2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Barbara Laddomada 1,* , Antonio Blanco 2, Giovanni Mita 1 , Leone D'Amico 1, Ravi P. Singh 3, Karim Ammar 3, Jose Crossa 3 and Carlos Guzmán4,*
Droughts and high temperatures are the main abiotic constraints hampering durum wheat production. This study investigated the accumulation of phenolic acids (PAs) in the wholemeal flour of six durum wheat cultivars under drought and heat stress. Phenolic acids were extracted from wholemeals and analysed through HPLC-DAD analysis. Ferulic acid was the most represented PA, varying from 390.1 to 785.6 g/g dry matter across all cultivars and growth conditions, followed by sinapic acids, p-coumaric, vanillic, syringic, and p-hydroxybenzoic acids. Among the cultivars, Cirno had the highest PAs content, especially under severe drought conditions. Heat stress enhanced the accumulation of minor individual PAs, whereas severe drought increased ferulic acid and total PAs. Broad-sense heritability was low (0.23) for p-coumaric acid but >0.69 for all other components. Positive correlations occurred between PA content and grain morphology and between test weight and grain yield. Durum wheat genotypes with good yields and high accumulation of PAs across different growing conditions could be significant for durum wheat resilience and health-promoting value.
2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Scarano, Aurelia; Olivieri, Fabrizio; Gerardi, Carmela; Liso, Marina; Chiesa, Maurizio; Chieppa, Marcello; Frusciante, Luigi; Barone, Amalia; Santino, Angelo; Rigano, Maria Manuela
BACKGROUND Global warming and extreme or adverse events induced by climatic fluctuations are an important threat for plants growth and agricultural production. Adaptability to environmental changes prevalently derives from a large set of genetic traits affecting physiological and agronomic parameters. Therefore, the identification of genotypes that are good yield performer at high temperatures is becoming increasingly necessary for future breeding programs. Here, we analyzed the performances of different tomato landraces grown under elevated temperatures in terms of yield and nutritional quality of the fruit. Finally, we evaluated the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of fruit extracts from the tomato landraces selected.
DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.10312