2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Combining non-invasive techniques for reliable prediction of soft stone strength in historic masonries

Vasanelli, Emilia; Colangiuli, Donato; Calia, Angela; Sbartaï, Zoubir Mehdi; Breysse, Denys

In this study, some NDTs (Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity UPV and Rebound Hammer) and uniaxial compressive test on microcores (UCSm) as a moderately destructive test, were investigated as tools for assessing the uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of a soft limestone. Correlations between UCS and results of each above-mentioned tests were determined by a univariable regression analysis. Artificial Neural Network and the Multiple Regression Analyses were considered to search correlations between UCS and combined results of the non-invasive tests. An iterative cross-validation procedure was implemented to validate the predictive performances of the models. It was found that combining UPV and UCSm results gives the best reliability in the indirect estimation of UCS, with a notably reduced predictive error.

Construction & building materials 146, pp. 744–754

DOI: 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2017.04.146

2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Rethinking the history of common walnut (Juglans regia L.) in Europe: Its origins and human interactions

Paola Pollegioni1¤*, Keith Woeste2, Francesca Chiocchini1, Stefano Del Lungo3, Marco Ciolfi1, Irene Olimpieri1, Virginia Tortolano1, Jo Clark4, Gabriel E. Hemery5, Sergio Mapelli6, Maria Emilia Malvolti1

Common walnut (Juglans regia L) is an economically important species cultivated worldwide for its high-quality wood and nuts. It is generally accepted that after the last glaciation J. regia survived and grew in almost completely isolated stands in Asia, and that ancient humans dispersed walnuts across Asia and into new habitats via trade and cultural expansion. The history of walnut in Europe is a matter of debate, however. In this study, we estimated the genetic diversity and structure of 91 Eurasian walnut populations using 14 neutral microsatellites. By integrating fossil pollen, cultural, and historical data with population genetics, and approximate Bayesian analysis, we reconstructed the demographic history of walnut and its routes of dispersal across Europe. The genetic data confirmed the presence of walnut in glacial refugia in the Balkans and western Europe. We conclude that humanmediated admixture between Anatolian and Balkan walnut germplasm started in the Early Bronze Age, and between western Europe and the Balkans in eastern Europe during the Roman Empire. A population size expansion and subsequent decline in northeastern and western Europe was detected in the last five centuries. The actual distribution of walnut in Europe resulted from the combined effects of expansion/contraction from multiple refugia after the Last Glacial Maximum and its human exploitation over the last 5,000 years.

PloS one, pp. 1–24

DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172541

2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Influence of the Distribution of a Spray Paint on the Efficacy of Anti-Graffiti Coatings on a Highly Porous Natural Stone Material

Masieri, Maurizio; Lettieri, Mariateresa

Graffiti on facades often has a heavy impact in social and economic terms, particularly when historical and artistic artefacts are affected. To limit the damages to the surfaces, preventive plans are implemented and anti-graffiti coatings are used as a protective measure. In this study, the distribution of a spray paint inside a highly porous stone, with and without anti-graffiti protection, was investigated. Two commercial sacrificial anti-graffiti systems were used and an acrylic-based paint was applied as staining agent. Environmental scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) microanalysis were performed to characterise, from the morphological and chemical point of view, the anti-graffiti coatings and the paint. Maps of the main elements were acquired to locate the different products inside the stone. Chemical removers were used to clean the stained surfaces, then the effectiveness of the cleaning was assessed by visual observations and colour measurements, as well as on the basis of percentage of residual stain. The obtained results highlighted that the anti-graffiti efficacy strongly depended on the characteristics of the applied coating. This latter usually acted as a barrier, but good results were obtained only where the stain did not remain as a separate layer, but penetrated the protective coating. Microcracks in the anti-graffiti coating were able to nullify the protective action.

Coatings (Basel) 7 (2)

DOI: 10.3390/coatings7020018

2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Colloidal Nanocrystalline Semiconductor Materials as Photocatalysts for Environmental Protection of Architectural Stone

Francesca Petronella, Antonella Pagliarulo, Marinella Striccoli, Angela Calia, Mariateresa Lettieri, Donato Colangiuli, Maria Lucia Curri, Roberto Comparelli

Rod-shaped TiO2 nanocrystals (TiO2 NRs), capped by oleic acid molecules (OLEA), were synthesized with controlled size, shape and surface chemistry by using colloidal routes. They were investigated for application as coating materials for preserving architectural stone of monumental and archaeological interest, in consideration of their self-cleaning and protection properties. For this purpose, two different deposition techniques, namely casting and dipping, were tested for the application of a nanocrystal dispersion on a defined stone type, as a relevant example of porous calcarenites, namely the Pietra Leccese, a building stone widely used in monuments and buildings of cultural and historic interest of the Apulia region (Italy). The physical properties of the stone surface were investigated before and after the treatment with the prepared nanostructured materials. In particular, colour, wettability, water transfer properties and stability of the coating were monitored as a function of time and of the application method. The self-cleaning properties of the TiO2 NRs coated surfaces were tested under simulated and real solar irradiation. The obtained results were discussed in the light of the specific surface chemistry and morphology of TiO2 NRs, demonstrating the effectiveness of TiO2 NRs as an active component in formulations for stone protection.

Crystals (Basel) 7 (1)

DOI: 10.3390/cryst7010030

2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

On the Relationship between Holocene Geomorphic Evolution of Rivers and Prehistoric Settlements Distribution in the Songshan Mountain Region of China

Peng Lu 1,2,*, Duowen Mo 3, Hui Wang 4, Ruixia Yang 1,2,5, Yan Tian 1, Panpan Chen 1, Rosa Lasaponara 1,6 and Nicola Masini 1,7

This paper deals with the study of Holocene geomorphic evolution of rivers around Songshan Mountain in relation to human frequentation in Prehistoric periods. The investigations were performed by means of an integration of GIS data processing; field surveys and particle size analysis. In 8000-3000 aBP; in the Songshan Mountain Region, large-scale river sedimentation occurred. This increased the elevation of river beds that were higher than today. After 3000 aBP; the upper reaches of the rivers experienced a down cut; while the lower reaches experienced continuing sedimentation. The data on the elevation of prehistoric settlements above the river levels were obtained from Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). These data were corrected according to the evolutionary features of fluvial landforms in order to obtain synchronous elevations above river levels of prehistoric settlements. The relationship between sediment distribution and the Holocene geomorphic evolution was investigated through the statistical analysis of the elevation above the river levels. Outputs from our analyses enabled us to differentiate three evolutionary stages. During the first one, related to Peiligang culture (9000-7500 aBP), populations mainly settled on both hilly relief and high plateaus depending on their agriculture production modes. During the second stage, from Yangshao (7500-5000 aBP) to the Longshan period (5000-4000 aBP), settlements were mainly distributed on mountainous areas and hilly lands to avoid flooding and to develop agriculture. Finally, during the Xiashang culture (4000-3000 aBP), a large number of settlements migrated to the plain area to facilitate trade of goods and cultural exchanges.

Sustainability 9 (1), pp. Art.114.1–Art.114.15

DOI: 10.3390/su9010114

2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

On the use of historical archive of aerial photographs for the discovery and interpretation of ancient hidden linear cultural relics in the alluvial plain of eastern Henan, China

Peng Lu, Ruixia Yang, Panpan Chen, Yangshan Guo, Fulong Chen, Nicola Masini, Rosa Lasaponara

tHidden linear ancient cultural relics were discovered in the alluvial plain of Eastern Henan province(China) using historical archive of aerial photographs and further confirmed by regional features, histori-cal documents and recent archaeological progress. The discovered relics included large-scale man-madeditches, canals and dock relics in Shangqiu and circular moat relics in Luyi. According to historical docu-ments and archaeological researches, we discussed the cultural types and natures of the relics discoveredby remote sensing images. On this basis, more pertinent and operable interpretation marks were pro-posed focusing on hidden linear ancient cultural relics in the alluvial plain. To improve the interpretationof the traditional crop, soil and shadow marks, we also included indexes of scale, continuity, shape andclustering. Our research highlights the macroscopic and spectrographic observation capability of remotesensing in discovering large-scale, massive, surface distribution of ancient cultural relics. In the test area,the solution of image interpretation was proposed through a combined feature identification of scale,continuity, shape and clustering. The derived thematic map demonstrated that the proposed solution iseffective for discovering ancient remains in the alluvial plain of eastern Henan, China

Journal of cultural heritage 23 (1), pp. 20–27

DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2015.09.010

2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

From remote sensing to a serious game: Digital reconstruction of an abandoned medieval village in Southern Italy

Francesco Gabellone a, Antonio Lanorte b, Nicola Masini c, Rosa Lasaponara b

The digital reconstruction of the history of a buried medieval village is the main focus of this paper. Thestudy, based on remote sensing and historical sources, is the starting point of the development of a seriousgame aimed at educational purposes and exploitation of remote sensing data in the field of edutainment.The selected historical scenario is Yrsum, a village in Basilicata (South of Italy), founded in the 11th centuryand abandoned in the 14th century. A LiDAR survey along with satellite multispectral data (suitablyelaborated for feature extraction) as well as the historical sources and archaeological records provideduseful information on the 'forma urbis' of the medieval settlement from its foundation to its abandonment.The extraction of the archaeological features and the analysis of urban pattern put in evidence similaritieswith some medieval settlements based on "motte and bailey" typology that spread in Southern Italy,France and England from the 11th to the 13th century. After the virtual reconstruction, an interactiveapplication articulated both on bi-dimensional and three-dimensional elements have been developed.The major novelty compared to most common video games has been the possibility to derive the gamefrom rigorously scientific data. The player enjoys and learns within a logic of an edutainment game (acombination of education and entertainment), which has become by now a well-established concept butstill rarely applied in the field of cultural heritage.

Journal of cultural heritage 23 (1), pp. 63–70

DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2016.01.012

2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Archeological crop marks identified from Cosmo-SkyMed time series: the case of Han-Wei capital city, Luoyang, China

Jiang A.; Chen F.; Masini N.; Capozzoli L.; Romano G.; Sileo M.; Yang R.; Tang P.; Chen P.; Lasaponara R.; Liu G.

The development of spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) technology declares that the golden era of SAR remote sensing in archeology is approaching; however, nowadays its methodology framework is still lacking due to the inadequate case studies validated by ground-truths. In this study, we investigated the crop marks using multi-temporal Cosmo-SkyMed data acquired in 2013 by applying a two-step decision-tree classifier in conjunction with a spatial analysis in an area of archeological interest nearby the archeological site of Han-Wei capital city (1900-1500 BP), in Luoyang, China. The time-series backscattering anomalies related to the wheat growth cycle were identified and then further validated in two zones by geophysical investigations (Ground Penetration Radar and electrical measurements) and in a third zone by archeological excavations made after the SAR data acquisition. This study provides a new approach for the relic detection, shallowly buried and covered by the crop vegetation, by temporal crop marks on spaceborne SAR images. We also emphasize the necessity to establish a satellite-to-ground methodology framework for the promotion of remote-sensing technology in archeology.

International journal of digital earth (Print) 10 (8), pp. 846–860

DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2016.1254686

2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

An overview of satellite synthetic aperture radar remote sensing in archaeology: From site detection to monitoring

Chen F.; Lasaponara R.; Masini N.

In the last two decades, archaeology has benefited from the development of earth observation (EO) technologies, including optical multispectral, LiDAR and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) remote sensing. The latter is gaining the attention of an expanding community of scientists and archaeologists due to the increasing availability of multi-platform, multi-band, multi-polarization and very high-resolution satellite SAR data. It is increasingly becoming an important tool in archaeology owing to specific characteristic of its operational modalities, e.g. all-weather, penetration, polarization and interferometry. However, compared to other EO technologies, SAR is encountering more difficulties in realizing its full potential for archaeological applications due to the greater complexity of data processing and interpretation tools. In this paper, SAR-based approaches for the reconnaissance of archaeological signs and SAR interferometry for the monitoring of cultural heritage sites are discussed. Ways and means to reduce complexity of data processing and interpretation tools are also explored.

Journal of cultural heritage 23 (1), pp. 5–11

DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2015.05.003

2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Qualitative evaluation of COSMO SkyMed in the detection of earthen archaeological remains: The case of Pachamacac (Peru)

Lasaponara R.(1), Masini N.(2), Pecci A.(2), Perciante A.(1), Pozzi Escot D.(3), Rizzo E.(1), Scavone M.(2), Sileo M.(1)

tArchaeological prospection of earthen buried structures, namely non-fired sun-dried mud bricks mixedwith organic material, is a critical challenge to address. In fact, this building material exhibits a very lowgeophysical contrast compared to its surroundings and, therefore, earthen structures are very complexto be identified using remote sensing. In order to cope with this issue, in this paper, we focus on theevaluation of satellite X-band radar data (COSMO-SkyMed) capability for detecting earthen buried struc-tures in a desert area. The results obtained from satellite radar data have been validated for a test site inPachacamac (Peru) by using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and geomagnetic techniques. The test siteis outside the fenced protected zone of Pachacamac, today in the tentative UNESCO list. This paper isthe first attempt made until now in evaluating the detectability of earthen archaeological remains usingsatellite Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) data. Outcomes from our investigations clearly point out thatthe approach we adopted can be useful applied for preventive archaeology and for the planning of futureexcavation campaigns

Journal of cultural heritage (Online) 23 (1), pp. 55–62

DOI: 10.1016/j.culher.2015.12.010

2016, Articolo in rivista, ITA

Il plastico ottocentesco di Pompei al sorgere della fotografia: un "doppio" archivio 3D?

Daniele Malfitana, Giulio Amara, Samuele Barone, Giovanni Fragalà, Danilo P. Pavone

The magnificent cork plastic model of Pompeii (1861-1929 ca.) represents a valuable document for the archaeological research and an exceptional testimony of a fading methodology. The Pompeian maquette, summarizing multiple data and various documentary supports, constitutes a tridimensional physical archive, a holistic snapshot of the site close to its excavation: the urban topography, the residential and public architecture, the entire heritage of frescoes and mosaics. Emblematically it places itself in a period of transition: while the modellers still worked with cork, plaster and brushes, the earliest photographers were testing at Pompeii the new methodologies of documentation. The spread of the photographic sensibility, the interest for contexts and their open and objective reproduction conditioned deeply the conception of the great plastic model.The whole plastic model of Pompeii has been acquired and rendered through digital photography, taking into account each detail: from the tridimensional physical archive to a digital 3D model. At the crossroad between Phelloplastics, archive photography and new methodologies, the digital 3D survey constitutes a peculiar archive of images and data set in their contextual environment and related to their analogue cork model. Considering some Pompeian domus, their decorations (frescoes, floorings) and building details, it is possible to make comparisons between their current status and the documentary evidence given by the cork model and its digital 3D reproduction.

Quaderni friulani di archeologia XXVI, pp. 224–211

2016, Rapporto tecnico, ITA

Rapporto Tecnico Progetto Science & Technology Digital Library

Samuele Barone

Rapporto tecnico Progetto "Science & Technology Digital Library" Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali del CNR

2016, Monografia o trattato scientifico, ITA

Dall'analogico al digitale. Metodologie e tecniche per il patrimonio culturale e librario

Samuele Barone

Il seguente contributo si propone di illustrare, attraverso alcuni significativi casi studio, il contributo del team di ricerca dell'Istituto per i Beni Archeologici e Multimedia del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche della sede di Catania nella ricerca e sperimentazione della digitalizzazione del patrimonio librario e archeologico. I lavori presentati sono, infatti, il risultato di ricerche attualmente in corso, condotte all'interno di progetti europei e nazionali, che mostrano come l'IBAM CNR sia impegnato, ormai da anni, nel settore della conoscenza, documentazione, diagnosi, conservazione, digitalizzazione e fruizione del patrimonio culturale. Dati e risultati ottenuti da un sinergico lavoro di squadra che vede operare all'interno del LAIM (Laboratorio di Archeologia Immersiva e Multimedia dell'IBAM) un team multidisciplinare costituito da archeologi, fotografi ed esperti di foto-modellazione 3D, ingegneri informatici, tecnologi e addetti alla comunicazione. Come si potrà vedere nel corso del contributo, negli ultimi anni la ricerca sul patrimonio culturale promossa dall'IBAM di Catania si è molto orientata verso tecnologie e metodologie di digitalizzazione del patrimonio storico, librario, archeologico e monumentale. Oltre all'attività di scansione e metadatazione del patrimonio librario, l'Istituto ha condotto campagne di digitalizzazione di reperti, monumenti e interi complessi archeologici. Queste attività hanno visto l'impiego, da parte dei tecnici specializzati dell'Istituto, di numerose metodologie e tecniche di digitalizzazione, basate su strumentazione di alto livello professionale. I vantaggi della digitalizzazione per la conservazione del patrimonio culturale sono noti da diversi anni, ma nell'ambito della ricerca umanistica essi assumono un nuova veste. Soddisfatta la necessità della conservazione e della replicabilità dei dati, la digitalizzazione oggi diventa spunto per nuovi percorsi di studio, in quanto genera la possibilità, a differenza del passato, di poter avere accesso e lavorare su una grandissima quantità di dati, tutti, tra l'altro, sottoposti ad un immediato controllo e confronto, potendosi di conseguenza definire in prima battuta molto affidabili. Infatti è possibile confrontarsi immediatamente su dati e sui risultati della ricerca, condotta su dataset creati dalla digitalizzazione, aumentando in maniera esponenziale non solo la conoscenza approfondita del patrimonio culturale ma anche le sue possibilità comunicative. I beni digitalizzati e studiati grazie all'uso delle nuove tecnologie diventano così spunti di narrazione differenziata, dal momento che la digitalizzazione tende naturalmente a una fruizione più allargata, veicolata dal web per esempio, cambiando la prospettiva della ricerca sui beni culturali, non più confinabile all'interno di schemi collaudati di condivisione accademica, ma adesso orientata a una conoscenza diversa e più sfaccettata, basata sul concetto d'informazione multi-layer. La grande disponibilità, sempre più crescente, di risorse tecnologiche e informatiche ha, infatti, rappresentato un salto di qualità nei sistemi di archiviazione dei dati e soprattutto nella capacità di relazione e di interconnessione dei dati stessi, grazie a nuovi paradigmi e protocolli di scambio dati e classificazione delle informazioni, come di nuove ed efficienti infrastrutture di scala globale, capaci di fornire un nuovo universo cibernetico, uno spazio in cui i dati possono essere classificati e messi in relazione tra loro, anche se appartenenti a rami dello scibile molto diversi, e messi a disposizione, a seconda degli interessi dell'utente, agli addetti ai lavori così come ai semplici curiosi. Questo tipo d'impostazione, dunque, permette di raggiungere diverse tipologie di fruitori del patrimonio culturale, dallo specialista allo studente, dal semplice curioso al turista, investendo l'attività di ricerca sui BB.CC. di una missione ancora più ricca e più direttamente integrata con il tessuto sociale e con le potenzialità di sviluppo, anche economico, che i beni librari, archeologici e monumentali rappresentano. In quest'ottica è possibile apprezzare meglio le possibilità comunicative delle nuove tecnologie e l'importanza di poter accedere più facilmente ed efficientemente a informazioni che fino a oggi erano celate nelle migliaia di biblioteche sparse nel nostro paese, troppo spesso, purtroppo, dimenticate, o relegate ad aree archeologiche non sempre raggiungibili o di difficile fruizione, basti pensare all'archeologia urbana, in cui problemi legati alla naturale e storica stratificazione del tessuto urbano spesso rendono difficile l'accesso e la fruizione, nonché a volte la semplice individuazione, del patrimonio archeologico e monumentale. La digitalizzazione di un patrimonio così grande non è sicuramente materia semplice, essa comporta una pianificazione che tenga conto dei continui e inarrestabili avanzamenti della tecnologia, mediando tra la rigidità di standard e prassi, certificata da diverse gudelines e best-practices, resa sicuramente necessaria per una regolarizzazione delle metodologie e delle tecniche impiegate e che tenga conto di regole globalmente condivise, e la flessibilità dovuta alla continua ricerca e all'avanzamento tecnologico e informatico, che se da un lato permette e facilita la creazione di contenuti digitali e moltiplica esponenzialmente le loro possibilità di fruizione, dall'altro può potenzialmente rappresentare un cosmo in continua rivoluzione, in cui non esistono punti fermi. Esiste già un ampio ventaglio di strumenti e tecniche di digitalizzazione, metodologie di trattamento e archiviazione dei dati, modelli concettuali e standard condivisi, che rende possibile l'approccio alla conversione digitale del patrimonio, aprendo nuovi scenari di interpretazione e messa in relazione delle informazioni, facilitandone l'accesso e contemporaneamente la diffusione. Sulla base di queste considerazioni l'Istituto ha adottato la tecnica della digitalizzazione del patrimonio come nuovo percorso per una ricerca più attuale, cercando di sfruttarne al meglio gli innumerevoli vantaggi. Nel primo capitolo affronteremo le tematiche principali che riguardano un generico progetto di digitalizzazione, ponendo l'attenzione principalmente sul patrimonio librario e le tecniche d'acquisizione più importanti, per poi introdurre il concetto di digitalizzazione di reperti, monumenti e contesti archeologici, attraverso i principali strumenti di rilievo 3D utilizzati dal LAIM nelle sue attività di ricerca. In seguito saranno esposti alcuni casi studio, a partire dal secondo capitolo, nel quale saranno illustrate le fasi operative della digitalizzazione del Fondo Benedettino conservato presso le Biblioteche Riunite Civica e A. Ursino Recupero di Catania. Il terzo capitolo parlerà della digitalizzazione di un importante complesso archeologico e monumentale, la necropoli di Porta Nocera a Pompei. Proseguiremo con l'analisi, nel quarto capitolo, di un altro caso studio riguardante la commistione tra digitalizzazione e interventi di conservazione, raccontando l'esperienza del LAIM nel rilievo tridimensionale delle Terme Romane di Sagalassos in Turchia, oggetto di un costante deperimento strutturale. Il quinto capitolo vedrà esposta la digitalizzazione del Grande Plastico di Pompei conservato al Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli. A conclusione di questo contributo, come ultimo caso studio vedremo nel sesto capitolo quali nuove prospettive può avere, in termini di fruizione del patrimonio culturale, la digitalizzazione se orientata a nuove tecniche e metodologie di condivisione del sapere, attraverso l'esperienza del serious game, come nel caso del progetto Trip eMotion.

2016, Contributo in volume, ITA

Catania. Archeologia e città. Idee e progetti

D. Malfitana

OPENCiTy è un progetto di ricerca multidisciplinare avviato dall'Istituto per i beni archeologici e monumentali del Cnr sulla città di Catania. Il suo obiettivo è la creazione di uno strumento capace di accrescere, attraverso la libera condivisione dei dati, frutto della secolare attività di ricerca storico-topografica condotta in area urbana, la conoscenza collettiva, favorendo la pianificazione e la tutela territoriale. Il presente volume, primo di una serie monografica destinata ad approfondire ogni singolo aspetto della storia e della cultura di Catania, divulgandone i risultati raggiunti, è dedicato all'inquadramento del tema nell'ambito delle ricerche di archeologia urbana, al ruolo della ricerca fatta "nella città e per la città" per giungere all'analisi delle caratteristiche e delle scelte metodologiche operate nella creazione della banca dati, della piattaforma GIS e del WebGIS, i tre elementi a cui è demandato il compito di archiviare, gestire, analizzare e rendere liberamente accessibili, su base geospaziale, i dati relativi alla complessa stratificazione urbana della città di Catania.

2016, Articolo in rivista, ITA

OpenCity Project. Open Data, GIS, Web-Gis per l'archeologia urbana e il patrimonio culturale di Catania

D. Malfitana, G. Cacciaguerra, A. Mazzaglia, S. Barone, V. Noti

The intent of the OpenCiTy Project is to create a platform able to produce, collect, manage and share heterogeneous information, in order to increase community awareness about the history of Catania. The first goal is to provide a powerful and versatile instrument linked to the research needs, the protection, enjoyment, appreciation and promotion of the Cultural Heritage. The core of the project consists of a relational database specifically structured and placed inside an Open Source GIS Platform, allowing a full management and analysis of the data on a geographic basis. The data in the platform will cover different areas of interest. The archaeological, monumental, environmental and cultural evidence of Catania are stored with a high level of detail in order to offer a better understanding of the complex urban stratification. The final output is represented by a webGIS platform showing the information on geographical base.

Archeologia e calcolatori Supplemento 8, pp. 150–161

2016, Contributo in volume, ITA

Archeologia urbana a Catania. Il progetto OpenCity

Daniele Malfitana, Giuseppe Cacciaguerra, Giovanni Leucci, Danilo P Pavone, Salvatore Russo, Giovanni Fragalà

The Pompeii Sustainable Preservation Project, which includes the IBAM contribution, is an international research project entirely based on fundraising, which aims to create new restoration and conservation strategies within the sphere of Cultural Heritage, with particular attention to the problems presented by archaeological structures, in terms of the conservation of mate- rials, analysis of the walls and layers of facings. The necropolis at Porta Nocera has been chosen as the project's study area. The main aim of the activities undertaken by the IBAM Laboratory of Immersive and Multimedia Archaeology was the creation of an innovative system for representing reality, combining the scientific rigour and precision of traditional instrumental mapping, with the use of new technologies. The final product takes the form of a digital model of the entire necropolis area, perfectly recreated and explorable in three dimensions, capable of storing all types of information independently of its different multimedia format.

2016, Contributo in volume, ITA

Studi e ricerche di ceramologia romana in Sicilia. Un aggiornamento e qualche focus

D. Malfitana, G. Cacciaguerra, A. Mazzaglia, Claudia Pantellaro, Maria Luisa Scrofani

En raison de sa position centrale en Méditerranée, la Sicile constitue un cas d'école pour l'étude des réseaux commerciaux qui ont conduit à la diffusion universelle, à l'échelle du monde antique, de la céramique de l'Afrique romaine. Le programme bilatéral et interdisciplinaire La céramique africaine dans la Sicile romaine (CASR), conduit dans le cadre d'un accord de coopération CNR/CNRS entre l'Instituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali (CNR, Italie) et le Centre Camille Jullian (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, MCC, CCJ, Aix-en- Provence, France), auquel ont participé soixante-huit chercheurs issus de diverses institutions italiennes et françaises, avait pour but le récolement systématique des données sur cette documentation matérielle. Cinquante collections de céramiques africaines ont été étudiées en détail par les responsables des quarante-et-un sites sélectionnés, cinq cent quarante-trois échantillons d'amphores, vaisselles et lampes ont fait l'objet d'analyses pétrographiques en lames minces et une abondante bibliographie a été exploitée. Ainsi décryptée, dans la mesure des connaissances actuellement disponibles, la documentation sicilienne fournit un nouvel éclairage sur la circulation des denrées africaines dans et autour de l'île, de l'époque républicaine à la conquête arabe de l'Afrique.

2016, Contributo in volume, ITA/FRE

L'apport de la documentation sicilienne a l'étude du commerce de l'Afrique Romaine

D. Malfitana, M. Bonifay

En raison de sa position centrale en Méditerranée, la Sicile constitue un cas d'école pour l'étude des réseaux commerciaux qui ont conduit à la diffusion universelle, à l'échelle du monde antique, de la céramique de l'Afrique romaine. Le programme bilatéral et interdisciplinaire La céramique africaine dans la Sicile romaine (CASR), conduit dans le cadre d'un accord de coopération CNR/CNRS entre l'Instituto per i Beni Archeologici e Monumentali (CNR, Italie) et le Centre Camille Jullian (Aix Marseille Univ, CNRS, MCC, CCJ, Aix-en- Provence, France), auquel ont participé soixante-huit chercheurs issus de diverses institutions italiennes et françaises, avait pour but le récolement systématique des données sur cette documentation matérielle. Cinquante collections de céramiques africaines ont été étudiées en détail par les responsables des quarante-et-un sites sélectionnés, cinq cent quarante-trois échantillons d'amphores, vaisselles et lampes ont fait l'objet d'analyses pétrographiques en lames minces et une abondante bibliographie a été exploitée. Ainsi décryptée, dans la mesure des connaissances actuellement disponibles, la documentation sicilienne fournit un nouvel éclairage sur la circulation des denrées africaines dans et autour de l'île, de l'époque républicaine à la conquête arabe de l'Afrique.

2016, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

Archeologia della produzione ceramica a Siracusa tra l'età ellenistica e la prima età imperiale

Daniele Malfitana, Giuseppe Cacciaguerra

The study on the Hellenistic and Roman material culture of Syracuse undertaken by IBAM-CNR allowed to address many issues related to the knowledge of the pottery found more than sixty years ago in the complex of the catacombs of Santa Lucia. The materials come largely from kiln dumps and include both wasters and finished pottery, the latter perhaps comes from residential areas. Research conducted by the IBAM-CNR team have been carried towards the establishment of chronologies, the acquisition of new documentation, the definition of production and typologies, the reconstruction of production processes and the contextualization of materials. The study allowed to call into question the furnace period of activities which can now be placed more likely between the II century BC and I century AD on the basis of a renewed interpretation of the data. Research on waste have provided important data on the pottery production inSyracuse during the Hellenistic and Roman periods, especially on black and red slip ware and Thin Walled Pottery. The definition of fabrics and types produced in Syracuse greatly expands our knowledge about type sallowing to collocate them in the huge framework of Mediterranean pottery production. Particular attention has been paid to the transition from black to red slip pottery production. A new group of materials, in fact, reveals that Syracuse was probably one of the centers of experimentation with new techniques leading to the development of pottery production of the first imperial period.

Archeologia delle produzioni ceramiche nel mondo antico. Spazi, prodotti, strumenti e tecniche, Genova, 1-2 dicembre 2014

2016, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Pompeii Sustainable Preservation Project: i lavori del 2015 e il futuro del progetto

Albrecht Matthaei, Anna Anguissola, Ralf Kilian, Monica Martelli Castaldi, Sara Saba, Daniele Malfitana, Antonino Mazzaglia, Giovanni Leucci, Giovanni Fragala?, Lara De Giorgi, Danilo P. Pavone, Samuele Barone, Salvatore Russo

This contribution describes the work that has been carried out and the plans for the future of the Pompeii Sustainable Preservation Project (PSPP). The project has been operating in the Necropolis of Porta Nocera since 2014. Several partners who support and actively work in the project offer here an overview of their research (conservation, digital documentation, education) and the general aims of this project, which is a truly future-oriented and aims at formulating a sustainable plan for the conservation of the burial area of porta Nocera.

FOLD&R. (Roma), pp. 1–11
InstituteSelected 1/199

IBAM, Istituto per i beni archeologici e monumentali

    ISTI, Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'informazione "Alessandro Faedo" (16395)
    ISPC, Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale (9564)
    IFC, Istituto di fisiologia clinica (7773)
    ISMAR, Istituto di scienze marine (7664)
    ISAC, Istituto di scienze dell'atmosfera e del clima (7466)
    IRPI, Istituto di ricerca per la protezione idrogeologica (7354)
    IGAG, Istituto di geologia ambientale e geoingegneria (7114)
    ICMATE, Istituto di Chimica della Materia Condensata e di Tecnologie per l'Energia (6874)
    ISPA, Istituto di scienze delle produzioni alimentari (6576)
    ICB, Istituto di chimica biomolecolare (6479)
AuthorSelected 0/121
    Masini Nicola (201)
    Romano Francesco Paolo (176)
    Leucci Giovanni (132)
    Malfitana Daniele (124)
    Calia Angela (111)
    Lazzari Maurizio (111)
    Quarta Giovanni (101)
    Lasaponara Rosa (86)
    Scardozzi Giuseppe (83)
    Pappalardo Lighea (79)
TypeSelected 0/29
    Contributo in atti di convegno (416)
    Articolo in rivista (375)
    Contributo in volume (339)
    Rapporto tecnico (99)
    Poster (72)
    Abstract in atti di convegno (57)
    Monografia o trattato scientifico (50)
    Curatela di monografia/trattato scientifico (43)
    Presentazione (42)
    Curatela di numero monografico (di rivista o di collana) (9)
Research programSelected 0/56
    PC.P01.001.001, Metodologie innovative per la conoscenza dei paesaggi antichi (297)
    PC.P03.001.001, Metodologie integrate di diagnostica per la conservazione del patrimonio architettonico ed archeologico nel bacino del Mediterraneo (294)
    PC.P02.001.001, Approcci multidisciplinari integrati per l'analisi dei manufatti: dalla produzione alla circolazione e all'uso (169)
    PC.P06.006.001, Tutela del territorio e conservazione del Patrimonio Culturale in Basilicata e nell'area mediterranea in relazione all'evoluzione del paesaggio ed ai fattori di rischio geomorfologico (97)
    PC.P03.015.001, Conoscenza e conservazione dei materiali e manufatti di interesse storico, archeologico e architettonico in area mediterranea (48)
    PC.P01.001.003, Tecniche integrate di Osservazioni della Terra per la ricerca archeologica e paleoambientale (40)
    PC.P06.008.001, Archeologia e valorizzazione dei paesaggi antichi e post antichi (39)
    PC.P03.009.001, Indagini Innovative per il monitoraggio delle superfici di manufatti di interesse architettonico, storico-artistico e archeologico (23)
    PC.P02.002.001, Sviluppo di metodologie multidisciplinari e strategie progettuali per l'analisi,la conservazione e il riuso del patrimonio costruito (19)
    INT.P10.013.001, Tecniche integrate di Osservazioni della Terra per la ricerca archeologica e paleoambientale:from a local view analysis to a landscape prospective (18)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
EU ProjectSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
YearSelected 0/25
    2007 (182)
    2010 (171)
    2008 (163)
    2006 (135)
    2014 (129)
    2013 (100)
    2005 (94)
    2011 (92)
    2012 (86)
    2003 (81)
LanguageSelected 0/7
    Italiano (589)
    Inglese (553)
    Francese (7)
    Catalano (3)
    Spagnolo (3)
    Multilingue (1)
    Portoghese (1)
KeywordSelected 0/1665
    Archeologia (27)
    GIS (19)
    GPR (16)
    Remote Sensing (16)
    Sicilia (16)
    Basilicata (15)
    Archaeology (13)
    XRF (12)
    Mediterraneo (9)
    Topografia Medievale (9)