2020, Articolo in rivista, ENG

DatabencArt and EDUBBA: digital infrastructures for cataloguing and sharing cultural heritage content

Cornevilli F.; de Santo M.; Dragoni M.; Gallo L.; Troiano A.

The paper presents DatabencArt and EDUBBA, two strictly integrated digital infrastructures designed and developed to cope with the increasing demand of a smart use of cutting-edge technologies in the Cultural Heritage (CH) realm. DatabencArt has been primarily designed to facilitate the cataloguing of CH objects while EDUBBA is focused on educational purposes. These platforms are the results of a long-term research effort made in the last five years by DATABENC Consortium (Distretto ad Alta Tecnologia per i Beni Culturali) and treasuring the experiences gained with the exploitation of many research projects in the field of of ICT technologies for Cultural Heritage knowledge, preservation, valorization and sustainable fruition.

IOP conference series. Materials science and engineering (Print) 949

DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/949/1/012073

2008, Contributo in atti di convegno, ITA

Verso un formato standard nelle intercettazioni: archiviazione, conservazione, consultazione e validità giuridica della registrazione digitale

Romito Luciano, Tucci Maria, Cavarretta Giuseppe Alfredo

Wiretapping or recording for forensic purposes is a way of researching evidence to determine the natura of a crime. It is a recording of spontaneous and natural speech, and it is for this reason that it is of great interest to linguists and the authors of this study. This interest is also stimulated by the fact that in Italy wiretapping does not exclusively regard low-level organized crime, where the linguists would find a low register of Italian or, more likely, the use of dialect, but on the contrary, the people tapped are ministers, princes, doctors, bank director, industrialists, journalists, teachers, judges, lawyers, priests, policemen, soccer players, referees, showgirls, employees, and so on, touching all social strata of the Italian population and all the possible registers of Italian or its dialects. All this is possible without the need of building lists of words or sentences and most of all without researching half-spontaneous speech through complex and expensive strategies. So much spontaneous material differentiated by production, age, sex, diafasic and diastratic variables presents just one problem: the quality of the recording and the instruments used. Due to this great attention paid to recordings produced by non-legal experts, throughout the years we can notice both a high degree of variance and superficiality in the techniques of acquisition, preservation, cataloguing and registration of the material recorded and the use made of it.

Convegno Nazionale Ass.I.Term, Università della Calabria, 5-7/6/2008AIDA Informazioni (Testo stamp.), pp. 161–175

1999, Articolo in rivista, ITA

ELISA un sistema per la gestione automatizzata delle collezioni mineralogiche

Callegari A. [1]; Toscani G.[2]

Vengono descritte le caratteristiche del sistema impiegato per la gestione automatizzata delle collezioni mineralogiche del Museo di Mineralogia del dipartimento di Scienze della Terra dell'Università di Pavia. Il sistema è stato realizzando un PC (Vectra VL pentium 133 mhz) collegato in rete e con 16 Mb di RAMcon OS MS-DOS. Le applicazioni sono state sviluppate mediante DATA EASE v. 4.5

Museologia scientifica 15 (2), pp. 175–181

1997, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Step by Step Toward the Global Internet Library

Marco Padula, Davide Musella

The growth of the global Internet, and of the World Wide Web in particular, has proposed a new cultural space, a channel for cultural communications where netizens exchange in new ways ideas and opinions that travel far in new directions. Memory is the basis for information organization and circulation; consequently memory organizers, such as libraries and museums, are metamorphosing their configuration, their structure, the services offered, while we are altering the idea we had of their meaning. The global Internet has changed the ways researchers carry on their information-intensive activities and seek emerging content in the document repositories. The evolution is still going on: the potentials will be converted into salient features, driven by approaches, springing from new and still fuzzy ideas and trends that take into account the global configuration of the Internet with the interrelationships among the different protagonists. This article is a visionary's fresco of the scenario where this evolution is taking place. With a description of current mechanisms for information managing in the Web, a comparative analysis of the hot points where R&D is more active, and some specific proposals, the visionary argues for making the idealistic scenario an operational one. Topics discussed include indexing, cataloguing, document requests and the use of software agents.

IEEE communications magazine (Print) 5, pp. 64–70

DOI: 10.1109/35.592097

InstituteSelected 0/3
    ICAR, Istituto di calcolo e reti ad alte prestazioni (1)
    IGG, Istituto di geoscienze e georisorse (1)
    IIT, Istituto di informatica e telematica (1)
AuthorSelected 0/4
    Cavarretta Giuseppe Alfredo (1)
    Gallo Luigi (1)
    Padula Marco (1)
    Toscani Giuseppe (1)
TypeSelected 0/2
    Articolo in rivista (3)
    Contributo in atti di convegno (1)
Research programSelected 0/2
    DIT.AD008.028.001, Design for All – Sw Integration and advanced Human Machine Interfaces in design for Ambient Assisted Living (1)
    TA.P04.014.002, Metodologie integrate per la conoscenza di processi e materiali geologici e del loro impatto sull'uomo e l'ambiente (1)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
EU ProjectSelected 0/0
No values ​​available
YearSelected 0/4
    1997 (1)
    1999 (1)
    2008 (1)
    2020 (1)
LanguageSelected 0/2
    Inglese (2)
    Italiano (2)
