and other areas of the city.In 2012 the Apulia Region promulgated a law aiming to reduce PM10 coming from the piles. The intervention indicated steel plant activity restrictions to be adopted during days with forecasted strong northwesterly winds, so called "wind-days" ( wds). Aim of this work is to evaluate the effectiveness of the "wds " intervention on air quality in the city of Taranto, in view of an epidemiological study. MethodsStatistical analysis of air quality data measured in the monitoring network before (2009-2012) and after (2013-2016) the intervention is carried out. The analysis is performed for different meteorological conditions, different wds characteristics (strong/low wind persistence), saharan dust intrusions, hour of the day. ResultsWe observe a reduction for PM10 difference between wds and no-wds before (8.9 ?g/m3) and after (1.6 ?g/m3) the intervention at the Tamburi site. The tendency is not uniform over the city and for other pollutants, and show a different behaviour with reference to strong/low wind persistence as well as the hour of the day in wds or no-wds.ConclusionsAlthough some aimed intervention effectiveness (to limit the wds dust emissions and their impact) is reached in some meteorological conditions and in some city areas, the overall emissions impact on the air quality of the city still calls for further detailed measures on other sources/substances likely at different meterological condition than wds.
2019, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG
C. Mangia, A. Russo, M.Cervino, EAL Gianicolo
The present study focuses on the city of Taranto (Apulia Region, Italy). Taranto ( Figure 1) is one of the most industrialized areas in southern Italydue to the massive presence of industrial sites with environmentally impacting activities that include: steel production (one of the largest plants in Europe), oil refining, cement production, harbour activities. The steel plant covers a surface of 15 million square meters and hosts a large open air mineral deposit, whose dust strongly impact the Tamburi neighborhood, downwind of the plant with respect to northwesterly winds. Several epidemiological studies conducted in this neighborhood and other areas of the town have revealed several critical situations in terms of mortality excess and short-term health effects of outdoor air pollution both for men and for women. (Gianicolo et al 2016) In 2012 the Apulia Region enacted a law indicating some activity restrictions for the steel plant to be implemented during during particular meteorological situations characterised by northwesterly winds, called "wind-days" (wds). The aim of the wds intervention is to reduce the dispersion of PM from the mineral deposit. Aim of the work is to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the "wind days" intervention on air quality in the city of Taranto in view of an evaluation of the health of the intervention. Time-space statistical analysis of air quality data measured in the fixed monitoring network before and after the intervention in the so-called "wind days" is carried out. The analysis is performed for different meteorological conditions and different wind days characterizations. The results show that the effectiveness of the intervention depends on the different characteristics of the so-called "Wind days" concerns only some pollutants and some areas of the city (Figure 2) Conclusions Although the measures taken to limit the negative impacts of dust emissions during "windy days" are effective in some meteorological conditions and in some areas of the city, the results evidence the partiality of the intervention in the overall reduction of the impact of emissions on the air quality of the city. This calls for a more comprehensive on which it is necessary to intervene. Figure 1 Area of Study Figure 2 PM10 , NO2 SO2 ratios wds/nowds before and after the wind days intervention. Gianicolo, E. A., Mangia, C., & Cervino, M. (2016). Investigating mortality heterogeneity among neighbourhoods of a highly industrialised Italian city: a meta-regression approach. Int J Public Health, 61(7), 777-785. doi:10.1007/s00038-016-0868-y. Rich, D. Q. (2017). Accountability studies of air pollution and health effects: lessons learned and recommendations for future natural experiment opportunities. Environ Int, 100, 62-78. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2016.12.019
2019, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Marco Cervino, Cristina Mangia
Sintesi del pensiero di Giorgio Nebbia, scienziato, giornalista, divulgatore pioniere nell'ambientalismo, mancato lo scorso luglio
2019, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Marco Cervino Cristina Mangia
RRI, sapere post normale
2019, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Marco Cervino Cristina Mangia
Economia circolare
2019, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Marco Cervino Cristina Mangia
Riforestazione. Emissioni di CO2
2019, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Marco Cervino Cristina Mangia
Dibattito intorno al concetto di Citizen Science
2019, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Marco Cervino Cristina Mangia
Il rifiuto è nato insieme alle prime attività umane; la sua evoluzione nell'ultimo secolo ha interferito con i cicli biogeochimici naturali, inquinandoli, intrecciando forti interessi economici ed illegalità. Il metodo Life Cycle Assessment è uno strumento per affrontare il "rifiuto" nella sua complessità e nelle sue dimensioni di impatto a breve e lungo termine, sebbene la domanda fondamentale resti "cosa produrre".
2019, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Mangia C.; Cervino M.; Gianicolo E.A.L.
One of the main aim of the participate research carried out in Manfredonia (Apulia Region, Southern Italy) was to evaluate the exposure to the arsenic released during the industrial accident occurred in 1976, by reconstructing the event and the extent of contamination through an analysis of all the collected environmental data, the information issued from the participated research group, and the execution of meteo-dispersive simulation. The emission form the blown-out column consisted of two fractions. The first fraction was a mix of liquid and solid material fallen in the area of the plant, with peaks of deposition exceeded 1,500 mg/kg of arsenic, to which mainly workers are exposed. The second fraction was a cloud which was dispersed and carried by the wind beyond the plant area, towards the town. This second fraction was calculated using meteorological simulations and short-term dispersion simulations (a few hours). The map of ground deposition is in accordance with the maps created out of the first deposition measurement of the ground (correlation index: 0.67), although this map identifies a larger area of contamination. Both measured and modelled depositions show a maximum deposition 2 km away from the outburst site. The reconstructed deposition map gives a contamination value with a gradient in the populated area, that is a relevant instrument to evaluate citizens' exposition.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Gianicolo, Emilio Antonio L.; Mangia, Cristina; Cervino, Marco; Bruni, Antonella; Portaluri, Maurizio; Comba, Pietro; Pirastu, Roberta; Biggeri, Annibale; Vigotti, Mariangela; Blettner, Maria
Background In 1976 in Manfredonia (Italy), arsenic was released into the atmosphere due to an accident in a petrochemical plant. We aimed to analyze the mortality of workers involved in the factory for the site cleaning activities. Methods The cohort consisted of 1467 workers grouped into contract, fertilizer, and plastic workers. The outcome of interest was mortality for specific causes. Standardized mortality ratios (SMR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI) were computed. Results For all workers and all causes of death combined, the SMR was less than 1.0. Mortality ratios were increased for malignant neoplasms of the pleura, bone and melanoma of the skin. Contract workers, the group mostly exposed to arsenic, showed statistically significant SMRs for several malignancies, in particular for lung cancer (SMR = 1.26; 95%CI: 1.05-1.54). Conclusions Overall, the results reported here on mortality among persons occupationally exposed to arsenic are consistent with the literature and biologically plausible.
DOI: 10.1002/ajim.22939
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Mangia, Cristina; Bisignano, Andrea; Cervino, Marco; Mortarini, Luca; Castelli, Silvia Trini
The present study focuses on the estimation of the air quality impact of an oil/gas pre-treatment plant, the Centro Olio Val d'Agri (COVA), in view of a more comprehensive epidemiological study regarding the inhabitants of two small towns settled in close proximity of the plant. We used the RMS (RAMS/MIRS/SPRAY) modeling system to estimate the ground level concentration of SO2, NOx, and CO as a result of the incineration of residues and electric and thermic power generation. Simulations were run for 1 meteorological year. The spatial interpolation of measured H2S, proxy of the other types of emission, allowed for a more detailed picture of the plant impact. The spatial correlation between estimated NOx and SO2 and measured H2S strengthens the hypothesis of exploiting NOx maps as a proxy for the population exposure to the mixture of industry-emitted pollutants. Overall results suggest that the plant affects the inhabitants of the two towns differently. Furthermore, the simulations show that the area impacted by the plumes is much larger than that of the two municipalities within range of the plant, suggesting both the need to extend the monitoring area and to include the population living in that area in the health study.