2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Influence of plasma parameters on the effectiveness of multi-cusp magnetic field confinement in negative ion sources

Candeloro V.; Sartori E.; Serianni G.

Cusp-shaped magnetic fields are widely used to confine plasmas in various applications. This field configuration allows to localise plasma losses: the width of such loss cone, usually called leak width, was found to be proportional to the geometric mean of the ion and electron Larmor radii, so that it becomes smaller for increasing magnetic field intensity. At the same time, plasma diffusion towards the walls is reduced in the regions where the field lines are parallel to the surfaces, leading to the formation of a Plasma Exclusion Zone (PEZ) whose characteristic dimension was found to be proportional to the distance between the magnets. Besides field intensity and geometry, the confinement effectiveness might also be affected by plasma properties such as electron temperature, plasma potential across the sheath and collisionality. Specifically, this contribution describes a numerical analysis performed by means of a 2D-3V Particle-In-Cell code of the dependencies of both the PEZ size and the leak width on magnetic field intensity and plasma potential, focusing on typical conditions found in plasma sources for negative ion beams. The leak width was found to be larger than its theoretical prediction regardless of the specific plasma parameters. The PEZ was found to be affected not only by the distance between the magnets. In particular, the plasma potential was found to strongly affect the plasma behaviour within the cusp region.

Journal of instrumentation 18, pp. C06028-1–C06028-9

DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/18/06/C06028

2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Benchmarking 2D against 3D FDTD codes for the assessment of the measurement performance of a low field side plasma position reflectometer applicable to IDTT

Da Silva F.; Ricardo E.; Ferreira J.; Santos J.; Heuraux S.; Silva A.; Ribeiro T.; De Masi G.; Tudisco O.; Cavazzana R.; D'Arcangelo O.

O-mode reflectometry, a technique to diagnose fusion plasmas, is foreseen as a source of real-time (RT) plasma position and shape measurements for control purposes in the coming generation of machines such as DEMO. It is, thus, of paramount importance to predict the behavior and capabilities of these new reflectometry systems using synthetic diagnostics. Finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) time-dependent codes allow for a comprehensive description of reflectometry but are computationally demanding, especially when it comes to three-dimensional (3D) simulations, which requires access to High Performance Computing (HPC) facilities, making the use of two-dimensional (2D) codes much more common. It is important to understand the compromises made when using a 2D model in order to decide if it is applicable or if a 3D approach is required. This work attempts to answer this question by comparing simulations of a potential plasma position reflectometer (PPR) at the Low Field-Side (LFS) on the Italian Divertor Tokamak Test facility (IDTT) carried out using two full-wave FDTD codes, REFMULF (2D) and REFMUL3 (3D). In particular, the simulations consider one of IDTT's foreseen plasma scenarios, namely, a Single Null (SN) configuration, at the Start Of Flat-top (SOF) of the plasma current.

Journal of instrumentation 17 (1), pp. C01017-1–C01017-10

DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/17/01/C01017

2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Integrated software for the analysis of high-resolution scattering signals during mm-wave beam injection

Baiocchi, B.; Bin, W.; Bruschi, A.; Figini, L.; Tartari, U.; Alessi, E.; D'Arcangelo, O.

Recently, during Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS) measurements at mm-waves aimed at studying the ion dynamics in fusion plasmas, strong signals of scattering of the injected beam with non-CTS origin have been detected. A possible explanation of these signals in terms of parametric decay instabilities (PDIs) of the injected wave with power threshold much lower than previously envisaged by theory was proposed [1, 2]. The experimental activity with CTS diagnostic at FTU is aimed at two purposes: the characterization of the thermal ion distribution function and the investigation of the possible low power PDIs processes foreseen by the recent models. In order to ease the data analysis, a set of data processing tools has been integrated on purpose, with an activity started in 2014. Here we present the last implementation of an integrated data analysis tool, aimed at the investigation of the signals detected with the CTS diagnostic. The last version of the software integrates information included in the raw spectra of scattered radiation with the modeled ECE emission, with the aim of providing calibrated spectra improved with respect to the ones provided up to now. The correct calibration of the signals on the real line of sight of the beams is helpful to better distinguish anomalous emissions from less powerful CTS radiation. In addition, the analysis tool compares the calibrated spectra with the ones predicted considering real scattering parameters evaluated by means of realistic beam-trajectories, changing during the pulse, allowing also to extract information on ion dynamics and plasma composition. The last version of the software, which takes into account also multi-reflection beam-tracing simulations in both polarization modes in support to the scattering experiments, is presented.

Journal of instrumentation 15 (1), pp. C01046-1–C01046-11

DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/15/01/C01046

2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Synthetic diagnostic for the JET scintillator probe lost alpha measurements

Varje, J.; Kiptily, V; Siren, P.; Weisen, H.; Abduallev, S.; Abhangi, M.; Abreu, P.; Afanasev, V; Afzal, M.; Aggarwal, K. M.; Ahlgren, T.; Aho-Mantila, L.; Aiba, N.; Airila, M.; Alarcon, T.; Albanese, R.; Alegre, D.; Aleiferis, S.; Alessi, E.; Aleynikov, P.; Alkseev, A.; Allinson, M.; Alper, B.; Alves, E.; Ambrosino, G.; Ambrosino, R.; Amosov, V; Sunden, E. Andersson; Andrews, R.; Angelone, M.; Anghel, M.; Angioni, C.; Appel, L.; Appelbee, C.; Arena, P.; Ariola, M.; Arshad, S.; Artaud, J.; Arter, W.; Ash, A.; Ashikawa, N.; Aslanyan, V; Asunta, O.; Asztalos, O.; Auriemma, F.; Austin, Y.; Avotina, L.; Axton, M.; Ayres, C.; Baciero, A.; Baiao, D.; Balboa, I; Balden, M.; Balshaw, N.; Bandaru, V. K.; Banks, J.; Baranov, Y. F.; Barcellona, C.; Barnard, T.; Barnes, M.; Barnsley, R.; Wiechec, A. Baron; Orte, L. Barrera; Baruzzo, M.; Basiuk, V; Bassan, M.; Bastow, R.; Batista, A.; Batistoni, P.; Baumane, L.; Bauvir, B.; Baylor, L.; Beaumont, P. S.; Beckers, M.; Beckett, B.; Bekris, N.; Beldishevski, M.; Bell, K.; Belli, F.; Belonohy, E.; Benayas, J.; Bergsaker, H.; Bernardo, J.; Bernert, M.; Berry, M.; Bertalot, L.; Besiliu, C.; Betar, H.; Beurskens, M.; Bielecki, J.; Biewer, T.; Bilato, R.; Biletskyi, O.; Bilkova, P.; Binda, F.; Birkenmeier, G.; Bizarro, J. P. S.; Bjorkas, C.; Blackburn, J.; Blackman, T. R.; Blanchard, P.; Blatchford, P.; Bobkov, V; Boboc, A.; Bogar, O.; Bohm, P.; Bohm, T.; Bolshakova, I; Bolzonella, T.; Bonanomi, N.; Boncagni, L.; Bonfiglio, D.; Bonnin, X.; Boom, J.; Borba, D.; Borodin, D.; Borodkina, I; Boulbe, C.; Bourdelle, C.; Bowden, M.; Bowman, C.; Boyce, T.; Boyer, H.; Bradnam, S. C.; Braic, V; Bravanec, R.; Breizman, B.; Brennan, D.; Breton, S.; Brett, A.; Brezinsek, S.; Bright, M.; Brix, M.; Broeckx, W.; Brombin, M.; Broslawski, A.; Brown, B.; Brunetti, D.; Bruno, E.; Buch, J.; Buchanan, J.; Buckingham, R.; Buckley, M.; Bucolo, M.; Budny, R.; Bufferand, H.; Buller, S.; Bunting, P.; Buratti, P.; Burckhart, A.; Burroughes, G.; Buscarino, A.; Busse, A.; Butcher, D.; Butler, B.; Bykov, I; Cahyna, P.; Calabro, G.; Calacci, L.; Callaghan, D.; Callaghan, J.; Calvo, I; Camenen, Y.; Camp, P.; Campling, D. C.; Cannas, B.; Capat, A.; Carcangiu, S.; Card, P.; Cardinali, A.; Carman, P.; Carnevale, D.; Carr, M.; Carralero, D.; Carraro, L.; Carvalho, B. B.; Carvalho, I; Carvalho, P.; Carvalho, D. D.; Casson, F. J.; Castaldo, C.; Catarino, N.; Causa, F.; Cavazzana, R.; Cave-Ayland, K.; Cavedon, M.; Cecconello, M.; Ceccuzzi, S.; Cecil, E.; Challis, C. D.; Chandra, D.; Chang, C. S.; Chankin, A.; Chapman, I. T.; Chapman, B.; Chapman, S. C.; Chernyshova, M.; Chiariello, A.; Chitarin, G.; Chmielewski, P.; Chone, L.; Ciraolo, G.; Ciric, D.; Citrin, J.; Clairet, F.; Clark, M.; Clark, E.; Clarkson, R.; Clay, R.; Clements, C.; Coad, J. P.; Coates, P.; Cobalt, A.; Coccorese, V; Cocilovo, V; Coelho, R.; Coenen, J. W.; Coffey, I; Colas, L.; Colling, B.; Collins, S.; Conka, D.; Conroy, S.; Conway, N.; Coombs, D.; Cooper, S. R.; Corradino, C.; Corre, Y.; Corrigan, G.; Coster, D.; Craciunescu, T.; Cramp, S.; Crapper, C.; Crisanti, F.; Croci, G.; Croft, D.; Crombe, K.; Cruz, N.; Cseh, G.; Cufar, A.; Cullen, A.; Curson, P.; Curuia, M.; Czarnecka, A.; Czarski, T.; Cziegler, I; Dabirikhah, H.; Dal Molin, A.; Dalgliesh, P.; Dalley, S.; Dankowski, J.; Darrow, D.; David, P.; Davies, A.; Davis, W.; Dawson, K.; Day, I; Day, C.; De Bock, M.; de Castro, A.; De Dominici, G.; de la Cal, E.; de la Luna, E.; De Masi, G.; De Temmerman, G.; De Tommasi, G.; de Vries, P.; Deane, J.; Dejarnac, R.; Del Sarto, D.; Delabie, E.; Demerdzhiev, V; Dempsey, A.; den Harder, N.; Dendy, R. O.; Denis, J.; Denner, P.; Devaux, S.; Devynck, P.; Di Maio, F.; Di Siena, A.; Di Troia, C.; Dickinson, D.; Dinca, P.; Dittmar, T.; Dobrashian, J.; Doerk, H.; Doerner, R. P.; Domptail, F.; Donne, T.; Dorling, S. E.; Douai, D.; Dowson, S.; Drenik, A.; Dreval, M.; Drewelow, P.; Drews, P.; Duckworth, Ph; Dumont, R.; Dumortier, P.; Dunai, D.; Dunne, M.; Duran, I; Durodie, F.; Dutta, P.; Duval, B. P.; Dux, R.; Dylst, K.; Edappala, P., V; Edwards, A. M.; Edwards, J. S.; Eich, Th; Eidietis, N.; Eksaeva, A.; Ellis, R.; Ellwood, G.; Elsmore, C.; Emery, S.; Enachescu, M.; Ericsson, G.; Eriksson, J.; Eriksson, F.; Eriksson, L. G.; Ertmer, S.; Esquembri, S.; Esquisabel, A. L.; Esser, H. G.; Ewart, G.; Fable, E.; Fagan, D.; Faitsch, M.; Falie, D.; Fanni, A.; Farahani, A.; Fasoli, A.; Faugeras, B.; Fazinic, S.; Felici, F.; Felton, R. C.; Feng, S.; Fernades, A.; Fernandes, H.; Ferreira, J.; Ferreira, D. R.; Ferro, G.; Fessey, J. A.; Ficker, O.; Field, A.; Fietz, S.; Figini, L.; Figueiredo, J.; Figueiredo, A.; Fil, N.; Finburg, P.; Fischer, U.; Fittill, L.; Fitzgerald, M.; Flammini, D.; Flanagan, J.; Flinders, K.; Foley, S.; Fonnesu, N.; Fontdecaba, J. M.; Formisano, A.; Forsythe, L.; Fortuna, L.; Fransson, E.; Frasca, M.; Frassinetti, L.; Freisinger, M.; Fresa, R.; Fridstrom, R.; Frigione, D.; Fuchs, V; Fusco, V; Futatani, S.; Gal, K.; Galassi, D.; Galazka, K.; Galeani, S.; Gallart, D.; Galvao, R.; Gao, Y.; Garcia, J.; Garcia-Carrasco, A.; Garcia-Munoz, M.; Gardener, M.; Garzotti, L.; Gaspar, J.; Gaudio, P.; Gear, D.; Gebhart, T.; Gee, S.; Geiger, B.; Gelfusa, M.; George, R.; Gerasimov, S.; Gervasini, G.; Gethins, M.; Ghani, Z.; Ghate, M.; Gherendi, M.; Ghezzi, F.; Giacalone, J. C.; Giacomelli, L.; Giacometti, G.; Gibson, K.; Giegerich, T.; Gil, L.; Gilbert, M. R.; Gin, D.; Giovannozzi, E.; Giroud, C.; Gloeggler, S.; Goff, J.; Gohil, P.; Goloborod'ko, V; Gomes, R.; Goncalves, B.; Goniche, M.; Goodyear, A.; Gorini, G.; Goerler, T.; Goulding, R.; Goussarov, A.; Graham, B.; Graves, J. P.; Greuner, H.; Grierson, B.; Griffiths, J.; Griph, S.; Grist, D.; Groth, M.; Grove, R.; Gruca, M.; Guard, D.; Guerard, C.; Guillemaut, C.; Guirlet, R.; Gulati, S.; Gurl, C.; Gutierrez-Milla, A.; Utoh, H. H.; Hackett, L.; Hacquin, S.; Hager, R.; Hakola, A.; Halitovs, M.; Hall, S.; Hallworth-Cook, S.; Ham, C.; Hamed, M.; Hamilton, N.; Hamlyn-Harris, C.; Hammond, K.; Hancu, G.; Harrison, J.; Harting, D.; Hasenbeck, F.; Hatano, Y.; Hatch, D. R.; Haupt, T.; Hawes, J.; Hawkes, N. C.; Hawkins, J.; Hawkins, P.; Hazel, S.; Heesterman, P.; Heinola, K.; Hellesen, C.; Hellsten, T.; Helou, W.; Hemming, O.; Hender, T. C.; Henderson, S. S.; Henderson, M.; Henriques, R.; Hepple, D.; Herfindal, J.; Hermon, G.; Hidalgo, C.; Higginson, W.; Highcock, E. G.; Hillesheim, J.; Hillis, D.; Hizanidis, K.; Hjalmarsson, A.; Ho, A.; Hobirk, J.; Hogben, C. H. A.; Hogeweij, G. M. D.; Hollingsworth, A.; Hollis, S.; Hoelzl, M.; Honore, J-J; Hook, M.; Hopley, D.; Horacek, J.; Hornung, G.; Horton, A.; Horton, L. D.; Horvath, L.; Hotchin, S. P.; Howell, R.; Hubbard, A.; Huber, A.; Huber, V; Huddleston, T. M.; Hughes, M.; Hughes, J.; Huijsmans, G. T. A.; Huynh, P.; Hynes, A.; Igaune, I.; Iglesias, D.; Imazawa, N.; Imrisek, M.; Incelli, M.; Innocente, P.; Ivanova-Stanik, I.; Ivings, E.; Jachmich, S.; Jackson, A.; Jackson, T.; Jacquet, P.; Jansons, J.; Jaulmes, F.; Jednorog, S.; Jenkins, I; Jepu, I; Johnson, T.; Johnson, R.; Johnston, J.; Joita, L.; Joly, J.; Jonasson, E.; Jones, T.; Jones, C.; Jones, L.; Jones, G.; Jones, N.; Juvonen, M.; Hoshino, K. K.; Kallenbach, A.; Kalsey, M.; Kaltiaisenaho, T.; Kamiya, K.; Kaniewski, J.; Kantor, A.; Kappatou, A.; Karhunen, J.; Karkinsky, D.; Kaufman, M.; Kaveney, G.; Kazakov, Y.; Kazantzidis, V; Keeling, D. L.; Keenan, F. P.; Kempenaars, M.; Kent, O.; Kent, J.; Keogh, K.; Khilkevich, E.; Kim, H-T; Kim, H. T.; King, R.; King, D.; Kinna, D. J.; Kiptily, V; Kirk, A.; Kirov, K.; Kirschner, A.; Kizane, G.; Klas, M.; Klepper, C.; Klix, A.; Knight, M.; Knight, P.; Knipe, S.; Knott, S.; Kobuchi, T.; Kochl, F.; Kocsis, G.; Kodeli, I; Koechl, F.; Kogut, D.; Koivuranta, S.; Kolesnichenko, Y.; Kollo, Z.; Kominis, Y.; Koeppen, M.; Korolczuk, S.; Kos, B.; Koslowski, H. R.; Kotschenreuther, M.; Koubiti, M.; Kovaldins, R.; Kovanda, O.; Kowalska-Strzeciwilk, E.; Krasilnikov, A.; Krasilnikov, V; Krawczyk, N.; Kresina, M.; Krieger, K.; Krivska, A.; Kruezi, U.; Ksiazek, I; Kukushkin, A.; Kundu, A.; Kurki-Suonio, T.; Kwak, S.; Kwon, O. J.; Laguardia, L.; Lahtinen, A.; Laing, A.; Lalousis, P.; Lam, N.; Lamb, C.; Lambertz, H. T.; Lang, P. T.; Lanthaler, S.; Neto, E. Lascas; Laszynska, E.; Lawless, R.; Lawson, K. D.; Lazaros, A.; Lazzaro, E.; Leach, R.; Learoyd, G.; Leerink, S.; Lefebvre, X.; Leggate, H. J.; Lehmann, J.; Lehnen, M.; Leichauer, P.; Leichtle, D.; Leipold, F.; Lengar, I; Lennholm, M.; Lepiavko, B.; Leppanen, J.; Lerche, E.; Lescinskis, A.; Lescinskis, B.; Lesnoj, S.; Leyland, M.; Leysen, W.; Li, Y.; Li, L.; Liang, Y.; Likonen, J.; Linke, J.; Linsmeier, Ch; Lipschultz, B.; Litaudon, X.; Liu, G.; Lloyd, B.; Lo Schiavo, V. P.; Loarer, T.; Loarte, A.; Lomanowski, B.; Lomas, P. J.; Lonnroth, J.; Lopez, J. M.; Lorenzini, R.; Losada, U.; Loughlin, M.; Lowry, C.; Luce, T.; Lucock, R.; Lukin, A.; Luna, C.; Lungaroni, M.; Lungu, C. P.; Lungu, M.; Lunniss, A.; Lunt, T.; Lupelli, I; Lutsenko, V; Lyssoivan, A.; Macheta, P.; Macusova, E.; Magesh, B.; Maggi, C.; Maggiora, R.; Mahesan, S.; Maier, H.; Mailloux, J.; Maingi, R.; Makwana, R.; Malaquias, A.; Malinowski, K.; Malizia, A.; Manas, P.; Manduchi, G.; Manso, M. E.; Mantica, P.; Mantsinen, M.; Manzanares, A.; Maquet, Ph; Marandet, Y.; Marcenko, N.; Marchetto, C.; Marchuk, O.; Marconato, N.; Mariani, A.; Marin, M.; Marinelli, M.; Marinucci, M.; Markovic, T.; Marocco, D.; Marot, L.; Marsh, J.; Martin, A.; Martin de Aguilera, A.; Martin-Solis, J. R.; Martone, R.; Martynova, Y.; Maruyama, S.; Maslov, M.; Matejcik, S.; Mattei, M.; Matthews, G. F.; Matveev, D.; Matveeva, E.; Mauriya, A.; Maviglia, F.; May-Smith, T.; Mayer, M.; Mayoral, M. L.; Mazon, D.; Mazzotta, C.; McAdams, R.; McCarthy, P. J.; McClements, K. G.; McCormack, O.; McCullen, P. A.; McDonald, D.; McHardy, M.; McKean, R.; McKehon, J.; McNamee, L.; Meadowcroft, C.; Meakins, A.; Medley, S.; Meigh, S.; Meigs, A. G.; Meisl, G.; Meiter, S.; Meitner, S.; Meneses, L.; Menmuir, S.; Mergia, K.; Merle, A.; Merriman, P.; Mertens, Ph; Meshchaninov, S.; Messiaen, A.; Meyer, H.; Michling, R.; Milanesio, D.; Militello, F.; Militello-Asp, E.; Milocco, A.; Miloshevsky, G.; Mink, F.; Minucci, S.; Miron, I; Mistry, S.; Miyoshi, Y.; Mlynar, J.; Moiseenko, V; Monaghan, P.; Monakhov, I; Moon, S.; Mooney, R.; Moradi, S.; Morales, J.; Moran, J.; Mordijck, S.; Moreira, L.; Moro, F.; Morris, J.; Moser, L.; Mosher, S.; Moulton, D.; Mrowetz, T.; Muir, A.; Muraglia, M.; Murari, A.; Muraro, A.; Murphy, S.; Muscat, P.; Muthusonai, N.; Myers, C.; Asakura, N. N.; N'Konga, B.; Nabais, F.; Naish, R.; Naish, J.; Nakano, T.; Napoli, F.; Nardon, E.; Naulin, V; Nave, M. F. F.; Nedzelskiy, I; Nemtsev, G.; Nesenevich, V; Nespoli, F.; Neto, A.; Neu, R.; Neverov, V. S.; Newman, M.; Ng, S.; Nicassio, M.; Nielsen, A. H.; Nina, D.; Nishijima, D.; Noble, C.; Nobs, C. R.; Nocente, M.; Nodwell, D.; Nordlund, K.; Nordman, H.; Normanton, R.; Noterdaeme, J. M.; Nowak, S.; Nunes, I; O'Gorman, T.; O'Mullane, M.; Oberkofler, M.; Oberparleiter, M.; Odupitan, T.; Ogawa, M. T.; Okabayashi, M.; Oliver, H.; Olney, R.; Omoregie, L.; Ongena, J.; Orsitto, F.; Orszagh, J.; Osborne, T.; Otin, R.; Owen, A.; Owen, T.; Paccagnella, R.; Packer, L. W.; Pajuste, E.; Pamela, S.; Panja, S.; Papp, P.; Papp, G.; Parail, V; Pardanaud, C.; Diaz, F. Parra; Parsloe, A.; Parsons, N.; Parsons, M.; Pasqualotto, R.; Passeri, M.; Patel, A.; Pathak, S.; Patten, H.; Pau, A.; Pautasso, G.; Pavlichenko, R.; Pavone, A.; Pawelec, E.; Soldan, C. Paz; Peackoc, A.; Pehkonen, S-P; Peluso, E.; Penot, C.; Penzo, J.; Pepperell, K.; Pereira, R.; Cippo, E. Perelli; von Thun, C. Perez; Pericoli, V; Peruzzo, S.; Peterka, M.; Petersson, P.; Petravich, G.; Petre, A.; Petrzilka, V; Philipps, V; Pigatto, L.; Pillon, M.; Pinches, S.; Pintsuk, G.; Piovesan, P.; de Sa, W. Pires; dos Reis, A. Pires; Piron, L.; Piron, C.; Pironti, A.; Pisano, F.; Pitts, R.; Plyusnin, V; Poli, F. M.; Pomaro, N.; Pompilian, O. G.; Pool, P.; Popovichev, S.; Poradzinski, M.; Porfiri, M. T.; Porosnicu, C.; Porton, M.; Possnert, G.; Potzel, S.; Poulipoulis, G.; Powell, T.; Prajapati, V; Prakash, R.; Predebon, I; Prestopino, G.; Price, D.; Price, M.; Price, R.; Primetzhofer, D.; Prior, P.; Pucella, G.; Puglia, P.; Puiatti, M. E.; Purahoo, K.; Pusztai, I; Puetterich, Th; Rachlew, E.; Rack, M.; Ragona, R.; Rainford, M.; Raj, P.; Rakha, A.; Ramogida, G.; Ranjan, S.; Rapson, C. J.; Rasmussen, D.; Rasmussen, J. J.; Rathod, K.; Ratta, G.; Ratynskaia, S.; Ravera, G.; Rebai, M.; Reed, A.; Refy, D.; Regana, J.; Reich, M.; Reid, N.; Reimold, F.; Reinhart, M.; Reinke, M.; Reiser, D.; Rendell, D.; Reux, C.; Cortes, S. D. A. Reyes; Reynolds, S.; Ricci, D.; Richiusa, M.; Rigamonti, D.; Rimini, F. G.; Risner, J.; Riva, M.; Rivero-Rodriguez, J.; Roach, C.; Robins, R.; Robinson, S.; Robson, D.; Rodionov, R.; Rodrigues, P.; Rodriguez, J.; Rohde, V; Romanelli, M.; Romanelli, F.; Romanelli, S.; Romazanov, J.; Rowe, S.; Rubel, M.; Rubinacci, G.; Rubino, G.; Ruchko, L.; Ruset, C.; Rzadkiewicz, J.; Saarelma, S.; Sabot, R.; Saez, X.; Safi, E.; Sahlberg, A.; Saibene, G.; Saleem, M.; Salewski, M.; Salmi, A.; Salmon, R.; Salzedas, F.; Samm, U.; Sandiford, D.; Santa, P.; Santala, M. I. K.; Santos, B.; Santucci, A.; Sartori, F.; Sartori, R.; Sauter, O.; Scannell, R.; Schluck, F.; Schlummer, T.; Schmid, K.; Schmuck, S.; Schoepf, K.; Schweinzer, J.; Schworer, D.; Scott, S. D.; Sergienko, G.; Sertoli, M.; Shabbir, A.; Sharapov, S. E.; Shaw, A.; Sheikh, H.; Shepherd, A.; Shevelev, A.; Shiraki, D.; Shumack, A.; Sias, G.; Sibbald, M.; Sieglin, B.; Silburn, S.; Silva, J.; Silva, A.; Silva, C.; Silvagni, D.; Simmons, P.; Simpson, J.; Sinha, A.; Sipila, S. K.; Sips, A. C. C.; Siren, P.; Sirinelli, A.; Sjostrand, H.; Skiba, M.; Skilton, R.; Skvara, V; Slade, B.; Smith, R.; Smith, P.; Smith, S. F.; Snoj, L.; Soare, S.; Solano, E. R.; Somers, A.; Sommariva, C.; Sonato, P.; Sos, M.; Sousa, J.; Sozzi, C.; Spagnolo, S.; Sparapani, P.; Spelzini, T.; Spineanu, F.; Sprada, D.; Sridhar, S.; Stables, G.; Stallard, J.; Stamatelatos, I; Stamp, M. F.; Stan-Sion, C.; Stancar, Z.; Staniec, P.; Stankunas, G.; Stano, M.; Stavrou, C.; Stefanikova, E.; Stepanov, I; Stephen, A., V; Stephen, M.; Stephens, J.; Stevens, B.; Stober, J.; Stokes, C.; Strachan, J.; Strand, P.; Strauss, H. R.; Strom, P.; Studholme, W.; Subba, F.; Suchkov, E.; Summers, H. P.; Sun, H.; Sutton, N.; Svensson, J.; Sytnykov, D.; Szabolics, T.; Szepesi, G.; Suzuki, T. T.; Tabares, F.; Tadic, T.; Tal, B.; Tala, T.; Taliercio, C.; Tallargio, A.; Tanaka, K.; Tang, W.; Tardocchi, M.; Tatali, R.; Taylor, D.; Tegnered, D.; Telesca, G.; Teplova, N.; Teplukhina, A.; Terranova, D.; Terry, C.; Testa, D.; Tholerus, E.; Thomas, J.; Thompson, V. K.; Thornton, A.; Tierens, W.; Tiseanu, I; Tojo, H.; Tokitani, M.; Tolias, P.; Tomes, M.; Trimble, P.; Tripsky, M.; Tsalas, M.; Tsavalas, P.; Tskhakaya, D.; Jun, D. Tskhakaya; Turner, I; Turner, M. M.; Turnyanskiy, M.; Tvalashvili, G.; Tyshchenko, M.; Uccello, A.; Uljanovs, J.; Urano, H.; Urban, A.; Urbanczyk, G.; Uytdenhouwen, I; Vadgama, A.; Valcarcel, D.; Vale, R.; Valentinuzzi, M.; Valerii, K.; Valisa, M.; Olivares, P. Vallejos; Valovic, M.; Van Eester, D.; Van Renterghem, W.; van Rooij, G. J.; Varje, J.; Vartanian, S.; Vasava, K.; Vasilopoulou, T.; Vecsei, M.; Vega, J.; Ventre, S.; Verdoolaege, G.; Verona, C.; Rinati, G. Verona; Veshchev, E.; Vianello, N.; Vicente, J.; Viezzer, E.; Villari, S.; Villone, F.; Vincent, M.; Vincenzi, P.; Vinyar, I; Viola, B.; Vitins, A.; Vizvary, Z.; Vlad, M.; Voitsekhovitch, I; Voltolina, D.; von Toussaint, U.; Vondracek, P.; Vuksic, M.; Wakeling, B.; Waldon, C.; Walkden, N.; Walker, R.; Walker, M.; Walsh, M.; Wang, N.; Wang, E.; Warder, S.; Warren, R.; Waterhouse, J.; Watts, C.; Wauters, T.; Webb, M.; Weckmann, A.; Weiland, J.; Weiland, M.; Weisen, H.; Weiszflog, M.; Welch, P.; West, A.; Wheatley, M.; Wheeler, S.; Whitehead, A. M.; Whittaker, D.; Widdowson, A. M.; Wiesen, S.; Wilkie, G.; Williams, J.; Willoughby, D.; Wilson, J.; Wilson, I; Wilson, H. R.; Wischmeier, M.; Withycombe, A.; Witts, D.; Wolfrum, E.; Wood, R.; Woodley, R.; Woodley, C.; Wray, S.; Wright, J. C.; Wright, P.; Wukitch, S.; Wynn, A.; Xiang, L.; Xu, T.; Xue, Y.; Yadikin, D.; Yakovenko, Y.; Yanling, W.; Yavorskij, V; Young, I; Young, R.; Young, D.; Zacks, J.; Zagorski, R.; Zaitsev, F. S.; Zakharov, L.; Zanino, R.; Zarins, A.; Zarins, R.; Fernandez, D. Zarzoso; Zastrow, K. D.; Zerbini, M.; Zhang, W.; Zhou, Y.; Zilli, E.; Zocco, A.; Zoita, V; Zoletnik, S.; Zwingmann, W.; Zychor, I

A synthetic diagnostic has been developed for the JET lost alpha scintillator probe, based on the ASCOT fast ion orbit following code and the AFSI fusion source code. The synthetic diagnostic models the velocity space distribution of lost fusion products in the scintillator probe. Validation with experimental measurements is presented, where the synthetic diagnostic is shown to predict the gyroradius and pitch angle of lost DD protons and tritons. Additionally, the synthetic diagnostic reproduces relative differences in total loss rates in multiple phases of the discharge, which can be used as a basis for total loss rate predictions.

Journal of instrumentation 14, pp. C09018-1–C09018-7

DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/14/09/C09018

2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Detector rates for the Small Angle Neutron Scattering instruments at the European Spallation Source

Kanaki, K.; Klausz, M.; Kittelmann, T.; Albani, G.; Cippo, E. Perelli; Jackson, A.; Jaksch, S.; Nielsen, T.; Zagyvai, P.; Hall-Wilton, R.

Building the European Spallation Source (ESS), the most powerful neutron source in the world, requires significant technological advances at most fronts of instrument component design. Detectors are not an exception. The existing implementations at current neutron scattering facilities are at their performance limits and sometimes barely cover the scientific needs. At full operation the ESS will yield unprecedented neutron brilliance. This means that one of the most challenging aspects for the new detector designs is the increased rate capability and in particular the peak instantaneous rate capability, i.e. the number of neutrons hitting the detector per channel, pixel or cm(2) at the peak of the neutron pulse. This paper focuses on estimating the incident and detection rates that are anticipated for the Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) instruments planned for ESS. Various approaches are applied and the results thereof are presented.

Journal of instrumentation 13

DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/13/07/P07016

2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Data analysis tools and coding activity in support of the FTU Collective Thomson Scattering diagnostic

Baiocchi, B.; Bin, W.; Bruschi, A.; Figini, L.; Tartari, U.; Alessi, E.; Buratti, P.; D'Arcangelo, O.; Giovannozzi, E.; Lontano, M.; Pucella, G.

The recent implementation of data processing tools and the code activity, aimed at the interpretation of spectra measured in the tokamak FTU with the renewed Collective Thomson Scattering (CTS) system, are presented in this paper. Such instrumental renovation allowed investigating anomalous emissions originating from parametric decay instability (PDI) of an electron cyclotron (EC) pump wave in presence of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) rotating islands, as foreseen by recent theoretical models. Aim of these experiments is to study the possible effects of these anomalous phenomena on the EC power absorption and on the CTS used as standard thermal diagnostic. The codes here presented have been implemented for the calibration of the CTS spectra and for the proper visualization of signals, for direct comparison with the MHD spectrograms and with the plasma parameters. The software also allows analysing data acquired simultaneously with two radiometric systems as is possible in FTU since the beginning of 2016. The calibration of the spectra is necessary for comparing the actual power of the signals, that can span orders of magnitude, from the lowest compatible with thermal (CTS) radiation and providing information on the ions dynamic, to the strong anomalous emission theoretically expected from PDIs. The Thermal Collective Scattering (TCS) code, able either to predict or to interpret thermal ion spectra, has been optimized and integrated in the overall data analysis tools. The analysis of the data and the interpretation of the scenarios achieved in the experiments are presently underway using the tools here presented.

Journal of instrumentation 13

DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/13/07/C07006

2017, Articolo in rivista, ENG

3D numerical simulations of a LOVA reproduction inside the new facility STARDUST-UPGRADE

Ciparisse J.F.; Malizia A.; Poggi L.A.; Tieri F.; Gelfusa M.; Murari A.; Papa C.D.; Giovannangeli I.; Gaudio P.

A loss of vacuum in a vessel, containing or not dust, is the typical case study considered in the STARDUST-UPGRADE facility of the Quantum Electronics and Plasma Group of the university of Rome Tor Vergata. This kind of accident was simulated numerically, without including the presence of dust, for two mass flow rates and three different inlet ports (C, E and F). Numerical settings are explained and the results obtained in each case are shown and discussed. At the end of the work, conclusions about what seen and further foreseen developments of this research are presented.

Journal of instrumentation 12 (2), pp. 1–22

DOI: 10.1088/1748-0221/12/02/C02001

InstituteSelected 0/4
    ISTP, Istituto per la Scienza e Tecnologia dei Plasmi (4)
    IFP, Istituto di fisica del plasma "Piero Caldirola" (2)
    IGI, Istituto gas ionizzati (2)
    ISC, Istituto dei sistemi complessi (1)
AuthorSelected 0/32
    Figini Lorenzo (3)
    Alessi Edoardo (2)
    Baiocchi Benedetta (2)
    Bin William Maurizio (2)
    Bruschi Alessandro (2)
    Murari Andrea (2)
    Perelli Cippo Enrico (2)
    Bonfiglio Daniele (1)
    Brombin Matteo (1)
    Carraro Lorella (1)
TypeSelected 0/1
    Articolo in rivista (7)
Research programSelected 0/3
    DIT.AD020.001.001, EUROfusion (2)
    DIT.AD020.019.001, attività di supporto a ITER e DEMO (2)
    DIT.AD020.001.002, EUROFUSION WP14-WP21 (ICMATE-ANGELLA) (1)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/1
    H2020 (3)
EU ProjectSelected 0/1
    EUROfusion (3)
YearSelected 0/6
    2018 (2)
    2017 (1)
    2019 (1)
    2020 (1)
    2022 (1)
    2023 (1)
LanguageSelected 0/1
    Inglese (7)

Simulation methods and programs