2013, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Pagonakis, I.Gr.(a; Gantenbein, G.(a; Jelonnek, J.(a; Jin, J.(a; Illy, S.(a; Kern, S.(a; Piosczyk, B.(a; Rzesnicki, T.(a; Thumm, M.(a; Avramides, K.A.(b; Vomvoridis, J.L.(b; Dumbrajs, O.(c; Benin, P.(d; Rozier, Y.(d; Alberti, S.(e; Hogge, J.-P.(e; Schlatter, C.(e; Tran, M.-Q.(e; Bruschi, A.(f; Lontano, M.(f; Ioannidis, Z.C.(g; Latsas, G.P.(g; Tigelis, I.G.(g; Albajar, F.(h; Bonicelli, T.(h; Cismondi, F.(h
EU is developing a 1 MW cylindrical cavity gyrotron. In the last year the design of the components of the new gyrotron has been finalized while the technological design of the new tube has been defined. In the present paper, the main characteristics of the new EU gyrotron for ITER are presented.
2013, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Buratti, P [ 1 ] ; Alessi, E [ 2 ] ; Amicucci, L [ 3 ] ; Angelini, B [ 1 ] ; Apicella, ML [ 1 ] ; Apruzzese, G [ 1 ] ; Artaserse, G [ 1 ] ; Barbato, E [ 1 ] ; Belli, F [ 1 ] ; Bertocchi, A [ 1 ] ; Bin, W [ 2 ] ; Boncagni, L [ 1 ] ; Botrugno, A [ 1 ] ; Briguglio, S [ 1 ] ; Bruschi, A [ 2 ] ; Calabro, G [ 1 ] ; Cardinali, A [ 1 ] ; Castaldo, C [ 1 ] ; Ceccuzzi, S [ 6 ] ; Centioli, C [ 1 ] ; Cesario, R [ 1 ] ; Cianfarani, C [ 1 ] ; Cirant, S [ 2 ] ; Crisanti, F [ 1 ] ; D'Arcangelo, O [ 2 ] ; De Angeli, M [ 2 ] ; De Angelis, R [ 1 ] ; Di Matteo, L [ 1 ] ; Di Troia, C [ 1 ] ; Esposito, B [ 1 ] ; Farina, D [ 2 ] ; Figini, L [ 2 ] ; Fogaccia, G [ 1 ] ; Frigione, D [ 1 ] ; Fusco, V [ 1 ] ; Gabellieri, L [ 1 ] ; Galperti, C [ 2 ] ; Garavaglia, S [ 2 ] ; Giovannozzi, E [ 1 ] ; Granucci, G [ 2 ] ; Grossetti, G [ 2 ] ; Grosso, G [ 2 ] ; Guimaraes, ZO [ 4 ] ; Iannone, F [ 1 ] ; Krivska, A [ 3 ] ; Kroegler, H [ 5 ] ; Lazzaro, E [ 2 ] ; Lontano, M [ 2 ] ; Maddaluno, G [ 1 ] ; Marchetto, C [ 2 ] ; Marinucci, M [ 1 ] ; Marocco, D [ 1 ] ; Mazzitelli, G [ 1 ] ; Mazzotta, C [ 1 ] ; Milovanov, A [ 1 ] ; Minelli, D [ 2 ] ; Mirizzi, FC [ 1 ] ; Moro, GA [ 2 ] ; Napoli, F [ 6 ] ; Nowak, S [ 2 ] ; Orsitto, FP [ 1 ] ; Pacella, D [ 1 ] ; Panaccione, L [ 5 ] ; Panella, M [ 1 ] ; Pericoli-Ridolfini, V [ 1 ] ; Podda, S [ 1 ] ; Pizzuto, A [ 1 ] ; Pucella, G [ 1 ] ; Ramogida, G [ 1 ] ; Ravera, G [ 1 ] ; Romano, A [ 1 ] ; Sozzi, C [ 2 ] ; Tuccillo, AA [ 1 ] ; Tudisco, O [ 1 ] ; Viola, B [ 1 ] ; Vitale, V [ 1 ] ; Vlad, G [ 1 ] ; Zanza, V [ 1 ] ; Zerbini, M [ 1 ] ; Zonca, F [ 1 ] ; Aquilini, M [ 1 ] ; Cefali, P [ 1 ] ; Di Ferdinando, E [ 1 ] ; Di Giovenale, S [ 1 ] ; Giacomi, G [ 1 ] ; Gravanti, F [ 1 ] ; Grosso, A [ 1 ] ; Mellera, V [ 2 ] ; Mezzacappa, M [ 1 ] ; Pensa, A [ 1 ] ; Petrolini, P [ 1 ] ; Piergotti, V [ 1 ] ; Raspante, B [ 1 ] ; Rocchi, G [ 1 ] ; Sibio, A [ 1 ] ; Tilia, B [ 1 ] ; Torelli, C [ 1 ] ; Tulli, R [ 1 ] ; Vellucci, M [ 1 ] ; Zannetti, D [ 1 ]
Since the 2010 IAEA-FEC Conference, FTU has exploited improvements in cleaning procedures and in the density control system to complete a systematic exploration of access to high-density conditions in a wide range of plasma currents and magnetic fields. The line-averaged densities at the disruptive limit increased more than linearly with the toroidal field, while no dependence on plasma current was found; in fact, the maximum density of 4.3 x 10(20) m(-3) was reached at B = 8 T even at the minimum current of 0.5 MA, corresponding to twice the Greenwald limit. The lack of plasma current dependence was due to the increase in density peaking with the safety factor. Experiments with the 140 GHz electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH) system were focused on the sawtooth (ST) period control and on the commissioning of a new launcher with real-time steering capability that will act as the front-end actuator of a real-time system for ST period control and tearing mode stabilization. Various ECRH and electron cyclotron current-drive modulation schemes were used; with the fastest one, the ST period synchronized with an 8 ms modulation period. The observed period variations were simulated using the JETTO code with a critical shear model for the crash trigger. The new launcher was of the plug-in type, allowing quick insertion and connection to the transmission line. Both beam characteristics and steering speed were in line with design expectation. Experimental results on the connection between improved coupling of lower hybrid waves in high-density plasmas and reduced wave spectral broadening were interpreted by fully kinetic, non-linear model calculations. A dual-frequency, time-of-flight diagnostic for the measurement of density profiles was developed and successfully tested. Fishbone-like instabilities driven by energetic electrons were simulated by the hybrid MHD-gyrokinetic XHMGC code.
2012, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Ricci D.; Cremona A.; Garavaglia S.; Granucci G.; Iraji D.; Lontano M.; Mellera V.; and Minelli D.
2012, Articolo in rivista, ENG
M. Tardocchi1; A. Bruschi1; L. Figini1; G. Grossetti1; D. Marocco2; M. Nocente1; G. Calabrò2; A. Cardinali2; F. Crisanti2; B. Esposito2; G. Gorini1; G. Grosso1; M. Lontano1; S. Nowak1; F. Orsitto2; U. Tartari1; and O. Tudisco2
The Fusion Advanced Study Torus (FAST) has been proposed as a possible European satellite facility to study fast-ion physics in deuterium plasmas under conditions relevant to a burning plasma. Energetic minority ions (H or 3He) accelerated by ion cyclotron resonance heating (ICRH), with dimensionless parameters close to those of fusion-born alphas in ITER, can be produced in FAST via 30 MW power ICRH minority heating. This work provides a first assessment of the extent to which the 3He fast-ion population can be diagnosed in FAST with a set of dedicated diagnostics for confined fast particles. Neutron emission spectroscopy (NES), gamma-ray spectroscopy (GRS) and collective Thomson scattering (CTS) diagnostics have been reviewed with a description of the state-of-the-art hardware and a preliminary analysis of the required lines of sight. The results of the analysis, based on numerical simulations of the spatial and energetic particle distribution function of the ICRH-accelerated ions for the standard FAST H-mode scenario, suggest that NES and GRS measurements can provide information on the fast 3He population effective tail temperature, with time resolutions in the range 20-100 ms. The proposed CTS diagnostic can measure the fast-ion parallel and perpendicular temperature with a spatial resolution of 5-10 cm and a time resolution of 10 ms. The paper provides a scientific basis for the prediction of the production and diagnosis of energetic ions in FAST
2011, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Tuccillo, AA [ 1 ] ; Amicucci, L [ 2 ] ; Angelini, B [ 1 ] ; Apicella, ML [ 1 ] ; Apruzzese, G [ 1 ] ; Barbato, E [ 1 ] ; Belli, F [ 1 ] ; Bertocchi, A [ 1 ] ; Biancalani, A [ 3,4 ] ; Bierwage, A [ 5 ] ; Bin, W [ 6 ] ; Boncagni, L [ 1 ] ; Botrugno, A [ 1 ] ; Bracco, G [ 1 ] ; Breyannis, G [ 2 ] ; Briguglio, S [ 1 ] ; Bruschi, A [ 6 ] ; Buratti, P [ 1 ] ; Calabro, G [ 1 ] ; Cardinali, A [ 1 ] ; Castaldo, C [ 1 ] ; Ceccuzzi, S [ 1 ] ; Centioli, C [ 1 ] ; Cesario, R [ 1 ] ; Chavdarovski, I [ 7 ] ; Chen, L [ 8,9 ] ; Cianfarani, C [ 1 ] ; Cirant, S [ 6 ] ; Coletti, R [ 1 ] ; Crisanti, F [ 1 ] ; D'Arcangelo, O [ 6 ] ; De Angeli, M [ 6 ] ; De Angelis, R [ 1 ] ; De Luca, F [ 10 ] ; Di Matteo, L [ 1 ] ; Di Troia, C [ 1 ] ; Esposito, B [ 1 ] ; Fogaccia, G [ 1 ] ; Frigione, D [ 1 ] ; Fusco, V [ 1 ] ; Gabellieri, L [ 1 ] ; Garavaglia, A [ 6 ] ; Garzotti, L [ 11 ] ; Giovannozzi, E [ 1 ] ; Granucci, G [ 6 ] ; Grossetti, G [ 6 ] ; Grosso, G [ 6 ] ; Guimaraes, ZO [ 12 ] ; Iannone, F [ 1 ] ; Jacchia, A [ 6 ] ; Kroegler, H [ 13 ] ; Lazzaro, E [ 6 ] ; Lontano, M [ 6 ] ; Maddaluno, G [ 1 ] ; Marinucci, M [ 1 ] ; Marocco, D [ 1 ] ; Mazzitelli, G [ 1 ] ; Mazzotta, C [ 1 ] ; Milovanov, A [ 1 ] ; Mirizzi, FC [ 1 ] ; Monari, G [ 1 ] ; Moro, A [ 6 ] ; Nowak, S [ 6 ] ; Orsitto, FP [ 1 ] ; Pacella, D [ 1 ] ; Panaccione, L [ 13 ] ; Panella, M [ 1 ] ; Pegoraro, F [ 14 ] ; Pericoli-Ridolfini, V [ 1 ] ; Podda, S [ 1 ] ; Pizzuto, A [ 1 ] ; Pucella, G [ 1 ] ; Ramogida, G [ 1 ] ; Ravera, G [ 1 ] ; Romanelli, M [ 11 ] ; Romano, A [ 1 ] ; Ramponi, G [ 6 ] ; Sozzi, C [ 6 ] ; Szepesi, G [ 15 ] ; Sternini, E [ 1 ] ; Tudisco, O [ 1 ] ; Vitale, E [ 1 ] ; Vlad, G [ 1 ] ; Zanza, V [ 1 ] ; Zerbini, M [ 1 ] ; Zonca, F [ 1 ] ; Wang, X [ 8,9 ] ; Aquilini, M [ 1 ] ; Cefali, P [ 1 ] ; Di Ferdinando, E [ 1 ] ; Di Giovenale, S [ 1 ] ; Giacomi, G [ 1 ] ; Gravanti, F [ 1 ] ; Grosso, A [ 1 ] ; Mellera, V [ 6 ] ; Mezzacappa, M [ 1 ] ; Muzzini, V [ 6 ] ; Pensa, A [ 1 ] ; Petrolini, P [ 1 ] ; Piergotti, V [ 1 ] ; Raspante, B [ 1 ] ; Rocchi, G [ 1 ] ; Sibio, A [ 1 ] ; Tilia, B [ 1 ] ; Torelli, C [ 1 ] ; Tulli, R [ 1 ] ; Vellucci, M [ 1 ] ; Zannetti, D [ 1 ]
New FTU ohmic discharges with a liquid lithium limiter at I-P = 0.7-0.75 MA, B-T = 7 T and n(e0) >= 5 x 10(20) m(-3) confirm the spontaneous transition to an enhanced confinement regime, 1.3-1.4 times ITER-97-L, when the density peaking factor is above a threshold value of 1.7-1.8. The improved confinement derives from a reduction of electron thermal conductivity (chi(e)) as density increases, while ion thermal conductivity (chi(i)) remains close to neoclassical values. Linear microstability reveals the importance of lithium in triggering a turbulent inward flux for electrons and deuterium by changing the growth rates and phase of the ion-driven turbulence, while lithium flux is always directed outwards. A particle diffusion coefficient, D similar to 0.07 m(2) s(-1), and an inward pinch velocity, V similar to 0.27 ms(-1), in qualitative agreement with Bohm-gyro-Bohm predictions are inferred in pellet fuelled lithized discharges. Radio frequency heated plasmas benefit from cleaner plasmas with edge optimized conditions. Lower hybrid waves penetration and current drive effects are clearly demonstrated at and above ITER densities thanks to a good control of edge parameters obtained by plasma operations with the external poloidal limiter, lithized walls and pellet fuelling. The electron cyclotron (EC) heating system is extensively exploited in FTU for contributing to ITER-relevant issues such as MHD control: sawtooth crash is actively controlled and density limit disruptions are avoided by central and off-axis deposition of 0.3 MW of EC power at 140 GHz. Fourier analysis shows that the density drop and the temperature rise, stimulated by modulated EC power in low collisionality plasmas are synchronous, implying that the heating method is the common cause of both the electron heating and the density drop. Perpendicularly injected electron cyclotron resonance heating is demonstrated to be more efficient than the obliquely injected one, reducing the minimum electric field required at breakdown by a factor of 3. Theoretical activity further develops the model to interpret high-frequency fishbones on FTU and other experiments as well as to characterize beta-induced Alfven eigenmodes induced by magnetic islands in ohmic discharges. The theoretical framework of the general fishbone-like dispersion relation is used for implementing an extended version of the HMGC hybrid MHD gyrokinetic code. The upgraded version of HMGC will be able to handle fully compressible non-linear gyrokinetic equations and 3D MHD.
2010, Curatela di monografia/trattato scientifico, ENG
Bertoli C. 1, Avanzini P., Belardini P. 1, Salatini P., Cacciola G., Daolio S., Passerone A., Rostagni G., Ciajolo A., Vaglieco B.M. 1, Antonucci V., Antoni V., Fabrizio M., Sabbioni C.,Lontano, Piovan R., Cao G., Carpinelli G., De Portu G.
2010, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Tardocchi M.; Bruschi A.; Marocco D.; Nocente M.; Calabro' G.; Cardinali A.; Crisanti F.; Esposito B.; Figini L.; Gorini G.; Grossetti. G.; Grosso G.; Lontano M.; Nowak S.; Orsitto F.; Tartari U.; and Tudisco O.
2010, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Ricci D.; Cremona A.; Garavaglia S.; Granucci G.; Alocci S.; De Angeli M.; DellEra F.; Gatto G.; Gervasini G.; Gittini G.; Lontano M.; Mellera V.; Minelli D.; Muzzini V.; Nardone A.; Schiavone R.; Sozzi C.
2010, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Sen, S.[ 1 ] ; McCarthy, D. R.[ 2 ] ; Lontano, M.[ 3 ] ; Lazzaro, E.[ 3 ] ; Honary, F.[ 1 ]
In a recent paper, Varischetti et al. (Plasma Phys. Contr. F. 2008, 50, 105008-1-15) have found that in a slab geometry the effect of the flow shear in the field-aligned parallel flow on the linear mode stability of the ion temperature gradient (ITG)-driven modes is not very prominent. They found that the flow shear also has a negligible effect on the mode characteristics. The work in this paper shows that the inclusion of flow curvature in the field-aligned flow can have a considerable effect on the mode stability; it can also change the mode structure so as to effect the mixing length transport in the core region of a fusion device. Flow shear, on the other hand, has indeed an insignificant role in the mode stability and mode structure. Inhomogeneous field-aligned flow should therefore still be considered for a viable candidate in controlling the ITG mode stability and mode structure.
2010, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Pizzuto A.; Gnesotto F.; Lontano M.; Albanese R.; Ambrosino G.; Apicella M.L.; Baruzzo M.; Bruschi A.; Calabrò G.; Cardinali A.; Cesario R.; Crisanti F.; Cocilovo V.; Coletti A.; Coletti R.; Costa P.; Briguglio S.; Frosi P.; Crescenzi F.; Coccorese V.; A. Cucchiaro; C. Di Troia; B. Esposito; G. Fogaccia; E. Giovannozzi; G. Granucci; G. Maddaluno; R.Maggiora; M.Marinucci; D.Marocco; P.Martin; G. Mazzitelli; F. Mirizzi; S. Nowak; R. Paccagnella; L. Panaccione; G.L. Ravera; F. Orsitto; V. Pericoli Ridolfini; G. Ramogida; C. Rita; M. Santinelli; M. Schneider; A.A. Tuccillo; R. Zagorski; M. Valisa; R. Villari; G. Vlad; F. Zonca
FAST is a new machine proposed to support ITER experimental exploitation as well as to anticipate DEMO relevant physics and technology. FAST is aimed at studying, under burning plasma relevant conditions, fast particle (FP) physics, plasma operations and plasma wall interaction in an integrated way. FAST has the capability to approach all the ITER scenarios significantly closer than the present day experiments using deuterium plasmas. The necessity of achieving ITER relevant performance with a moderate cost has led to conceiving a compact tokamak (R = 1.82 m, a = 0.64 m) with high toroidal field (BT up to 8.5 T) and plasma current (Ip up to 8 MA). In order to study FP behaviours under conditions similar to those of ITER, the project has been provided with a dominant ion cyclotron resonance heating system (ICRH; 30MW on the plasma). Moreover, the experiment foresees the use of 6MW of lower hybrid (LHCD), essentially for plasma control and for non-inductive current drive, and of electron cyclotron resonance heating (ECRH, 4MW) for localized electron heating and plasma control. The ports have been designed to accommodate up to 10MW of negative neutral beams (NNBI) in the energy range 0.5-1MeV. The total power input will be in the 30-40MW range under different plasma scenarios with a wall power load comparable to that of ITER (P/R ~ 22MWm-1). All the ITER scenarios will be studied: from the reference H mode, with plasma edge and ELMs characteristics similar to the ITER ones (Q up to ?1.5), to a full current drive scenario, lasting around 170 s. The first wall (FW) as well as the divertor plates will be of tungsten in order to ensure reactor relevant operation regimes. The divertor itself is designed to be completely removable by remote handling. This will allow us to study (in view of DEMO) the behaviour of innovative divertor concepts, such as those based on liquid lithium. FAST is capable of operating with very long pulses, up to 170 s, despite being a copper machine. The magnets initial operation temperature is 30 K, with cooling provided by helium gas. The in vessel components, namely FW and divertor, are actively cooled by pressurized water above 80 oC. The same water is also used to bake the vacuum vessel. FAST is equipped with ferromagnetic inserts to keep the toroidal field magnet ripple down to 0.3%.
2009, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
G. Granucci; D. Ricci; S. Alocci; B. Baiocchi; W. Bin; A. Bruschi; A. Cremona; O. D' Arcangelo; M. De Angeli; F. Dell' Era; F. Gandini; S. Garavaglia; G. Gatto; G. Gervasini; G. Gittini; G. Grossetti; G. Grosso; E. Lazzaro; M. Lontano; V. Mellera; V. Muzzini; A. Moro; A. Nardone; R. Schiavone; N. Spinicchia; C. Sozzi
2008, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Varischetti M. C.; Lontano M.; Valdettaro L.; Lazzaro E.
The linear stability analysis of the ITG modes in a plasma slab with an equilibrium ion flow has been carried out by solving the relevant eigenvalue equation for the complex electrostatic fluctuation amplitude ~?k, by retaining the electric, the diamagnetic and the gravitational-like drifts. For sufficiently broad Ti profiles, a novel regime with two-branch distributions of unstable eigenvalues has been found, which seems to be characterized by a broad radial correlation length. The plasma density profile and a macroscopic ion flow aligned to the magnetic field govern the relative importance of the two unstable sets of eigenfunctions.
2008, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Passoni M.; Lontano M.
A theoretical model of the quasistatic electric field, formed at the rear surface of a thin solid target irradiated by a ultraintense subpicosecond laser pulse, due to the appearance of a cloud of ultrarelativistic bound electrons, is developed. It allows one to correctly describe the spatial profile of the accelerating field and to predict the maximum energies and the energy spectra of the accelerated ions. The agreement of the theoretical expectations with the experimental data looks satisfactory in a wide range of conditions. Previsions of regimes achievable in the future are given.
2008, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Varischetti M.C.; Lontano M.; Lazzaro E.
2008, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Varischetti M. C.; Lontano M.; Valdettaro L.; Lazzaro E.
2007, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Ratynskaia S.; De Angeli M.; de Angelis U.; Marmolino C.; Capobianco G.; Lontano M.; Lazzaro E.; Morfill G.; Gervasini G.
Charged dust particles are theoretically expected to modify the amplitude and spectrum of plasma fluctuations, and this can eventually provide novel diagnostic tools. Direct experimental evidence of the effects of dust particles on the fluctuations of a low collisionality plasma is reported, in agreement with the expectations of kinetic theory.
2007, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Varischetti M. C.; Lontano M.; Lazzaro E.; Gupta A.
The one-dimensional theoretical model, previously developed for stability studies of ITG modes in a plasma slab, is used for the calculation of the momentum and energy quasi-linear (QL) fluxes. In the first part of this work, the relevant transport equations are solved numerically in order to investigate the QL relaxation of initial velocity and ion pressure profiles. In the second part the global solution of the 2nd order eigenvalue differential equation for the complex electrostatic ITG fluctuation amplitude Fi (k) is calculated, and a comparative discussion for different toroidal velocity profiles is presented.
2007, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Lontano M.; Passoni M.; Tacconi P.
A theoretical model of the quasi-static electric field that is formed at the sharp boundary between a solid target and vacuum, due to the appearance of a cloud of laser-produced hot electrons, has been developed. It allows one to describe the maximum energies and the energy spectra of the ions accelerated in the field, it and makes possible the comparison with experimental data and the previsions of regimes achievable in the future.
2007, Contributo in volume, ENG
Lontano M., Passoni M.
2006, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Lontano M.; Passoni M.; Riconda C.; Tikhonchuk V.T.; Weber S.
Recent particle-in-cell simulations of the stimulated Brillouin backscattering (SBBS) of electromagnetic radiation have shown that non-drifting solitary waves are easily produced even at subrelativistic intensities (I lambda^2 = 10^16 W microm^2/cm^2), and remain almost unchanged all along the simulation time. The associated formation of strong density depressions disrupts the resonant SBBS amplification, enables strong electron and ion heating and leads to a final low-level saturated regime for the reflected radiation. In this paper, we review the main phases which characterize this regime of interaction, as resulting from the numerical simulations. A theoretical model of electromagnetic solitons in hot and dense plasmas is used to derive the physical characteristics of the resulting electromagnetic solitons and to compare these predictions with the numerical results.