2024, Rapporto tecnico, ITA


Antonio Tregrossi

Nel documento si riporta e discute, anche attraverso il confronto con i dati di altre stazioni meteo presenti sul territorio del Comune di Napoli, una selezione dei dati misurati nell'anno 2023 dalla stazione meteo STEMS-Metastasio e successivamente elaborati. Inoltre i dati meteo, diffusi durante l'anno nella forma di report quindicinali e pubblicati sul sito web di STEMS, sono riportati nell'appendice del documento.

2024, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Sulphur poisoning and regeneration of Li-Ru/Al2O3 dual function material for the integrated CO2 capture and methanation

Stefano Cimino, Elisabetta Maria Cepollaro, Milena Pazzi , Luciana Lisi

Effective integration of the CO2 capture from flue gases and its subsequent methanation with renewable H2 to achieve a net-zero chemical looping process poses strong challenges in the development of highly performing Dual Function Materials (DFMs). Li-Ru/Al2O3 DFM has been shown to optimally operate the cyclic process at low temperature (260 - 280 oC) with stable performance upon ageing and outstanding tolerance to SOx impurities in the flue gas, which, however, slowly deteriorate its CO2 capture capacity. This work investigates the mechanisms behind the sulfur-poisoning and self-regeneration capability of the catalytic features of the Li-Ru DFM as well as the irreversible inhibition of CO2 adsorption. Eventually, we demonstrate the remarkable effectiveness of a simple ex-situ regeneration procedure for a heavily sulfur-aged DFM aiming to minimize the consumption of critical raw materials within a circular economy approach.

Catalysis Today 426

DOI: 10.1016/j.cattod.2023.114366

2024, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Unconventional gasoline spray injection events: Compared evolution of experimental data and numerical simulations

Viscione, Davide; Mariani, Valerio; Falfari, Stefania; Bianchi, Gian Marco; Ravaglioli, Vittorio; Silvagni, Giacomo; Montanaro, Alessandro; Allocca, Luigi

The current homologation standards in the automotive field impose the manufacturers to develop very efficient and clean engines. Low-Temperature Combustion engines have the potential to simultaneously reduce all the pollutants released while maintaining high efficiency. Among them, in Gasoline Compression Ignition (GCI) combustion technology, multiple injections allow to generate a tailored stratified charge which can auto ignite limiting the rough Pressure Rise Rate (PRR) and heat release rate typical of GCI. Therefore, the three-dimensional local distribution of the mixture becomes the key-point which the engine performance depends on. Due to emphasis on the multi-dimensional and local nature of the mixture formation phenomenon, three-dimensional CFD simulations are a promising and attractive method aiming at the design of the injection event features (timing, pattern, etc.). This paper deals with both experimental and CFD campaign on the evolution of a gasoline spray at ultra high-pressure multiple injection as well as high backpressure, typical of Gasoline Compression Ignition engines. The experimental tests have been conducted on a reference Diesel Common-Rail injector which shots in a constant-volume chamber. The hydraulic behaviour of the injector was characterized by means of the Bosch Tube principle whilst the Mie-scattering technique was used to capture the spray images. The numerical methodology is required to predict the Liquid Length Penetration and the jet morphology features (shape, area). Both experiments and simulations were conducted at different values of injection pressure (350, 500, 700 bar), back pressure (1-8 bar), energizing time (350, 600 & mu;s), according to the operations of a real reference GCI test engine. Furthermore, a dedicated sub-model which takes into consideration the effect of the spray dynamics during the injection transient opening stage has been validated. The importance of this approach when dealing with short energizing time (e.g. 350 & mu;s) is shown. Comparing both the experimental and numerical results, the model has proven to efficiently reproduce the spray penetration and morphology features, also under the hypothesis of injector ballistic phase operations, whose determination is crucial in the early development and sustainability of such combustion concept.

Fuel (Guildf.) 355

DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.129438

2023, Articolo in rivista, ITA


Giovanni Brambilla1, Christian Tibone2, Filippo Berlier2, Christian Tartin2, Daniele Crea2, Marco Cappio Borlino2

Con l'emanazione a maggio 2022 del Decreto del Ministero della Transizione Ecologica (MITE) sulla "Definizione delle modalità per l'individuazione e la gestione delle zone silenziose di un agglomerato e delle zone silenziose in aperta campagna" anche in Italia si vuole dare un impulso alla promozione delle aree quiete e alla conservazione della qualità acustica dell'ambiente laddove questa sia buona. In Valle d'Aosta, regione alpina caratterizzata e apprezzata per i suoi alti valori di naturalità ambientale, con vaste aree disabitate e lontane da sorgenti sonore non naturali, si osserva una grande varietà di livelli di rumore ambientale sia per effetto delle sorgenti sonore naturali che di quelle legate alle attività umane, prevalentemente a connotazione turistico-sportiva. Il presente lavoro analizza i risultati dei rilievi fonometrici eseguiti in aree rurali in aperta campagna nel comune di Chamois in tre differenti stagioni dell'anno: estate, autunno e inverno. In tali periodi il paesaggio sonoro caratterizzato prevalentemente dai suoni naturali può cambiare per effetto del rumore antropico prodotto dalle attività sportive (mountain bike e trail in estate, sci in inverno), turistiche (escursionismo), agricole (generatori elettrici, motoseghe, trattori, ...) che emerge in maniera più o meno evidente dal rumore di fondo di origine naturale. In particolare, nei contesti a basso rumore di fondo, assai frequenti nelle aree esaminate, l'impatto di singoli eventi sonori è particolarmente rilevante ed è stato valutato mediante i descrittori acustici "Intermittency Ratio (IR)" e "Harmonica (HRM)". In merito a quest'ultimo indice, si è osservato che la sua applicazione ad aree molto quiete può presentare delle criticità. Si è proceduto anche ad una classificazione statistica dei rilievi acustici su base oraria a supporto della gestione del territorio.

Rivista italiana di acustica (online) 48 (2), pp. 35–47

DOI: 10.3280/ria1-2023oa15535

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Study of sparger design effects on the hydrodynamic and mass transfer characteristics of a D-shape hybrid airlift reactor

Amine Berouaken, Rachida Rihani, Francesco Saverio Marra

This study investigated the effect of sparger designs on a D-shape hybrid airlift reactor (DHALR) performances. The designs of airlift and torus reactors were combined to get the hybrid configuration. Experiments were carried out over a range of superficial gas velocities from 0.86 to 5.10 × 10-2 m/s, using three different spargers: single orifice (S-SO), multiple orifices (S-MO) and flexible membrane (S-FM). The findings highlighted that the S-FM sparger performed much better than the other spargers. An improvement in the gas holdup, ?G, volumetric mass transfer coefficient, kLa, liquid circulation velocity, UL, and mixing time, tm, was observed and was attributed to the bubble size distribution enhancement. The S-FM sparger generates smaller and evenly distributed bubbles. However, it increases the axial dispersion coefficient and therefore the backmixing extent. It was demonstrated that even if S-FM leads to more pressure drop at the sparger level, it remains the most efficient in terms of power saving for a given mass transfer rate. The results demonstrated that the sparger has less effect at high superficial gas velocities in the DHALR. The flow inside the DHALR was modelled by the Axial Dispersion and the Tank in Series Models. The results show that the DHALR has a plug-flow-like behaviour.

Chemical engineering research & design 191, pp. 66–82

DOI: 10.1016/j.cherd.2022.12.048

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Wide-parameter coarse-grained state mechanism analysis in the methane combustion system

P Du, M Li, S Liang, L Ji, L Acampora, FS Marra

The coarse graining idea is introduced into the analysis of detailed combustion models to determine the key reaction steps that drive macroscopic combustion characteristics such as ignition and extinction as well as the overall reactivity of the chemical system. Based on concepts elaborated in the fields of artificial intelligence and big data analytics, a novel method that combines network community detection and parametric bifurcation techniques is proposed. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated with simulation results of a perfectly stirred reactor with inlet temperature with in 1000 K to 2500 K and pressure ranging from 1 × 104 Pa to 2 × 106 Pa, and adopting the GRI-mech 3.0. It is revealed that the evolution process represented by the coarse-grained states not only can distinctively separate the process behaviour before and after ignition but also is capable of effectively identifying commonalities of the states over a wide range of parameters. In addition, analysis of the highly persistent species communities indicates that the hydrogen oxidation sub-mechanism and the secondary reactions involving formaldehyde, methanol, and carbon monoxide are the core processes for methane ignition. The results obtained agree well with previous related studies, which validate the proposed method. Thus, the coarse-grained state-based mechanism analysis method is suitable for the semi-automatic identification of the important reactions of a detailed mechanism acting under different conditions.

Reaction Chemistry & Engineering 8 (6), pp. 1362–1375

DOI: 10.1039/D2RE00579D

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Physical Chemistry Supports Circular Economy: Toward a Viable Use of Products from the Pyrolysis of a Refuse-Derived Fuel and Granulated Scrap Tire Rubber as Bitumen Additives

P. Caputo1, P. Calandra2*, V. Loise1, M. Porto1, A. Le Pera3, A.A. Abe1, B. Teltayev4,5*, M.L. Luprano6, M. Alfè7, V. Gargiulo7, G. Ruoppolo7, C. Oliviero Rossi1

The production and maintenance of road pavements consume resources and produce wastes that are disposed of in landfills. To make more sustainable this activity, we have envisioned a method based on a circular use of residues (oil and char) from municipal solid waste pyrolysis as useful additives for producing improved asphalts and for recycling old asphalts to generate new ones, reducing at the same time the consumption of resources for the production of new road pavements and the disposal of wastes to landfills. This work aims to show the feasibility of the integration of two processes (thermal treatment of municipal solid waste on one side, and that of road pavement production on the other side) where the products deriving from waste pyrolysis become added-value materials to improve the quality of road pavements. In this contribution, we presented the effect of pyrolysis product addition on asphalt binder (bitumen) preparation and aging. Solid and liquid products, deriving from the pyrolysis of two kinds of wastes (refused derived fuel (RDF) and granulated rubber tyre waste), have been used for the preparation of asphalt binder samples. Rheological tests have been performed to determine the mechanical properties of neat asphalt binder (bitumen) and those enriched with pyrolysis derived products. Measurements to evaluate possible anti-aging effects have been also performed. The collected results indicate that char addition strengthens the overall bitumen intermolecular structure while bio-oil addition exerts a rejuvenating activity.

Eurasian chemico-technological journal 25

DOI: 10.18321/ectj1520

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Energy and Pollutants analysis of a Series HEV Equipped with a Hydrogen-Fueled SI Engine

Emmanuele Frasci1, Davide Cervone2, Gianluca Nacci1, Paolo Sementa 3, Ivan Arsie 1, Elio Jannelli1, Bianca Maria Vaglieco 3

The growing concern about Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions led institutions to further reduce the limits on vehicle-related CO2 emissions. Therefore, car manufacturers are developing vehicles with low environmental impact, like Hybrid-Electric Vehicles (HEVs), which in the series architecture employ an Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) coupled with an electric generator for battery recharging, thus extending the range of a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV). For this kind of application, small four-stroke Spark Ignition (SI) engines are preferred, as they are a proven and reliable solution to increase the driving range with very low environmental impact. In series hybrid-electric powertrains, the ICE is decoupled from the drive wheels, then it can operate in a steady-state high-efficiency working point, regardless of the power required by the mission profile. The benefits of lean combustion can be exploited to increase

SAE technical paper series

DOI: 10.4271/2023-24-0132

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Comprehensive model for energetic analyses of a series hybrid-electric vehicle powered by a passive Turbulent Jet Ignition engine

Emmanuele Frasci,a Davide Cervone b), Gianluca Nacci a), Paolo Sementa c) Ivan Arsie a), Elio Jannelli a), Bianca Maria Vaglieco c)

In the last decades, the concern about vehicles' environmental impact has progressively increased. Therefore, car manufacturers are moving towards vehicles with low emissions like Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), that in the series architecture utilize an internal combustion engine (ICE) to power an electric generator for battery recharging thus extending the driving range of a Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV). For such applications, small four-stroke spark-ignition (SI) engines are a suitable solution, as they are proven low-cost and reliable systems and allow to increase vehicle driving range with reduced environmental impact. In series HEV the ICE is decoupled from the drive wheels and operates at a fixed working point regardless to the instantaneous power demand, thus promoting the lean mixture operation to achieve high efficiency and low CO2 emissions. In this work, the performance, in terms of driving range ...

Energy conversion and management 269 (16092)

DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2022.116092

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Experimental and numerical investigation of the impact of the pure hydrogen fueling on fuel consumption and NOx emissions in a small DI SI engine

Emmanuele Frasc1, Paolo Sementa2, Ivan Arsie1, Elio Jannelli1, and Bianca Maria Vaglieco2

In the last few years, car manufacturers are moving toward electrified powertrains, like Battery Electric Vehicles (BEV) and Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEV), to reduce the levels of CO2 in the atmosphere. A promising alternative to BEVs to reduce CO2 emissions, while maintaining an existing and well-developed technology, could be the use of hydrogen for internal combustion engines (ICEs). Particularly, the zero-carbon content of hydrogen allows for guaranteeing very clean combustion and near-zero carbon footprint. Within this context, the present study aims to deeply investigate the effects of pure hydrogen fueling of Spark Ignition (SI) engines, especially on specific fuel consumption and NOx emissions. Particularly, the benefits of pure hydrogen fueling were assessed in a production small Direct Injection (DI) SI engine. The engine is intended to operate in steady state conditions as an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) for a series hybrid powertrain. The effects of pure hydrogen fueling were investigated at two engine speeds, namely 2000 and 3000 rpm. All tests were carried out at unthrottled conditions and lean mixture. A 1-D engine model was developed within a commercial software. Combustion, heat transfer, and NOx emissions embedded sub-models were tuned based on the experimental data, to accurately reproduce the engine behavior in a wide range of operating conditions. Both experimental and simulation results demonstrated that hydrogen fueling, together with lean mixture operation, allow for significantly improving engine thermal efficiency. The results of 1-D model simulations supported the energy management strategies of the hybrid powertrain in selecting the most suitable ICE operating condition. Particularly, the best engine operating conditions in terms of fuel consumption are achieved at 2500 rpm, with ? = 2.0, while the lowest NOx emissions are reached when ? is increased up to 2.4.

International journal of engine research 24 (8), pp. 3574-–3587

DOI: 10.1177/14680874231162141

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

The future of ship engines: Renewable fuels and enabling technologies for decarbonization

Scott Curran1, Angelo Onorati2, Raul Payri3, Avinash Kumar Agarwal4, Constantine Arcoumanis5, Choongsik Bae6, Konstantinos Boulouchos7, Flavio Dal Forno Chuahy1, Manolis Gavaises8, Gregory J Hampson9, Christian Hasse10, Brian Kaul1, Song-Charng Kong11, Dhananjay Kumar4, Ricardo Novella3, Apostolos Pesyridis12, Rolf Reitz13, Bianca Maria Vaglieco14, and Nicole Wermuth15

Shipping is one of the most efficient transportation modes for moving freight globally. International regulations concerning decarbonization and emission reduction goals drive rapid innovations to meet the 2030 and 2050 greenhouse gas reduction targets. The internal combustion engines used for marine vessels are among the most efficient energy conversion systems. Internal combustion engines dominate the propulsion system architectures for marine shipping, and current marine engines will continue to serve for several decades. However, to meet the aggressive goals of low-carbon-intensity shipping, there is an impetus for further efficiency improvement and achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions. These factors drive the advancements in engine technologies, low-carbon fuels and fueling infrastructure, and emissions control systems. This editorial presents a perspective on the future of ship engines and the role of low-life cycle-carbon-fuels in decarbonizing the marine shipping sector. A selection of zero-carbon, net-zero carbon, and low-lifecycle-carbon-fuels are reviewed. This work focuses on the opportunities and challenges of displacing distillate fossil fuels for decarbonizing marine shipping. Enabling technologies such as next-generation air handling, fuel injection systems, and advanced combustion modes are discussed in the context of their role in the future of low-CO2 intensity shipping.

International journal of engine research

DOI: 10.1177/14680874231187954

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Sustainable Recovery of Titanium Alloy: From Waste to Feedstock for Additive Manufacturing

Vincenzo Tebaldo, Giovanna Gautier di Confiengo, Donatella Duraccio and Maria Giulia Faga

Titanium and its alloys are widely employed in the aerospace industry, and their use will increase in the future. At present, titanium is mainly produced by the Kroll method, but this is expensive and energy-intensive. Therefore, the research of efficient and sustainable methods for its production has become relevant. The present review provides a description of the titanium recycling methods used to produce mostly aeronautical components by additive manufacturing, offering an overview of the actual state of the art in the field. More specifically, this paper illustrates that ilmenite is the main source of titanium and details different metallurgic processes for producing titanium and titanium alloys. The energy consumption required for each production step is also illustrated. An overview of additive manufacturing techniques is provided, along with an analysis of their relative challenges. The main focus of the review is on the current technologies employed for the recycling of swarf. Literature suggests that the most promising ways are the technologies based on severe plastic deformation, such as equal-channel angular pressing, solid-state field-assisted sintering technology-forge, and the Conform process. The latter is becoming established in the field and can replace the actual production of conventional titanium wire. Titanium-recycled powder for additive manufacturing is mainly produced using gas atomization techniques.

Sustainability (Basel)

DOI: 10.3390/su16010330

2023, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENM

Sustainability assessment of urban transport by an LCA comparison on different technologies vehicles

Livia Della Ragione, Giovanni Meccariello

This paper intends to contribute to the environmental assessment in the context of sustainability vehicular transport in urban areas. A possible evaluation is based on a comparative analysis through the LCA Life Cycle Analysis methodology of the entire vehicle life cycle. The comparison may concern couples made up of an electric vehicle and an internal combustion vehicle of the same segment and category. The study will be designed for different vehicle segments to evaluate their efficiency and overall environmental sustainability also in relation to current social and political scenarios.

IES 2023 - Statistical Methods for Evaluation and Quality: Techniques, Technologies and Trends (T3), Pescara, Italy, 30-1/90/2023

DOI: 10.60984/978-88-94593-36-5-IES2023

2023, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

Experimental design and maintenance, towards a decision-making approach driven by degradation models, with application to lithium-ion batteries

A. Pievatolo, A. Magrini, G. Meccariello, L. Cristaldi, G. Patrizi, and N.D. Nikiforova

We discuss an innovative decision-making framework for accelerated degradation tests and predictive maintenance, when information about the state of the system, represented by prior knowledge and experimental data, is encapsulated in a degradation model. We consider dynamic programming and reinforcement learning as the framework for sequential decision making in these areas, also including the degradation model learning when necessary. The application of these methods to the design of life testing experiments and to the maintenance of lithium-ion batteries is proposed.

IEEE International Conference on Metrology for eXtended Reality, Artificial Intelligence and Neural Engineering - IEEE MetroXRAINE 2023, Milano, 25-27/10/2023

2023, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

Input Coupled and Output Coupled Power Split Transmission Performance Under Comprehensive Working Conditions

Pietro Marani, Damiano Chiarabelli, Silvia Gessi, Massimo Martelli

Power Split Continuously Variable Transmissions are becoming a prominent topic, made recently popular for the extensive use of this architecture in hybrid passenger cars, even though one of the most important and well-established applications is those of agricultural tractors. The paper will present the comparison between a current production tractor Power Split Input Coupled (IC) architecture and an Output Coupled (OC) designed and set up by the authors, both of which feature hydrostatic transmission as the variable unit. Both the IC and OC architectures will be modelled with a lumped parameter approach, representing the full vehicle and taking into account all the elements from the engine, to hydraulics, to mechanical transmission, until the wheel, including a proper electronic logic control. The models will be used to calculate and compare the power flows through the different paths of the Power Split architecture in different types of cycle. The first class of cycles is an ideal reference condition, which imposes a constant load power, varying the output speed, and can be useful to understand the operating limits and performance of the hydraulic units and to assess the overall efficiency in a comprehensive range of operating conditions. The second class of cycles are taken from DLG-Powermix, which represent some of the most common field and on road working cycles (transport, plough, cultivator etc.). This part will be able to evaluate the energy performance and to determine the impact of hydraulic losses on overall consumption in significant working conditions, thus highlighting the higher efficiency, up to 12% better, which is obtained through the implementation of the alternative output coupled architecture.

2023 ASME/BATH Symposium on Fluid Power and Motion Control, Sarasota, FL, USA, 19-18/10/2023ASME Conference Proceedings, pp. 1–12

DOI: 10.1115/FPMC2023-111467

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Scaled Hardware in the Loop Simulation of the Electric Motors of a CVT for Agricultural Tractors

Damiano Chiarabelli, Pietro Marani, Erik Schaltz, Kaiyuan Lu, Massimo Martelli, Silvia Gessi, Emiliano Mucchi

Electrification is a very current topic for all the mobile machinery whose primary source of power is an internal combustion engine; among those the light weight passenger vehicles represent the first field of application of this trend and also the state of the art of the technology. Agriculture is a huge fuel consumer sector and for this reason the tractor industry is now working on electrification, proposing different approaches for different power sizes: the "Battery Electric Vehicle" topology is proposed for small and mid-power size tractors, while for the big ones various hybrid architectures couple the internal combustion engine to electric units. In this paper a reference tractor is considered, endowed with an input coupled hydro-mechanical Continuously Variable Transmission and an alternative compound architecture is proposed, which provides the same performances and it is more suitable for electrification. The latter is modelled in Simcenter Amesim through a lumped parameter approach, focusing on the transmission and its control. The electric motors efficiency is modelled using the maps provided by the manufacturer. The main focus of this work is the construction of an experimental setup consisting of two electric motors test benches that allows to perform scaled tests reproducing the operation of the motors inside the transmission. The experiments' target is to measure the efficiency of the electric motors and the power electronics in real conditions. A comparison between the experimental and simulated data is performed. Additionally, a methodology is investigated to perform hardware in the loop simulations of the electric subsystem of a hybrid transmission. This methodology allows for the evaluation of control strategies related to the power balance of electric motor-generators and their effect on the recoverable energy.

SAE technical paper series 2023-24

DOI: 10.4271/2023-24-0136

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Viable Energy Recovery Strategies Through Advanced Directional Control Valve

Gianluca Ganassi, Davide Mesturin, Cesare Dolcin, Antonella Bonavolontà, Emma Frosina, Pietro Marani

The demand for more efficient machines is pushing hydraulic manufacturers to develop a new generation of systems capable of energy saving and recovering. An advanced flow sharing directional control valve with downstream compensation reduces meter-out pressure losses and recovers energy both in combined movements and with overrunning loads. Tests carried out on a prototype on a test bench confirm the proper functioning of the concept and allow tuning its lumped parameters numerical model. A control strategy based on keeping the optimal compensator position allows computing the maximum theoretical recovery. The simulation of a mini-excavator digging cycle shows the energy saving and recovery compared to a standard flow sharing system.

International journal of fluid power 24 (2), pp. 361–392

DOI: 10.13052/ijfp1439-9776.2428

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

D5.7: Report for fourth Integration Step (AGROB v20 with Electrical-Sprayer)

Danilo Rabino, Davide Allochis

This deliverable provides a summary of the activities held during the fourth SCORPION integration step, organized by STEMS and CERVIM (, which took place in Aymavilles (Italy) from 13th to June 15th, 2023. Address: Loc. Ferrière, 9, 11010 Aymavilles (Aosta), Italy GPS Coordinates: 45°42'07.1"N 7°14'34.0"E The report highlights the prior steps and results obtained by technical partners (INESC TEC, TEYME, STEMS, DEIMOS) concerning the integration of the WETA robotic platform (AgRob V20) with the Electrical-Sprayer system, which was developed in the scope of work package WP2 - New Spraying Approaches and Tools for Robotic Precision Spraying, and its evaluation on the field. Results obtained from other technical work packages are detailed in this document as well. Autonomous GNSS-powered robot navigation and control was developed and tested on the field, in the scope of work packages WP3 - Permanent Crops Perception, Navigation and Localization, carried out by INESC TEC, EURECAT, DEIMOS, and WP4 - Control and Safety Systems, with INESC TEC and STEMS as participants. Finally, the public demonstration (3rd Open Day) of the SCORPION platform capabilities was hosted by Cave des Onze Communes (Aymavilles) with an event for innovations showcase in agricultural automation and robotics, in a vineyard demo field at June 15th during the fourth integration step.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

D5.6: SCORPION robots integrated with Navigation stack V3.0 and Safety and Control Stack V3.0

Danilo Rabino, Davide Allochis

This deliverable outlines the current state of the SCORPION full electric prototype (WETA robot), represented by an autonomous robotic platform (AgRob V20) featuring a navigation system with GNSS Galileo support and a particular type of equipment for phytosanitary crop protection treatments with two kinds of exchangeable structures/elements. The first type is represented by an intelligent spraying system mounted on optimized version of a TEYME airblast sprayer and consisting of two recovery panels each equipped with 4 nozzles with a PWM system and the variable rate technology (VRT) as independent nozzles control and airflow control features. The second one, exchangeable with the spraying system, consists in two specific UVC Light panels each with 32 lamps. The UVC tool represents an alternative system against some crop pathologies which can be used in combination with traditional chemical products to improve the effectiveness of the treatments. In this document, an overview for each of the last prototype upgrades is given, with focus on results obtained by their integration to the real robot, that will be tested during the next integration step in June 2023 at Aymavilles (Italy).

2023, Rapporto di ricerca (Research report), ITA

Progettazione di un Apparato Sperimentale in Scala per la Caratterizzazione dell'interazione Aria Combustibile per Applicazioni Aereonautiche

Marco Piras, Luca Marchitto, Cinzia Tornatore, Alfredo Mazzei

Il documento riporta la descrizione della prima fase della progettazione di un apparato sperimentale in scala per la caratterizzazione dell'interazione aria-combustibile per applicazioni aereonautiche.

InstituteSelected 1/199

STEMS, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie per l'Energia e la Mobilità Sostenibili

    ISTI, Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'informazione "Alessandro Faedo" (16395)
    ISPC, Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale (9564)
    IFC, Istituto di fisiologia clinica (7773)
    ISMAR, Istituto di scienze marine (7664)
    ISAC, Istituto di scienze dell'atmosfera e del clima (7466)
    IRPI, Istituto di ricerca per la protezione idrogeologica (7354)
    IGAG, Istituto di geologia ambientale e geoingegneria (7114)
    ICMATE, Istituto di Chimica della Materia Condensata e di Tecnologie per l'Energia (6874)
    ISPA, Istituto di scienze delle produzioni alimentari (6576)
    ICB, Istituto di chimica biomolecolare (6479)
AuthorSelected 0/208
    Chirone Riccardo (300)
    Ammendola Paola (135)
    Ruoppolo Giovanna (126)
    Solimene Roberto (92)
    Cavallo Eugenio (80)
    Urciuolo Massimo (74)
    Raganati Federica (69)
    Lisi Luciana (60)
    Miccio Francesco (56)
    Gargiulo Valentina (53)
TypeSelected 0/35
    Articolo in rivista (505)
    Contributo in atti di convegno (263)
    Rapporto tecnico (86)
    Rapporto di progetto (Project report) (56)
    Abstract in atti di convegno (55)
    Rapporto di ricerca (Research report) (42)
    Presentazione (24)
    Contributo in volume (21)
    Poster (18)
    Tesi (10)
Research programSelected 0/109
    ET.P01.003.001, Studio dei processi e tecnologie di combustione a basso impatto ambientale (106)
    ET.P01.003.002, Sviluppo di tecnologie di gasificazione con riguardo anche ai problemi di sicurezza e impatto ambientale (29)
    DIT.AD014.031.001, Energia, Mobilità e Processi Sostenibili nel Sistema Agroforestale (28)
    ET.P03.002.001, Studio di processi e tecnologie per la produzione di energia da fonti rinnovabili (25)
    DIT.AD014.002.001, Sostenibilità ed impatto ambientale (22)
    DIT.AD018.081.001, Sviluppo di procedure per la diagnostica di componenti per veicoli leggeri (17)
    DIT.AD017.011.001, Processi e Tecnologie per i combustibili fossili (16)
    ET.P03.002.002, Sviluppo di processi e tecnologie di trasformazione di fonti rinnovabili per la produzione di energia e materiali (16)
    DIT.AD014.031.002, Energia, Mobilità e Processi Sostenibili nel Sistema Agroforestale (13)
    DIT.AD014.043.001, Innovazione nella gestione dei suoli viticoli attraverso l'adozione di buone pratiche e strumenti di supporto alle attività di campo (13)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/2
    H2020 (33)
    FP7 (5)
EU ProjectSelected 0/10
    SCORPION (9)
    ATLAS (6)
    STAGE-STE (5)
    WaterWorks2015 (4)
    DEVILS (3)
    SUREAL-23 (3)
    VISION-xEV (2)
    IBISBA 1.0 (1)
YearSelected 0/21
    2021 (301)
    2022 (278)
    2023 (183)
    2020 (79)
    2015 (29)
    2017 (26)
    2016 (25)
    2019 (25)
    2006 (23)
    2009 (23)
LanguageSelected 0/6
    Inglese (868)
    Italiano (240)
    Inglese medio (1100-1500) (9)
    Creolo-inglese (altra lingua) (6)
    Spagnolo (2)
    Francese (1)
KeywordSelected 0/2868
    Fluidized bed (32)
    CO2 capture (26)
    Biomass (19)
    macchine agricole (18)
    CFD (17)
    fluidized bed (17)
    sicurezza (17)
    pyrolysis (16)
    sensori per gas (16)
    agricoltura (15)