2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Amerigo Mendicelli, Gaetano Falcone, Gianluca Acunzo, Federico Mori, Giuseppe Naso, Edoardo Peronace, Attilio Porchia, Gino Romagnoli, Massimiliano Moscatelli
Ground motion modification over large areas is generally evaluated by focusing on source effects disregarding local lithostratigraphic site conditions. Hence, amplification maps of peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity are proposed to improve the forecast of ground motion on a national scale. Topological information about litho-type successions and soil mechanical behaviour were retrieved from the Italian database of seismic microzonation and more than 30 million of seismic site response analyses were performed to quantify the amplification factors (i.e. the ratio between expected ground motion at the site of interest and that at the outcropping engineering bedrock). The maximum value of the amplified peak ground acceleration on the Italian territory results in about twice as much as the value expected at the outcropping of the engineering bedrock. Finally, damage scenario maps based on the amplified ground motion could be produced as a supporting tool for urban planning and emergency system management.
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Falcone G.; Acunzo G.; Mendicelli A.; Mori F.; Naso G.; Peronace E.; Porchia A.; Romagnoli G.; Tarquini E.; Moscatelli M.
Prediction of surface ground motion based on advanced approaches is a non-trivial task at large area. In fact, advanced approaches require a detailed geological and geotechnical subsoil model based on geological, physical and mechanical properties retrieved from in situ investigations and laboratory data, and to perform time consuming numerical simulation of the seismic site response. Bearing in mind that there is a lack of available site investigations and laboratory data at large area, simplified methods based on "soft data" are often adopted. On this regard, a methodology to perform seismic site response analyses at national scale is proposed in this paper, based on the following assumptions: 1) homogeneous areas were identified at national scale based both on morpho-geological and lithological properties, in order to classify and analyse site-data archived in the Italian database of seismic microzonation studies; 2) geotechnical subsoil one-dimensional models of the Italian site conditions were defined according to site-data; 3) in accordance with the reference seismic hazard levels, pseudo-acceleration response spectra were selected as input motions for numerical simulations. About thirty million numerical simulations of seismic site response were performed, and national maps of seismic shaking amplification factors were produced in terms of ratio of response spectra referred to three intervals of period. This estimation of surface ground motion based on the proposed procedure is a supporting tool for large area territorial and emergency planning.