2023, Rapporto tecnico, ITA

Taxonomy Browser - Guida d'uso

Gianluca Coda, Massimo De Gregorio, Francesco Mele, Antonio Sorgente, Paolo Vanacore

Taxonomy Browser è un sistema web per la definizione di tassonomie per le classificazione di beni di consumo. Il sistema permette di creare classi (con relativi attributi) e istanze, inoltre propone un sistema di analisi delle istanze per suggerire termini che possono essere utilizzati per arricchire la tassonomia che si sta definendo. Il rapporto è un manuale d'uso che descrive come interagire con le diverse funzionalità fruibili mediante l'interfaccia grafica.

2023, Rapporto tecnico, ITA

Taxonomy Browser - Architettura

Gianluca Coda, Massimo De Gregorio, Francesco Mele, Antonio Sorgente, Paolo Vanacore

Taxonomy Browser è un sistema web per la definizione di tassonomie per la classificazione di beni di consumo. Il report descrive il sistema, presentando le principali funzionalità e l'architettura, evidenziando le componenti principali e le librerie utilizzate. Inoltre viene presentata la modalità con cui vengono evidenziati i termini rilevanti per aiutare i progettisti ad arricchire la tassonomia.

2022, Prototipo d'arte e relativi progetti, ENG


W. Terkaj

OntoGuiWeb is a web application providing a graphical user interface for the instantiation and exploration of OWL ontologies. Like its original desktop application OntoGui, OntoGuiWeb aims at supporting: - The fast evaluation of a T-box under development by concurrently instantiating a corresponding A-box, thus implementing a kind of test-driven development approach. - The generation of RDF data sets to be used as input for other ontology-based applications, without needing customized graphical user interfaces or data converters. OntoGuiWeb works on any browser that supports WebGL and no specific configuration of the hardware is needed. The same can be stated for the Operating System (OS). OntoGuiWeb is developed in JavaScript making use of libraries rdflib, opn, path, server, xmlhttprequest. Source code of OntoGuiWeb is available upon request for non-commercial applications. A demo of OntoGuiWeb is available at

2021, Rapporto tecnico, ITA

Una piattaforma software a microservizi per la gestione di testi e relativa sintesi vocale per i beni culturali

Gianluca Coda, Massimo De Gregorio, Vito Di Maio, Francesco Mele, Antonio Sorgente, Paolo Vanacore

Il progetto IDEHA (Innovazioni per l'elaborazione dei dati nel settore del Patrimonio Culturale - Progetto cofinanziato dall'Unione europea - FESR e FSE, PON Ricerca e Innovazione 2014-2020) mira a realizzare una piattaforma IT open source in grado di aggregare diversi tipi di contenuti inerenti il patrimonio culturale. Dati di ricerca provenienti da repository tradizionali sono integrati con contenuti real-time, provenienti da sensoristica IoT, da sistemi HBIM e social network. Questo sistema favorirà la valorizzazione sostenibile del patrimonio culturale nazionale attraverso l'uso di strumenti tecnologici innovativi. In tale ambito rientra l'attività svolta descritta in questo rapporto tecnico, inerente la progettazione e lo sviluppo di una piattaforma a microservizi per la gestione della base di conoscenza e di sintesi vocale. L'obiettivo è quindi realizzare dei servizi integrabili in grado di fornire a richiesta e mediante delle parole chiave contenuti testuali e audio. Ad esempio in un ambiente virtuale che riproduce uno scenario di un sito culturale si possono introdurre degli eventi che se stimolati riproducono un contenuto audio.

2021, Rapporto tecnico, ITA

Extensible Web Scraper (EWS) una piattaforma a microservizi per il web scraping

Gianluca Coda, Massimo De Gregorio, Francesco Mele, Antonio Sorgente, Paolo Vanacore

Il rapporto tecnico descrive l'attività svolta di progettazione e sviluppo di una piattaforma a microservizi, per la realizzazione di un sistema di Web Scraping estendibile. Il sistema realizzato consente, ad un generico utente, di definire e gestire Web scrapers per siti Web arbitrari, attraverso interfacce grafiche Web. L'adozione del paradigma a microservizi ha consentito di ottenere un sistema orientato alla scalabilità che, oltre ad offrire interfacce grafiche per gli utenti, fornisce interfacce di integrazione con sistemi esterni (RESTful API).

2021, Software, ITA

Gestione aliases

Volpini F.; Lipari G.

Applicazione web per la gestione degli Short Url Istituzioneli associati alle persone. L'accesso controllato permette la modifica degli aliases auto-generati solamente agli utenti autorizzati.

2021, Software, ITA

Prenotazioni Zoom

Volpini F.; Lipari G.

Applicazione Web che permette la visualizzazione della disponibilità delle stanze per l'applicativo di video conferenza "Zoom". Il calendario permette agli utenti di poter organizzare le video conferenze senza sovrapposizioni. Le prenotazioni vengono inserite dal responsabile dell'account Zoom. L'accesso all'applicazione è controllato dal servizio d'autorizzazione d'istituto.

2021, Software, ITA


Volpini F.; Lipari G.

Applicazione web per la gestione e consegna delle mascherine monouso al personale ISTI, strutturato e non. L'applicazione è utilizzabile esclusivamente dal personale dell'ufficio tecnico.

2020, Software, ITA

Gestione deleghe

Volpini F.; Lipari G.

Applicazione Web che fornisce supporto per la gestione delle richieste di delega per alcune tipologie di attività di collaborazione. Una vista è consultabile dalla intranet d'istituto.

2019, Articolo in rivista, ENG

A Wikidata-based tool for building and visualising narratives

Metilli D.; Bartalesi V.; Meghini C.

In this paper we present a semi-automatic tool for constructing and visualising narratives, intended as networks of events related to each other by semantic relations. The tool obeys an ontology for narratives that we developed. It retrieves and assigns internationalised resource identifiers to the instances of the classes of the ontology using Wikidata as an external knowledge base and also facilitates the construction and contextualisation of events, and their linking to form the narratives. The knowledge collected by the tool is automatically saved as an Web ontology language graph. The tool also allows the visualisation of the knowledge included in the graph in simple formats like tables, network graphs and timelines. We have carried out an initial qualitative evaluation of the tool. As case study, an historian from the University of Pisa has used the tool to build the narrative of Dante Alighieri's life. The evaluation has regarded the effectiveness of the tool and the satisfaction of the users' requirements.

International journal on digital libraries (Internet) 20 (4), pp. 417–432

DOI: 10.1007/s00799-019-00266-3

2018, Articolo in rivista, ENG

A web application for exploring primary sources: the DanteSources case study

Bartalesi V.; Meghini C.; Metilli D.; Tavoni M.; Andriani P.

We present the methodological and technical process we adopted to develop DanteSources, a Web application that allows free access to the knowledge about Dante Alighieri's primary sources, i.e. the works of other authors that Dante cites in his texts. Up to now, this knowledge has been collected in many paper books, making it difficult for the scholars to retrieve it and to produce a complete overview of these data. Using Semantic Web technologies, we developed an ontology expressed in the Resource Description Framework Schema vocabulary providing the terms to represent this knowledge in a machine-readable form. A semi-automatic tool helps the scholars to populate the ontology with the data included in authoritative paper commentaries to Dante's works. Then, the tool automatically saves the resulting Resource Description Framework graph in a triple store. On top of this graph, we developed DanteSources, a Web application that allows users to extract and display the information stored in the knowledge base in the form of charts and tables. Finally, we report the results of a survey to collect suggestions from end-users on their interactions with DanteSources. The methodology and the tools we developed are easily reusable, e.g. to represent the knowledge about primary sources of other authors of the Italian and the international literature.

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 33 (4), pp. 705–723

DOI: 10.1093/llc/fqy002

2017, Poster, ENG

ICT to Aid Dental Care of Children with Autism

M. Buzzi (1), C. Buzzi (1), C. Senette (1), M. Bondioli (2), S. Pelagatti (2)

Dental health in children with autism presents many challenges, due to their different perception of sensory experience and difficulty accepting unknown social contexts. The dental care setting presents strong sound-visual stimulations that can upset a patient with autism, often forcing dentists to administer chemical sedation in order to deliver dental care. In recent years, several technology-enhanced systems and apps have been proposed to help people with autism adapt to new contexts and cope with distressing social situations. Our study explores the potential of personalized digital tools for familiarizing these children with dental procedures and environments, and teaching them how to perform proper oral hygiene at home. A 3-month study to test ICT tools created to control children's anxiety and avoid sedation was carried out involving researchers, developers, dentists, psychologists, parents and ten children with autism observed under natural conditions during their first dental care cycle. The results appear to confirm the potential of personalized technology to reduce anxiety in professional settings, increasing children's wellbeing and safety and encouraging oral hygiene as part of their daily routine.

ASSETS '17: 19th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, 29/10/2017

2015, Software, ENG

3USS: a web server for detecting alternative 3 ' UTRs from RNA-seq experiments

Le Pera, Loredana; Mazzapioda, Mariagiovanna; Tramontano, Anna

Web-server developed with the aim of retrieving 3'UTR genomic coordinates and nucleotide sequences of the transcripts assembled by standard RNA-seq analysis protocols.

2014, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

An analytic tool for assessing learning in children with autism

Bartalesi V.; Buzzi M. C.; Buzzi M.; Leporini B.; Senette C.

One approach for teaching subjects with autism is Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). ABA intervention aims to model human behavior by observing, analyzing and modifying antecedents and/or consequences of a target behavior in the environment. To achieve this, many data are recorded during each trial, such as subject response (correct/incorrect, level of prompt, inappropriate behavior, etc.). In this paper we present a web application that aggregates and visualizes data collected during technology-enhanced educational sessions, in order to monitor learning in children with autism. In a previous study we developed a free open source web application called ABCD SW, to support educators in administering ABA programs. In this study we present a learning analytic tool that retrieves, aggregates and shows - in graphical and table form - data gathered by ABCD SW. This software offers accurate real-time monitoring of children's learning, allowing teachers to analyze the collected data more rapidly, and to accurately tune and personalize the intervention for each child.

UAHCI 2014 - Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Universal Access to Information and Knowledge. 8th International Conference, Heraklion, Crete, Greece, 22-27 June 2014

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07440-5_20

2013, Altro prodotto, ENG

Kick Off Meeting -Web Health Application for Adhd Monitoring

Antonella Chifari (1), Gianluca Merlo (1), Giuseppe Chiazzese (1), Luciano Seta (1), Onofrio Di Giuseppe (1), Alberto Mirisola (1), Denaro Paola (1), Andrea Bilbow (2), Rosalia Rinaldi (3), Gavin Doherty (4), Manuela Ferreira (5), Panagiotis Bamidis (6)

The WHAAM project is aimed to improve teacher and parent skills in the observation of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder subjects (aged 7-18) and to create an innovative ICT environment to support caregivers to recognize and manipulate trigger events and/or the consequences that are reinforcing and maintaining the undesirable behaviors, according to cognitive-behavioral strategies. The choice to focus on parent and teacher training arose from an analysis of many studies on ADHD that have highlighted the need to move school and family from helpless victim mode to observer mode. In order to systematize and simplify the functional analysis of problematic behaviors, the WHAAM project will exploit the potential of ICTs developing a web application aimed to gather behavioral data, define behavior intervention plans and evaluate the efficacy of the treatment. The kick-off meeting offers an opportunity for school teachers, parents, caregivers and members of local ADHD associations to be informed about the project activities and the expected outcomes. Members of project partnership and experts in the ADHD disorder will introduce the aims and activities of the project, the new approaches and research advances in behavioral monitoring especially in school setting and with the use of information technologies.

2011, Contributo in volume, ENG

User interface migration based on the use of logical descriptions

Ghiani G.; Paternò F.; Santoro C.

In this chapter we present a solution for both total and partial migration of Web applications. Such solution is based on the use of multiple abstraction levels for describing UIs, and a set of transformations that allow the migration of user interface components selected by the user to another device. Differently from total migration , where the entire UI is migrated, partial migration is the possibility to select the parts of the UI to be migrated. This feature is particularly useful in complex Web applications, such as various emerging mash-up applications. We also show an example of application of our solution to a Web social game , and report on its evaluation.

DOI: 10.1007/978-0-85729-250-6_5

2005, Rapporto tecnico, ENG

XFlow - An xml-based document-centric workflow. How to stress XML technologies in a web application

Marchetti A., Tesconi M., Minutoli S.

A solution that allows you to define any document workflow (DW) within an organization using only XML technologies approved by the W3C. The idea is to keep the definition of the particular DW separate from the engine that drives it. This allows for a single implementation that can support different DWs. Through an XML application called XFlowML, I define the DW that I want to implement.

InstituteSelected 0/6
    ISTI, Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'informazione "Alessandro Faedo" (8)
    IIT, Istituto di informatica e telematica (3)
    IBIOM, Istituto di Biomembrane, Bioenergetica e Biotecnologie Molecolari (1)
    ISASI, Istituto di Scienze Applicate e Sistemi Intelligenti "Eduardo Caianiello" (1)
    ITD, Istituto per le tecnologie didattiche (1)
    STIIMA, Istituto di Sistemi e Tecnologie Industriali Intelligenti per il Manifatturiero Avanzato (1)
AuthorSelected 0/25
    Coda Gianluca (4)
    Lipari Giuseppe (4)
    Sorgente Antonio (4)
    Vanacore Paolo (4)
    Volpini Federico (4)
    Bartalesi Lenzi Valentina (3)
    Buzzi Maria Claudia (2)
    Buzzi Marina (2)
    Metilli Daniele (2)
    Senette Caterina (2)
TypeSelected 0/8
    Rapporto tecnico (5)
    Software (5)
    Articolo in rivista (2)
    Altro prodotto (1)
    Contributo in atti di convegno (1)
    Contributo in volume (1)
    Poster (1)
    Prototipo d'arte e relativi progetti (1)
Research programSelected 0/5
    DUS.AD017.087.009, IDEHA -ISASI (1)
    IC.P03.006.001, Progettare la qualita' dell'e-learning (1)
    ICT.P08.008.001, Interfacce Utenti e Domotica nei Servizi Interattivi Dotati di Ubiquità (1)
    ICT.P08.008.002, Accessibilità (1)
    ICT.P08.017.003, Web Usability and Accessibility (1)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/1
    FP7 (2)
EU ProjectSelected 0/2
    ELIXIR (1)
    OPEN (1)
YearSelected 0/12
    2021 (5)
    2023 (2)
    2005 (1)
    2011 (1)
    2013 (1)
    2014 (1)
    2015 (1)
    2017 (1)
    2018 (1)
    2019 (1)
LanguageSelected 0/2
    Inglese (9)
    Italiano (8)

Web application