2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Eimre, Kristjan; Urgel, José I.; Hayashi, Hironobu; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Ruffieux, Pascal; Sato, Shizuka; Otomo, Satoru; Chan, Yee Seng; Aratani, Naoki; Passerone, Daniele; Gröning, Oliver; Yamada, Hiroko; Fasel, Roman; Pignedoli, Carlo A.
Heteroatom substitution in acenes allows tailoring of their remarkable electronic properties, expected to include spin-polarization and magnetism for larger members of the acene family. Here, we present a strategy for the on-surface synthesis of three undecacene analogs substituted with four nitrogen atoms on an Au(111) substrate, by employing specifically designed diethano-bridged precursors. A similarly designed precursor is used to synthesize the pristine undecacene molecule. By comparing experimental features of scanning probe microscopy with ab initio simulations, we demonstrate that the ground state of the synthesized tetraazaundecacene has considerable open-shell character on Au(111). Additionally, we demonstrate that the electronegative nitrogen atoms induce a considerable shift in energy level alignment compared to the pristine undecacene, and that the introduction of hydro-aza groups causes local anti-aromaticity in the synthesized compounds. Our work provides access to the precise fabrication of nitrogen-substituted acenes and their analogs, potential building-blocks of organic electronics and spintronics, and a rich playground to explore ?-electron correlation.
2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Fasel, Roman
Polycyclic hydrocarbons with nonzero radical character have attracted enormous interest as potential active media for organic electronics and spintronics. In this context, indenofluorenes are an intriguing class of formally antiaromatic, biradical materials with a radical character that depends on the connectivity of their six- and five-membered rings. Synthesis of indenofluorene polymers and related compounds, first achieved in the early '90s with the production of ladder-type chains, represents a major step toward incorporation of these systems into devices. However, solution-based synthetic protocols require bulky protecting groups to stabilize the most reactive sites and, at the same time, to improve solubility and processability of such compounds. The preparation of various pristine - that is, unprotected--indenofluorene polymers has recently become possible via the on-surface synthesis approach, where the resulting nanostructures are supported and efficiently stabilized by the underlying substrate in ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Here, an overview of these recent works is given, with a focus on synthetic challenges, structural details and electronic properties.
DOI: 10.1002/pol.20210902
2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Ajayakumar, M. R.; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Yang, Lin; Ruffieux, Pascal; Ma, Ji; Fasel, Roman; Feng, Xinliang
The precise introduction of nonplanar pores in the backbone of graphene nanoribbon represents a great challenge. Here, we explore a synthetic strategy toward the preparation of nonplanar porous graphene nanoribbon from a predesigned dibromohexabenzotetracene monomer bearing four cove-edges. Successive thermal annealing steps of the monomers indicate that the dehalogenative aryl-aryl homocoupling yields a twisted polymer precursor on a gold surface and the subsequent cyclodehydrogenation leads to a defective porous graphene nanoribbon containing nonplanar [14]annulene pores and five-membered rings as characterized by scanning tunneling microscopy and noncontact atomic force microscopy. Although the C-C bonds producing [14]annulene pores are not achieved with high yield, our results provide new synthetic perspectives for the on-surface growth of nonplanar porous graphene nanoribbons.
DOI: 10.1002/pol.20220003
2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Stolz, Samuel; Danese, Martina; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Urgel, José I.; Sun, Qiang; Kinikar, Amogh; Bommert, Max; Mishra, Shantanu; Brune, Harald; Gröning, Oliver; Passerone, Daniele; Widmer, Roland
The production of enantiopure materials and molecules is of uttermost relevance in research and industry in numerous contexts, ranging from nonlinear optics to asymmetric synthesis. In the context of the latter, dehalogenation, which is an essential reaction step for a broad class of chemical reactions, is investigated; specifically, dehalogenation of prochiral 5-bromo-7-methylbenz(a)anthracene (BMA) on prototypical, chiral, intermetallic PdGa{111} surfaces under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Asymmetric halogen elimination is demonstrated by combining temperature-programmed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, scanning probe microscopy, and density functional theory. On the PdGa{111} surfaces, the difference in debromination temperatures for the two BMA surface enantiomers amounts up to an unprecedented 46 K. The significant dependence of the dehalogenation temperature of the BMA surface enantiomers on the atomic termination of the PdGa{111} surfaces implies that the ensemble effect is pronounced in this reaction step. These findings evidence enantiospecific control and hence promote intrinsically chiral crystals for asymmetric on-surface synthesis.
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Xu, Xiushang; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Urgel, José I.; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Ruffieux, Pascal; Müllen, Klaus; Fasel, Roman; Narita, Akimitsu
Graphene nanoribbons (GNRs) have potential for applications in electronic devices. A key issue, thereby, is the fine-tuning of their electronic characteristics, which can be achieved through subtle structural modifications. These are not limited to the conventional armchair, zigzag, and cove edges, but also possible through incorporation of non-hexagonal rings. On-surface synthesis enables the fabrication and visualization of GNRs with atomically precise chemical structures, but strategies for the incorporation of non-hexagonal rings have been underexplored. Herein, we describe the on-surface synthesis of armchair-edged GNRs with incorporated five-membered rings through the C-H activation and cyclization of benzylic methyl groups. Ortho-Tolyl-substituted dibromobianthryl was employed as the precursor monomer, and visualization of the resulting structures after annealing at 300 °C on a gold surface by high-resolution noncontact atomic force microscopy clearly revealed the formation of methylene-bridged pentagons at the GNR edges. These persisted after annealing at 340 °C, along with a few fully conjugated pentagons having singly-hydrogenated apexes. The benzylic methyl groups could also migrate or cleave-off, resulting in defects lacking the five-membered rings. Moreover, unexpected and unique structural rearrangements, including the formation of embedded heptagons, were observed. Despite the coexistence of different reaction pathways that hamper selective synthesis of a uniform structure, our results provide novel insights into on-surface reactions en route to functional, non-benzenoid carbon nanomaterials. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Cirera, Borja; Riss, Alexander; Mutombo, Pingo; Urgel, José I.; Santos, José; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Widmer, Roland; Stolz, Samuel; Sun, Qiang; Bommert, Max; Fasel, Roman; Jelínek, Pavel; Auwärter, Willi; Martín, Nazario; Écija, David
The design of organometallic complexes is at the heart of modern organic chemistry and catalysis. Recently, on-surface synthesis has emerged as a disruptive paradigm to design previously precluded compounds and nanomaterials. Despite these advances, the field of organometallic chemistry on surfaces is still at its infancy. Here, we introduce a protocol to activate the inner diacetylene moieties of a molecular precursor by copper surface adatoms affording the formation of unprecedented organocopper metallacycles on Cu(111). The chemical structure of the resulting complexes is characterized by scanning probe microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, being complemented by density functional theory calculations and scanning probe microscopy simulations. Our results pave avenues to the engineering of organometallic compounds and steer the development of polyyne chemistry on surfaces.
DOI: 10.1039/d1sc03703j
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Dettmann, Dominik; Galeotti, Gianluca; MacLean, Oliver; Tomellini, Massimo; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Lipton-Duffin, Josh; Verdini, Alberto; Floreano, Luca; Fagot-Revurat, Yannick; Perepichka, Dmitrii F.; Rosei, Federico; Contini, Giorgio
On-surface Ullmann coupling is an established method for the synthesis of 1D and 2D organic structures. A key limitation to obtaining ordered polymers is the uncertainty in the final structure for coupling via random diffusion of reactants over the substrate, which leads to polymorphism and defects. Here, a topotactic polymerization on Cu(110) in a series of differently-halogenated para-phenylenes is identified, where the self-assembled organometallic (OM) reactants of diiodobenzene couple directly into a single, deterministic product, whereas the other precursors follow a diffusion driven reaction. The topotactic mechanism is the result of the structure of the iodine on Cu(110), which controls the orientation of the OM reactants and intermediates to be the same as the final polymer chains. Temperature-programmed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and kinetic modeling reflect the differences in the polymerization regimes, and the effects of the OM chain alignments and halogens are disentangled by Nudged Elastic Band calculations. It is found that the repulsion or attraction between chains and halogens drive the polymerization to be either diffusive or topotactic. These results provide detailed insights into on-surface reaction mechanisms and prove the possibility of harnessing topotactic reactions in surface-confined Ullmann polymerization.
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Urgel, José I.; Bock, Julian; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Ruffieux, Pascal; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Kivala, Milan; Fasel, Roman
On-surface synthesis provides a powerful approach toward the atomically precise fabrication of ?-conjugated ladder polymers (CLPs). We report herein the surface-assisted synthesis of nonbenzenoid CLPs from cyclopenta-annulated anthracene monomers on Au(111) under ultrahigh vacuum conditions. Successive thermal annealing steps reveal the dehalogenative homocoupling to yield an intermediate 1D polymer and the subsequent cyclodehydrogenation to form the fully conjugated ladder polymer. Notably, neighbouring monomers may fuse in two different ways, resulting in six- and five-membered rings, respectively. The structure and electronic properties of the reaction products have been investigatedvialow-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy, complemented by density-functional theory calculations. Our results provide perspectives for the on-surface synthesis of nonbenzenoid CLPs with the potential to be used for organic electronic devices.
DOI: 10.1039/d1ra03253d
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Mishra, Shantanu; Yao, Xuelin; Chen, Qiang; Eimre, Kristjan; Gröning, Oliver; Ortiz, Ricardo; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Sancho-García, Juan Carlos; Fernández-Rossier, Joaquín; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Müllen, Klaus; Ruffieux, Pascal; Narita, Akimitsu; Fasel, Roman
Nanographenes with zigzag edges are predicted to manifest non-trivial ?-magnetism resulting from the interplay of concurrent electronic effects, such as hybridization of localized frontier states and Coulomb repulsion between valence electrons. This provides a chemically tunable platform to explore quantum magnetism at the nanoscale and opens avenues towards organic spintronics. The magnetic stability in nanographenes is thus far greatly limited by the weak magnetic exchange coupling, which remains below the room-temperature thermal energy. Here, we report the synthesis of large rhombus-shaped nanographenes with zigzag peripheries on gold and copper surfaces. Single-molecule scanning probe measurements show an emergent magnetic spin singlet ground state with increasing nanographene size. The magnetic exchange coupling in the largest nanographene (CH, containing five benzenoid rings along each edge), determined by inelastic electron tunnelling spectroscopy, exceeds 100 meV or 1,160 K, which outclasses most inorganic nanomaterials and survives on a metal electrode. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Xu, Xiushang; Kinikar, Amogh; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Ruffieux, Pascal; Müllen, Klaus; Fasel, Roman; Narita, Akimitsu
We report the on-surface synthesis and gas-phase theoretical studies of two novel nanographenes, namely, dibenzohexacenohexacene and dibenzopentaphenoheptaphene, using 8,8¤-dibromo-5,5¤-bibenzo[rst]pentaphene as a precursor. These nanographenes display a combination of armchair and zigzag edges, as shown by noncontact atomic force microscopy (nc-AFM), and their electronic properties are elucidated by density functional theory (DFT) calculations which reveal relatively low HOMO-LUMO energy gaps of about 1.75 eV.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Lohr, Thorsten G.; Urgel, Jose, I; Eimre, Kristjan; Liu, Junzhi; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Mishra, Shantanu; Berger, Reinhard; Ruffieux, Pascal; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Fasel, Roman; Feng, Xinliang
Nanographenes (NGs) have gained increasing attention due to their immense potential as tailor-made organic materials for nanoelectronics and spintronics. They exhibit a rich spectrum of physicochemical properties that can be tuned by controlling the size or the edge structure or by introducing structural defects in the honeycomb lattice. Here, we report the design and on-surface synthesis of NGs containing several odd-membered polycycles induced by a thermal procedure on Au(111). Our scanning tunneling microscopy, noncontact atomic force microscopy, and scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements, complemented by computational investigations, describe the formation of two nonbenzenoid NGs (2A,B) containing four embedded azulene units in the polycyclic framework, via on-surface oxidative ring-closure reactions. Interestingly, we observe surface-catalyzed skeletal ring rearrangement reactions in the NGs, which lead to the formation of additional heptagonal rings as well as pentalene and as-indacene units in 2A,B, respectively. 2A,B on Au(111) both exhibit narrow experimental frontier electronic gaps of 0.96 and 0.85 eV, respectively, and Fermi level pinning of their HOMOs together with considerable electron transfer to the substrate. Ab initio calculations estimate moderate open-shell biradical characters for the NGs in the gas phase.
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c05668
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Chen, Qiang; Urgel, Jose I.; Ruffieux, Pascal; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Muellen, Klaus; Narita, Akimitsu; Fasel, Roman
Fully conjugated ladder polymers (CLP) possess unique optical and electronic properties and are considered promising materials for applications in (opto)electronic devices. Poly(indenoindene) is a CLP consisting of an alternating array of five- and six-membered rings, which has remained elusive so far. Here, we report an on-surface synthesis of oligo(indenoindene) on Au(111). Its structure and a low electronic band gap have been elucidated by low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy and noncontact atomic force microscopy, complemented by density functional theory calculations. Achieving defectfree segments of oligo(indenoindene) offers exclusive insight into this CLP and provides the basis to further synthetic approaches.
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c05701
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Yao, Xuelin; Eimre, Kristjan; Urgel, José I.; Ruffieux, Pascal; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Müllen, Klaus; Fasel, Roman; Narita, Akimitsu
Coronoids, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with geometrically defined cavities, are promising model structures of porous graphene. Here, we report the on-surface synthesis of C168 and C140 coronoids, referred to as [6]- and [5]coronoid, respectively, using 5,9-dibromo-14-phenylbenzo[m]tetraphene as the precursor. These coronoids entail large cavities (>1 nm) with inner zigzag edges, distinct from their outer armchair edges. While [6]coronoid is planar, [5]coronoid is not. Low-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy and noncontact atomic force microscopy unveil structural and electronic properties in accordance with those obtained from density functional theory calculations. Detailed analysis of ring current effects identifies the rings with the highest aromaticity of these coronoids, whose pattern matches their Clar structure. The pores of the obtained coronoids offer intriguing possibilities of further functionalization toward advanced host-guest applications.
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c05268
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Keerthi, Ashok; Urgel, Jose I.; Baumgarten, Martin; Feng, Xinliang; Ruffieux, Pascal; Narita, Akimitsu; Fasel, Roman; Muellen, Klaus
On-surface synthesis under ultrahigh vacuum conditions is a powerful tool to achieve molecular structures that cannot be accessed via traditional wet chemistry. Nevertheless, only a very limited number of chemical reactions out of the wide variety known from solution chemistry have been reported to proceed readily on atomically flat substrates. Cycloadditions are a class of reactions that are particularly important in the synthesis of sp(2) -hybridized carbon-based nanostructures. Here, we report on a specific type of [4 + 2] cycloaddition, namely, a dehydro-Diels-Alder (DDA) reaction, performed between bis(phenylethynyl)-benzene precursors on Au(1 1 1). Unlike a Diels-Alder reaction, DDA exploits ethynyl groups to achieve the formation of an extra six-membered ring. Despite its extensive use in solution chemistry for more than a century, this reaction has never been reported to occur on surfaces. The specific choice of our precursor molecule has led to the successful synthesis of benzo- and naphtho-fused tetracene and heptacene products bearing styryl groups, as confirmed by scanning tunneling microscopy and noncontact atomic force microscopy. The two products arise from dimerization and trimerization of the precursor molecules, respectively, and their observation opens perspectives to use DDA reactions as a novel on-surface synthesis tool.
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b11755
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Stolz, Samuel; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Urgel, Jose I.; Sun, Qiang; Kinikar, Amogh; Borin Barin, Gabriela; Bommert, Max; Fasel, Roman; Widmer, Roland
In the emerging field of on-surface synthesis, dehalogenative aryl-aryl coupling is unarguably the most prominent tool for the fabrication of covalently bonded carbon-based nanomaterials. Despite its importance, the reaction kinetics are still poorly understood. Here we present a comprehensive temperature-programmedx-ray photoelectron spectroscopy investigation of reaction kinetics and energetics in the prototypical on-surface dehalogenative polymerization of 4,4 ''-dibromo-p-terphenyl into poly(para-phenylene) on two coinage metal surfaces, Cu(111) and Au(111). We find clear evidence for reversible dehalogenation on Au(111), which is inhibited on Cu(111) owing to the formation of organometallic intermediates. The incorporation of reversible dehalogenation in the reaction rate equations leads to excellent agreement with experimental data and allows extracting the relevant energy barriers. Our findings deepen the mechanistic understanding and call for its reassessment for surface-confined aryl-aryl coupling on the most frequently used metal substrates.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Urgel, Jose, I; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Eimre, Kristjan; Lohr, Thorsten G.; Liu, Junzhi; Mishra, Shantanu; Sun, Qiang; Kinikar, Amogh; Widmer, Roland; Stolz, Samuel; Bommert, Max; Berger, Reinhard; Ruffieux, Pascal; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Muellen, Klaus; Feng, Xinliang; Fasel, Roman
Cumulene compounds are notoriously difficult to prepare and study because their reactivity increases dramatically with the increasing number of consecutive double bonds. In this respect, the emerging field of on-surface synthesis provides exceptional opportunities because it relies on reactions on clean metal substrates under well-controlled ultrahigh-vacuum conditions. Here we report the on-surface synthesis of a polymer linked by cumulene-like bonds on a Au(111) surface via sequential thermally activated dehalogenative C-C coupling of a tribenzoazulene precursor equipped with two dibromomethylene groups. The structure and electronic properties of the resulting polymer with cumulene-like pentagon-pentagon and heptagon-heptagon connections have been investigated by means of scanning probe microscopy and spectroscopy methods and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, complemented by density functional theory calculations. Our results provide perspectives for the on-surface synthesis of cumulene-containing compounds, as well as protocols relevant to the stepwise fabrication of carbon-carbon bonds on surfaces.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Hou, Ian Cheng Yi; Sun, Qiang; Eimre, Kristjan; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Urgel, José I.; Ruffieux, Pascal; Narita, Akimitsu; Fasel, Roman; Müllen, Klaus
Multiple fused pentagon-heptagon pairs are frequently found as defects at the grain boundaries of the hexagonal graphene lattice and are suggested to have a fundamental influence on graphene-related materials. However, the construction of sp2-carbon skeletons with multiple regularly fused pentagon-heptagon pairs is challenging. In this work, we found that the pentagon-heptagon skeleton of azulene was rearranged during the thermal reaction of an azulene-incorporated organometallic polymer on Au(111). The resulting sp2-carbon frameworks were characterized by high-resolution scanning probe microscopy techniques and feature novel polycyclic architectures composed of multiple regularly fused pentagon-heptagon pairs. Moreover, the calculated analysis of its aromaticity revealed a peculiar polar electronic structure.
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.0c03635
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Xu, Kun; Urgel, José I.; Eimre, Kristjan; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Keerthi, Ashok; Komber, Hartmut; Wang, Shiyong; Narita, Akimitsu; Berger, Reinhard; Ruffieux, Pascal; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Liu, Junzhi; Müllen, Klaus; Fasel, Roman; Feng, Xinliang
On-surface synthesis provides an effective approach toward the formation of graphene nanostructures that are difficult to achieve via traditional solution chemistry. Here, we report on the design and synthesis of a nonplanar porous nanographene with 78 sp carbon atoms, namely C78. Through a highly selective oxidative cyclodehydrogenation of 2,3,6,7,10,11-hexa(naphthalen-1-yl)triphenylene (2), propeller nanographene precursor 1 was synthesized in solution. Interestingly, although 1 could not be cyclized further in solution, porous nanographene C78 was successfully achieved from 1 by on-surface assisted cyclodehydrogenation on Au(111). The structure and electronic properties of C78 have been investigated by means of scanning tunneling microscopy, noncontact atomic force microscopy, and scanning tunneling spectroscopy, complemented by computational investigations. Our results provide perspectives for the on-surface synthesis of porous graphene nanostructures, offering a promising strategy for the engineering of graphene materials with tailor-made properties.
DOI: 10.1021/jacs.9b03554
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Jaouen, T.; Hildebrand, B.; Mottas, M. L.; Di Giovannantonio, M.; Ruffieux, P.; Rumo, M.; Nicholson, C. W.; Razzoli, E.; Barreteau, C.; Ubaldini, A.; Giannini, E.; Vanini, F.; Beck, H.; Monney, C.; Aebi, P.
Spatially inhomogeneous electronic states are expected to be key ingredients for the emergence of superconducting phases in quantum materials hosting charge-density waves (CDWs). Prototypical materials are transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDCs) and among them, 1T-TiSe2 exhibiting intertwined CDW and superconducting states under Cu intercalation, pressure, or electrical gating. Although it has been recently proposed that the emergence of superconductivity relates to CDW fluctuations and the development of spatial inhomogeneities in the CDW order, the fundamental mechanism underlying such a phase separation (PS) is still missing. Using angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and variable-temperature scanning tunneling microscopy, we report on the phase diagram of the CDW in 1T-TiSe2 as a function of Ti self-doping, an overlooked degree of freedom inducing CDW texturing. We find an intrinsic tendency towards electronic PS in the vicinity of Fermi surface (FS) "hot spots," i.e., locations with band crossings close to, but not at the Fermi level. We therefore demonstrate an intimate relationship between the FS topology and the emergence of spatially textured electronic phases which is expected to be generalizable to many doped CDW compounds.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Urgel, José I.; Di Giovannantonio, Marco; Gandus, Guido; Chen, Qiang; Liu, Xunshan; Hayashi, Hironobu; Ruffieux, Pascal; Decurtins, Silvio; Narita, Akimitsu; Passerone, Daniele; Yamada, Hiroko; Liu, Shi Xia; Müllen, Klaus; Pignedoli, Carlo A.; Fasel, Roman
On-surface synthesis is a unique tool for growing low-dimensional carbon nanomaterials with precise structural control down to the atomic level. This novel approach relies on carefully designed precursor molecules, which are deposited on suitable substrates and activated to ultimately form the desired nanostructures. One of the most applied reactions to covalently interlink molecular precursors is dehalogenative aryl-aryl coupling. Despite the versatility of this approach, many unsuccessful attempts are also known, most of them associated to the poor capability of the activated precursors to couple to each other. Such failure is often related to the steric hindrance between reactants, which may arise due to their coplanarity upon adsorption on a surface. Here, we propose a copolymerization approach to overcome the limitations that prevent intermolecular homocoupling. We apply the strategy of using suitable linkers as additional reactants to the formation of fully conjugated polycyclic nanowires incorporating non-benzenoid rings.