2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Motti F.; Vinai G.; Bonanni V.; Polewczyk V.; Mantegazza P.; Forrest T.; MacCherozzi F.; Benedetti S.; Rinaldi C.; Cantoni M.; Cassese D.; Prato S.; Dhesi S.S.; Rossi G.; Panaccione G.; Torelli P.
A ferromagnetic (FM) thin film deposited on a substrate of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) is an appealing heterostructure for the electrical control of magnetism, which would enable nonvolatile memories with ultralow-power consumption. Reversible and electrically controlled morphological changes at the surface of PMN-PT suggest that the magnetoelectric effects are more complex than the commonly used "strain-mediated"description. Here we show that changes in substrate morphology intervene in magnetoelectric coupling as a key parameter interplaying with strain. Magnetic-sensitive microscopy techniques are used to study magnetoelectric coupling in Fe/PMN-PT at different length scales, and compare different substrate cuts. The observed rotation of the magnetic anisotropy is connected to the changes in morphology, and mapped in the crack pattern at the mesoscopic scale. Ferroelectric polarization switching induces a magnetic field-free rotation of the magnetic domains at micrometer scale, with a wide distribution of rotation angles. Our results show that the relationship between the rotation of the magnetic easy axis and the rotation of the in-plane component of the electric polarization is not straightforward, as well as the relationship between ferroelectric domains and crack pattern. The understanding and control of this phenomenon is crucial to develop functional devices based on FM/PMN-PT heterostructures.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Bigi, Chiara and Tang, Zhenkun and Pierantozzi, Gian Marco and Orgiani, Pasquale and Das, Pranab Kumar and Fujii, Jun and Vobornik, Ivana and Pincelli, Tommaso and Troglia, Alessandro and Lee, Tien-Lin and Ciancio, Regina and Drazic, Goran and Verdini, Alberto and Regoutz, Anna and King, Phil D. C. and Biswas, Deepnarayan and Rossi, Giorgio and Panaccione, Giancarlo and Selloni, Annabella
Two-dimensional (2D) metallic states induced by oxygen vacancies (V(O)s) at oxide surfaces and interfaces provide opportunities for the development of advanced applications, but the ability to control the behavior of these states is still limited. We used angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy combined with density-functional theory (DFT) to study the reactivity of V-O-induced states at the (001) surface of anatase TiO2, where both 2D metallic and deeper lying in-gap states (IGs) are observed. The 2D and IG states exhibit remarkably different evolutions when the surface is exposed to molecular O-2: while IGs are almost completely quenched, the metallic states are only weakly affected. DFT calculations indeed show that the IGs originate from surface V(O)s and remain localized at the surface, where they can promptly react with O-2. In contrast, the metallic states originate from subsurface vacancies whose migration to the surface for recombination with O-2 is kinetically hindered on anatase TiO2 (001), thus making them much less sensitive to oxygen dosing.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Vinai, G.; Motti, F.; Petrov, A. Yu; Polewczyk, V; Bonanni, V; Edla, R.; Gobaut, B.; Fujii, J.; Suran, F.; Benedetti, D.; Salvador, F.; Fondacaro, A.; Rossi, G.; Panaccione, G.; Davidson, B. A.; Torelli, P.
Here, we present an integrated ultra-high vacuum apparatus-named MBE-Cluster -dedicated to the growth and in situ structural, spectroscopic, and magnetic characterization of complex materials. Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) growth of metal oxides, e.g., manganites, and deposition of the patterned metallic layers can be fabricated and in situ characterized by reflection high-energy electron diffraction, low-energy electron diffraction, Auger electron spectroscopy, x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, and azimuthal longitudinal magneto-optic Kerr effect. The temperature can be controlled in the range from 5 K to 580 K, with the possibility of application of magnetic fields H up to +/- 7 kOe and electric fields E for voltages up to +/- 500 V. The MBE-Cluster operates for in-house research as well as user facility in combination with the APE beamlines at Sincrotrone-Trieste and the high harmonic generator facility for time-resolved spectroscopy.
DOI: 10.1063/5.0005302
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Knez, Daniel; Drazic, Goran; Chaluvadi, Sandeep Kumar; Orgiani, Pasquale; Fabris, Stefano; Panaccione, Giancarlo; Rossi, Giorgio; Ciancio, Regina
Oxygen vacancies are known to play a crucial role in tuning the physical properties and technological applications of titanium dioxide TiO2. Over the last decades, defects in substoichiometric TiO2 have been commonly associated with the formation of TinO2n-x Magneli phases, which are extended planar defects originating from crystallographic shear planes. By combining advanced transmission electron microscopy techniques, electron energy-loss spectroscopy and atomistic simulations, we reach new understanding of the oxygen vacancy induced structural modulations in anatase, ruling out the earlier shear-plane model. Structural modulations are instead shown to be due to the formation of oxygen vacancy superstructures that extend periodically inside the films, preserving the crystalline order of anatase. Elucidating the structure of oxygen defects in anatase is a crucial step for improving the functionalities of such material system and to engineer devices with targeted properties.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
C. Bigi, S. Kumar Chaluvadi, A. Galdi, L. Maritato, C. Aruta, R. Ciancio, J. Fujii, B. Gobaut, P. Torelli, I. Vobornik, G. Panaccione, G.Rossi, P. Orgiani
The electronic properties of hole- and electron-doped manganites were probed by a combination of x-ray absorption and photoemission spectroscopies. Hole-doped La0.7Ba0.3MnO3 and electron-doped La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 thin films were epitaxially grown on SrTiO3 substrates by means of pulsed laser deposition. Ex-situ x-ray diffraction demonstrated the substrate/film epitaxy relation and in-situ low energy electron diffraction provided evidence of high structural order of film surfaces. By combining synchrotron x-ray absorption and x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, evidence of Mn ions into a 2+ state as a result of the Ce4+ substitution in the electron-doped manganites was provided. Angular resolved photo-emission spectroscopy (ARPES) results showed a predominance of z2-orbitals at the surface of both hole- and, unexpectedly, electron-doped manganites thus questioning the validity of the commonly accepted scenario describing the electron filling in manganites' 3d orbitals in oxide manganites. The precise determination of the electronic and orbital properties of the terminating layers of oxide manganites paves the way for engineering multi-layered heterostructures thus leading to novel opportunities in the field of quantum electronics
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Nardi A.; Bigi C.; Chaluvadi S.K.; Ciancio R.; Fujii J.; Vobornik I.; Panaccione G.; Rossi G.; Orgiani P.
The electronic properties of strontium ruthenate SrRuO3 perovskite oxide thin films are modified by epitaxial strain, as determined by growing on different substrates by pulsed laser deposition. Temperature dependence of the transport properties indicates that tensile strain deformation of the SrRuO3 unit cell reduces the metallicity of the material as well as its metal-insulator-transition (MIT) temperature. On the contrary, the shrinkage of the Ru-O-Ru buckling angle due to compressive strain is counterweighted by the increased overlap of the conduction Ru-4d orbitals with the O-2p ones due to the smaller interatomic distances resulting into an increased MIT temperature, i.e., a more conducting material. In particular, in the more metallic samples, the core level X-ray photoemission spectroscopy lineshapes show the occurrence of an extra-peak at the lower binding energies of the main Ru-3d peak that is attributed to screening, as observed in volume sensitive photoemission of the unstrained material
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Orgiani P.; Perucchi A.; Knez D.; Ciancio R.; Bigi C.; Chaluvadi S.K.; Fujii J.; Vobornik I.; Panaccione G.; Rossi G.; Lupi S.; Di Pietro P.
The electronic properties of anatase titanium dioxide (TiO2) thin films epitaxially grown on LaAlO3 substrates are investigated by synchrotron-x-ray spectroscopy [x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (XPS), and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)] and infrared spectroscopy. The Ti3+ fraction in TiO2-x is varied either by changing the oxygen pressure during deposition or by postgrowth annealing in ultrahigh vacuum (UHV). Structural investigation of the TiO2 thin films provides evidence of highly uniform crystallographic order in both as-grown and in situ UHV-annealed samples. The increased amount of Ti3+ as a consequence of UHV annealing is calibrated by in situ XPS and XAS analysis. The as-grown TiO2 samples, with a low Ti3+ concentration, show distinct electronic properties with respect to the annealed films, namely, absorption in the midinfrared (MIR) region correlated with polaron formation, and another peak in the visible range at 1.6 eV correlated with the presence of localized defect states (DSs). With the increasing level of Ti3+ induced by the postannealing process, the MIR peak disappears, while the DS peak is redshifted to the near-infrared region at about 1.0 eV. These results indicate the possibility of tailoring the optical absorption of anatase TiO2 films from the visible to the near-infrared region.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Cucini R.; Pincelli T.; Panaccione G.; Kopic D.; Frassetto F.; Miotti P.; Pierantozzi G.M.; Peli S.; Fondacaro A.; De Luisa A.; De Vita A.; Carrara P.; Krizmancic D.; Payne D.T.; Salvador F.; Sterzi A.; Poletto L.; Parmigiani F.; Rossi G.; Cilento F.
Here, we report on a novel narrowband High Harmonic Generation (HHG) light source designed for ultrafast photoelectron spectroscopy (PES) on solids. Notably, at 16.9 eV photon energy, the harmonics bandwidth equals 19 meV. This result has been obtained by seeding the HHG process with 230 fs pulses at 515 nm. The ultimate energy resolution achieved on a polycrystalline Au sample at 40 K is ~22 meV at 16.9 eV. These parameters set a new benchmark for narrowband HHG sources and have been obtained by varying the repetition rate up to 200 kHz and, consequently, mitigating the space charge, operating with ? 3 × 10 7 electrons/s and ? 5 × 10 8 photons/s. By comparing the harmonics bandwidth and the ultimate energy resolution with a pulse duration of ~105 fs (as retrieved from time-resolved experiments on bismuth selenide), we demonstrate a new route for ultrafast space-charge-free PES experiments on solids close to transform-limit conditions.
DOI: 10.1063/1.5131216
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Bigi, Chiara and Orgiani, Pasquale and Slawinska, Jagoda and Fujii, Jun and Irvine, John T. and Picozzi, Silvia and Panaccione, Giancarlo and Vobornik, Ivana and Rossi, Giorgio and Payne, David and Borgatti, Francesco
We present the results of a photon energy and polarization dependent angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES) study on high quality, epitaxial SrNbO3 thin films prepared in situ by pulsed laser deposition (PLD).We show that the Fermi surface is composed of three bands mainly due to t2g orbitals of Nb 4d, in analogy with the 3d-based perovskite systems. The bulk band dispersion for the conduction and valence states obtained by density functional theory (DFT) is generally consistent with the ARPES data. The small discrepancy in the bandwidth close to the Fermi level seems to result from the interplay of correlation effects and the presence of vacancies. The ARPES results are complemented by soft x-ray photoemission spectroscopy measurements in order to provide indications on the chemical states and the stoichiometry of the material.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Vinai, G. and Bigi, C. and Rajan, A. and Watson, M. D. and Lee, T.-L. and Mazzola, F. and Modesti, S. and Barua, S. and Ciomaga Hatnean, M. and Balakrishnan, G. and King, P. D. C. and Torelli, P. and Rossi, G. and Panaccione, G.
Among transition-metal dichalcogenides, mono and few-layers thick VSe2 has gained much recent attention following claims of intrinsic room-temperature ferromagnetism in this system, which have nonetheless proved controversial. Here, we address the magnetic and chemical properties of Fe/VSe2 heterostructure by combining element sensitive x-ray absorption spectroscopy and photoemission spectroscopy. Our x-ray magnetic circular dichroism results confirm recent findings that both native mono/few-layer and bulk VSe2 do not show intrinsic ferromagnetic ordering. Nonetheless, we find that ferromagnetism can be induced, even at room temperature, after coupling with a Fe thin film layer, with antiparallel alignment of the moment on the V with respect to Fe. We further consider the chemical reactivity at the Fe/VSe2 interface and its relation with interfacial magnetic coupling.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
P K Das1,14 , D Di Sante2, F Cilento3, C Bigi4, D Kopic5, D Soranzio5 , A Sterzi3, J A Krieger6,7,8, I Vobornik9, 9 10 6 1,11 3,5 4,9 12 2 JFujii ,TOkuda ,VNStrocov ,MBHBreese ,FParmigiani ,GRossi ,SPicozzi ,RThomale , G Sangiovanni2, R J Cava13 and G Panaccione9,14
Currently, there is a flurry of research interest on materials with an unconventional electronic structure, and we have already seen significant progress in their understanding and engineering towards real-life applications. The interest erupted with the discovery of graphene and topological insulators in the previous decade. The electrons in graphene simulate massless Dirac Fermions with a linearly dispersing Dirac cone in their band structure, while in topological insulators, the electronic bands wind non-trivially in momentum space giving rise to gapless surface states and bulk bandgap. Weyl semimetals in condensed matter systems are the latest addition to this growing family of topological materials. Weyl Fermions are known in the context of high energy physics since almost the beginning of quantum mechanics. They apparently violate charge conservation rules, displaying the 'chiral anomaly', with such remarkable properties recently theoretically predicted and experimentally verified to exist as low energy quasiparticle states in certain condensed matter systems. Not only are these new materials extremely important for our fundamental understanding of quantum phenomena, but also they exhibit completely different transport phenomena. For example, massless Fermions are susceptible to scattering from non-magnetic impurities. Dirac semimetals exhibit non-saturating extremely large magnetoresistance as a consequence of their robust electronic bands being protected by time reversal symmetry. These open up whole new possibilities for materials engineering and applications including quantum computing. In this review, we recapitulate some of the outstanding properties of WTe2, namely, its non-saturating titanic magnetoresistance due to perfect electron and hole carrier balance up to a very high magnetic field observed for the very first time. It also indicative of hosting Lorentz violating type-II Weyl Fermions in its bandstructure, again first predicted candidate material to host such a remarkable phase. We primarily focus on the findings of our ARPES, spin-ARPES, and time-resolved ARPES studies complemented by first-principles calculations.
2019, Contributo in volume, ENG
Riccardo Cucini 1,*,Tommaso Pincelli 1,Giancarlo Panaccione 1,Damir Kopic 2,Fabio Frassetto 3,Paolo Miotti 3,4,Gian Marco Pierantozzi 1,Simone Peli 2,Andrea Fondacaro 1,Aleksander De Luisa 1,Alessandro De Vita 5,Damjan Krizmancic 1,Daniel T. Payne 2,Federico Salvador 1,Andrea Sterzi 2,Luca Poletto 3,Fulvio Parmigiani 2,6,7,Giorgio Rossi 1,5, Federico Cilento 2
This article belongs to the Proceedings of The 37th International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Takegami D.; Nicolai L.; Koethe T.C.; Kasinathan D.; Kuo C.Y.; Liao Y.F.; Tsuei K.D.; Panaccione G.; Offi F.; Monaco G.; Brookes N.B.; Minar J.; Tjeng L.H.
Here we report on our study to quantitatively describe the intensities of the valence band hard x-ray photoemission spectra (HAXPES) of a rare earth element containing 3d transition metal oxides. Using LaCoO3 as a representative model compound, we compared the experimental data to the results of ab initio one-step photoemission band structure calculations as well as to the sum of the partial density of states of the atomic constituents weighted by their tabulated photoionization cross sections. We discovered that the semicore La 5p density of states surprisingly contributes in a significant manner to the valence band spectrum: Although the La 5p partial density of states in the valence band region is negligible compared to that of the O 2p or the Co 3d, the La 5p cross section in the hard x-ray range is found to be orders of magnitude larger than that of the other subshells. This explains the long-standing issue of why the hard x-ray valence band spectra of a rare-earth element containing materials have line shapes that are very different from those taken at lower photon energies and why they cannot be described in terms of partial density of states of the subshells usually considered for the lower photon energy spectra. We infer that the contribution of the rare-earth 5p must be taken into account and cannot be ignored.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Regoutz, Anna and Ganose, Alex M. and Blumenthal, Lars and Schlueter, Christoph and Lee, Tien-Lin and Kieslich, Gregor and Cheetham, Anthony K. and Kerherve, Gwilherm and Huang, Ying-Sheng and Chen, Ruei-San and Vinai, Giovanni and Pincelli, Tommaso and Panaccione, Giancarlo and Zhang, Kelvin H. L. and Egdell, Russell G. and Lischner, Johannes and Scanlon, David O. and Payne, David J.
Theory and experiment are combined to gain an understanding of the electronic properties of OsO2, a poorly studied metallic oxide that crystallizes in the rutile structure. Hard and soft valence-band x-ray photoemission spectra of OsO2 single crystals are in broad agreement with the results of density-functional-theory calculations, aside from a feature shifted to high binding energy of the conduction band. The energy shift corresponds to the conduction electron plasmon energy measured by reflection electron energy loss spectroscopy. The plasmon satellite is reproduced by many-body perturbation theory.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Pincelli, T.; Cucini, R.; Verna, A.; Borgatti, F.; Oura, M.; Tamasaku, K.; Osawa, H.; Lee, T-L; Schlueter, C.; Guenther, S.; Back, C. H.; Dell'Angela, M.; Ciprian, R.; Orgiani, Pasquale; Petrov, A.; Sirotti, F.; Dediu, V. A.; Bergenti, I; Graziosi, R.; Granozio, F. Miletto; Tanaka, Y.; Taguchi, M.; Daimon, H.; Fujii, J.; Rossi, G.; Panaccione, G.
We combine time-resolved pump-probe magneto-optical Kerr effect and photoelectron spectroscopy experiments supported by theoretical analysis to determine the relaxation dynamics of delocalized electrons in half-metallic ferromagnetic manganite La1-xSrxMnO3. We observe that the half-metallic character of La1-xSrxMnO3 determines the timescale of both the electronic phase transition and the quenching of magnetization, revealing a quantum isolation of the spin system in double-exchange ferromagnets extending up to hundreds of picoseconds. We demonstrate the use of time-resolved hard x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy as a unique tool to single out the evolution of strongly correlated electronic states across a second-order phase transition in a complex material.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Vinai G.; Motti F.; Bonanni V.; Petrov A.Y.; Benedetti S.; Rinaldi C.; Stella M.; Cassese D.; Prato S.; Cantoni M.; Rossi G.; Panaccione G.; Torelli P.
Converse magnetoelectric coupling in artificial multiferroics is generally modeled through three possible mechanisms: charge transfer, strain mediated effects or ion migration. Here the role played by electrically controlled morphological modifications on the ferromagnetic response of a multiferroic heterostructure, specifically FexMn1-x ferromagnetic films on piezoferroelectric PMN-PT [001] substrates, is discussed. The substrates present, in correspondence to electrical switching, fully reversible morphological changes at the surface, to which correspond reproducible modifications of the ferromagnetic response of the FexMn1-x films. Topographic analysis by atomic force microscopy shows the formation of surface cracks (up to 100 nm in height) upon application of a sufficiently high positive electric field (up to 6 kV cm-1). The cracks disappear after application of negative electric field of the same magnitude. Correspondingly, in operando X-ray magnetic circular dichroic spectroscopy at Fe edge in FexMn1-x layers and micro-MOKE measurements show local variations in the intensity of the dichroic signal and in the magnetic anisotropy as a function of the electrically driven morphological state. This morphologic parameter, rarely explored in literature, directly affects the ferromagnetic response of the system. Its proof of electrically reversible modification of the magnetic response adds a new possibility in the design of electrically controlled magnetic devices.
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Baeumer, Christoph and Heisig, Thomas and Arndt, Benedikt and Skaja, Katharina and Borgatti, Francesco and Offi, Francesco and Motti, Federico and Panaccione, Giancarlo and Waser, Rainer and Menzel, Stephan and Dittmann, Regina
Resistive switching oxides are highly attractive candidates to emulate synaptic behaviour in artificial neural networks. Whilst the most widely employed systems exhibit filamentary resistive switching, interface-type switching systems based on a tunable tunnel barrier are of increasing interest, since their gradual SET and RESET processes provide an analogue-type of switching required to take over synaptic functionality. Interface-type switching devices often consist of bilayers of one highly mixed-conductive oxide layer and one highly insulating tunnel oxide layer. However, most tunnel oxides used for interface-type switching are also prone to form conducting filaments above a certain voltage bias threshold. We investigated two different tunnel oxide devices, namely, Pr1-xCaxMnO3 (PCMO) with yttria-stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) tunnel barrier and substoichiometric TaOx with HfO2 tunnel barrier by interface-sensitive, hard X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (HAXPES) in order to gain insights into the chemical changes during filamentary and interface-type switching. The measurements suggest an exchange of oxygen ions between the mixed conducting oxide layer and the tunnel barrier, that causes an electrostatic modulation of the effective height of the tunnel barrier, as the underlying switching mechanism for the interface-type switching. Moreover, we observe by in operando HAXPES analysis that this field-driven ionic motion across the whole area is sustained even if a filament is formed in the tunnel barrier and the device is transformed into a filamentary-type switching mode.
DOI: 10.1039/C8FD00108A
2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Bigi C.; Orgiani P.; Nardi A.; Troglia A.; Fujii J.; Panaccione G.; Vobornik I.; Rossi G.
We report on the reproducible surface topological electron states in Bi2Se3 topological insulator thin films when epitaxially grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) on (0 0 1)-oriented SrTiO3 (STO) perovskite substrates. Bi2Se3 has been reproducibly grown with single (0 0 1)-orientation and low surface roughness as controlled by ex-situ X-ray diffraction and in situ scanning tunnel microscopy and low-energy electron diffraction. Finally, in situ synchrotron radiation angle-resolved photo-emission spectroscopy measurements show a single Dirac cone and Dirac point at EB~0.38 eV located in the center of the Brillouin zone likewise found from exfoliated single-crystals. These results demonstrate that the topological surface electron properties of PLD-grown Bi2Se3 thin films grown on (0 0 1)-oriented STO substrates open new perspectives for applications of multi-layered materials based on oxide perovskites.
2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Oura M., Osawa H., Tamasaku K., Tanaka K., Pincelli T., Fujii J., Panaccione G., Tanaka Y.
[No abstract available]
2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Castán-Guerrero, C.a, Krizmancic, D.a, Bonanni, V.a,b, Edla, R.a, Deluisa, A.a, Salvador, F.a, Rossi, G.a,b, Panaccione, G.a, Torelli, P.a
We present a new experimental setup for performing X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) in the soft X-ray range at ambient pressure. The ambient pressure XAS setup is fully compatible with the ultra high vacuum environment of a synchrotron radiation spectroscopy beamline end station by means of ultrathin Si3N4 membranes acting as windows for the X-ray beam and seal of the atmospheric sample environment. The XAS detection is performed in total electron yield (TEY) mode by probing the drain current from the sample with a picoammeter. The high signal/noise ratio achievable in the TEY mode, combined with a continuous scanning of the X-ray energies, makes it possible recording XAS spectra in a few seconds. The first results show the performance of this setup to record fast XAS spectra from sample surfaces exposed at atmospheric pressure, even in the case of highly insulating samples. The use of a permanent magnet inside the reaction cell enables the measurement of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism at ambient pressure. © 2018 Author(s).
DOI: 10.1063/1.5019333