2024, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

Packaging completion and storage status of the MITICA Cryopumps at NBTF site

Manfrin S.; Rossetto F.; Baseggio L.; Cinetto P.

This document presents the packaging completion and storage setup of the MITICA Cryopumps performed at NBTF site on October 5th, 2023 just after the completion of the SAT.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

Packaging completion and storage status of the MITICA Cryopumps at NBTF site

Manfrin S.; Rossetto F.; Baseggio L.; Cinetto P.

This document presents the packaging completion and storage setup of the MITICA Cryopumps performed at NBTF site on October 5th, 2023 just after the completion of the SAT.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

Manufacturing Design of the MITICA Slow Interlock System and Thermal Unit - Anex B - Technical Specification

Luchetta A.; Moressa M.

This document contains the manufacturing design of the Slow Interlock System and the Thermal Unit for the MITICA test bed in the ITER Neutral Beam Test Facility. It is also the technical specification for subcontracting the construction, software development, transportation to the site, on-site installation, commissioning, and documentation of the Slow Interlock System and Thermal Processing Unit. The MITICA Slow Interlock System takes care of the global functions of machine protection during the operation of the MITICA test bed, providing continuous monitoring of abnormal events, automated protection actions on plant units, and logging events and data relevant to MITICA equipment protection. The MITICA Slow Interlock System neither manages nor implements any function related to personnel safety. The MITICA Thermal Unit acquires and processes, for protection purposes, all signals from temperature sensors (source, grounded grid, neutralizer and electron dump, residual ion dump, calorimeter, and cryogenic pump).

2023, Presentazione, ENG

Present status of SPIDER upgrades

Marcuzzi D.; Toigo V.; Rotti C.; Singh M.; Fantz U.

n the quest to reach ITER target parameters for the additional heating systems, a Neutral Beam Test Facility (NBTF) was set up at Consorzio RFX (Italy), including two experiments. MITICA is the full-scale Heating Neutral Beam (HNB) prototype, expected to enter into operation in 2025, while SPIDER, inaugurated in 2018, is aimed at testing and optimizing in advance the ion source. The first SPIDER experimental campaign was concluded at the end of 2021, and a major shutdown is ongoing to implement refurbishments and modifications, in order to restart operation towards the target parameters. The beam source was disassembled for a thorough inspection, which led to additional necessity or opportunity for improvement, beyond the already identified refurbishment, repairs or enhancements foreseen within the lessons learned after the results obtained and the events occurred during operation. A double-digit number of projects led to about 30 procurements for refurbishment of existing parts or manufacturing of new replacing ones. Further to that, two projects of outstanding relevance are driving the shutdown cost and schedule. The pumping system shall be enhanced in order to keep the pressure in the vessel low enough to avoid RF electric field induced discharges on the rear side of the source, still keeping the pressure inside at the prescribed values. Non-Evaporable Getter (NEG) pumps will be installed on a new dedicated vessel module on the source side of SPIDER experiment. RF generators substitution was decided after demonstrating the limitations caused by the original oscillators: intrinsic frequency instabilities on resonant loads and presence of high voltage inside the generator prevented the system to work efficiently and safely at the required conditions. Solid state amplifiers have been chosen for the replacement, as they have already been tested positively at IPP. This contribution presents the status of these main upgrades.

SOFE 2023 - IEEE Symposium on Fusion Engineering, Oxford, UK, 9-13 July 2023

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ITA/ENG

Specifica tecnica del controllo dell'impianto di raffreddamento dello SPIDER Vacuum Enhancement Module

Trevisan L.; Fellin F.; Simionato P.; Capobianco R.

This document defines the implementation methods for the cooling control system of the Vacuum Enhancement Module (VEM). Therefore, the necessary hardware, installation logics, and software for the cooling system constitute the main aspects of this specification.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

Framework Contract F4E-OFC-582 Specific Contract F4E-OFC-582-02 QR14: Progress Report of the activities

Manfrin S.; Pilan N.; Sottocornola A.; Tinti P.

This report concerns the activities performed on the OFC-582-02 from 01 October 2022 till 31 May 2023.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

Specification of electrical connectors and feedthroughs for MITICA sensors

Pasqualotto R.

This document specifies a new deliverable to be included in Specific Contract F4E-OFC-582-03 - Neutral Beam Test Facility Assembly, Task Order No.3. These specifications detail the requirements for the procurement of a set of connectors and feedthroughs for diagnostic signals, to be procured for assembly in the MITICA neutral beam injector. The specifications in this document are for the connectors and feedthroughs with their contact pins only. Welding of the feedthroughs on the feedthrough flanges and cabling of the connectors are separately procured.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ITA

Specifiche di gestione del contratto di costruzione dell'impianto di raffreddamento dello SPIDER VEM

Sottocornola A.; Marcuzzi D.

Specifiche di gestione del contratto di costruzione dell'impianto di raffreddamento dello SPIDER VEM (Annex A).

2023, Nota tecnica, ITA


Barbato P.; Moressa M.

Questo documento definisce le specifiche tecniche del contratto di manutenzione e assistenza per le apparecchiature che sono utilizzate per le reti di comunicazioni dati del Consorzio RFX e degli esperimenti NBTF.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

NBTF Progress Report 03/2023

Toigo V.; Marcuzzi D.; Serianni G.; Boldrin M.; Chitarin G.; Dal Bello S.; Grando L.; Luchetta A.; Pasqualotto R.; Zanotto L.; Agnello R.; Agostinetti P.; Agostini M.; Antoni V.; Aprile D.; Barbisan M.; Battistella M.; Berton G.; Bigi M.; Brombin M.; Candeloro V.; Canton A.; Casagrande R.; Cavallini C.; Cavazzana R.; Cordaro L.; Cruz N.; Dalla Palma M.; Dan M.; De Lorenzi A.; Delogu R.; De Muri M.; Denizeau S.; Fadone M.; Fellin F.; Ferro A.; Gaio E.; Gasparini F.; Gasparrini C.; Gnesotto F.; Jain P.; Krastev P.; Lopez-Bruna D.; Lorenzini R.; Maistrello A.; Manduchi G.; Manfrin S.; Marconato N.; Martines E.; Martini G.; Martini S.; Milazzo R.; Patton T.; Pavei M.; Peruzzo S.; Pilan N.; Pimazzoni A.; Poggi C.; Pomaro N.; Pouradier-Duteil B.; Recchia M.; Rigoni-Garola A.; Rizzolo A.; Sartori E.; Shepherd A.; Siragusa M.; Sonato P.; Sottocornola A.; Spada E.; Spagnolo S.; Spolaore M.; Taliercio C.; Terranova D.; Tinti P.; Tomsic P.; Trevisan L.; Ugoletti M.; Valente M.; Vignando M.; Zagorski R.; Zamengo A.; Zaniol B.; Zaupa M.; Zuin M.; Cavenago M.; Boilson D.; Rotti C.; Veltri P.; Decamps H.; Dremel M.; Graceffa J.; Geli F.; Urbani M.; Zacks J.; Bonicelli T.; Paolucci F.; Garbuglia A.; Agarici G.; Gomez G.; Gutierrez D.; Kouzmenko G.; Labate C.; Masiello A.; Mico G.; Moreno J-F.; Pilard V.; Rousseau A.; Simon M.; Kashiwagi M.; Tobari H.; Watanabe K.; Maejima T.; Kojima A.; Oshita E.; Yamashita Y.; Konno S.; Singh M.; Chakraborty A.; Patel H.; Singh N.; Fantz U.; Bonomo F.; Cristofaro S.; Heinemann B.; Kraus W.; Wimmer C.; Wunderlich D.; Fubiani G.; Tsumori K.; Croci G.; Gorini G.; McCormack O.; Muraro A.; Rebai M.; Tardocchi M.; Giacomelli L.; Rigamonti D.; Taccogna F.; Bruno D.; Rutigliano M.; D'Arienzo M.; Tonti A.; Panin F.

NBTF Progress Report: SPIDER, MITICA and Other

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

NBTF Progress Report 02/2023

Toigo V.; Marcuzzi D.; Serianni G.; Boldrin M.; Chitarin G.; Dal Bello S.; Grando L.; Luchetta A.; Pasqualotto R.; Zanotto L.; Agnello R.; Agostinetti P.; Agostini M.; Antoni V.; Aprile D.; Barbisan M.; Battistella M.; Berton G.; Bigi M.; Brombin M.; Candeloro V.; Canton A.; Casagrande R.; Cavallini C.; Cavazzana R.; Cordaro L.; Cruz N.; Dalla Palma M.; Dan M.; De Lorenzi A.; Delogu R.; De Muri M.; Denizeau S.; Fadone M.; Fellin F.; Ferro A.; Gaio E.; Gasparini F.; Gasparrini C.; Gnesotto F.; Jain P.; Krastev P.; Lopez-Bruna D.; Lorenzini R.; Maistrello A.; Manduchi G.; Manfrin S.; Marconato N.; Martines E.; Martini G.; Martini S.; Milazzo R.; Patton T.; Pavei M.; Peruzzo S.; Pilan N.; Pimazzoni A.; Poggi C.; Pomaro N.; Pouradier-Duteil B.; Recchia M.; Rigoni-Garola A.; Rizzolo A.; Sartori E.; Shepherd A.; Siragusa M.; Sonato P.; Sottocornola A.; Spada E.; Spagnolo S.; Spolaore M.; Taliercio C.; Terranova D.; Tinti P.; Tomsic P.; Trevisan L.; Ugoletti M.; Valente M.; Vignando M.; Zagorski R.; Zamengo A.; Zaniol B.; Zaupa M.; Zuin M.; Cavenago M.; Boilson D.; Rotti C.; Veltri P.; Decamps H.; Dremel M.; Graceffa J.; Geli F.; Urbani M.; Zacks J.; Bonicelli T.; Paolucci F.; Garbuglia A.; Agarici G.; Gomez G.; Gutierrez D.; Kouzmenko G.; Labate C.; Masiello A.; Mico G.; Moreno J-F.; Pilard V.; Rousseau A.; Simon M.; Kashiwagi M.; Tobari H.; Watanabe K.; Maejima T.; Kojima A.; Oshita E.; Yamashita Y.; Konno S.; Singh M.; Chakraborty A.; Patel H.; Singh N.; Fantz U.; Bonomo F.; Cristofaro S.; Heinemann B.; Kraus W.; Wimmer C.; Wunderlich D.; Fubiani G.; Tsumori K.; Croci G.; Gorini G.; McCormack O.; Muraro A.; Rebai M.; Tardocchi M.; Giacomelli L.; Rigamonti D.; Taccogna F.; Bruno D.; Rutigliano M.; D'Arienzo M.; Tonti A.; Panin F.

On 08/02/2023 a formal inspection by INAIL+Health minister occurred, with relation to radioprotection "nulla osta" (category A) for NBTF, with positive result. Meeting foreseen on 01/03/2023 for presentation of ICMATE to IO team.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

NBTF Progress Report 01/2023

Toigo V.; Marcuzzi D.; Serianni G.; Boldrin M.; Chitarin G.; Dal Bello S.; Grando L.; Luchetta A.; Pasqualotto R.; Zanotto L.; Agnello R.; Agostinetti P.; Agostini M.; Antoni V.; Aprile D.; Barbisan M.; Battistella M.; Berton G.; Bigi M.; Brombin M.; Candeloro V.; Canton A.; Casagrande R.; Cavallini C.; Cavazzana R.; Cordaro L.; Cruz N.; Dalla Palma M.; Dan M.; De Lorenzi A.; Delogu R.; De Muri M.; Denizeau S.; Fadone M.; Fellin F.; Ferro A.; Gaio E.; Gasparini F.; Gasparrini C.; Gnesotto F.; Jain P.; Krastev P.; Lopez-Bruna D.; Lorenzini R.; Maistrello A.; Manduchi G.; Manfrin S.; Marconato N.; Martines E.; Martini G.; Martini S.; Milazzo R.; Patton T.; Pavei M.; Peruzzo S.; Pilan N.; Pimazzoni A.; Poggi C.; Pomaro N.; Pouradier-Duteil B.; Recchia M.; Rigoni-Garola A.; Rizzolo A.; Sartori E.; Shepherd A.; Siragusa M.; Sonato P.; Sottocornola A.; Spada E.; Spagnolo S.; Spolaore M.; Taliercio C.; Terranova D.; Tinti P.; Tomsic P.; Trevisan L.; Ugoletti M.; Valente M.; Vignando M.; Zagorski R.; Zamengo A.; Zaniol B.; Zaupa M.; Zuin M.; Cavenago M.; Boilson D.; Rotti C.; Veltri P.; Decamps H.; Dremel M.; Graceffa J.; Geli F.; Urbani M.; Zacks J.; Bonicelli T.; Paolucci F.; Garbuglia A.; Agarici G.; Gomez G.; Gutierrez D.; Kouzmenko G.; Labate C.; Masiello A.; Mico G.; Moreno J-F.; Pilard V.; Rousseau A.; Simon M.; Kashiwagi M.; Tobari H.; Watanabe K.; Maejima T.; Kojima A.; Oshita E.; Yamashita Y.; Konno S.; Singh M.; Chakraborty A.; Patel H.; Singh N.; Fantz U.; Bonomo F.; Cristofaro S.; Heinemann B.; Kraus W.; Wimmer C.; Wunderlich D.; Fubiani G.; Tsumori K.; Croci G.; Gorini G.; McCormack O.; Muraro A.; Rebai M.; Tardocchi M.; Giacomelli L.; Rigamonti D.; Taccogna F.; Bruno D.; Rutigliano M.; D'Arienzo M.; Tonti A.; Panin F.

Bilateral agreement with ICMATE signed. Ongoing discussion on MITICA plan wrt preliminary installation+functional test for cryopumps, also involving the cryoplant.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

MITICA Cable Trays and Cabling - As-Built Design Report

Barbato P.; Moressa M.; Luchetta A.; Zampiva E.

This document contains the as-built design reports of the MITICA CODAS cable trays and cabling.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

Final Design of MITICA Central Safety System

Luchetta A.; Moressa M.; Grando L.; Battistella M.

This document contains the final design of the MITICA Safety System including the MITICA Central Safety System and its remote Input/output.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

MITICA Networks - As-Built Design Report

Barbato P.; Luchetta A.; Moressa M.

This document is the as-built design report for the procurement of the MITICA Plant Operation Network, Data Archiving Network, and Time Communication Network.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

SPIDER CODAS infrastructure - I&C Cubicles - Update of As-Built Design Report

Luchetta A.; Zampiva E.; Sartore A.

This document updates the as-built design report for the SPIDER I&C cubicles. In detail, it provides updated wiring diagrams and bills of materials, a new user manual, and the CE certificates of the SPIDER I&C cubicles.

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

As-built design report of the MITICA HNB plant system

Luchetta A.; Taliercio C.; Zampiva E.; Molon F.

This document contains the as-built design of the MITICA HNB plant system.

2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Lessons learned after three years of SPIDER operation and the first MITICA integrated tests

Marcuzzi D.; Toigo V.; Boldrin M.; Chitarin G.; Dal Bello S.; Grando L.; Luchetta A.; Pasqualotto R.; Pavei M.; Serianni G.; Zanotto L.; Agnello R.; Agostinetti P.; Agostini M.; Aprile D.; Barbisan M.; Battistella M.; Berton G.; Bigi M.; Brombin M.; Candela V.; Candeloro V.; Canton A.; Casagrande R.; Cavallini C.; Cavazzana R.; Cordaro L.; Cruz N.; Dalla Palma M.; Dan M.; De Lorenzi A.; Delogu R.; De Muri M.; De Nardi M.; Denizeau S.; Fadone M.; Fellin F.; Ferro A.; Gaio E.; Gasparrini C.; Gnesotto F.; Jain P.; La Rosa A.; Lopez-Bruna D.; Lorenzini R.; Maistrello A.; Manduchi G.; Manfrin S.; Marconato N.; Mario I.; Martini G.; Milazzo R.; Patton T.; Peruzzo S.; Pilan N.; Pimazzoni A.; Poggi C.; Pomaro N.; Pouradier-Duteil B.; Recchia M.; Rigoni-Garola A.; Rizzetto D.; Rizzolo A.; Santoro F.; Sartori E.; Segalini B.; Shepherd A.; Siragusa M.; Sonato P.; Sottocornola A.; Spada E.; Spagnolo S.; Spolaore M.; Taliercio C.; Tinti P.; Tomsic P.; Trevisan L.; Ugoletti M.; Valente M.; Valisa M.; Veronese F.; Vignando M.; Zaccaria P.; Zagorski R.; Zaniol B.; Zaupa M.; Zuin M.; Cavenago M.; Boilson D.; Rotti C.; Decamps H.; Geli F.; Sharma A.; Veltri P.; Zacks J.; Simon M.; Paolucci F.; Garbuglia A.; Gutierrez D.; Masiello A.; Mico G.; Labate C.; Readman P.; Bragulat E.; Bailly-Maitre L.; Gomez G.; Kouzmenko G.; Albajar F.; Kashiwagi M.; Tobari H.; Kojima A.; Murayama M.; Hatakeyama S.; Oshita E.; Maejima T.; Shibata N.; Yamashita Y.; Watanabe K.; Singh N.P.; Singh M.J.; Dhola H.; Fantz U.; Heinemann B.; Wimmer C.; Wunderlich D.; Tsumori K.; Croci G.; Gorini G.; Muraro A.; Rebai M.; Tardocchi M.; Giacomelli L.; Rigamonti D.; Taccogna F.; Bruno D.; Rutigliano M.; Longo S.; Deambrosis S.; Miorin E.; Montagner F.; Tonti A.; Panin F.

ITER envisages the use of two heating neutral beam injectors plus an optional one as part of the auxiliary heating and current drive system, to reach the desired performances during its various phases of operation. The 16.5 MW expected neutral beam power per injector is several notches higher than worldwide existing facilities. In order to enable such development, a Neutral Beam Test Facility (NBTF) was established at Consorzio RFX, exploiting the synergy of two test beds, called SPIDER and MITICA. SPIDER is dedicated developing and characterizing large efficient negative ion sources at relevant parameters in ITER-like conditions: source and accelerator located in the same vacuum where the beam propagates, immunity to electromagnetic interferences of multiple radio-frequency (RF) antennas, avoidance of RF-induced discharges on the outside of the source. Three years of experiments on SPIDER have addressed to the necessary design modifications to enable full performances. The source is presently under a long shut-down phase to incorporate learnings from the experimental campaign, in particular events/issues occurred during operation, which led to the identification of improvement opportunities/necessities (e.g. RF discharges, local burns, water leaks, other damages, configuration/design upgrades to maximize chances/margin to quest target parameters). Parallelly, developments on MITICA, the full-scale prototype of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector (NBI) featuring a 1 MV accelerator and ion neutralization, are underway including manufacturing of the beam source, accelerator and the beam line components, while power supplies and auxiliary plants, already installed, are under final testing and commissioning. Integration, commissioning and tests of the 1 MV power supplies are essential for this first-of-kind system, unparalleled both in research and industry field. 1.2 MV dc insulating tests of high voltage components were successfully completed. The integrated test to confirm 1 MV output by combining invertor systems, DC generators and transmission lines extracted errors/accidents in some components. To realize a concrete system for ITER, said events have been addressed and solutions for the repair and the improvement of the system were developed. Hence, NBTF is emerging as a necessary facility, due to the large gap with existing injectors, effectively dedicated to identify issues and find solutions to enable successful ITER NBI operations in a time bound fashion. The lessons learned during the implementation on NBTF and future perspectives are here discussed.

Fusion engineering and design (Print) 191, pp. 113590-1–113590-11

DOI: 10.1016/j.fusengdes.2023.113590

2023, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG

F4E-OFC-280-04 Delivery Notes

Luchetta A.

This document contains the delivery notes of task order F4E-OFC-280-04.

2023, Nota tecnica, ITA

Commenti ai documenti THYTRONIC rivisti per lo studio di coordinamento delle protezioni della rete di Media Tensione di NBTF

Bigi M.; Lazzaro G.

Questa nota documenta la chiusura dei commenti alla prima edizione dei documenti THYTRONIC e raccoglie le osservazioni, i commenti e le richieste di chiarimento residue del Consorzio RFX alla seconda edizione dei documenti THYTRONIC.

InstituteSelected 0/4
    IGI, Istituto gas ionizzati (342)
    ISTP, Istituto per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Plasmi (283)
    ICMATE, Istituto di Chimica della Materia Condensata e di Tecnologie per l'Energia (4)
    IFP, Istituto di fisica del plasma "Piero Caldirola" (3)
AuthorSelected 0/56
    Luchetta Adriano Francesco (118)
    Pasqualotto Roberto (105)
    Serianni Gianluigi (88)
    Sottocornola Aldo (77)
    Dalla Palma Mauro (69)
    Moressa Modesto (67)
    Brombin Matteo (63)
    Taliercio Cesare (60)
    Pomaro Nicola (57)
    Grando Luca (51)
TypeSelected 0/13
    Rapporto di progetto (Project report) (499)
    Presentazione (27)
    Abstract in atti di convegno (23)
    Nota tecnica (13)
    Articolo in rivista (4)
    Rapporto tecnico (4)
    Poster (3)
    Prodotto multimediale (3)
    Altra documentazione tecnica (1)
    Contributo in atti di convegno (1)
Research programSelected 0/5
    DIT.AD020.019.001, attività di supporto a ITER e DEMO (335)
    DIT.AD020.017.001, F4E-CONSORZIO RFX-NBTF (263)
    ET.P05.003.001, Esperimento RFX ed attività collegate (90)
    DIT.AD020.001.001, EUROfusion (6)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/2
    FP7 (342)
    H2020 (9)
EU ProjectSelected 0/2
    EUFORIA (342)
    EUROfusion (9)
YearSelected 0/12
    2018 (101)
    2019 (100)
    2017 (70)
    2016 (69)
    2021 (64)
    2022 (64)
    2020 (59)
    2015 (30)
    2023 (19)
    2014 (3)
LanguageSelected 0/2
    Inglese (557)
    Italiano (25)