2007, Articolo in rivista, ITA

Il Vesuvio, i diboscamenti e le alluvioni di Nola

Palmieri Walter

I Frutti di Demetra 13, pp. 63–69

2003, Articolo in rivista

Deep and shallow solid earth structures reconstructed with sequential integrated inversion (SII) od seismic and gravity data

Tondi R. 1, de Franco R. 2, Biella G. 3

In this paper, the possibility of using simultaneously seismic and gravity data, for the reconstruction of solid-Earth structures, has been investigated through the use of an algorithm which allows joint efficient and reliable optimisation of compressional velocity and mass density parameters. We view the measured data as a realisation of a stochastic process generated by the physical parameters to be sought and we construct a “probability density function” which includes three kinds of information: information derived from gravity measurements; information derived from seismic travel time inversion and information on the physical correlation among density and velocity parameters. We show that combining data has a beneficial effect on the inversion since: it makes the problem more stable and as a consequence, providing that the quality of data is sufficiently high, enables more accurate and reliable reconstruction of the unknown parameters. In this context, we look forward the GOCE mission, which promises high spatial resolution (100–200 km) and accurate (1–2 mGals) gravity data. We show results obtained from data sets calculated for a lateral inhomogeneous earth synthetic model and from seismic and gravity field data analysed: _ in the framework of TOMOVES (TOMOgraphy of Mt. VESuvius) experiment, an European project aiming at reconstructing the 3-D image of Mt. Vesuvius volcano and the crust underneath, using high resolution seismic tomography techniques and other geophysical methods; _ for a profile inserted in a project aiming at reconstructing the crustal structure between Corsica and the Northern Appennines which crosses the Ligurian Sea and cuts the Ligurian Appennines W of La Spezia, extending up to Parma.

Space science reviews 108, pp. 115–130

2003, Presentazione, ENG

Evidences of igneous bodies offshore Vesuvius volcano by high resolution seismic and magnetic profiling

Aiello G. (1), Bruno P.P.G. (2), Di Fiore V. (1), Marsella E. (1)

Il lavoro propone un'interpretazione integrata della parte sommersa del vulcano del Somma-Vesuvio nel settore orientale del Golfo di Napoli in base a dati sismici e magnetici recentemente acquisiti dal CNR-IAMC di Napoli

International Conference "Vesuvius Workshop", Napoli, 18-20 novembre 2003

2002, Articolo in rivista, ENG

The Eruptive Activity of Vesuvius and its Neural Architecture

De Falco I., Giordano A., Luongo G., Mazzarella A., Tarantino E.

Allo scopo di catturare i processi dinamici non lineari intrinseci al Vesuvio su scale temporali di lungo periodo, si è realizzato un sistema ibrido costituito da una Rete Neurale Artificiale di tipo Multi-Layer Perceptron e da un Algoritmo Evolutivo di tipo Breeder, e lo si è applicato alla ben documentata attività eruttiva esibita dal Vesuvio a partire dal 1631, in termini di serie temporale del Volcanic Explosivity Index (VEI). I valori previsti dal sistema nel periodo di train e in quello di test ben si adattano a quelli storici.

Journal of volcanology and geothermal research, pp. 111–118

2001, Articolo in rivista

Occurrence of inter-eruption debris flow and hyperconcentrated flood-flow deposits on Vesuvio volcano, Italy

Lirer, L; Vinci, A; Alberico, I; Gifuni, T; Bellucci, F; Petrosino, P; Tinterri, R

In the period between AD 79 and AD 472 eruptions, inter-eruption debris flow and hyperconcentrated-flood-flow deposits were deposited in the Somma-Vesuvio areas. These deposits, forming cliffs at the Torre Bassano and Torre Annunziata, were generated by highly erosive Roods, whose erosive capacity was enhanced by acceleration due to the steepness of the volcano slopes. In this type of deposits were distinguished five depositional facies (from A to E) outcropping well at Torre Bassano where they are stacked in three fining-upward (FU) sequences, probably representing three forestepping - backstepping episodes in the emplacement area of gravity flows. These five facies from coarse to fine are interpreted to represent the downcurrent evolution of particular composite sediment gravity flows characterized by horizontal segregation of the main grain-size population. The blocking of these highly concentrated composite parent Rows would first produce the deposition of the coarse front part to form facies A and then the overriding of this deposit by the bipartite flow, which constitutes the body of the how. This how is composed of a highly concentrated basal inertia carpet responsible for the deposition of facies B, C and D and an upper hyperconcentrated hood flow that forms facies E, through traction plus fallout processes, respectively. Finally, the occurrence of "lahar" type events at Somma-Vesuvio region even at present times is discussed. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Sedimentary Geology 139 (2), pp. 151–167

DOI: 10.1016/S0037-0738(00)00162-7

2001, Articolo in rivista

Long-term volcanic hazard forecasts based on Somma-Vesuvio past eruptive activity

Lirer, L; Petrosino, P; Alberico, I; Postiglione, I

Distributions of pyroclastic deposits from the main explosive events at Somma-Vesuvio during the 8,000-year B.P.-A.D. 1906 time-span have been analysed to provide maps of volcanic hazard for long-term eruption forecasting. In order to define hazard ratings, the spatial distributions and loads (kg/m(2)) exerted by the fall deposits on the roofs of buildings have been considered. A load higher than 300 kg/m(2) is defined as destructive. The relationship load/frequency (the latter defined as the number of times that an area has been impacted by the deposition of fall deposits) is considered to be a suitable parameter for differentiating among areas according to hazard rating. Using past fall deposit distributions as the basis for future eruptive scenarios, the total area that could be affected by the products of a future Vesuvio explosive eruption is similar to1,500 km(2). The perivolcanic area (274 km(2)) has the greatest hazard rating because it could be buried by pyroclastic flow deposits thicker than 0.5 m and up to several tens of metres in thickness. Currently, the perivolcanic area also has the highest risk because of the high exposed value, mainly arising from the high population density.

Bulletin of volcanology (Print) 63 (1), pp. 45–60

DOI: 10.1007/s004450000121

1992, Monografia o trattato scientifico, ITA

Lo studio delle inclusioni fluide come strumento di indagine magmatologica: applicazioni alle lave del Vesuvio e dello Stromboli


Studio petrologico delle lave del Vesuvio e dello Stromboli mediante l'analisi delle inclusioni fluide e vetrose silicatiche. Le ricerche sulle inclusioni fluide e vetrose silicatiche hanno consentito di evidenziare dettagliati processi di cristallizzazione frazionata, mescolamento di magmi cogenetici diversamente evoluti e di confermare precedenti modellizzazioni riguardanti l'attivita' dei due complessi vulcanici

InstituteSelected 0/7
    IAMC, Istituto per l'ambiente marino costiero (2)
    ICAR, Istituto di calcolo e reti ad alte prestazioni (1)
    IDPA, Istituto per la dinamica dei processi ambientali (1)
    IGAG, Istituto di geologia ambientale e geoingegneria (1)
    ISAFoM, Istituto per i sistemi agricoli e forestali del mediterraneo (1)
    ISMAR, Istituto di scienze marine (1)
    ISMed, Istituto di studi sul Mediterraneo (1)
AuthorSelected 0/8
    Alberico Ines (2)
    Aiello Gemma (1)
    Biella Giancarlo (1)
    De Franco Roberto (1)
    Marsella Ennio (1)
    Palmieri Walter (1)
    Tarantino Ernesto (1)
    Vaggelli Gloria (1)
TypeSelected 0/3
    Articolo in rivista (5)
    Monografia o trattato scientifico (1)
    Presentazione (1)
Research programSelected 0/1
    PC.P06.002.001, Le risorse naturali e le fonti storiche (1)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
EU ProjectSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
YearSelected 0/5
    2001 (2)
    2003 (2)
    1992 (1)
    2002 (1)
    2007 (1)
LanguageSelected 0/2
    Inglese (2)
    Italiano (2)
