2015, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
A. Abecker, R. Wössner, K. Schnitter, R. Albertoni, M. de Martino, and P. Podestà
We present a solution for inter-linking domain thesauri and other controlled vocabularies represented as Linked Data content within the LusTRE framework. We discuss how such inter-linked content can help users to easier and better express and use thesauri and controlled vocabularies for metadata work within Spatial Data Infrastructures, at the concrete example of an INSPIREdriven environmental use case. We present the Thesaurus Exploitation services designed and implemented for LusTRE and their integration with existing metadata editors and SDI geoportals.
2015, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and P. Podestà
Linked Data is largely adopted to share and make data more accessible on the web. A quite impressive number of datasets has been exposed and interlinked according to the Linked Data paradigm but the quality of these datasets is still a big challenge in the consuming process. Measures for quality of Linked Data datasets have been proposed, mainly by adapting concepts defined in the research field of information systems. However, very limited attention has been dedicated to the quality of linksets, the connections of information belonging to distinct datasets, that might be as important as dataset's quality when consuming Linked Data. In this paper, we present a first linkset quality measure proposing a function able to estimate the new information gained through linksets among SKOS thesauri. A scoring function, the linkset importing is provided focusing on the multilingual gain, in terms of the new translated labels, obtained by complementing a SKOS thesaurus through skos:exactMatch links. We finally discuss how the linkset importing can be significantly used in the context of the EU project eENVplus.
2014, Rapporto tecnico, ENG
P. Podestà, M. De Martino, and R. Albertoni
2014, Rapporto tecnico, ENG
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and P. Podestà
Linked Data is largely adopted to share and make data more accessible on the web. A quite impressive number of datasets has been exposed and interlinked according to the Linked Data paradigm but the quality of these datasets is still a big challenge in the consuming process. Measures for quality of linked data datasets have been proposed, mainly by adapting concepts defined in the research field of information systems. However, very limited attention has been dedicated to the quality of linksets, the result of which might be important as dataset's quality in consuming data coming from distinct sources. In this paper, we address linkset quality proposing the linkset importing, a novel measure which estimates the completeness of dataset obtained by complementing SKOS thesauri with their skos:exactMatch-related information. We validate the proposed measure with an in-house developed synthetic benchmark: experiments demonstrate that our measure may be adopted as a predictor of the gain that is obtained when complementing thesauri.
2014, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, P. Podestà, and P. Plini
LOD2014, Rome, Italy, 20th - 21st Feb 20142014, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and P. Podestà
INSPIRE conference 2014, Aalborg, Denmark, 16-20 June 20142014, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG
R. Albertoni, M. De Martino, and P. Podesta'
The development of a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) at European level is strategic to answer the needs of environmental management requested by the European, national and local policies. Several European projects and initiatives aim to share, integrate and make accessible large amount of environmental data in order to overcome cross-border/language/cultural barriers. To this purpose, environmental thesauri are used as shared nomenclatures in metadata compilation and information discovery, and they are increasingly made available on the web. This paper provides a methodological approach for creating a catalogue of the environmental thesauri available on the web and assessing their reusability with respect to domain independent criteria. It highlights critical issues providing some recommendations for improving thesauri reusability.