2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Visibility graph analysis of synthetic earthquakes generated by the Olami-Feder-Christensen spring-block model<?A3B2 show [editpick]?>

Perez-Oregon, Jennifer; Lovallo, Michele; Telesca, Luciano

In this study, we investigate the relationship between topological and seismological parameters of earthquake sequences generated by the Olami-Feder-Christensen (OFC) [Olami et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 68(8), 1244 (1992)] spring-block model and converted in undirected graphs by using the visibility graph method [Lacasa et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105(13), 4972-4975 (2008)]. In particular, we study the relationship between the Gutenberg-Richter b-value and the so-called K-M slope, which describes the relationship between magnitudes and connectivity degrees. This relationship was found to follow a rather universal law in observational earthquake sequences, and, thus, in the present work, we aim at verifying such universality also in earthquake sequences generated by the OFC spring-block model. We found that for b between approximately 1 and 2, which is nearly the range of variation for most of the real seismicity cases observed worldwide, the relationship between b and K-M slope does not depend on the lattice size L. Furthermore, the slope of the regression line between b and K-M slope in the range of b between 1 and 2 changes with the definition of magnitude and the length of the earthquake sequence.

Chaos (Woodbury N.Y.) 30 (9), pp. Art.093111-1–Art.093111-12

DOI: 10.1063/5.0007480

2016, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Glassy features of crystal plasticity

Lehtinen A.; Costantini G.; Alava M.J.; Zapperi S.; Laurson L.

Crystal plasticity occurs by deformation bursts due to the avalanchelike motion of dislocations. Here we perform extensive numerical simulations of a three-dimensional dislocation dynamics model under quasistatic stress-controlled loading. Our results show that avalanches are power-law distributed and display peculiar stress and sample size dependence: The average avalanche size grows exponentially with the applied stress, and the amount of slip increases with the system size. These results suggest that intermittent deformation processes in crystalline materials exhibit an extended critical-like phase in analogy to glassy systems instead of originating from a nonequilibrium phase transition critical point.

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics 94 (6)

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.064101

2014, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Crackling noise in plasticity

Alava M.J.; Laurson L.; Zapperi S.

Plastic deformation is a paradigmatic problem of multiscale materials modelling with relevant processes ranging from the atomistic scale up to macroscopic scales where deformation is treated by continuum mechanics. Recent experiments, investigating deformation fluctuations under conditions where plastic deformation was expected to occur in a smooth and stable manner, demonstrate that deformation is spatially heterogeneous and temporally intermittent, not only on atomic scales, where spatial heterogeneity is expected, but also on mesoscopic scales where plastic fluctuations involve collective events of widely different amplitudes. Evidence for crackling noise in plastic deformation comes from acoustic emission measurements and from deformation of micron-scale samples both in crystalline and amorphous materials. Here we provide a detailed account of our current understanding of crackling noise in crystal and amorphous plasticity stemming from experiments, computational models and scaling theories. We focus our attention on the scaling properties of plastic strain bursts and their interpretation in terms of non-equilibrium critical phenomena.

The European physical journal. Special topics 223 (11), pp. 2353–2367

DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2014-02269-8

2012, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Negative correlation between frequency-magnitude power-law exponent and Hurst coefficient in the Long-Range Connective Sandpile model for earthquakes and for real seismicity

Lee Y-T., Telesca L., Chen C-C.

The Long-Range Connective Sandpile (LRCS) model was applied to the Italian seismicity. The Hurst exponent and the power-law slope of the frequency-size distributions for the avalanches in the LRCS model and for earthquakes in Italy are investigated. This study shows the transition of the correlation coefficient between b and H values with different calculation window length. The result shows similar behaviors in the LRCS model and the Italy catalogue. The negative correlation between b and H values can be clearly seen when an appropriate window length is employed for various time series. We suggest that the negative relationship is caused by the increasing correlation length as the system accumulates enough energy. Also the calculation window length is an important index to display the intensity of the negative correlation between these two exponents. The appropriate window length can be related to the period time for the avalanches with various sandpile and seismicity time series.

Europhysics letters (Print) 99 (2), pp. 29001

DOI: 10.1209/0295-5075/99/29001

2012, Editoriale in rivista, ENG

Progress in the physics of complex networks

G. Caldarelli (1,2,3); G. Kaniadakis (4); A.M. Scarfone (3,4)

The European physical journal. Special topics (Online) 212 (1), pp. 1–3

DOI: 10.1140/epjst/e2012-01650-y

2008, Articolo in rivista

Exactly solvable model of avalanches dynamics for Barkhausen crackling noise

Colaiori, F

"We review the present state of understanding of the Barkhausen effect in soft ferromagnetic materials. Barkhausen noise (BN) is generated by the discontinuous motion of magnetic domains as they interact with impurities and defects. BN is one of the many examples of crackling noise, arising in a variety of contexts with remarkably similar features, and occurring when a system responds in a jerky manner to a smooth external forcing. Among all crackling system, we focus on BN, where a complete and consistent picture emerges thanks to an exactly solvable model of avalanche dynamics, known as the ABBM model, which ultimately describes the system in terms of a Langevin equation for the velocity of the avalanche front. Despite its simplicity, the ABBM model is able to accurately reproduce the phenomenology observed in the experiments on a large class of magnetic materials, as long as universal properties are involved. To complete the picture and to understand the long-standing discrepancy between the ABBM theory and the experiments, which otherwise agree exceptionally well, consisting of the puzzling asymmetric shape of the noise pulses, microscopic details must be taken into account, namely the effects of eddy current retardation. These effects can be incorporated in the model, and result, to a first-order approximation, in a negative effective mass associated with the wall. The progress made in understanding BN is potentially relevant for other crackling systems: on the one hand, the ABBM model turns out to be a paradigmatic model for the universal behaviour of avalanche dynamics; on the other hand, the microscopic explanation of the asymmetry in the noise pulses suggests that inertial effects may also be at the origin of pulses asymmetry observed in other crackling systems."

Advances in Physics 57 (4), pp. 287–359

DOI: 10.1080/00018730802420614

2008, Articolo in rivista

A model of volcanic magma transport by fracturing stress mechanisms

Piegari, E; Cataudella, V; Di Maio, R; Milano, L; Nicodemi, M; Scandone, R

[1] Understanding the mechanisms of magma ascent preceding eruptions, and in particular the subvolcanic system that stores and transports magma to the surface, is of crucial relevance for hazard and risk assessment. We propose here a statistical model describing the rise of magma from the reservoir through the transport region via stress induced fracturing mechanisms of the medium. The model reproduces the general statistical properties of erupted volume, P( V), and inter-eruption time, P(t), found in catalogue data for closed conduit volcanoes. We also investigate conditional distribution ( e. g., the probability, P( V vertical bar t), to have a volume, V, erupted after a waiting time, t), which can have important practical implications.

Geophysical research letters 35

2008, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Scaling and correlations in the dynamics of forest-fire occurrence

Corral A (1), Telesca L (2), Lasaponara R (2)

Forest-fire waiting times, defined as the time between successive fires above a certain size in a given region, are obtained for Italy. The probability densities of the waiting times are found to verify a scaling law, despite that fact that the distribution of fire sizes is not a power law. The meaning of such behavior in terms of the possible self-similarity of the process in a nonstationary system is discussed. We find that the scaling law arises as a consequence of the stationarity of fire sizes and the existence of a nontrivial "instantaneous" scaling law, sustained by the correlations of the process; as a consequence, the nonstationary Poisson process model does not account for all the complexity of the structure of fire occurrence.

Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics 77 (1), pp. 016101

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.77.016101

2008, Articolo in rivista

Waiting time distributions of the volatility in the Italian MIB30 index: Clustering or Poisson functions?

Greco, A; Sorriso-Valvo, L; Carbone, V; Cidone, S

2007, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Tails and ties - Editorial: Topical issue on physics in society

Carbone A.; Kaniadakis G.; Scarfone A.M.

The study of behavioural and social phenomena has experienced a surge of interest over the last decade. One reason for this great attention is the huge amount of high quality data made available by the internet technologies. The many studies spanning concepts and problems belonging to economics, biology, ecology, physics and computer science, clearly indicates increasing interdisciplinary cross-fertilization, commonalities in the different approaches and communication across these disciplines. This issue of The European Physical Journal B is devoted to the interdisciplinary field of Sociophysics. The papers have been selected from the contributions presented at the 5th International Conference on 'Applications of Physics in Financial Analysis' (APFA5) held in Torino from June 29th to July 1st 2006 ( The synergy and richness of results obtained from the investigation of problems belonging to the area of complexity science from different perspectives clearly indicates future directions and research methodologies in this field.

The European physical journal. B, Condensed matter physics (Print) 57 (2), pp. 121–125

DOI: 10.1140/epjb/e2007-00166-7

2007, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Identifying spatial clustering properties of the 1997-2003 Liguria (Northern Italy) forest-fire sequence

Telesca L, G. Amatulli G, Lasaponara R, Lovallo M and Santulli A

The spatial clustering of the forest-fire sequence (1997-2003) of Liguria Region (Northern Italy) has been analysed using the correlation dimension D-C, calculated by means of the correlation integral method. Studying the variations of this parameter, we recognize the presence of a strong variability of the spatial clusterization, modulated by seasonal cycles. Furthermore, we found that the larger fires (size > 400 ha) mark the cyclic behaviour of the correlation dimension.

Chaos, solitons and fractals 32 (4), pp. 1364–1370

DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2005.11.075

2007, Articolo in rivista

Non-Poisson intermittent events in price formation in a Ising spin model of market

Greco, Antonella; Carbone, Vincenzo; Sorriso-Valvo, Luca

The formation of price in a financial market is modelled as a chain of Ising spin with three fundamental figures of trading. We investigate the time behaviour of the model, and we compare the results with the real EURO/USD change rate. By using the test of local Poisson hypothesis, we show that this minimal model leads to clustering and "declustering" in the volatility signal, typical of the real market data. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

2006, Articolo in rivista

Finite driving rate and anisotropy effects in landslide modeling

Piegari, E; Cataudella, V; Di Maio, R; Milano, L; Nicodemi, M

In order to characterize landslide frequency-size distributions and individuate hazard scenarios and their possible precursors, we investigate a cellular automaton where the effects of a finite driving rate and the anisotropy are taken into account. The model is able to reproduce observed features of landslide events, such as power-law distributions, as experimentally reported. We analyze the key role of the driving rate and show that, as it is increased, a crossover from power-law to non-power-law behaviors occurs. Finally, a systematic investigation of the model on varying its anisotropy factors is performed and the full diagram of its dynamical behaviors is presented.

2006, Articolo in rivista, ENG

The role of stationarity in magnetic crackling noise

Gianfranco Durin (1); Stefano Zapperi (2,3)

Part of Topical articles on Experiments in Complex and Magnetic Materials We discuss the effect of stationarity on the avalanche statistics of Barkhausen noise signals. We perform experimental measurements on an Fe85B15 amorphous ribbon and compare the avalanche distributions measured around the coercive field, where the signal is stationary, with those sampled through the entire hysteresis loop. In the first case, we recover scaling exponents (? ~ 1.38, ? ~ 1.65) close to the commonly observed values for other amorphous materials, while in the second the exponents are significantly larger (? ~ 1.7, ? ~ 2.2). We provide a quantitative explanation of the experimental results through a model for the depinning of a ferromagnetic domain wall. The present analysis sheds light on the unusually high values for the Barkhausen noise exponents measured by Spasojevic' et al (1996 Phys. Rev. E 54 2531).

Journal of statistical mechanics 2006 (January), pp. P01002

DOI: 10.1088/1742-5468/2006/01/P01002

2006, Articolo in rivista

Universality in solar flare and earthquake occurrence

de Arcangelis, L; Godano, C; Lippiello, E; Nicodemi, M

Earthquakes and solar flares are phenomena involving huge and rapid releases of energy characterized by complex temporal occurrence. By analyzing available experimental catalogs, we show that the stochastic processes underlying these apparently different phenomena have universal properties. Namely, both problems exhibit the same distributions of sizes, interoccurrence times, and the same temporal clustering: We find after flare sequences with power law temporal correlations as the Omori law for seismic sequences. The observed universality suggests a common approach to the interpretation of both phenomena in terms of the same driving physical mechanism.

Physical review letters (Print) 96

2006, Articolo in rivista

On the scaling of waiting-time distributions of the negative IMF B-z component

D'Amicis, R; Bruno, R; Bavassano, B; Carbone, V; Sorriso-Valvo, L

Statistics associated with the fluctuations in solar wind parameters show a remarkable dependence on the solar activity phase. In particular, we focus our attention on the waiting-time statistics governing the MHD fluctuations of the z-component of the interplanetary magnetic field, which are important within the framework of the Sun-Earth connections, and briefly discuss the preliminary results. Data from several spacecrafts, covering different phases of the solar cycle and different radial distances, are used. We found that propagating Alfvenic fluctuations and convected structures strongly influence the statistics which vary from quasi-Poissonian to power law.

Annales geophysicae (1988) 24, pp. 2735–2741

2006, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Dynamical invariants in the deterministic fixed-energy sandpile

Casartelli, M; Dall'Asta, L; Vezzani, A; Vivo, P

The non-ergodic behavior of the deterministic Fixed Energy Sandpile (DFES), with Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld (BTW) rule, is explained by the complete characterization of a class of dynamical invariants (or toppling invariants). The link between such constants of motion and the discrete Laplacians properties on graphs is algebraically and numerically clarified. In particular, it is possible to build up an explicit algorithm determining the complete set of independent toppling invariants. The partition of the configuration space into dynamically invariant sets, and the further refinement of such a partition into basins of attraction for orbits, are also studied. The total number of invariant sets equals the graphs complexity. In the case of two dimensional lattices, it is possible to estimate a very regular exponential growth of this number vs. the size. Looking at other features, the toppling invariants exhibit a highly irregular behavior. The usual constraint on the energy positiveness introduces a transition in the frozen phase. In correspondence to this transition, a dynamical crossover related to the halting times is observed. The analysis of the configuration space shows that the DFES has a different structure with respect to dissipative BTW and stochastic sandpiles models, supporting the conjecture that it lies in a distinct class of universality.

The European physical journal. B, Condensed matter physics (Print) 52, pp. 91–105

2005, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Statistical model for intermittent plasma edge turbulence

Sattin F.; Vianello N.

The probability distribution function of plasma density fluctuations at the edge of fusion devices is known to be skewed and strongly non-Gaussian. The causes of this peculiar behavior are, up to now, largely unexplored. On the other hand, understanding the origin and the properties of edge turbulence is a key issue in magnetic fusion research. In this paper we show that a stochastic fragmentation model, already successfully applied to fluid turbulence, is able to predict an asymmetric distribution that closely matches experimental data. The asymmetry is found to be a direct consequence of intermittency. A discussion of our results in terms of recently suggested Bramwell-Holdsworth-Pinton universal curve [S. T. Bramwell, P. C. W. Holdsworth, and J.-F. Pinton, Nature (London) 396, 552 (1998)], that should hold for strongly correlated and critical systems, is also proposed.

Physical review. E, Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics (Print) 7201 (1), pp. 6407

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.72.016407

2005, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Time-clustering analysis of forest-fire sequences in southern Italy

Lasaponara R [1], Santulli A [2], Telesca L [1]

The investigation of the dynamics of forest-fires is becoming one of the most important scientific challenges in the field of the environmental studies. Time-fractal approaches have been used to characterize the temporal distribution of forest-fire sequences detected in southern Italy. Our findings reveal that the point process modelling the fire sequence can be considered as a fractal process with a high degree of clusterization of the events.

Chaos, solitons and fractals 24 (1), pp. 139–149

DOI: 10.1016/j.chaos.2004.07.025

2004, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Mono- and multi-fractal investigation of scaling properties in temporal patterns of seismic sequences

Telesca L; Lapenna V; Macchiato M

Understanding the statistical properties of time-occurrence series of seismic sequences is considered one of the most pervasive scientific topics. Investigating into the patterns of seismic sequences reveals evidence of time-scaling features. This is shown in the fractal analysis of the 1986-2001 seismicity of three different seismic zones in Italy. Describing the sequence of earthquakes by means of the series of the interevent times, power-law behaviour has been found applying Hurst analysis and detrended fluctuation analysis (DFA), with consistent values for the scaling exponents. The multifractal analysis has clearly evidenced differences among the earthquake sequences. The multifractal spectrum parameters (maximum alpha(0), asymmetry B and width W), derived from the analysis of the shape of the singularity spectrum, have been used to measure the complexity of seismicity

Chaos, solitons and fractals 19 (1), pp. 1–15

DOI: 10.1019/S0960-0779(03)00188-7

InstituteSelected 0/6
    INFM, Centro di responsabilità scientifica INFM (10)
    IMAA, Istituto di metodologie per l'analisi ambientale (7)
    ISC, Istituto dei sistemi complessi (3)
    ICMATE, Istituto di Chimica della Materia Condensata e di Tecnologie per l'Energia (2)
    IPCF, Istituto per i processi chimico-fisici (2)
    IGI, Istituto gas ionizzati (1)
AuthorSelected 0/15
    Telesca Luciano (7)
    Lasaponara Rosa (3)
    Sorriso Valvo Luca (3)
    Zapperi Stefano (3)
    Cataudella Vittorio (2)
    Lapenna Vincenzo (2)
    Scarfone Antonio Maria (2)
    Vianello Nicola (2)
    Antoni Vanni (1)
    Colaiori Francesca (1)
TypeSelected 0/2
    Articolo in rivista (21)
    Editoriale in rivista (1)
Research programSelected 0/13
    MD.P01.016.001, Soft Matter e nanotecnologie per elettro-ottica e di interesse biomedico e applicazioni tecnologiche correlate (3)
    MD.P02.012.001, Complessità nelle scienze naturali (3)
    TA.P06.006.004, Sviluppo ed integrazione di tecniche di Osservazione della Terra da aereo e da satellite per il monitoraggio della superficie (Terminato) (3)
    TA.P06.006.006, GdR:Metodologie Integrate per lo studio di suolo e sottosuolo (3)
    ET.P06.005.001, Materiali strutturali innovativi per l'energetica (2)
    MD.P01.015.001, Soft Materials nano strutturati per fotonica, modelli teorici, tecniche ottiche di dispositivi e sistemi per applicazioni (2)
    MD.P01.015.009, Soft Matter e nanotecnologie per elettro-ottica e di interesse biomedico e applicazioni tecnologiche correlate (2)
    MD.P04.018.001, Aspetti fondamentali della fisica delle perovskiti (2)
    TA.P06.005.005, Tecniche e metodologie di elaborazione, integrazione e sharing di dati OT (Terminato) (2)
    ET.P05.003.001, Esperimento RFX ed attività collegate (1)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
EU ProjectSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
YearSelected 0/10
    2006 (5)
    2008 (4)
    2007 (3)
    2004 (2)
    2005 (2)
    2012 (2)
    2001 (1)
    2014 (1)
    2016 (1)
    2020 (1)
LanguageSelected 0/1
    Inglese (15)