2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ITA
Demetres Briassoulis, Christina Pyromali, Christos Briassoulis, Antonis Mistriotis, Anastasios Giannoulis, Evelia Schettini, Giuliano Vox, Fabiana Convertino, Anna Chiara Dell'Acqua, Sabrina Carola Carroccio, Pierfrancesco Cerruti, Sandro Dattilo, Luca Gargiulo, Paolo Maria Riccobene, Andrea Antonio Scamporrino, Domenico Zannini
The aim of the present progress report is to provide an update on the ongoing research carried out within the PAPILLONS WP1, Task 1.2, focusing on the ageing, transformation, and fragmentation of agricultural plastics (APs). Task 1.2 delves into the degradation and fragmentation processes and rates of MNP generation from APs during usage, ageing, and End-of-Life (EoL). This task comprises four subtasks that collectively contribute to understanding the various AP products degradation and fragmentation behavior and its potential soil pollution by the generation of MNP.
2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Zagni C.; Scamporrino A.A.; Riccobene P.M.; Floresta G.; Patamia V.; Rescifina A.; Carroccio S.C.
It is well known that skin wound healing could be severely impaired in space. In particular, the skin is the tissue at risk of injury, especially during human-crewed space missions. Here, we propose a hybrid system based on the biocompatible poly 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (pHEMA) to actively support a nanocontainer filled with the drug. Specifically, during the cryo-polymerization of HEMA, halloysite nanotubes (HNTs) embedded with thymol (Thy) were added as a component. Thy is a natural pharmaceutical ingredient used to confer wound healing properties to the material, whereas HNTs were used to entrap the Thy into the lumen to ensure a sustained release of the drug. The as-obtained material was characterized by chemical-physical methods, and tests were performed to assess its ability for a prolonged drug release. The results showed that the adopted synthetic procedure allows the formation of a super absorbent system with good swelling ability that can contain up to 5.5 mg of Thy in about 90 mg of dried sponge. Releasing tests demonstrated the excellent material's ability to perform a slow controlled delivery of 62% of charged Thy within a week. As humans venture deeper into space, with more extended missions, limited medical capabilities, and a higher risk of skin wounds, the proposed device would be a versatile miniaturized device for skin repair in space.
DOI: 10.3390/nano13040741
2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Sandro Dattilo , Gianluca Cicala , Paolo Maria Riccobene , Concetto Puglisi , Lorena Saitta
High performances of thermosets deriving from their covalent intermolecular cross-link bonds result in their low recyclability hindering the full exploitation of a truly circular approach for cured thermosets. In this experimental work, the recyclability of a bio-based fully recyclable epoxy resin using a mild chemical recycling process was demonstrated. The recycled polymer obtained was fully characterized to ascertain its structure and properties. MALDI (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization), GPC (Gel Permeation Chromatography) and NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) spectroscopy to determine the chemical structure of the recycled polymer were used. The thermomechanical properties of the cured virgin network and of the recycled product obtained were measured by DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) and DMA (Dynamic Mechanical Analysis). Thermogravimetric analysis of the recycled polymer was also performed. The recycled polymer was transformed into a polyurethane by reacting it with an isocyanate. The synthetized polyurethane obtained therefrom was thoroughly characterized by thermogravimetric analysis. This approach proved the possibility to up-scale the recycled product making it available for novel applications exploiting its re-use.
2014, Contributo in atti di convegno, ITA
S. Dattilo, P.M. Riccobene, E.F. Mirabella, T. Ferreri, C. Puglisi
Sintesi copolimeri stirene-amidoxima utilizzati per la preparazione di colonne di purificazione in grado di trattenere metalli pesanti.