2024, Rassegna della letteratura scientifica in rivista (Literature review), ENG
Paola Di Matteo, Rita Petrucci and Antonella Curulli
Two-dimensional (2D) nanomaterials (e.g., graphene) have attracted growing attention in the (bio)sensing area and, in particular, for biomedical applications because of their unique mechanical and physicochemical properties, such as their high thermal and electrical conductivity, biocompatibility, and large surface area. Graphene (G) and its derivatives represent the most common 2D nanomaterials applied to electrochemical (bio)sensors for healthcare applications. This review will pay particular attention to other 2D nanomaterials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), metal-organic frameworks (MOFs), covalent organic frameworks (COFs), and MXenes, applied to the electrochemical biomedical (bio)sensing area, considering the literature of the last five years (2018-2022). An overview of 2D nanostructures focusing on the synthetic approach, the integration with electrodic materials, including other nanomaterials, and with different biorecognition elements such as antibodies, nucleic acids, enzymes, and aptamers, will be provided. Next, significant examples of applications in the clinical field will be reported and discussed together with the role of nanomaterials, the type of (bio)sensor, and the adopted electrochemical technique. Finally, challenges related to future developments of these nanomaterials to design portable sensing systems will be shortly discussed.
2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Katarzyna Olkowska Pucko, Elena Blundo, Natalia Zawadzka1 Salvatore Cianci, Diana Vaclavkova, Piotr Kapu´sci´nski, Dipankar Jana, Giorgio Pettinari, Marco Felici, Karol Nogajewski, Miroslav Barto?s, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, Clement Faugeras, Marek Potemski1, Adam Babi´nski, Antonio Polimeni, and Maciej R Molas
The possibility of almost linear tuning of the band gap and of the electrical and optical properties in monolayers (MLs) of semiconducting transition metal dichalcogenide (S-TMD) alloys opens up the way to fabricate materials with on-demand characteristics. By making use of photoluminescence spectroscopy, we investigate optical properties of WSSe MLs with a S/Se ratio of 57/43 deposited on SiO2/Si substrate and encapsulated in hexagonal BN flakes. Similarly to the 'parent' WS2 and WSe2 MLs, we assign the WSSe MLs to the ML family with the dark ground exciton state. We find that, in addition to the neutral bright A exciton line, three observed emission lines are associated with negatively charged excitons. The application of in-plane and out-of-plane magnetic fields allows us to assign undeniably the bright and dark (spin- and momentum-forbidden) negative trions as well as the phonon replica of the dark spin-forbidden complex. Furthermore, the existence of the single photon emitters in the WSSe ML is also demonstrated, thus prompting the opportunity to enlarge the wavelength range for potential future quantum applications of S-TMDs.
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Blundo, E.; Di Giorgio, C.; Pettinari, G.
van der Waals (vdW) crystals have attracted great interest for the exceptional electronic, optical, chemical, and mechanical properties they reveal in their two-dimensional (2D) form. Furthermore, they are extremely flexible, so that they can be subjected to high strains. Here, we show how micro-scale mechanical deformations in these materials represent an ideal platform to study their fundamental properties. More specifically, we exploit the capability of hydrogen-ion irradiation to induce the formation of 1-layer-thick micro-bubbles, and we also show that their formation can be spatially controlled by litographic approches. These bubbles both modify the opto-electronical properties of the crystal and represent a unique system to study its mechano-elastic and adhesive properties.
2016, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Vangelista, Silvia 1; Cinquanta, Eugenio 1; Martella, Christian 1; Alia, Mario 1; Longo, Massimo 1; Lamperti, Alessio 2; Mantovan, Roberto 2; Basset, Francesco Basso 2; Pezzoli, Fabio 2; Molle, Alessandro 2
Large-scale integration of MoS2 in electronic devices requires the development of reliable and cost-effective deposition processes, leading to uniform MoS2 layers on a wafer scale. Here we report on the detailed study of the heterogeneous vapor-solid reaction between a pre-deposited molybdenum solid film and sulfur vapor, thus resulting in a controlled growth of MoS2 films onto SiO2/Si substrates with a tunable thickness and cm(2)-scale uniformity. Based on Raman spectroscopy and photoluminescence, we show that the degree of crystallinity in the MoS2 layers is dictated by the deposition temperature and thickness. In particular, the MoS2 structural disorder observed at low temperature (<750 degrees C) and low thickness (two layers) evolves to a more ordered crystalline structure at high temperature (1000 degrees C) and high thickness (four layers). From an atomic force microscopy investigation prior to and after sulfurization, this parametrical dependence is associated with the inherent granularity of the MoS2 nanosheet that is inherited by the pristine morphology of the pre-deposited Mo film. This work paves the way to a closer control of the synthesis of wafer-scale and atomically thin MoS2, potentially extendable to other transition metal dichalcogenides and hence targeting massive and high-volume production for electronic device manufacturing.