2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
S. Capasso, G. Malorgio, L. Mulazzani, A.M. Pacifico, F. Andreottola, C. Cuturi, M. Gambino, L. Guadalupi, V. Pipitone, D.A.L. Quagliarotti, S. Toraldo
The specific objective is to provide a comprehensive analytical framework for understanding and developing appropriate economic instruments, indicators, innovative analyses and methodologies that integrate socio-economic aspects with physical and environmental variables. After a general introduction of the marine strategy from a legislative and conceptual point of view, which highlights a shift from the anthropocentric (human-centred) perception of the marine and coastal environment to an ecocentric (ecosystem-centred) perspective, the third chapter consisted of a systematic review of approaches and methodologies applied for the economic evaluation of blue economy sectors, ecosystem services (ES) and their integration in accounting systems. Such activity, consisting in an information base related to studies and analyses conducted by research institutions and relevant authorities (i.e., European Commission, World Bank, WWF, ISPRA, OECD, UNITED NATIONS), is functional to identify the most appropriate indicators, methodologies and innovative assessment tools to measure direct, indirect and induced impacts of maritime plans. In order to take into account major environmental, economic, cultural and social factors of the three maritime areas considered in the Italian MSP, the fourth chapter is dedicated to a description and mapping of the main anthropic uses in the marine management areas. Such activity, complemented by an inventory of protected areas, is indispensable in developing a deeper understanding of interactions in the areas under investigations, through the identification of human and natural ecosystems, and their interconnected processes in order to individuate market and non-market priorities, and assess trade-offs between management alternatives. Finally, in line with the transdisciplinary and participatory approach of the Study , a list of relevant stakeholders according to their level of influence and sensitivity to marine and coastal ecosystems has been discussed.
2023, Contributo in volume, ITA
Stefania Bertolazzi, Angela Cuttitta e Vito Pipitone
La Rivoluzione Industriale ha rappresentato una svolta epocale nella storia umana, portando ad un rapido sviluppo economico e ad una trasformazione profonda delle società. Tuttavia, gli impatti di tale periodo sull'ambiente hanno determinato conseguenze a lungo termine, le cui ripercussioni si estendono ben oltre il contesto storico in cui si è verificata. Questo saggio si propone di approfondire l'influenza della Rivoluzione Industriale sull'ambiente e sul cambiamento climatico, sottolineando l'esigenza ormai imperativa di riconvertire il sistema economico attuale in un modello di sviluppo più sostenibile in termini ambientali. Il modello economico lineare, che a partire dalla Rivoluzione Industriale ha guidato lo sviluppo economico e sociale umano, basandosi su un'idea di consumo sfrenato e produzione illimitata di rifiuti, necessita senza dubbio di una messa in discussione. In tal senso, l'adozione di un modello economico di tipo circolare si presenta come una soluzione in grado di perseguire lo sviluppo economico senza entrare in contrasto con l'obiettivo di rispetto ambientale.
2023, Rassegna della letteratura scientifica in volume, ITA
Michele Nani
Una rassegna bibliografia sulla Ferrara fascista
2023, Contributo in volume, ITA
La presenza a pieno titolo dell'Italia nell'OIL, nonostante la natura antidemocratica e violenta del regime, era dovuta al fatto che il fascismo volle proseguire e prendere parte - portando un contributo peculiare - al processo di internazionalizzazione delle normative sul lavoro. Gli stessi responsabili dei rapporti tra Ginevra e Roma rimasero immutati dal periodo precedente la Marcia su Roma fino alla rottura dei rapporti, in continuità con il processo di costruzione dell'organizzazione
2023, Contributo in volume, ITA
Nella storiografia delle migrazioni italiane viene spesso ricordata una forma di mobilità dai caratteri assolutamente originali, tanto da affascinare gli studiosi per la sua peculiarità: un migrante transoceanico che partiva e tornava nell'arco di pochi mesi per svolgere lavori agricoli di fatica. Si tratta della cosiddetta emigrazione golondrina, diretta dalle campagne italiane verso le estensioni coltivate della pampa argentina: lavoratori che oscillavano con movimenti stagionali tra un continente e un altro, come le rondini da cui prendono il nome, conservando sempre lo stesso mestiere di mietitori.
2023, Monografia o trattato scientifico, ITA
Se l'Italia è una repubblica fondata sul lavoro è necessario ricostruire l'evoluzione del lavoro in oltre 150 anni di storia nazionale anche pre repubblicana per comprendere davvero cosa sia questo nostro paese e come è cambiato. La progressiva riduzione del settore agricolo, i processi di industrializzazione prima e di deindustrializzazione poi e l'affermarsi di una società terziarizzata sono i tre grandi momenti economici periodizzanti di questa vicenda. Le forme dell'associazionismo popolare, il sindacalismo e la politica, i conflitti e le relazioni industriali, lo sviluppo del diritto del lavoro e del welfare state, così come le specificità del lavoro femminile, ne rappresentano gli snodi. Ne emerge la storia politica, economica, sociale e culturale di una Italia che è cresciuta in maniera inquieta e a diverse velocità tra campagne e fabbriche, cantieri e uffici, commerci e trasporti, grandi aziende fordiste e piccole e medie imprese, lavoro pubblico e privato.
2023, Curatela di numero monografico (di rivista o di collana), ENG
Giuseppe Mazzeo
The Special Issue collects eight papers presenting methodologies, experiences, and techniques related to policies, best practices, and research on the potentialities of planning in the use of natural and agricultural territories, soil consumption, and the enhancement of territorial quality in response to climate change. The aim is to increase the territory's capacity to respond to critical events and enhance its resilience. Journal's Special Issue Burn or sink - Planning and managing the land features a collection of eight original papers. These were written specifically for this issue following the call for papers launched in October 2022. The papers present ideas, theories, empirical insights, methodologies, experiences, and techniques about policy issues, best practices, and research findings on the Special Issue themes. TeMA Journal has already shown extensive interest in these aspects. Over its 16-year lifespan, the journal has explored broad themes that characterize today's environmental crisis, with the aim of outlining new planning paths. For the first time, the journal's editorial staff is proposing a Special Issue aimed at deepening the topic by soliciting articles focused on scientific aspects, the development of innovative practices, and the role of social behaviors.
2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Giuseppe Mazzeo
Natural resources are strategic resources. They are becoming increasingly important in policies combating climate change. Moreover, their protection and enhancement are fundamental for actions of sustainable development. The paper analyses specific types of natural resources (soil, water and energy) and identifies their potential contribution to local development in a perspective of reduced environmental loads. General attention to the three systems of resources is evidenced by the development of research based on the FEW Nexus model which, since the 1970s, has explored the connections existing between them, as well as the development of parallel research lines. The latter can directly impact on regional planning and bring about necessary changes in currently applied plans so as to adapt them to evolving circumstances. A case study of interest is the area of Avellino, one of the inland provinces of Campania. The paper shows that the regional planning tool for the province only partially considers such resources, failing to assign to them any strategic importance. This may be considered a weakness both in regional planning and in land management because it excludes in advance, from analyses and forecasts, resources that can make a major contribution to the sustainable economic development of the province. To this end, the last section of the paper proposes changes in regional planning policy.
2023, Contributo in volume, ENG
Bruno Venditto, Immacolata Caruso, Valentina Noviello
The COVID-19 crisis has led to unprecedented disruption to the healthcare system and to economies and society, revealing the systemic fragility of our world. More recently, the war in Ukraine has seen a return to emergency conditions, causing a massive humanitarian crisis while threatening the world's recovery. The effects of these geopolitical tensions have spread worldwide, and countries all over the globe are facing further disruption due to rising food and energy prices, inflationary pressures, disrupted supply chains, financial turbulence and so forth, while there are serious concerns that the plans to address climate change will be slowed or even abandoned in some parts of the planet. In this context, it is evident that conflicts and crises are increasing worldwide and more people than ever are being displaced, with a serious risk to their lives and future, and with a growing number of women and children being affected. Against this background and such serious issues, we address the following questions: Are the current migration policies, especially those concerning forced migration, adequate to meet current challenges and opportunities? What guidelines will policy makers follow at European and global level if a clear framework for future policies for conflict- and environment-induced forced migration has not been properly laid down? Our contribution will thus investigate the link between external events such as conflict and climate change, and human mobility, while assessing how such movements could reinforce existing inequalities or create new imbalances, focusing especially on the gender gap. Moreover, while there is substantial agreement among scientists and scholars that climate is changing rapidly, the connections between climate change and human mobility are not always very well explained or understood. Forced migration is generally presented using sensationalistic and alarming predictions, promoting fear-based stories of waves of climate-induced migrants forced to relocate from their place of residence, eventually disembarking in Europe and North America. What is evident, however, is that people move, and will continue to move, regardless of the flow control policies of individual states. After a brief introduction providing the background to the study, the theoretical approach used by the authors is presented to describe the concept of induced human mobility seen primarily from a perspective of social justice. The chapter will then go on to analyse how international and EU policies have dealt with and regulate the migratory flows associated with forced migration, and to ascertain whether and to what extent such policies are effectively able to regulate such a complex phenomenon
2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Venditto B, Kamwanyah N. J, Nekare, C
Increasingly, scholarship suggests that climate change amplifies gender inequalities, therefore affecting men and women differently. Although there is an understanding that Namibia's changing climate patterns pose a threat to people's livelihoods, no study has been carried out on how climate change-driven migration, gender inequality and urban poverty intersect. Considering rural Namibia's extremely high vulnerability to climate change, this study explores the lived experience of climate change-induced migration of women in Windhoek's informal settlements. A hybrid methodological approach was used in the review and analysis of existing literature on climate change, migration and urbanisation. The literature review was supplemented with face-to-face semi-structured interviews carried out with women participants with a migratory background residing in the informal settlements in Windhoek. A second set of interviews with rural women participants residing in the northern regions, where the impact of climatechange is visible, was also carried out. In this way, we were able to investigate (through the participants' narratives) the vulnerability to climate change and the presence (or absence) of direct correlation with movements to the urban areas. The findings indicate that climate change is diminishing viable opportunities for women in rural areas, therefore negatively affecting their agency and ability to provide and care for themselves and their families, and forcing them to migrate to urban areas in search of better opportunities. In urban areas, they are further exposed to other vulnerabilities due to the lack of formal and permanent employment; poor remuneration for those formally or informally employed; unavailability of insurance coverage in the event of destruction to their property by fire or flood; and the lack of electricity, water and sanitation services. The study recommends that rural areas, with appropriate structural intervention, could be transformed into hubs of climate- smart economic growth to prevent rural- to-urban migration. On the other hand, more efficient urban management is an urgent priority. There is a profound need for a proactive approach (at local and national levels) to meet the needs of people moving to the urban areas so as to curb and regulate the proliferation of informal settlements in Windhoek, as well as in other urban settlements.
2023, Rapporto tecnico, ENG
Daniela De Gregorio, Tommasina Pianese
The Management handbook is the operational plan containing the description of the project management procedures, structure and roles and responsibilities of the parties involved, inclusive of monitoring and evaluation plan and risk management plan.
2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Daniela De Gregorio, Antonio De Lorenzo, Tommasina Pianese
The Deliverable 2.5 describes the online and on-site Service Design Collaborating Laboratories organized by Preview consortium. These labs have been collaborative spaces where Partners and other stakeholders came together to co-create and prototype innovative service solutions about Remote Internship.
2023, Rapporto tecnico, ENG
Daniela De Gregorio; Tommasina Pianese
The report includes an overview of the activities and main results achieved in the first 14 months of the EU Eramus+ funded project
2023, Prefazione/Introduzione/Postfazione, ENG
Salvatore capasso and Giovanni Canitano
Over the last three years, the world's economies have grappled with three major challenges: the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant rise in inflation, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has increased geopolitical tensions. These shocks have had significant negative effects on global economic growth prospects. However, the impact has been uneven, with notable variations, particularly among Mediterranean countries. Fear-driven market responses have deeply affected food and energy supplies. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict caused a rapid surge in wheat prices, hitting levels last seen in 2008. This crisis has extended to higher oil and gas costs, increased transportation and insurance expenses, trade instability, and port disruptions. Bank transfer restrictions with Russia have worsened economic conditions. Globally, the recession amplified economic downturns, decreased employment, transportation, and productivity, resulting in severe disruptions across supply chains. One potential silver lining in the inflation, particularly in commodities like fuel, is that it may compel governments worldwide to seek energy security through sustainable solutions aligned with the United Nations' 2030 Agenda. The Mediterannean Economies 2023 is a collection of essays that analyses the economic, political and social effects of the Russia-Ukraine war in the Mediterranean area.
2023, Curatela di monografia/trattato scientifico, ENG
Salvatore Capasso and Giovanni Canitano
Over the last three years, the world's economies have grappled with three major challenges: the COVID-19 pandemic, a significant rise in inflation, and the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which has increased geopolitical tensions. These shocks have had significant negative effects on global economic growth prospects. However, the impact has been uneven, with notable variations, particularly among Mediterranean countries. Fear-driven market responses have deeply affected food and energy supplies. The Russian-Ukrainian conflict caused a rapid surge in wheat prices, hitting levels last seen in 2008. This crisis has extended to higher oil and gas costs, increased transportation and insurance expenses, trade instability, and port disruptions. Bank transfer restrictions with Russia have worsened economic conditions. Globally, the recession amplified economic downturns, decreased employment, transportation, and productivity, resulting in severe disruptions across supply chains. One potential silver lining in the inflation, particularly in commodities like fuel, is that it may compel governments worldwide to seek energy security through sustainable solutions aligned with the United Nations' 2030 Agenda. The Mediterannean Economies 2023 is a collection of essays that analyses the economic, political and social effects of the Russia-Ukraine war in the Mediterranean area.
2023, Contributo in volume, ENG
Irene Bosco, Giovanni Canitano
With its strategic geographic position and concentration of energy sources, the Mediterranean basin plays a key role in energy provision for countries worldwide. Trade from the MENA region, noted for its rich oil and natural gas reserves, crosses the Mediterranean, bound especially towards EU member states, some of its main customers [Forte and Canitano 2019]. This paper investigates the development of the trade in energy sources in the most recent years, taking into account the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Moreover, it extends its focus to future scenarios, studying in depth the consumption trends not only of fossil fuels but also of renewable energy. The study involves countries of the MENA region as the main energy providers, and European countries along the Mediterranean basin as the main importers. Specific consideration will be given to France, Italy and Spain as major European countries overlooking the Mediterranean. The paper focuses on the exports and imports of fossil fuels, since they still represent the principle energy sources used. References will be included about the degree of energy dependency on foreign countries and the changes dictated by the need to deal with the supply shortfall due to the conflict in Ukraine which has modified general political relationships between European countries and foreign countries. The chapter is structured as follows: the first part is devoted to the current and future consumption of energy sources followed by the effects of the recent pandemic and the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Section 3 examines the MENA region and its resource provision and supply. Finally, section 4 focuses on the energy demand of the main Mediterranean European countries, namely France, Italy and Spain, and their relations with MENA countries.
2023, Presentazione, ITA
Naor Ben-Yehoyada 1 Vito Pipitone 2 Raul Sanchez de la Sierra 3 Eloisa Avila-Uribe 3
L'industria della pesca di Mazara del Vallo rappresenta un importante caso di studio nella storia economica del Mediterraneo. Dalla fine della seconda guerra mondiale, le imprese da pesca di Mazara hanno intrapreso un importante processo di trasformazione industriale, riuscendo a cogliere le opportunità tecnologiche offerte dalla motorizzazione delle navi e dagli sviluppi della pesca a strascico. Una trasformazione che è stata non solo economica, ma soprattutto sociale. In meno di quarant'anni, la flotta di Mazara è aumentata di ben venti volte, avviando una specializzazione produttiva nella pesca del gambero rosso e del gambero rosa. Dagli anni '90, tale parabola inizia a flettersi e l'industria si avvia verso un declino produttivo. In meno di vent'anni, la consistenza della flotta si dimezza. Limitandoci ad una descrizione degli andamenti statistici, la storia della pesca di Mazara del Vallo potrebbe apparire come una comune storia industriale, di un'industria matura, in fase di declino. In realtà, tale storia è molto più complessa. Essa è strettamente legata alla politica nazionale e agli equilibri geopolitici del Mediterraneo. Equilibri che possono essere descritti dalla storia dei sequestri navali ad opera delle guardie costiere maghrebine. Una storia drammatica che rileva però l'importante ruolo geopolitico della flotta mazarese. Obiettivo del presente lavoro è quello di utilizzare la storia economica della pesca di Mazara del Vallo per analizzare in prospettiva storica le relazioni tra i pescatori, la classe emergente degli armatori, i politici e i conflitti mediterranei. In particolare, si cercherà di investigare il modo in cui i legami politico-imprenditoriali hanno, in alcuni periodi storici, ridotto il rischio imprenditoriale e, in altri periodi, trasformato i pescatori in veri e propri bersagli vaganti da parte dei governi del Maghreb.
2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Mauro, Marianna; Giancotti, Monica; Pipitone, Vito; Tiscini, Riccardo
This paper has explored the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the Italian stock market at an industry level, analysing companies listed in the two major stock indexes: MIB 30 and STAR. Using daily firm-level stock prices (from December 2019, until October 31, 2020), we employed an event-study approach to analyse short-term stock market reactions, considering different pandemic windows period. Results showed that stocks reacted negatively to the announcement of the first case in the country, with deep reversal effects when the country was locked down. Monetary policy measures showed potential to ease stock markets: the announcement of Next Generation Agreement highlights the reversed role of Market Capitalization. Firm-specific variables were included in order to make inferences about firm characteristics that emerged as value drivers during the pandemic: in the first lockdown period, a greater company's capitalization ensured a greater resilience to the Covid-19 shock. Reversals at both an industry and a company level are observed. Results allow to understand how an outbreak of contagious disease affects stock returns in various sectors, helping investors to develop trading strategies to protect their wealth from future epidemics and providing inputs into the assessment of economic vulnerability to pandemic crises.
2023, Contributo in volume, ENG
Errichiello, L.; Guadalupi, L.; Andreottola, F.;
The Covid-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst of digital transformation of businesses, industries, governments and societies worldwide, including in Mediterranean countries. Many studies have been published since the pandemic outbreak to understand the effects produced by such a disruptive event on the digital trends about economic activities and social life and trace the potential paths of digitalization of business, governments and social activities that are likely to characterize the post-covid era. However, excluding conceptual research and grey literature, empirical research on this topic is still in its initial stage of development and warrants additional scholarly attention. Moreover, studies focused on the Mediterranean Region are very scant. With this gap in mind, the goal of this chapter is to understand how Covid-19 have affected the ongoing processes of digitalization in the EuroMed countries through a comparative lens. To this goal we relied on longitudinal data about digitalization produced by the European Union and measured through the so-called Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), that is a comprehensive measure of data related to individual EU members (27) and reflecting different aspects of digitalization. Moreover, qualitative data (based on technical reports, working papers, official documents, etc.) related to each country will be used to support the interpretation of the quantitative analysis. Since the measurement of the digital socio-economic transformation can be used to monitor the progress over time and compare the digital performance of single EuroMed countries, the analysis can provide valuable insights to guide policy making towards a balanced digital development and the progressive reduction of performance gaps existing between more and less digitally advanced countries.