2007, Articolo in rivista

An observing system for the collection of fishery and oceanographic data

Falco P. (1), Belardinelli A . (1), Santojanni A. (1), Cingolani N. (1), Russo A. (2), Arneri E. (1)

Fishery Observing System (FOS) was developed as a first and basic step towards fish stock abundance now-casting/forecasting within the framework of the EU research program Mediterranean Forecasting System: Toward an Environmental Prediction (MFSTEP). The study of the relationship between abundance and environmental parameters also represents a crucial point towards forecasting. Eight fishing vessels were progressively equipped with FOS instrumentation to collect fishery and oceanographic data. The vessels belonged to different harbours of the Central and Northern Adriatic Sea. For this pilot application, anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus, L.) was chosen as the target species. Geo-referenced catch data, associated with in-situ temperature and depth, were the FOS products but other parameters were associated with catch data as well. MFSTEP numerical circulation models provide many of these data. In particular, salinity was extracted from re-analysis data of numerical circulation models. Satellite-derived sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll were also used as independent variables. Catch and effort data were used to estimate an abundance index (CPUE-Catch per Unit of Effort). Considering that catch records were gathered by different fishing vessels with different technical characteristics and operating on different fish densities, a standardized value of CPUE was calculated. A spatial and temporal average CPUE map was obtained together with a monthly mean time series in order to characterise the variability of anchovy abundance during the period of observation ( October 2003-August 2005). In order to study the relationship between abundance and oceanographic parameters, Generalized Additive Models (GAM) were used. Preliminary results revealed a complex scenario: the southern sector of the domain is characterised by a stronger relationship than the central and northern sector where the interactions between the environment and the anchovy distribution are hidden by a higher percentage of variability within the system which is still unexplained. GAM analysis showed that increasing the number of explanatory variables also increased the portion of variance explained by the model. Data exchange and interdisciplinary efforts will therefore be crucial for the success of this research activity.

Ocean science (Print) 3(2), pp. 189–203

2007, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG

Preliminary results of oceanographic data along the section Vieste-Split during six cruises made from November 2005 to September 2006

Grilli F. (*), Marini M. (*), Paschini E. (*), Russo A., Iermano I.,. Book J.

Geoitalia 2007 - VI Forum Italiano di Scienze della Terra, RiminiEpitome (Udine)

2006, Articolo in rivista

Effects of environmental variables on recruitment of anchovy in the Adriatic Sea

Santojanni A. (1), Arneri E. (1), Bernardini V. (2), Cingolani N. (1), Di Marco M. (2), Russo A. (2)

The anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus is an important fishery resource in the Adriatic Sea. Fluctuating recruitment of young fish to the stock over time can be related to changes in the environment. The trend of anchovy recruitment in the northern and central Adriatic from 1975 to 2001 was analysed with the aim of identifying possible effects related to 5 environmental factors: surface air temperature, surface atmospheric pressure, quadrant specific wind stresses, Po River runoff and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) index. Particular emphasis was placed on 1987, a year of anchovy collapse and fishery crisis. Different types of regression models were applied, both linear and nonlinear (simple and multiple), with predictor variables being environmental factors and parental stock abundance. Positive relationships of number of recruits with autumnal SSE and ESE wind stress and both annual and autumnal Po River runoff were found, with a strength comparable to the relationship between recruits and parental stock. Low levels of these environmental factors were observed just before the 1987 collapse, together with a high frequency of occurrence of NE winds and an extreme positive value of the NAO index in the previous autumn (which may have been unfavourable to recruitment in 1987). All 5 environmental factors could be related to increased or reduced food availability for young stages of anchovy in autumn.

Climate research 31, pp. 181–193
InstituteSelected 0/1
    ISMAR, Istituto di scienze marine (3)
AuthorSelected 0/7
    Arneri Enrico (2)
    Cingolani Nando (2)
    Santojanni Alberto (2)
    Belardinelli Andrea (1)
    Grilli Federica (1)
    Marini Mauro (1)
    Paschini Elio (1)
TypeSelected 0/2
    Articolo in rivista (2)
    Abstract in atti di convegno (1)
Research programSelected 0/1
    TA.P04.007.001, Conoscenza del livello di funzionalità degli ecosistemi marini soggetti ad attività antropiche e a sfruttamento sostenibile delle risorse (3)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
EU ProjectSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
YearSelected 0/2
    2007 (2)
    2006 (1)
LanguageSelected 0/1
    Inglese (1)

Adriatic Sea ;