2022, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG
Breda M.; Simionato P.; Maniero M.; Zaupa M.; Taliercio C.; Luchetta A.
AIV XXV Conference, Napoli, Italy, 10-12 May 20222022, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG
Simionato P.; Zaupa M.; Breda M.; Taliercio C.
AIV XXV Conference, Napoli, Italy, 10-12 May 20222017, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Luchetta A.
These progress report of activities covers the quarterly period Q5 from 1st April 2017 to 30 June 2017.
2017, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Luchetta A.
These progress reports of activities cover two quarterly periods Q3 from 1O ct. 2016 to 31 Dec. 2016 and Q4 from 1 Jan. 2017 to 31 March 2017.