2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Thermionic performance of nanocrystalline diamond/silicon structures under concentrated solar radiation

Bellucci, A.; Pede, B.; Mastellone, M.; Valentini, V.; Polini, R.; Trucchi, D. M.

Thin films of nanocrystalline diamond with thickness around 100 nm were deposited on highly doped p-type silicon substrates to evaluate the electron emission performance of these structures under illumination of concentrated sunlight in the temperature range 500-700 °C. By comparing the emitted current densities measured using a pure thermal source and a concentrated light source simulating the solar radiation spectrum (Xe lamp), an increase up to about 80 times at 600 °C was found using the concentrated light source, thus demonstrating the boost on the thermionic emission thanks to the sunlight absorption. At temperatures higher than 600 °C the action of the photon-enhanced thermionic emission (PETE) mechanism begins to vanish, starting the regime of pure thermionic emission. The opening of the quasi-Fermi levels reducing the barrier height down to 0.33 eV for electron emission is considered to explain the overall behavior of the diamond-silicon system in the PETE regime.

Ceramics international 49 (14), pp. 24351–24355

DOI: 10.1016/j.ceramint.2022.10.200

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Etching Kinetics of Nanodiamond Seeds in the Early Stages of CVD Diamond Growth

Salerno, Raffaella; Pede, Biagio; Mastellone, Matteo; Serpente, Valerio; Valentini, Veronica; Bellucci, Alessandro; Trucchi, Daniele M.; Domenici, Fabio; Tomellini, Massimo; Polini, Riccardo

We present an experimental study on the etching of detonation nanodiamond (DND) seeds during typical microwave chemical vapor deposition (MWCVD) conditions leading to ultra-thin diamond film formation, which is fundamental for many technological applications. The temporal evolution of the surface density of seeds on the Si(100) substrate has been assessed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The resulting kinetics have been explained in the framework of a model based on the effect of the particle size, according to the Young-Laplace equation, on both chemical potential of carbon atoms in DND and activation energy of the reaction with atomic hydrogen. The model describes the experimental kinetics of seeds' disappearance by assuming that nanodiamond particles with a size smaller than a "critical radius," r*, are etched away while those greater than r* can grow. Finally, the model allows to estimate the rate coefficients for growth and etching from the experimental kinetics.

ACS omega 8 (28), pp. 25496–25505

DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.3c03080

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Surface Nanotexturing of Boron-Doped Diamond Films by Ultrashort Laser Pulses

Mastellone, Matteo; Bolli, Eleonora; Valentini, Veronica; Orlando, Stefano; Lettino, Antonio; Polini, Riccardo; Buijnsters, Josephus Gerardus; Bellucci, Alessandro; Trucchi, Daniele Maria

Polycrystalline boron-doped diamond (BDD) films were surface nanotextured by femtosecond pulsed laser irradiation (100 fs duration, 800 nm wavelength, 1.44 J cm single pulse fluence) to analyse the evolution of induced alterations on the surface morphology and structural properties. The aim was to identify the occurrence of laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSS) as a function of the number of pulses released on the unit area. Micro-Raman spectroscopy pointed out an increase in the graphite surface content of the films following the laser irradiation due to the formation of ordered carbon sites with respect to the pristine sample. SEM and AFM surface morphology studies allowed the determination of two different types of surface patterning: narrow but highly irregular ripples without a definite spatial periodicity or long-range order for irradiations with relatively low accumulated fluences (<14.4 J cm) and coarse but highly regular LIPSS with a spatial periodicity of approximately 630 nm ± 30 nm for higher fluences up to 230.4 J cm.

Micromachines (Basel) 14 (2), pp. Art.n.389-1–Art.n.389-11

DOI: 10.3390/mi14020389

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Frenkel-Poole Mechanism Unveils Black Diamond as Quasi-Epsilon-Near-Zero Surface

Andrea Orsini , Daniele Barettin , Sara Pettinato, Stefano Salvatori , Riccardo Polini, Maria Cristina Rossi, Alessandro Bellucci, Eleonora Bolli, Marco Girolami, Matteo Mastellone, Stefano Orlando, Valerio Serpente, Veronica Valentini, Daniele Maria Trucchi

A recent innovation in diamond technology has been the development of the "black diamond" (BD), a material with very high optical absorption generated by processing the diamond surface with a femtosecond laser. In this work, we investigate the optical behavior of the BD samples to prove a near to zero dielectric permittivity in the high electric field condition, where the Frenkel-Poole (FP) effect takes place. Zero-epsilon materials (ENZ), which represent a singularity in optical materials, are expected to lead to remarkable developments in the fields of integrated photonic devices and optical interconnections. Such a result opens the route to the development of BD-based, novel, functional photonic devices.

Nanomaterials (Basel) 13 (2), pp. 240

DOI: 10.3390/nano13020240

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Enhanced and Selective Absorption of Molybdenum Nanostructured Surfaces for Concentrated Solar Energy Applications

Santagata, Antonio; Pace, Maria Lucia; Bellucci, Alessandro; Mastellone, Matteo; Bolli, Eleonora; Valentini, Veronica; Orlando, Stefano; Sani, Elisa; Failla, Simone; Sciti, Diletta; Trucchi, Daniele Maria

Surfaces of commercial molybdenum (Mo) plates have been textured by fs-laser treatments with the aim to form low-cost and efficient solar absorbers and substrates for thermionic cathodes in Concentrated Solar Power conversion devices. Morphological (SEM and AFM), optical (spectrophotometry), and structural (Raman spectroscopy) properties of the samples treated at different laser fluences (from 1.8 to 14 J/cm(2)) have been characterized after the laser treatments and also following long thermal annealing for simulating the operating conditions of thermionic converters. A significant improvement of the solar absorptance and selectivity, with a maximum value of about four times higher than the pristine sample at a temperature of 800 K, has been detected for sample surfaces treated at intermediate fluences. The effects observed have been related to the light trapping capability of the laser-induced nanotexturing, whereas a low selectivity, together with a high absorptance, could be revealed when the highest laser fluence was employed due to a significant presence of oxide species. The ageing process confirms the performance improvement shown when treated samples are used as solar absorbers, even though, due to chemical modification occurring at the surface, a decrease of the solar absorptance takes place. Interestingly, the sample showing the highest quantity of oxides preserves more efficiently the laser texturing. The observation of this behaviour allows to extend the applicability of the laser treatments since, by further nanostructuring of the Mo oxides, it could be beneficial also for sensing applications.

Materials (Basel) 15 (23), pp. 8333-1–8333-20

DOI: 10.3390/ma15238333

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Temperature-dependent electrical and structural characterization of laser-induced graphitic microwires in CVD diamond

Matteo Mastellone and Alessandro Bellucci and Marco Girolami and Valerio Serpente and Riccardo Polini and Stefano Orlando and Veronica Valentini and Antonio Santagata and Barbara Paci and Amanda Generosi and Marco Guaragno and Daniele M. Trucchi

An array of 2500 vertical graphitic microwires was fabricated within a single-crystal diamond plate with the purpose of creating distributed electrically conductive structures intended for the development of electronic devices operating at high temperatures. To this end, the structural, morphological, and electrical properties of the diamond/graphite system were investigated as a function of temperature up to 550?C, by means of optical and secondary electron microscopy (SEM), micro-Raman spectroscopy and current-voltage measurements. The vertical microstructuring of the diamond bulk was obtained by a laser-induced phase transition from diamond to graphite by means of ultra-short laser pulses (100?fs duration, 800?nm wavelength, 1?kHz repetition rate). As inferred from SEM micrographs, the graphitic wires display a high-aspect-ratio with length of approximately 200??m and diameter of about 10??m. The electrical resistivity of the single microwire is estimated to be 0.49?0.15???cm at room temperature, then decreasing linearly with temperature with a coefficient of approximately -1??10-2?K-1. Raman spectroscopy results point out the absence of structural alterations after high-temperature operations.

Diamond and related materials 128–109294

DOI: 10.1016/J.DIAMOND.2022.109294

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Charge Transport Mechanisms of Black Diamond at Cryogenic Temperatures

Orsini A.; Barettin D.; Ercoli F.; Rossi M.C.; Pettinato S.; Salvatori S.; Mezzi A.; Polini R.; Bellucci A.; Mastellone M.; Girolami M.; Valentini V.; Orlando S.; Trucchi D.M.

Black diamond is an emerging material for solar applications. The femtosecond laser surface treatment of pristine transparent diamond allows the solar absorptance to be increased to values greater than 90% from semi-transparency conditions. In addition, the defects introduced by fs-laser treatment strongly increase the diamond surface electrical conductivity and a very-low activation energy is observed at room temperature. In this work, the investigation of electronic transport mechanisms of a fs-laser nanotextured diamond surface is reported. The charge transport was studied down to cryogenic temperatures, in the 30-300 K range. The samples show an activation energy of a few tens of meV in the highest temperature interval and for T < 50 K, the activation energy diminishes to a few meV. Moreover, thanks to fast cycles of measurement, we noticed that the black-diamond samples also seem to show a behavior close to ferromagnetic materials, suggesting electron spin influence over the transport properties. The mentioned properties open a new perspective in designing novel diamond-based biosensors and a deep knowledge of the charge-carrier transport in black diamond becomes fundamental.

Nanomaterials (Basel) 12 (13), pp. 2253

DOI: 10.3390/nano12132253

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Insights into the Thermally Activated Cyclization Mechanism in a Linear Phenylalanine-Alanine Dipeptide

Laura Carlini, Jacopo Chiarinelli, Giuseppe Mattioli, Mattea Carmen Castrovilli, Veronica Valentini, Adriana De Stefanis, Elvira Maria Bauer, Paola Bolognesi, and Lorenzo Avaldi

Dipeptides, the prototype peptides, exist in both linear (l-) and cyclo (c-) structures. Since the first mass spectrometry experiments, it has been observed that some l-structures may turn into the cyclo ones, likely via a temperature-induced process. In this work, combining several different experimental techniques (mass spectrometry, infrared and Raman spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis) with tight-binding and ab initio simulations, we provide evidence that, in the case of L -phenylalanyl- L -alanine, an irreversible cyclization mechanism, catalyzed by water and driven by temperature, occurs in the condensed phase. This process can be considered as a very efficient strategy to improve dipeptide stability by turning the comparatively fragile linear structure into the robust and more stable cyclic one. This mechanism may have played a role in prebiotic chemistry and can be further exploited in the preparation of nanomaterials and drugs.

The journal of physical chemistry. B 126, pp. 2968–2978

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.1c10736

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Self-powered solar-blind ultrafast UV-C diamond detectors with asymmetric Schottky contacts

Girolami Marco; Serpente Valerio; Mastellone Matteo; Tardocchi Marco; Rebai Marica; Xiu Qinglei; Liu Jinlong; Sun Zhijia; Zhao Yubin; Valentini Veronica; Trucchi Daniele M.

Single-crystal chemical vapour deposition (CVD) diamond samples with asymmetric Schottky contacts were used for the fabrication of vertical metal-semiconductor-metal detectors for deep ultraviolet (UV-C) radiation. Spectral photoconductivity measurements, performed in the 190 ÷ 1100 nm wavelength range, returned an ultraviolet-to-visible (UV/Vis) rejection ratio of 6.8 × 103 under photovoltaic operating conditions, ensuring solar blindness and zero power consumption at the same time. When applying bias, UV/Vis rejection ratio reached excellent values (>104) even at very low electric fields (0.01 V/?m), thanks to the excellent structural quality and the superior charge transport properties of the diamond bulk, as inferred from Raman analysis and spectral photoconductivity measurements. Mobility-lifetime (??) product of the photogenerated carriers was indeed measured to be about 5 × 10-3 cm2/V in case of holes, which is the highest room-temperature ?? value ever reported for CVD diamond, enabling a response speed in the nanosecond range even at zero-bias operating conditions.

Carbon 189, pp. 27–36

DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2021.12.050

2021, Articolo in rivista, CPE

Novel concepts and nanostructured materials for thermionic-based solar and thermal energy converters

Bellucci, A.; Girolami, M.; Mastellone, M.; Orlando, S.; Polini, R.; Santagata, A.; Serpente, V; Valentini, V.; Trucchi, D. M.

Thermal and concentrated solar solid-state converters are devices with no moving parts, corresponding to long lifetimes, limited necessity of maintenance, and scalability. Among the solid-state converters, the thermionic-based devices are attracting an increasing interest in the specific growing sector of energy conversion performed at high-temperature. During the last 10 years, hybrid thermionic-based concepts, conceived to cover operating temperatures up to 2000 degrees C, have been intensively developed. In this review, the thermionic-thermoelectric, photon-enhanced thermionic emission, thermionic-photovoltaic energy converters are extensively discussed. The design and development processes as well as the tailoring of the properties of nanostructured materials performed by the authors are comprehensively described and compared with the advances achieved by the international scientific community.

Nanotechnology (Bristol. Print) 32 (2)

DOI: 10.1088/1361-6528/abba57

2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Femtosecond-Laser Nanostructuring of Black Diamond Films under Different Gas Environments

Marco Girolami, Alessandro Bellucci, Matteo Mastellone, Stefano Orlando, Valerio Serpente, Veronica Valentini, Riccardo Polini, Elisa Sani, Tilde De Caro, Daniele M. Trucchi

Irradiation of diamond with femtosecond (fs) laser pulses in ultra-high vacuum (UHV) conditions results in the formation of surface periodic nanostructures able to strongly interact with visible and infrared light. As a result, native transparent diamond turns into a completely different material, namely "black" diamond, with outstanding absorptance properties in the solar radiation wavelength range, which can be efficiently exploited in innovative solar energy converters. Of course, even if extremely effective, the use of UHV strongly complicates the fabrication process. In this work, in order to pave the way to an easier and more cost-effective manufacturing workflow of black diamond, we demonstrate that it is possible to ensure the same optical properties as those of UHV-fabricated films by performing an fs-laser nanostructuring at ambient conditions (i.e., room temperature and atmospheric pressure) under a constant He flow, as inferred from the combined use of scanning electron microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and spectrophotometry analysis. Conversely, if the laser treatment is performed under a compressed air flow, or a N2 flow, the optical properties of black diamond films are not comparable to those of their UHV-fabricated counterparts.

Materials (Basel) 13 (24), pp. 5761

DOI: 10.3390/ma13245761

2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Improving the Performance of Printable Carbon Electrodes by Femtosecond Laser Treatment

Girolami, Marco; Bellucci, Alessandro; Mastellone, Matteo; Serpente, Valerio; Orlando, Stefano; Valentini, Veronica; Palma, Alessandro L.; Di Carlo, Aldo; Trucchi, Daniele M.

Low-cost carbon-conductive films were screen-printed on a Plexiglas(R)substrate, and then, after a standard annealing procedure, subjected to femtosecond (fs) laser treatments at different values of total accumulated laser fluence phi(A). Four-point probe measurements showed that, if phi(A)> 0.3 kJ/cm(2), the sheet resistance of laser-treated films can be reduced down to about 15 omega/sq, which is a value more than 20% lower than that measured on as-annealed untreated films. Furthermore, as pointed out by a comprehensive Raman spectroscopy analysis, it was found that sheet resistance decreases linearly with phi(A), due to a progressively higher degree of crystallinity and stacking order of the graphitic phase. Results therefore highlight that fs-laser treatment can be profitably used as an additional process for improving the performance of printable carbon electrodes, which have been recently proposed as a valid alternative to metal electrodes for stable and up-scalable perovskite solar cells.

C (Basel) 6 (3)

DOI: 10.3390/c6030048

2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Enhanced selective solar absorption of surface nanotextured semi-insulating 6H-SiC

Mastellone M.; Bellucci A.; Girolami M.; Montereali R.M.; Orlando S.; Polini R.; Serpente V.; Sani E.; Valentini V.; Vincenti M.A.; Trucchi D.M.

Surface treatments were performed on single-crystal semi-insulating 6H-SiC by femtosecond pulsed laser irradiation, aimed at analyzing the effect of the laser-induced periodic surface structures (LIPSSs) on the films' optical properties. The surface morphology study of the laser-induced nanostructures allows determining the modification threshold fluence of about 0.7 J cm as well as detecting fine (160 nm) and coarse (450-550 nm) ripples according to different values of the laser pulse fluence (?) released to the material. Micro-Raman spectroscopy allows determining the presence of undesired amorphous structural phases when ? exceeds 2.15 J cm, whereas no compositional variations occur for lower values of ?. Samples treated on the entire surface with the pulse fluence conditions to obtain fine ripples were optically tested. Although the long-range order is progressively lost as the accumulated laser fluence increases, the heaviest treated samples show solar absorptance values > 75% and spectral selectivity up to 1.7 projected at the operating temperature of 1000 K, thus pointing out the suitability of fs-laser surface textured 6H-SiC to act as a selective solar absorber for energy conversion devices operating at high temperature.

Optical materials (Amst., Print) 107, pp. 109967-1–109967-8

DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2020.109967

2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Ultra-thin films of barium fluoride with low work function for thermionic-thermophotovoltaic applications

Serpente, V.; Bellucci, A.; Girolami, M.; Mastellone, M.; Mezzi, A.; Kaciulis, S.; Carducci, R.; Polini, R.; Valentini, V.; Trucchi, D. M.

The deposition of barium fluoride thin and ultra-thin films on gallium arsenide substrates was performed by electron beam evaporation for analyzing the influence of film thickness and chemical composition on the work function of the resulting heterostructure. X-ray photoemission spectroscopy combined with ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy measurements reveals that films of 2 nm nominal thickness and Ba/F = 1.0 stoichiometry ratio induce the achievement of a significantly low work function of 2.1 eV to the BaF/GaAs heterostructure. The significant reduction of the work function at least down to 3.0 eV is confirmed by a test thermionic converter operating at a cathode temperature of 1385 °C, where the heterostructure was applied as anode. The low work function, together with a negligible optical absorption, makes feasible the practical application of barium fluoride coatings on GaAs within hybrid thermionic-thermophotovoltaic devices.

Materials chemistry and physics (Print) 249, pp. 122989

DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2020.122989

2020, Comunicazione in rivista (Letter - Letter to editor), ENG

All-carbon THz components based on laser-treated diamond

Amoruso S.; Andreone A.; Bellucci A.; Koral C.; Girolami M.; Mastellone M.; Mou S.; Orlando S.; Papari G.P.; Paparo D.; Polini R.; Rubano A.; Santagata A.; Serpente V.; Valentini V.; Trucchi D.M.

Carbon 163, pp. 197–201

DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2020.03.023

2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Phase transition, structural defects and stress development in superficial and buried regions of femtosecond laser modified diamond

Rossi, M. C.; Salvatori, S.; Conte, G.; Kononenko, T.; Valentini, V.

Micro-Raman spectroscopy has been used to monitor structural defects and stress state developing in diamond due to formation of 3D graphitic electrodes for the achievement of optimized carrier collection in ionizing radiation and particle diamond detectors.

Optical materials (Amst., Print) 96

DOI: 10.1016/j.optmat.2019.109214

2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Electrical conductivity of double textured black diamond films from RT to 800 K

A. Orsini, A. Bellucci, M. Girolami, M. Mastellone, S. Orlando, G. Prestopino, V. Valentini, S. Salvatori, D.M. Trucchi

Black diamond films represent examples of defect-engineered materials with enhanced optical and photoelectronic properties for applications at high temperatures and in harsh environments. Up to now, no scientific study about the electronic transport properties in the dark on the treated side has been reported as a function of temperature. Experimental results highlight that double-textured black diamond samples, obtained by two successive laser treatments along each orthogonal direction of diamond substrates, have electric transport characterized by two activation energies. The first one is responsible for the room-temperature conduction, with values comparable to the thermal energy at 300 K (tens of meV) and the second one appearing around 550 K, with values ranging from 0.45 of eV to almost 1.74 eV in the different samples. Interestingly, as the fraction of accumulated fluence released during the first of the two treatments decreases, the activation energy at high temperature of the samples increases, as well as the instability of electric conductivity after thermal annealing, that in turn induces a decrease of all the activation energies down to about 0.3-0.4 eV

Diamond and related materials 93, pp. 1–7

DOI: 10.1016/j.diamond.2019.01.011

2018, Poster, ENG

Phase Transition, Structural Defects and Stress Development in Superficial and Buried Regions of Femtosecond Laser Modified Diamond

M.C. Rossi 1, S. Salvatori 2, G. Conte 3, T. Kononenko 4, V. Valentini 5

Micro-Raman spectroscopy has been used to monitor structural defects and stress state developing in 3D graphitic electrodes realized by laser irradiation for the achievement of optimized carrier collection in ionizing radiation and particle diamond detectors. Buried graphitic pillars were fabricated in a single-crystal CVD-diamond sample by means of a 400 fs pulsed laser operating at ?=1030 nm. The same conditions were also used for the realization of two series of graphitic strips on the surface allowing buried pillars connections. MicroRaman spectra of untreated regions exhibits the typical diamond peak at 1332 cm-1 which changes in intensity, width and position within the graphitic surface strips, where a G band in the range 1580-1600 cm-1 is also detected suggesting a mixed composition of the laser modified material. Strength decrease, shifting and broadening of the diamond Raman peak is detected by crossing graphitic electrodes and along buried pillars, pointing out that phase transition from diamond to graphitic carbon is accompanied both by stress development and by structural disorder in the residual diamond tissue. In these regions, Raman spectra also exhibits a broad photoluminescence background signal, whose intensity appears related to graphitization process. In particular, a splitting of the diamond Raman peak is detected around pillars on the top surfaces suggesting the occurrence of a laser-induced anisotropic stress. From these results it is then tentatively suggested that charge transport in laser modified regions occurs through both graphitic carbon and disordered diamond paths, thereby affecting the 3D carrier collection.

EURODIM 2018, Bydgoszcz Poland, 9-13/07/2018

2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Optical characterization of double-nanotextured black diamond films

M. Girolami, A. Bellucci, M. Mastellone, S. Orlando, V. Valentini, R.M. Montereali, M.A. Vincenti, R. Polini, D.M. Trucchi

Double-nanotextured black diamond films with different geometries were fabricated by double-step femtosecond laser treatments at different split ratios of accumulated laser fluence. A "2D-like" pseudo-periodic nanostructure was obtained for the first time when the split ratio was slightly unbalanced in favour of the first step of the treatment, as inferred by scanning electron microscopy. Raman analysis showed that a residual biaxial stress, composed by a superposition of a tensile and a compressive component, is always present after the laser writing process, and that the two components tend to balance each other in the 2D pseudo-periodic case. Spectrophotometric measurements in the 200 e2000 nm wavelength range returned outstanding solar absorptance values for all the fabricated films (reaching the unprecedented value of 99.1% in the "2D-like" structure), launching double-nanotextured black diamond as a possible alternative to black silicon as absorbing layer for high-efficiency solar cells.

Carbon 138, pp. 384–389

DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2018.07.055

2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

HFCVD nanostructured diamond films deposited by a combination of seeding suspensions and novel nucleation process (NNP)

D. Mukherjee 1 e 2 , R. Polini 3, V. Valentini 4, S. Z. Rotter 1, J. C. Mendes 5

The ultrasonic seeding of a substrate with diamond suspensions enriches the surface with nanometre-sized seeds that coalesce and form a closed conformal film during early stages of diamond growth. To get insight on seeds early growth and evaluate the seeding efficiency of different suspensions, silicon samples were exposed to diamond growth conditions before seeding; this leaves a thin carbon film on the substrate surface. Following this step samples were seeded with commercial nanodiamond suspensions, exposed again to growth conditions and characterised by SEM. Results showed that seeding suspensions played a role depending on particle size and nature of dispersing medium. Seeding density was larger and more uniform in samples pre-exposed to diamond growth conditions. The carbon film deposited during the pre-treatment improves deagglomeration of nanodiamond seeds via a more effective interaction between substrate surface and seeds. This procedure represents a viable way to grow thin conformal diamond coatings by HFCVD.

International journal of surface science and engineering (Print) 11 (3), pp. 225–240

DOI: 10.1504

InstituteSelected 0/15
    ISM, Istituto di struttura della materia (38)
    ISC, Istituto dei sistemi complessi (24)
    ISMN, Istituto per lo studio dei materiali nanostrutturati (9)
    NANOTEC, Istituto di Nanotecnologia (7)
    IC, Istituto di cristallografia (4)
    INO, Istituto nazionale di ottica (3)
    IMAA, Istituto di metodologie per l'analisi ambientale (2)
    IMM, Istituto per la microelettronica e microsistemi (2)
    ISTEC, Istituto di scienza e tecnologia dei materiali ceramici (2)
    IFN, Istituto di fotonica e nanotecnologie (1)
AuthorSelected 1/12016

Valentini Veronica

    Drioli Enrico (1623)
    Pasetto Gaia (1193)
    Passer Mauro (1184)
    Arico' Antonino Salvatore (983)
    Ambrosio Luigi (981)
    Di Marzo Vincenzo (976)
    Ferrari Maurizio (948)
    Viegi Giovanni (906)
    Antonucci Vincenzo (866)
    Ferraro Pietro (849)
TypeSelected 0/8
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    Contributo in atti di convegno (3)
    Rapporto di ricerca (Research report) (2)
    Comunicazione in rivista (Letter - Letter to editor) (1)
    Progetto (1)
Research programSelected 0/29
    MD.P03.030.001, Interazione Laser Materia (14)
    MD.P02.006.001, Preparazione, caratterizzazione e modellizzazione di mesostrutture di materiali complessi. (12)
    MD.P02.005.001, Crescita e funzionalità di materiali e sistemi complessi a base carbonio (10)
    MD.P05.022.001, Materiali e Dispositivi a base Carbonio (6)
    PM.P06.002.001, Sviluppo e Applicazioni di Metodi Cristallografici (4)
    DFM.AD001.123.001, Diamante CVD per Elettronica, Sensoristica ed Energia (3)
    DG.RSTL.109.003, ECODIAMOND Nuclear (Waste) to Electrical Direct Energy Conversion by Diamond based devices*. (3)
    DFM.AD001.248.001, PLATONE - Laser-Induced Defect Engineering (2)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/2
    FP7 (16)
    H2020 (5)
EU ProjectSelected 0/4
    PROME3THE2US2 (16)
    AMADEUS (3)
    TECSAS (2)
    E2PHEST2US (1)
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    Inglese (59)
    Creolo-inglese (altra lingua) (1)
    Italiano (1)
KeywordSelected 0/182
    Raman spectroscopy (6)
    Diamond (5)
    LIPSS (4)
    PLD (3)
    diamond (3)
    Black diamond (2)
    Carbon Nitride (2)
    FTIR (2)
    Optical properties (2)
    Raman (2)