2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Oppido, Stefania; Ragozino, Stefania; De Vita, Gabriella Esposito
Territorial inequalities are an issue of increasing relevance in the international scientific debate across different disciplinary fields, and their mitigation is a key challenge on the political agenda in many countries at the European and international level. An ongoing research project developed by the authors is investigating the phenomenon and possible strategies for rebalancing territorial development. In this framework, the present study provides an extensive review of the literature on the topic with the purpose of grasping the multiplicity of terms referring to areas affected by conditions of territorial inequalities. This paper describes the methodology adopted for developing a stand-alone Systematic Literature Review (SLR) protocol able to navigate both quantitative and qualitative insights on this complex topic. The SLR includes 347 records assessed for quantitative eligibility, 50 of which were included in the qualitative phase and studied through four categories of analysis (terms and phenomena, causes, models, and drivers) corresponding to the research questions. By tracing the evolution of the debate and the increasing scientific interest in the topic over time, the findings highlight the cross-disciplinary nature of the territorial inequalities that can be examined as complex and dynamic results of many spatial and aspatial issues at different territorial scales of investigation. Development models are benefiting from the evolution of the proximity concept from spatial to aspatial features-organizational, cognitive, and technological ones-changing the dependency between geography and innovation, especially with reference to entrepreneurship.
DOI: 10.3390/su151310401
2023, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Calcerano F.; Thravalou S.; Martinelli L.; Alexandrou K.; Artopoulos G.; Gigliarelli E.
The architectural engineering and construction sector accounts for about 30-40% of global energy consumption. The European goal of reducing this consumption and the linked greenhouse gas emissions calls for an increased capacity to implement building renovations. Building Information Modelling (BIM) and Building Performance Simulations (BPS) are among the most promising tools for fostering interdisciplinary, efficient processes and feasible analysis and design solutions to support this goal. Of the whole building stock, heritage buildings represent the most challenging part, although their potential as a driver for mitigating climate change and supporting sustainable development is being increasingly recognized. This paper presents a Heritage BIM and BPS-based workflow to support the energy and environmental improvement of publicly-owned historical buildings, that was applied to 9 case studies of 7 different Mediterranean countries. The overall aim of this research is to enhance the capacity of public local administrations and professionals to upgrade the historical building stock and demonstrate the scalability of the proposed workflow to the entire building stock of the Mediterranean area.
2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Karaki, Ali Alakbar; Bibuli, Marco; Caccia, Massimo; Ferrando, Ilaria; Gagliolo, Sara; Odetti, Angelo; Sguerso, Domenico
In this paper, the state-of-the-art concerning new methodologies for surveying in coastal areas in order to obtain an efficient quantification of submerged and emerged environments is described and evaluated. This work integrates an interdisciplinary approach involving both geomatics and robotics and focuses on definition, implementation, and development of a methodology to execute integrated aerial and underwater survey campaigns in shallow water areas. A preliminary test was performed at Gorzente Lakes near Genoa (Italy), to develop and integrate different survey techniques, enabling working in a smarter way, reducing costs and increasing safety for the operators. In this context, Remote Sensing techniques were integrated with a UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) carrying an aerial optical sensor for photogrammetry and with an ASV (Autonomous Surface Vehicle) expressly addressed to work in extremely shallow water with underwater acoustic sensors (single echo sounder). The obtained continuous seamless DSM (Digital Surface Model) for the entire environment was reconstructed by the combination of different sensing systems by limiting reliance on the GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) support. The obtained DSM was displayed in a 3D model leading to the evaluation of the water flow volume and rendering of 3D visualization.
DOI: 10.3390/jmse10060753
2021, Articolo in rivista, ITA
Roubis D.; Aino L.
La Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni Archeologici di Matera promuove annualmente, nell'ambito del progetto CHORA, Laboratori di Archeologia in Basilicata, le campagne di ricognizioni archeologiche intensive nel territorio dell'antica chora di Herakleia, compreso tra i fiumi di Agri e Sinni, insieme allo scavo stratigrafico sulla collina di S.M. d'Anglona (l'antica Pandosia). Si tratta di due azioni all' interno di un progetto unitario di archeologia del paesaggio caratterizzato da un approccio fortemente integrato: l'attività archeologica, in collaborazione con altri settori disciplinari, si lega ai temi della identificazione delle risorse agricole del territorio antico di Herakleia.
2021, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Capotondi L.[1], Bertini A.[2], Falcucci E.[3], Furlani S.[4], Monegato G.[5], Peresani M.[6], Palombo M.R.[7], Petrosino P.[8], Ravazzi C.[9], Zerboni A.[10], Mazzini I.[7]
The study of the past is of fundamental importance in understanding the processes that control the functioning of the Earth System and the interaction between ecosystems, human society and natural variability. The Quaternary scientist produces a variety of proxies derived from the investigation of natural, archaeological and historical records covering all time scales of the history of Planet Earth, including current dynamics, and with special focus to extend the calibrations to not instrumentally registered time spans. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted not only the vulnerability of our world but it also has made plain for all to see the critical role of humans. On the other hand, it has produced the unexpected conditions for a large-scale experiment on the impact of sudden reduced human activities, pointing to the potential for recovery of the natural environment. In this review, we examine how data from the recent past can provide tools to understand the events taking place today and to forecast their developments in the future.
DOI: 10.26382/AMQ.2021.16
2016, Curatela di numero monografico (di rivista o di collana), ENG
Marzi C.; Pirrelli V.
This special issue, together with its companion issue to appear in Italian Journal of Linguistics, stems from the NetWordS Final Conference "Word knowledge and word usage: representations and processes in the mental lexicon". The conference, held on the 30th and 31st of March, and the 1st of April 2015 in Pisa, concluded the 4-year NetWordS project, the European Network of Word Structure funded by the European Science Foundation within the Research Networking Programme. In line with the highly multidisciplinary profile of NetWordS agenda, the conference offered a comprehensive and inclusive forum focussing on two main lines of lexical inquiry: (i) usage-based approaches to bootstrapping word form and structure (morpho-phonological and morpho-syntactic issues), including: acquisition of lexical categories, emergence of morphological structure, lexical memories, anticipatory prediction-based mechanisms of word recognition, word production, frequency-based models of lexical productivity, word encoding, models of lexical architecture, family-based effects in word processing, word reading and writing; (ii) usage-based approaches to word meanings (lexical semantics and pragmatics in morphologically simple and complex words), including: distributional semantics, compound interpretation, concept composition and coercion, conceptualization of perception and action, time and space in the lexicon, metonymy and metaphor, lexico-semantic relations, perceptual grounding and embodied cognition, context-based and encyclopedic knowledge, semantic association and categorization. The multidisciplinary focus on word knowledge and word usage promoted by the Conference led participants to openly discuss an impressive range of approaches and empirical data: priming and lexical decision in a number of contexts, distributional semantics and models of semantic composition, neural networks, machine learning and mathematical modelling of empirical evidence, as well as their neuro-biological and neuro-functional correlates. It is widely acknowledged that looking at the same problem from different angles has an additive effect on the impact of current language research. Certainly more can be achieved, however, if, rather than simply adding more perspectives on the same subject, with individual research efforts staying within the boundaries of single knowledge domains, scholars manage to integrate them into a boundary-shifting methodological perspective. When psycholinguistic evidence from humans is successfully replicated algorithmically through a computational model implementing a few well-understood principles of time-series processing, we are in a position to empirically assess what input conditions favour memorisation and acquisition of symbolic strings by the model, and test these algorithmic predictions back on human subjects, thus going full circle. This may have a multiplicative effect on current research, providing not only mathematical modelling of present behavioural evidence, but amounting to fully explanatory mechanisms. Our current understanding of WHERE and WHEN some cognitive processes are implemented in the brain will be complemented by knowledge of WHAT information they rely on and HOW they integrate it. Other compelling examples of the full potential of cross-disciplinary integration can be found in the present volume and in the twin issue of Italian Journal of Linguistics. As a general point, we contend that only by putting single-domain acquisitions into the wider context of human communication, and developing an interdisciplinary framework whereby each specialist will take advantage of insights from other disciplines, we can make substantial progress in our understanding of the lexical roots of human verbal communication in real contexts. The edited selection of papers presented here provides a representative sample of the range of approaches debated at the NetWordS Pisa Conference, by way of illustration of how aspects of knowledge integration and methodological innovation can be put at the service of a better understanding of broad lexical issues.
DOI: 10.1418/83651
2016, Curatela di numero monografico (di rivista o di collana), ENG
Marzi, Claudia; Pirrelli, Vito
This special issue, together with its companion issue to appear in Lingue e Linguaggio, stems from the NetWordS Final Conference Word knowledge and word usage: representations and processes in the mental lexicon.* The conference, held on the 30th and 31st of March, and the 1st of April 2015 in Pisa, concluded the 4-year NetWordS project, the European Network of Word Structure funded by the European Science Foundation within the Research Networking Programme. In line with the highly multidisciplinary profile of NetWordS agenda, the conference offered a comprehensive and inclusive forum focussing on two main lines of lexical inquiry: (i) usage-based approaches to bootstrapping word form and structure (morpho-phonological and morpho-syntactic issues), including: acquisition of lexical categories, emergence of morphological structure, lexical memories, anticipatory prediction-based mechanisms of word recognition, word production, frequency-based models of lexical productivity, word encoding, models of lexical architecture, family-based effects in word processing, word reading and writing; (ii) usage-based approaches to word meanings (lexical semantics and pragmatics in morphologically simple and complex words), including: distributional semantics, compound interpretation, concept composition and coercion, conceptualization of perception and action, time and space in the lexicon, metonymy and metaphor, lexico-semantic relations, perceptual grounding and embodied cognition, context-based and encyclopedic knowledge, semantic association and categorization. The multidisciplinary focus on word knowledge and word usage promoted by the Conference led participants to openly discuss an impressive range of approaches and empirical data: priming and lexical decision in a number of contexts, distributional semantics and models of semantic composition, neural networks, machine learning and mathematical modelling of empirical evidence, as well as their neuro-biological and neuro-functional correlates.
2015, Rapporto di ricerca (Research report), ENG
Marzi, Claudia
The final NetWordS Conference, held on the 30th and 31st of March, and 1st of April 2015 in Pisa, was convened by Prof. Pier Marco Bertinetto, Dr. Vito Pirrelli and Dr. Claudia Marzi, and brought together 91 participants (scholars, Post-Docs, PhD students) from numerous European, and some non-European, countries. A 3-day schedule involved all participants in a focused, cross-disciplinary discussion on representations and processes in the mental lexicon. People are known to understand, memorise and parse words in a context-sensitive, opportunistic way, by caching their most habitual and productive processing patterns into routinized behavioural schemes, similarly to what we observe for sequences of coordinated motor acts. Speakers, however, do not only take advantage of token-based information such as frequency of individual, holistically stored words, or episodic memories of word usage, but they are also able to organise stored word forms through abstract paradigmatic structures (or word families) whose overall size and distribution are important determinants of lexical categorisation, inference and productivity. Lexical organisation is, in fact, not necessarily functional to descriptive economy and minimisation of storage, but appears to be influenced by more dynamic, communicationoriented functions such as memorisation, prediction-based recognition and production. Lending support to this view, usage-based approaches to word processing have recently offered novel explanatory frameworks that capitalise on the stable correlation patterns between lexical representations on the one hand and process-based operations that make representations functional to communicative exchanges on the other hand. By focusing on the battery of cognitive functions supporting verbal communication (ranging from input recoding to rehearsal, access, recall and coactivation) and by exploring their psycholinguistic correlates and neuroanatomical substrates, these approaches promote a new view of language architecture as an emergent property of the interaction between language-specific input conditions and low-level, domain-specific cognitive predispositions.
2014, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Satta CT; Padedda B; Stacca D; Simeone S; De Falco G; Penna A; Capellacci S; Pulina S; Perilli A; Sechi N
The presence and distribution of harmful algal species were investigated along the coasts of Sardinia in the summer of 2012. Fourteen potentially noxious taxa were identified at 74 beaches. The majority of the recovered taxa were potentially toxic and/or high biomass producers. Alexandrium taylorii, Gymnodinium instriatum, and Ostreopsis cf. ovata were the most frequent and abundant taxa, although Barrufeta bravensis reached the highest density (4.4 106 cells L 1). Barrufeta bravensis, A. taylorii, and G. instriatum were responsible for intense water discoloration at two of the beaches sampled. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analyses supported the identification of several taxa and decisively identified B. bravensis. PCR assays increased the information available on the species distributions. The locations studied were heterogeneous in their prevailing environmental conditions and their morphodynamic profiles. Statistical analyses indicated that the distributions of harmful algal species correlated with gravel and medium-fine sand substrata. These data provide substantial knowledge on the distributions of harmful algal species on beaches, which have been poorly studied on a global scale. The apparent relationship between noxious species and grain size suggests that vegetative cells may be recruited from cyst beds in beach sediments.
2012, Curatela di numero monografico (di rivista o di collana), ENG
Marzi, Claudia; Pirrelli, Vito
The present collection stems from the 1st NetWordS Workshop "Understanding the architecture of the mental lexicon: Integration of existing approaches", held in the Pisa Research Area of the Italian National Research Council, in November 2011. "NetWordS: the European network on Word Structure in the languages of Europe" is the Research Networking Programme of the European Science Foundation launched in May 2011 with the ambitious goal of paving the way to the European interdisciplinary research agenda on the Mental Lexicon, with particular emphasis on the following three main challenges: - lexicon and rules in the grammar, - word knowledge and word use, - words and meanings.
2012, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Marzi, Claudia; Pirrelli, Vito
The present collection stems from the 1st NetWordS Workshop "Understanding the architecture of the mental lexicon: Integration of existing approaches", held in the Pisa Research Area of the Italian National Research Council, in November 2011. "NetWordS: the European network on Word Structure in the languages of Europe" is the Research Networking Programme of the European Science Foundation launched in May 2011 with the ambitious goal of paving the way to the European interdisciplinary research agenda on the Mental Lexicon, with particular emphasis on the following three main challenges: - lexicon and rules in the grammar, - word knowledge and word use, - words and meanings.
DOI: 10.1418/38780