2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Rescigno R.; Sacco O.; Venditto V.; Fusco A.; Donnarumma G.; Lettieri M.; Fittipaldi R.; Vaiano V.
In this study, P-doped TiO2 photocatalysts with different molar percentages (in the range 0.071-1.25 mol %) of the non-metallic element were prepared and their photocatalytic activity under visible light irradiation was tested. All achieved samples were characterized by XRD, Raman, UV-Vis DRS and SEM-EDX techniques. XRD and Raman analysis showed that all doped photocatalysts were in anatase phase and evidenced that P ions were successfully incorporated into the TiO2 crystal lattice, affecting also the crystallinity degree of the P-doped TiO2 photocatalysts. Noticeably, the UV-Vis DRS spectra evidenced that the highest redshift in absorption edge was observed for the photocatalyst with the lowest P content (0.071PT), which showed also the lowest bandgap (2.9 eV). The photocatalytic performances of all P-doped TiO2 samples were compared with that of commercial TiO2 by evaluating the decolorization of methylene blue (MB) dye under visible light irradiation. Results showed that phosphorus doping strongly promoted photocatalytic activity in the presence of visible light. Furthermore, the most active photocatalyst in visible light tests (0.071PT) also showed better photocatalytic activity than commercial TiO2 in the decolorization of MB under simulated sunlight irradiation. Finally, 0.071PT photocatalyst was preliminarily tested against Escherichia coli (E. coli) under simulated solar light, showing an inactivation efficiency of 90% after 2 h of treatment time. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.] © 2023, The Author(s).
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Lettieri M.; Masieri M.; Frigione M.
An experimental nano-filled coating, based on a fluorine resin containing SiO nanoparticles, was applied on calcareous stones, representative of materials used in buildings and monuments of the Mediterranean basin; for comparison purposes, two commercial products were applied on the same substrates. The efficacy of the protective treatments was assessed by analyzing different characteristics of the three experimental/commercial products, i.e., color changes and permeability to water vapor to evaluate the treatments' harmlessness; capillary water absorption and water stone contact angle to evaluate the protection against water ingress; oleophobicity of the treated surfaces and the behavior under staining by acrylic blue-colored spray paint and felt-tip marker to verify the anti-graffiti action. Finally, the properties of the treated stone surfaces were analyzed also after the application of pancreatin, used to simulate bird excreta (guano). The protective coatings were found to promote graffiti removal, reducing also the detrimental effects due to simulated guano. The experimental nano-filled product, in addition, was able to provide outstanding performance but using smaller amounts of product in comparison to commercial systems.
DOI: 10.3390/nano11020301
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Frigione, Mariaenrica and Lettieri, Mariateresa
This paper aims at reviewing the works published in the last five years (2016-2020) on polymer nanocomposites based on epoxy resins. The different nanofillers successfully added to epoxies to enhance some of their characteristics, in relation to the nature and the feature of each nanofiller, are illustrated. The organic-inorganic hybrid nanostructured epoxies are also introduced and their strong potential in many applications has been highlighted. The different methods and routes employed for the production of nanofilled/nanostructured epoxies are described. A discussion of the main properties and final performance, which comprise durability, of epoxy nanocomposites, depending on chemical nature, shape, and size of nanoparticles and on their distribution, is presented. It is also shown why an efficient uniform dispersion of the nanofillers in the epoxy matrix, along with strong interfacial interactions with the polymeric network, will guarantee the success of the application for which the nanocomposite is proposed. The mechanisms yielding to the improved properties in comparison to the neat polymer are illustrated. The most important applications in which these new materials can better exploit their uniqueness are finally presented, also evidencing the aspects that limit a wider diffusion.
DOI: 10.3390/ma13153415
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Sarcinella, Antonella and Barroso De Aguiar, Jose Luis and Lettieri, Mariateresa and Cunha, Sandra and Frigione, Mariaenrica
Increasing concerns about climate change and global warming bring about technical steps for the development of several energy-efficient technologies. Since the building sector is one of the largest energy users for cooling and heating necessities, the incorporation of a proper energy-efficient material into the building envelopes could be an interesting solution for saving energy. Phase change material (PCM)-based thermal energy storage (TES) seems suitable to provide efficient energy redistribution. This is possible because the PCM is able to store and release its latent heat during the phase change processes that occurs according to the environmental temperature. The purpose of this paper was the characterization of the thermal properties of a composite PCM (i.e., Lecce stone/poly-ethylene glycol, previously developed) incorporated into mortar compositions based on different binders (i.e., hydraulic lime and cement). The study was carried out using an experimental set up through which it was possible to simulate the different seasons of the years. It was observed that the addition of PCM in mortars leads to a decrease of the maximum temperatures and increase of the minimum temperatures. Furthermore, the results shown a reduction of the heating and cooling needs, thus confirming the capability of this material to save energy.
DOI: 10.3390/ma13092055
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Lettieri M.; Masieri M.; Frigione M.
The conservation and protection of ancient buildings and art-works made of stone materials, that constitute the Cultural Heritage of each Country, are very delicate tasks involving different experts and disciplines. The most common and successful method for protecting the stone-made constructions and art-works consists in applying on their surfaces protective layers of polymers having oleo-hydrophobic character. Polymer materials themselves can undergo degradation if they interact with external agents, thus reducing their protective features. The durability of the protected stones is the subject of many investigations in the last decades, but, among the agents able to severely affect the treated stone substrates outdoor exposed, only little attention has been paid so far to the effects of bird droppings, also known as guano. This work would contribute to fill this gap, assessing the effects due to bird excreta on two kinds of stone (a very porous, Lecce stone, and a more compact, Trani stone) protected with an experimental polymer coating containing SiO2 nanoparticles in comparison with two commercial protective polymer products. Color, surface hydrophobicity, water vapor permeability, and capillary water absorption were evaluated before and after exposure to pancreatin, used to simulate bird droppings. Different behaviors were observed depending on the stone porosity and the nature of the polymer coating. Good performance was obtained using the coatings with nanoparticles
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Frigione M.; Lettieri M.; Sarcinella A.; Barroso de Aguiar J.
An experimental study aimed at investigating the possibility to produce a Phase Change Material (PCM) for mortars by incorporating through the "form-stable method" a thermoplastic low-melting polymer (PEG 1000) into a porous inert substrate (i.e., Lecce Stone), obtained as residue from processing stone, is reported. The viscosity of pure PEG at different temperatures was first assessed to identify an appropriate processing temperature to introduce fluid PEG into the pores of the stone. A complete (chemical, thermal and morphological) characterization was performed on the developed PCM composites, varying the impregnation times. Aerial lime-based mortars were produced with the addition of the selected experimental PCM composite, taking as comparison the mortar containing only the stone as inert aggregate. On the different mortars, mechanical tests were performed in both compression and bending mode and the thermal conductivity was measured.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Frigione M.; Lettieri M.; Lionetto F.; Mascia L.
Different hybrid epoxy formulations were produced and cold-cured, monitoring the properties development during low temperature curing and aging. All systems were based on silane functionalized bis-phenol A (DGEBA) resins (Part A), cured at ambient temperature with two amine hardeners (Part B). The different components of the formulations were selected on their potential capability to bring about enhancements in the glass transition temperature. The durability of the produced hybrids was probed in comparison to the corresponding neat epoxies by monitoring changes in glass transition temperature (Tg) and flexural mechanical properties after exposure to different levels of humidity and immersion in water and at temperatures slightly higher than the local ambient temperature, in order to simulate the conditions encountered during summer seasons in very humid environments. The thermal degradation resistance of the hybrid systems was also evaluated by thermogravimetric analysis.
2019, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Frigione, Mariaenrica and Lettieri, Mariateresa and Sarcinella, Antonella and Barroso de Aguiar, Jose Luis
Energy use in buildings represents more than one-third of global energy consumption and contributes to nearly one-quarter of greenhouse gases emission worldwide. The thermal comfort demand represents one of the main cause of the increased energy consumption. To guarantee a thermal indoor comfort, contributing at the same time to the energy saving, the Thermal Energy Storage (TES) methodologies have recently gained interest. These technologies involve the use of a smart material, i.e. a Phase Change Material (PCM), with the capability to absorb/release energy from/in the environment; it can be easily integrated into a building material, such as a mortar. In this work, aerial lime-based mortar with the incorporation of an eco-sustainable PCM have been analyzed with the purpose to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. For its non-toxic nature, a thermoplastic polymer has been selected as PCM, i.e. Poly-Ethylene Glycol (PEG 1000). This material was included in an inert support obtained as byproduct of stone extraction from quarry. The final product, i.e. PEG/stone, can be regarded as a composite to be used as mortar aggregate. A preliminary (chemical and physical) characterization of this compound shown that the sustainable aggregates PEG/stone have an appropriate Latent Heat Thermal Energy Storage (LHTES). The addition of these aggregates into a mortar compositions lead to an unsuitable reduction of mechanical properties.
2019, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Mariaenrica Frigione, Mariateresa Lettieri, Francesca Lionetto, Leno Mascia
Thermosetting cold-cured resins are largely used as structural adhesives and/or matrix to manufacture and apply fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites employed inretrofitting technique. The slow development of their mechanical, adhesive and physical properties due to a cold-cure process represents a serious inconvenience in the repair procedures of large structures. Furthermore, the durability of these materials is still unclear, especially when they are outdoor exposed to common or harsh environmental conditions. These issues are likely to hamper the enormous potential of structural adhesives in construction field and their composites employed for strengthening and rehabilitation of infrastructures. The development of innovative nanostructured (hybrid) materials based on thermosetting (mainly epoxy) resins to be used as structural adhesives, and possibly as matrices for FRP composites, has been recently explored in the view to overcome some of the well-known drawbacks of traditional structural adhesives and matrices for construction industry. Some of the recent findings in this field will be illustrated.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Frigione M.; Lettieri M.; Sarcinella A.; de Aguiar J.L.B.
Eco-sustainable, low toxic and low flammable poly-ethylene glycol (PEG) was forced into flakes of the porous Lecce stone (LS), collected as stone cutting wastes, employing a very simple cheap method, to produce a "form-stable" phase change material (PCM). The experimental PCM was included in mortars based on different binders (hydraulic lime, gypsum and cement) in two compositions. The main thermal and mechanical characteristics of the produced mortars were evaluated in order to assess the effects due to the incorporation of the PEG-based PCM. The mortars containing the PEG-based PCM were found to be suitable as thermal energy storage systems, still displaying the characteristics melting and crystallization peaks of PEG polymer, even if the related enthalpies measured on the mortars were appreciably reduced respect to pure PEG. The general reduction in mechanical properties (in flexural and compressive mode) measured on all the mortars, brought about by the presence of PEG-based PCM, was overcome by producing mortars possessing a greater amount of binder. The proposed LS/PEG composite can be considered, therefore, as a promising PCM system for the different mortars analyzed, provided that an optimal composition is identified for each binder.
DOI: 10.3390/ma12213502
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Frigione M.; Lettieri M.; Sarcinella A.
The construction industry is responsible for consuming large amounts of energy. The development of new materials with the purpose of increasing the thermal efficiency of buildings is, therefore, becoming, imperative. Thus, during the last decades, integration of Phase Change Materials (PCMs) into buildings has gained interest. Such materials can reduce the temperature variations, leading to an improvement in human comfort and decreasing at the same time the energy consumption of buildings, due to their capability to absorb and release energy from/in the environment. In the present paper, recent experimental studies dealing with mortars or concrete-containing PCMs, used as passive building systems, have been examined. This review is mainly aimed at providing information on the currently investigated materials and the employed methodologies for their manufacture, as well as at summarizing the results achieved so far on this subject.
DOI: 10.3390/ma12081260
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Lettieri M.; Masieri M.; Pipoli M.; Morelli A.; Frigione M.
In recent years, graffiti writings are increasingly regarded as a form of art. However, their presence on historic building remains a vandalism and different strategies have been developed to clean or, preferably, protect the surfaces. In this study, an experimental nano-filled coating, based on fluorine resin containing SiO nano-particles, and two commercial products have been applied on compact and porous calcareous stones, representative of building materials used in the Mediterranean basin, and their anti-graffiti ability has been analyzed. All the tested experimental and commercial coatings exhibited high hydrophobicity and oleophobicity, thus meeting one of the basic requirements for anti-graffiti systems. The effects of staining by acrylic blu-colored spray paint and felt-tip marker were, then, assessed; the properties of the treated stone surfaces after cleaning by acetone were also investigated. Visual observations, contact angle measurements and color evaluations were performed to this aim. It was found that the protective coatings facilitated the spray paint removal; however high oleophobicity or paint repellence did not guarantee a complete cleaning. The stain from the felt-tip marker was confirmed to be extremely difficult to remove. The cleaning with a neat unconfined solvent promoted the movement of the applied polymers (and likely of the paint, as well) in the porous structure of the stone substrate.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
M. Lettieri, D. Colangiuli, M. Masieri, A. Calia
Over the last few years, photocatalytic titanium dioxide coatings have been explored in laboratory conditions to create building materials with self-cleaning and depolluting abilities. Assessing the performances of the photocatalytic surfaces under real conditions may provide basic knowledge to evaluate the potential of real applications of TiO2 coatings in buildings. In this study, the performance of photocatalytic limestone surfaces obtained through coating with waterdispersed TiO2 nanoparticles were investigated in an urban environment. Coated and uncoated samples were exposed to an urban site for one year. Before the exposure and periodically afterwards, optical microscopy observations, colour and contact angle measurements were performed on the sample surface. At the end of the exposure period, samples underwent a capillary water absorption test and self-cleaning efficiency was evaluated by a Rhodamine B photodegradation test. Ti and soluble fraction amounts on the sample surfaces were determined by X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and ion chromatography, respectively. The overall results showed the TiO2 coating was better able to preserve the surface colour properties early after exposure. After eight months, this effect was lost and the self-cleaning efficiency was reduced to negligible final rates. No clear wettability results and no meaningful capillary behaviour were recorded. A decrease of the photocatalytic activity was due to both partial titania loss and deactivation phenomena. The role of soluble salt ions either adsorbed from the environment or produced by the photocatalytic abatement of pollutants was recognized in the deactivation of the photocatalysts and their accumulation deserves attention for possible stone damage risk implications.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Colangiuli D.; Lettieri M.; Masieri M.; Calia A.
Titanium dioxide based nanocomposites for stone coating have been found to be promising in laboratory conditions to obtain manifold protective actions against pollution and weathering affecting the outdoor built heritage. Lasting performances in real conditions of these multifunctional coatings have been scarcely examined, although this is a key issue in evaluating their potential for applications in a real building context and their optimization. This paper illustrates a field study aimed at investigating simultaneous hydrophobic and self-cleaning effectiveness, on the medium-long run, of TiO2 NPs/fluoropolymer coatings applied on a limestone. The samples coated with the nanocomposites were exposed for one year in an urban environment and their surface was monitored. Hydrophobic properties were checked through contact angle measurements and a capillary water absorption test, while self-cleaning efficiency was evaluated by a photodegradation test of Rhodamine B. Optical microscopy observations and colour measurements were also performed. In addition, the contents of Ti and water-soluble ions on the sample surfaces were determined by X-ray Fluorescence and ion chromatography, respectively. The overall findings showed that TiO2 NPs did not affect the ability of the polymer to protect the stone surface against water penetration. The coatings were able to preserve the surfaces from dirt. However, photocatalytic efficiency progressively decreased, due to the loss of the photocatalyst from the coating surface, which may be attributed to a polymer modification by ageing. The embedding of nanosized titania within the polymer limited the adsorption and accumulation of soluble salt ions on the coated surface, which may increase the stone damage risk. The study supports that TiO2 NPs embedded in a fluoropolymer host matrix to appropriate amounts may be a suitable option to obtain stone coatings with both barrier effects against water penetration into the stone and photocatalytic ability, and provides useful knowledge for the improvement of these nanocomposites.
2018, Contributo in volume, ITA
Maria Teresa Giannotta, Pasquale Favia, Danilo Leone, Mariateresa Lettieri, Florinda Notarstefano, Maria Turchiano, Giuliano Volpe
Within the framework of the systematic research project on late antique and medieval landscapes of North Apulia region, chemical analyses were conducted over organic residues on 50 selected pottery sherds, coming from the archaeological sites of San Giusto, Faragola, San Giovanni in Canosa, San Lorenzo in Carmignano, Montecorvino. These chemical investigations have significantly contributed to gather new information on the contents of potteries, revealing previously unknown data for the reconstruction of food consumption (animal fat derived from meat cooking, substances of vegetable origin, oil, fruits, wine, milk and cheese) and suggesting new perspectives through the comparison with the archaeobotanical and archaeozoological analyses' results in the same sites. Furthermore, new functions have been detected due to the presence of pitch traces in a pot from Faragola, and of red lead traces in samples from San Lorenzo in Carmignano, very likely attesting painting or miniature activities.
2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Lettieri M.; Masieri M.; Morelli A.; Pipoli M.; Frigione M.
Conservation strategies to limit the degradation of stone materials are being constantly developed. To this aim, new materials are designed to confer hydrophobic properties and anti-graffiti protection to the treated surfaces. Hybrid nanocomposites, based on inorganic nano-particles added to an organic matrix, have been recently proposed for treatments of stone surfaces, obtaining promising and innovative properties. In the present paper, an experimental product based on fluorine resin containing SiO2 nano-particles, a commercial fluorine-based product and a silicon-based material were applied as protective coatings on two calcareous stones (compact and porous) widely employed in the Mediterranean region. All the studied products are expected to provide both water and anti-graffiti protection to both stones' surfaces. The rheological characterization of the liquid products, changes in color of the surfaces, and variations in water vapor permeability allowed the compatibility of the protective systems applied to stones to be evaluated. Water-stone contact angle measurements and water absorption by capillarity were used to control the action against water ingress. The oleophobicity was assessed by measuring the oil-stone contact angle. The experimental nano-filled product proved to be a suitable hydrophobic coating for compact and porous stones; furthermore, it provides high oleophobicity to the treated surfaces, as required for anti-graffiti systems.
2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Frigione M.; Lettieri M.
In order to protect a material belonging to Cultural Heritage (i.e., stone, wood) from weathering, and in turn to preserve its beauty and historical value for the future generations, the contact with external harmful agents, particularly water, must be avoided, or at least limited. This task can be successfully obtained with the use of a protective organic coating. The use of nano-metric reinforcing agents in conventional polymeric coatings demonstrated to be a successful route in achieving better protective performance of the films and improved physical properties, even in extreme environments. The present paper would, therefore, review the more recent findings in this field. Generally speaking, when a hydrophobic product is applied on its surface, the stone material will absorb less water and consequently, less substances which may be harmful to it. An efficient organic coating should also supply wear and abrasion resistance, resistance to aggressive chemicals, excellent bond to the substrate; finally, it should be also able to guarantee vapor exchange between the environment and the material interior, i.e., the material should keep the same water vapor permeability as if it was un-protected. To regard to the conservation of wood artifacts, protective treatments for wood will preserve the material from environmental agents and biological attack. Hence, potential advantages of hybrid (organic-inorganic) nano-composite coatings for stone/wood have been found to be: Enhanced mechanical properties in comparison to the pure polymeric matrix, due to the reinforcing effect of the nano-filler; superior barrier properties (the presence of the nano-filler hinders the ingress of water and/or potentially harmful chemicals); optical clarity and transparency. It has been found that the efficacy of a nano-filled coating strongly depends on the effectiveness of the method used to uniformly disperse the nano-filler in the polymeric matrix. Furthermore, the presence of nano-particles should not impair the viscosity of the organic matrix, in order to employ the conventional techniques of application for coatings.
2018, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
M. Frigione, M. Lettieri, A. Sarcinella, J.B.de Aguiar
The main objective ofthis contribution isthestudy ofmortarswiththeincorporation of polymer-based phase change materials (PCM) for the improvement of energy efficiencyinbuildings.Themortarsareintendedforanindoorthermalcomfortinthe typical climatic conditions of the Southern European countries. Production waste, such as stone powder from quarry, willalso be incorporated in themortars.The finer powder is proposed as mortar aggregate and, at the same time, as support for the PCM. Firstly, different procedures aimed at effectively introducing the selected polymeric material (PEG) into the Lecce Stone have been performed. The chemical and thermal characterization of these compounds has been carried out. The LS/PEG composites have been, then, added to a mortar. Experiments are in progress in order to characterize from chemical, physical, and thermal point of view the mortars with and without PCM, following the recommendations of the international standards in this field. In addition, the studied materials will be used to build laboratory-scale prototypes that will be tested in real environmental conditions.
2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Frigione M.; Lettieri M.
The use of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) composites for the rehabilitation of buildings or other infrastructure is increasingly becoming an effective and popular solution, being able to overcome some of the drawbacks experienced with traditional interventions and/or traditional materials. The knowledge of long-term performance and of durability behavior of FRP, in terms of their degradation/aging causes and mechanisms taking place in common as well as in harsh environmental conditions, still represents a critical issue for a safe and advantageous implementation of such advanced materials. The research of new and better performing materials in such fields is somewhat limited by practical and economical constrains and, as a matter of fact, is confined to an academic argument.
2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Petronella, Francesca; Pagliarulo, Antonella; Truppi, Alessandra; Lettieri, Mariateresa; Masieri, Maurizio; Calia, Angela; Curri, M. Lucia; Comparelli, Roberto
A colloidal route was exploited to synthesize TiO2 anisotropic nanocrystal rods in shape (TiO2 NRs) with a surface chemistry suited for their dispersibility and processability in apolar organic solvents. TiO2 NRs were dispersed in chloroform and n-heptane, respectively, and the two resulting formulations were investigated to identify the optimal conditions to achieve high-quality TiO2 NR-based coatings by the spray-coating application. In particular, the two types of TiO2 NR dispersions were first sprayed on silicon chips as a model substrate in order to preliminarily investigate the effect of the solvent and of the spraying time on the morphology and uniformity of the resulting coatings. The results of the SEM and AFM characterizations of the obtained coatings indicated n-heptane as the most suited solvent for TiO2 NR dispersion. Therefore, an n-heptane dispersion of TiO2 NRs was sprayed on a highly porous limestone-Lecce stone-very commonly used as building material in historic constructions and monuments present in Apulia Region (Italy). A comprehensive physical-chemical investigation of the TiO2 NR based treatment on the surface of the stone specimens, including measurements of colour variation, static contact angle, water transfer properties, and morphological characterization were performed. Finally, the photocatalytic properties of the coatings were assessed under solar irradiation by using Lecce stone specimens and Methyl Red as a model target compound. The obtained results demonstrated that TiO2 NRs based coatings can be successfully applied by spray-coating resulting in an effective photocatalytic and hydrophobic treatment, which holds great promise as a material for the environmental protection of architectural stone in the field of cultural heritage conservation.