2023, Rapporto tecnico, ENG
Daniela De Gregorio, Tommasina Pianese
The Management handbook is the operational plan containing the description of the project management procedures, structure and roles and responsibilities of the parties involved, inclusive of monitoring and evaluation plan and risk management plan.
2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Daniela De Gregorio, Antonio De Lorenzo, Tommasina Pianese
The Deliverable 2.5 describes the online and on-site Service Design Collaborating Laboratories organized by Preview consortium. These labs have been collaborative spaces where Partners and other stakeholders came together to co-create and prototype innovative service solutions about Remote Internship.
2023, Rapporto tecnico, ENG
Daniela De Gregorio; Tommasina Pianese
The report includes an overview of the activities and main results achieved in the first 14 months of the EU Eramus+ funded project
2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Cunha, Joao; Errichiello, Luisa; Pianese, Tommasina
Remote work has become a routine experience for many managers, forcing them to adapt to new ways of ensuring that employees follow company procedure and achieve job targets. Key among these changes have been to the move to computer-mediated surveillance (CMS), where managers monitor employees through electronic representations of work and computer-mediated interaction (CMI), where managers interact with employees through online communication. The outcome of this move is ambiguous and contradictory. CMS can strengthen control because of how effective it is at reporting on work. However, CMI can weaken control because of how effective it is at withholding work practice. We review the literature on remote work to explain how these apparently contradictory effects interact. We show that the joint effect of CMI and CMS goes beyond changing the amount of control over employees. Instead, this joint effect requires managers to ensure the accessibility necessary for control of remote work: that employees make their work visible and that they make themselves reachable for interaction with managers and peers. We use this new domain of control to outline a two-dimensional model of control.
2023, Contributo in volume, ENG
Pianese Tommasina
Combining a case study methodology with a community empowerment approach, this chapter presents the process through which local stakeholders elaborate collectively a new vision of cultural tourism in the island of Paros (Greece) centered on its worldwide known archeological sites.
DOI: 10.48217
2023, Contributo in volume, ENG
Chiara Caravello, Tony Cassar, Giuseppe Pace, Tommasina Pianese
This chapter expands and reports on the results of the research carried out, during the second Underground4value Training School held in Murcia by Research Group 1. The team challenged since the beginning the two statements intended by the assigned research question "Structuring participatory processes for creating an archaeological park of the Paros marble quarries". Firstly, it confronted the statement "creating an archaeological park": in a country abundant of archaeological sites such as Greece, is this park an adequate instrument for catalysing sustainable development and promoting the cultural transition of an island, Paros, primarily known as a popular tourist spot? Secondly, it questioned about a better framing for "the participatory processes", with the local community not only focused on a self-generated imaginary, but on a global imaginary, eventually produced or exposed outside the island itself, such as the Parian marble statues in the most famous world's museums. Putting the storytelling at the core of the strategy, the chapter aims at supporting a cultural transition in the way local stakeholders, mainly involved in tourism, and their potential customers perceive the island of Paros. Nonetheless, to focus on the white marble demands for developing a process of place's virtualisation, with the symbolic and metaphoric dimension prevailing on the territorial one and asks for creating imaginaries "more fluid, ubiquitous, autonomous from the time and space dimensions". As a step further, the methodological approach was about creating a digitalised museum focused on the Parian marble. Thanks to the opportunities offered by ICT, the team imagined a physical/virtual space telling the story of this unique material, the quarries, the artists workshops, and finally its products, those masterpieces of the Classical age disseminated in museums and heritage sites worldwide. By doing that, the museum will bring all of them back home.
DOI: 10.48217/MNGSPC03
2022, Contributo in volume, ENG
Pianese T.; Rossetti G.; Morini V.
A wealth of tourism-related data is available on the Internet, particularly on social networking sites (SNSs) like Facebook and Instagram. Big data analytics (BDA) allows this large quantity of data to be processed, supported by machine learning and artificial intelligence, and gain an in-depth understanding of traveller preferences and behaviours. With regard to hotels, the analysis of data from SNSs provides countless actionable insights into customers'socio-demographic features, habits, daily trends and brand attitudes. This enables communication to be perfectly targeted, besides supplying valuable information to improve customer satisfaction. Nevertheless, the study of the implications of the automatic processing of data from SNSs in the hotel industry is still in its embryonic state. In order to demonstrate the utility of BDA to under- stand how hotels leverage SNSs, we conducted an exploratory study on the Instagram accounts - the photo-sharing SNS known worldwide - of eleven Italian hotels. To this end, the average sentiment score, the average length, lexical diversity and word clouds were calculated on textual data, collected with the instagrapi python package and pre-processed leveraging a standard NLP pipeline. These evidenced different stages of implementation of digital communication on SNSs, shorter text-based messages written on Instagram compared to other SNSs, and specific patterns of user engagement in hotel accounts. BDA also provides information about the online self-promotion process: hotel digital communication is clearly connected to destination, and hashtags are chosen to reach the desired community of travellers.
2022, Contributo in volume, SPA
Marija Jovanovic, María Murillo-Romero, Tommasina Pianese
The chapter presents a plan for the tourist valorization of a mining site located in La Union (Spain), including the definition of a new value proposition and related marketing strategies.
2022, Contributo in pubblicazione non scientifica, ENG
Pianese Tommasina
Contributo alla Newsletters nell'ambito del progetto Underground For Value, finanziato nell'ambito dell'Horizon 2020 Cost Action, incentrato sulla ricerca on field condotta sull'Isola di Paros in Grecia.
2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Pianese T.; Errichiello L.; Cunha, J.
The increasing diffusion of remote working puts organizational control in the foreground. As employees work at a distance from traditional offices and/or are geographically dispersed, companies are called upon to influence their willingness to act in accordance with a company's vision, values, and objectives. To date, a comprehensive understanding of how organizational control is implied in remote work arrangements (RWAs) is still lacking. To fill this gap, a research synthesis--that is, a systematic review of 131 studies that empirically investigated this issue--is carried on. The analysis is not limited to direct forms of control (e.g., output control) but also includes managerial practices as well as actions enacted by employees that influence the dynamics of control, acting as indirect levers of control. Findings were presented and discussed in relation to five "control domains": control systems, supervisory management styles, trusting relationships, organizational identification, and work identity in RWAs.
DOI: 10.111/emre.12515.
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Buonincontri P.; Micera R.; Murillo-Romero M.; Pianese T.
Underground sites have become an attractive tourist destination for an increasing number of visitors. This flow of visitors has made sustainability a major issue, that is, the way in which tourism development ensures economic benefits for host communities and respects local identity without compromising the environmental resources. Many studies have explored sustainable tourism in the Underground Built Heritage (UBH), but privilege the analysis of a single perspective, that is, economic sustainability, e.g., potentialities of cultural routes, or environmental sustainability, such as the impact of visitors on the cave climate. However, some attention has been paid to the social implications of tourism in the UBH, that is, the impacts of tourism development on improving the quality of life of the local community and the enhancement of their sense of community while respecting cultural authenticity. Our aim is to reconcile these perspectives and obtain, through a semi-systematic review, a clear picture of the sustainability of tourism in UBH sites. The aggregation of existing knowledge around the three pillars of sustainability has highlighted the importance of community involvement and collaboration among UBH stakeholders to ensure a balance between the protection and valorisation of UBH, which can also be achieved through networking strategies.
DOI: 10.3390/su132212745
2021, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Luisa Errichiello, Joao Cunha, Tommasina Pianese
The paper addresses the transition from office work to telework and its outcomes for employees' identification and the role of place therein. The study shows that people's answer to the question 'where do I work?' is a key factor in the process of transitioning from office work to telework and its outcomes for employees and organizations. Introducing the social construction of the workplace makes two contributions to research. First, it establishes a link between research on the structural conditions shaping remote work, such as the remote work arrangement and task, with the meaning that people attribute to their workplace and which will inform how they experience and enact the transition to remote work. Second, it integrates the role of meanings with the role of practices in the explanation of the link between people's use of IT and the effects of IT in organizations.
2021, Rapporto tecnico, ENG
Pianese Tommasina
Technical report of the Short Term Scientific Mission held in Paros (Greece) in June 2021 aiming at supporting local community in a project of re-use and valorization of the Old Quarry of White Marble.
2021, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Pianese Tommasina, Belfiore Patrizia
The application of social networks in the health domain has become increasingly prevalent. They are web-based technologies which bring together a group of people and health-care providers having in common health-related interests, who share text, image, video and audio contents and interact with each other. This explains the increasing amount of attention paid to this topic by researchers who have investigated a variety of issues dealing with the specific applications in the health-care industry. The aim of this study is to systematize this fragmented body of literature, and provide a comprehensive and multi-level overview of the studies that has been carried out to date on social network uses in healthcare, taking into account the great level of diversity that characterizes this industry. To this end, we conduct a scoping review enabling to identify the major research streams, whose aggregate knowledge are discussed according to three levels of analysis that reflect the viewpoints of the major actors using social networks for health-care purposes, i.e., governments, health-care providers (including health-care organizations and professionals) and social networks' users (including ill patients and general public). We conclude by proposing directions for future research.
2021, Contributo in volume, ENG
Tony Cassar, Marija Jovanovic, Susana Martinez-Rodriguez, Maria Murillo-Romero, Tommasina Pianese
Il contributo si inserisce nell'ambito della Cost Action CA18110 Underground4Value, incentrato sulla valorizzazione dei beni del sottosuolo attraverso il coinvolgimento della comunità locale. In linea con tali presupposti, il capitolo presenta un piano di valorizzazione di un Parco Minerario ubicato a La Union (Spagna) elaborato facendo riferimento alla Design Thinking Methodology e ad appositi processi di coinvolgimento ed engagement della comunità locale.
DOI: 10.48217/mngspc01
2021, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
Pianese Tommasina
Our research aimed at understanding the process through which a Social Media team communicated a sports event through the main Social Networks (SNs). In last years, SNs have assumed great importance in all industries, included sports events where their role is expected to become even more crucial in the next future. In this regard, the event industry has been heavily impacted by Coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Many international sports events (e.g., the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games) have been postponed and only a few number of events (e.g., the UEFA Champions League) have taken place, albeit without spectators. As long the entire population is vaccinated and the emergency over, SNs are likely to play a key role to maintain a connection with the general public and limit the financial losses for sports industry. Based on this premise, the in-depth understanding of the communication through SNs - how different SNs dialogued with each other and contributed to the overall event narrative- is today a priority for sports event promoters and organizers. To this end, we have conducted a process study on a multi-sports international event to understand the pattern of activities and choices through which digital communication unfolded over time. Although data collection was prior to the epidemiological emergency, this study offered general insights into the development of a digital communication process in international professional sporting events. Specifically, it provided with a new vision of the process of communication through SNs, which resulted to be accomplished as an ongoing pragmatic compromise. SM team members strived to find a balance between the SNs plan and the users generated contents. At the same time, they were careful to interpret whether and how the ongoing interactions with the environment affected the desired narrative of the sports event. We found that some team's capacities were crucial in processing communication flow and making sense of bottom-up and external pressures. These encompassed the no ego approach of team members, along with their ability to improvise, generate collectively novel ideas and learn consciously. This study also showed the importance for communication through SNs to take into account cross-cultural differences in international sports events. This referred to respect different values, beliefs, religions, etc. but also to encourage the participation and involvement of athletes and spectators from countries that were less familiar with the SNs.
2021, Presentazione, ITA
Pianese Tommasina
La presentazione ha avuto ad oggetto la discussione dei cambiamenti innescati dalle tecnologie nel mercato del lavoro con particolare riferimento alle implicazioni dell'automazione e del machine leaning, nonché alla diffusione di modelli (es. smart working, remote working) e Spazi di lavoro (es. co-working e Smart work centers) abilitati dagli ICT.
2021, Contributo in volume, ENG
Errichiello, L., Pianese, T.
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many organizations to abruptly introduce remote working, without an accurate analysis of organizational processes and employees' expectations about work flexibility. Thus, remote working has been implemented without a rational plan of interventions based on remote work-enabling technologies, managerial practices, and resources. This chapter aims at understanding the role of "supporting" structures and practices in driving the effective implementation of remote working in the post-COVID era. The authors rely on a case study of a multi-national IT company with a long experience with remote work arrangements, focusing on mobile work and virtual teams and looking at expectations and actions of remote workers in relation to organizational support. Findings revealed the importance to adopt a holistic approach to organizational support to remote working based on formal procedures, adequate evaluation systems, tools for self-management, blended training programs, supportive leadership style, along with a collaborative work environment and a remote culture.
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Pianese Tommasina
This study aims at understanding how professional sports events compete with each other to attract spectators, sponsors and media coverage, by referring to the resource-based view (RBV) theory, which interprets firms as a bundle of idiosyncratic resources and capabilities. Specifically, the authors aim to identify the value-creating resources that support event success in the long run. Design/methodology/approach - The authors conducted a literature review on RBV and sports events, which provided the analytic categories used for on a cross-case analysis of popular cycling events held in Italy. Findings - Each event has different value-creating resources, depending on its governance model. Specifically, organisational knowledge accumulated over time by a stable event promoter/organiser enables an understanding of stakeholders' needs and leads to a competitive advantage. As for events with temporary organising committees, event reputation is decisive to their long-term success. Here, event promoters play a key role in managing reputation over time, i.e., properly selecting host countries, balancing their cultural differences and supporting their capacity to produce long-term benefits. Originality/value - Sports events may be leveraged within place-branding strategies to increase the attractiveness and level of socio-economic development of a destination. It is thus important to understand the competitive dynamics among sports events. The existing studies have focused on event organisers while underestimating the contribution of sports organisations and/or private companies that promote sport events. This study adopts a broad perspective that takes account of both promoters and organisers in order to verify whether and how the governance model affects the resources relevant to the event's success.
2020, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG
Luisa Errichiello, Joao Cunha, Tommasina Pianese
The move from office-based to remote work can have different and even opposite effects on people's work practices and work outcomes, on their relationships with peers and on their work-life balance. Our research looks at an under-studied process of appropriation in remote work: the process whereby people appropriate time-space to socially construct their workplace. To this end we conducted a case study in the Italian subsidiary of a multi-national company selling pneumatic solutions. To cut costs, the company introduced a remote work program for all the salesforce and removed all local offices. Only the headquarter remained as a physical space. Our main source of primary data was a set of 21 semi-structured in-depth interviews to salesmen in their transitioning process from office-based to home-based mobile working and to their supervisor. In contrast to most research on the social construction of workplace, the study took an ethic, rather than an emic approach to the spaces where people work. This approach allowed a plurality of meanings attached by salespeople to their workplace to emerge through the analysis. Introducing the social construction of the workplace makes two sequential contributions to research. First, it contributes to research on remote work by establishing a link between research on the structural conditions shaping remote work, such as the remote work arrangement and task, with the meaning that people attribute to their workplace and which will inform how they experience and enact the transition to remote work. Second, it shows how to address a prevalent challenge in research on IT and organizations: that is integrating the role of meanings with the role of practices in the explanation of the link between people's use of IT and the effects of IT in organizations.