2024, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Aiello Gemma, Caccavale Mauro
An integration between geomorphological maps constructed in the Bay of Naples and in the Cilento offshore is herein presented, aimed at showing a more complete geomorphological framework of these two sectors of the Eastern Tyrrhenian margin. Both geomorphological maps have been constructed in a GIS environment. The landforms recognized in the Bay of Naples have been compiled based on onshore and offshore literature data and have been geo-referenced in a GIS environment. The landforms recognized in the Cilento offshore have been reported after reviewing the results of the geological sheet n. 502 "Agropoli" at the 1:50,000 scale. The integration between the geomorphological maps constructed in the Bay of Naples and in the Cilento offshore has highlighted that important differences exist between these two sectors of the Eastern Tyrrhenian margin. While the geological evolution of the Cilento offshore has been mainly controlled by the sedimentary processes, the Bay of Naples has been dominated by the volcanic processes, which have strongly influenced the geomorphological setting of this area, both onshore and offshore. These maps represent a useful tool for planning marine hazards in the Bay of Naples and of the Cilento offshore. Based on the obtained results the marine hazard is high in the Bay of Naples at southern Ischia, in correspondence of the Naples canyons, and at the southern slope of Sorrento-Capri. On the contrary, the marine hazard is low in the Cilento offshore, where the mapped landforms have shown normal sedimentary processes.
2022, Articolo in rivista, ENG
Gemma Aiello, Marco Sacchi
Morpho-bathymetric data have been analyzed in order to provide new geological evidence on the Gulf of Naples i.e. on the southern Ischia slope, on the Naples canyons and on the Capri-Sorrento slope, representing main morphological and depositional domains of the Gulf of Naples through shaded relief and slope maps constructed through Multibeam bathymetric data resulting in a newly constructed Digital Elevation Model of the bay. A slope gradient map has allowed for the identification of the main slope classes on the offshore of Naples town and their correlation with regional morpho-structural lineaments in both the offshore of Naples and Ischia. A high slope map is herein shown in order to individuate the areas potentially prone to slide. The cluster of the slope gradients distribution and the consequent re-classification process have allowed us to define six slope classes, resulting in a thematic map of the seabed morphological structures and in further detail, in a map of the structure classes of the Naples canyons. Three districts have been distinguished from high gradients on the slope map, suggesting a high geologic hazard of submarine features (southern Ischia slope, Naples canyons, southern Capri-Sorrento slope). Detailed geomorphological maps of these districts have been assembled based on the geological interpretation of morpho-bathymetry and the structure classes defined by the Bathymetric Position Index (BPI). These maps could provide a useful tool for planning and management of coastal zones in the submarine portions of the Naples Bay.