2020, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

Learning to configure mathematical programming solvers by mathematical programming

Iommazzo G.; D'Ambrosio C.; Frangioni A.; Liberti L.

We discuss the issue of finding a good mathematical programming solver configuration for a particular instance of a given problem, and we propose a two-phase approach to solve it. In the first phase we learn the relationships between the instance, the configuration and the performance of the configured solver on the given instance. A specific difficulty of learning a good solver configuration is that parameter settings may not all be independent; this requires enforcing (hard) constraints, something that many widely used supervised learning methods cannot natively achieve. We tackle this issue in the second phase of our approach, where we use the learnt information to construct and solve an optimization problem having an explicit representation of the dependency/consistency constraints on the configuration parameter settings. We discuss computational results for two different instantiations of this approach on a unit commitment problem arising in the short-term planning of hydro valleys. We use logistic regression as the supervised learning methodology and consider CPLEX as the solver of interest.

Learning and Intelligent Optimization - LION 2020, Athens, May 24-28, 2020Lecture notes in computer science 12096 LNCS, pp. 377–389

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-53552-0_34

2020, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

A Learning-based Mathematical Programming Formulation for the Automatic Configuration of Optimization Solvers

G. Iommazzo, C. D'Ambrosio, A. Frangioni, L. Liberti

We propose a methodology, based on machine learning and optimization, for selecting a solver configuration for a given instance. First, we employ a set of solved instances and configurations in order to learn a performance function of the solver. Secondly, we formulate a mixed-integer nonlinear program where the objective/constraints explicitly encode the learnt information, and which we solve, upon the arrival of an unknown instance, to find the best solver configuration for that instance, based on the performance function. The main novelty of our approach lies in the fact that the configuration set search problem is formulated as a mathematical program, which allows us to a) enforce hard dependence and compatibility constraints on the configurations, and b) solve it efficiently with off-the-shelf optimization tools.

6th International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Data science - LOD 2020, July 19-23, 2020Lecture notes in computer science

2018, Contributo in atti di convegno, ENG

Perspective cuts for the ACOPF with generators

Leo Liberti, Claudio Gentile, and Esteban Salgado

The alternating current optimal power flow problem is a fundamental problem in the management of smart grids. In this paper we consider a variant which includes activation/deactivation of generators at some of the grid sites. We formulate the problem as a mathematical program, prove its NP-hardness w.r.t. activation/deactivation, and derive two perspective reformulations.

ODS2018 - International Conference on Optimization and Decision Science, Taormina (ME), 10/09/2018-13/09/2018

2016, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Optimization and simulation of collaborative networks for sustainable production and transportation

Liotta G., Kaihara T., Stecca G.

Complex and delocalized manufacturing industries require high levels of integration between production and transportation in order to effectively implement lean and agile operations. There are, however, limitations in research and applications simultaneously embodying further sustainability dimensions. This article presents a methodological framework based on optimization and simulation to integrate (i) aggregate optimized plans for production and multimodal transportation with (ii) detailed dynamic distribution plans affected by demand uncertainty. The objective function of the optimization model considers supply, production, transportation and CO2 emission costs as well as collaboration over the multimodal network. Bill-of-materials and capacity constraints are included. A feedback between simulation and optimization is used to plan requirements for materials and components. Computational experiments are based on realistic instances. Results demonstrate that the framework can be effectively used to analyze cost-CO2 emissions trade-offs, effects of demand uncertainty and collaborative distribution strategies on economic and environmental performance of the supply chain.

IEEE transactions on industrial informatics 12 (1), pp. 417–424

DOI: 10.1109/TII.2014.2369351

2012, Articolo in rivista, ENG

Operations management applied to home care services: the problem of assigning human resources to patients

E. Lanzarone, A. Matta, and E. Sahin

In recent years, home care (HC) service systems have been developed as alternatives to conventional hospitalization. Many resources are involved in delivering HC service, including different categories of human resources, support staff, and material resources. One of the main issues encountered while planning human HC resources is the patient assignment problem, i.e., deciding which operator(s) will take care of which admitted patient given some sets of constraints (e.g., the continuity of care). This paper addresses the resource assignment problem for HC systems. A set of mathematical programming models to balance the workloads of the operators within specific categories are proposed. The models consider several peculiarities of HC services, such as the continuity of care constraint, operators' skills, and the geographical areas which patients and operators belong to. Given the high variability of patient demands, models are developed under the assumption that patients' demands are either deterministic or stochastic. The analysis of the results obtained from a real case study demonstrates the applicability of the proposed models as well as the benefits that stem from applying them. Moreover, the obtained results show that an acceptable level of continuity of care cannot be obtained without modeling the continuity of care as a hard constraint. The analysis under continuity of care also shows the high value of information and the difficulties of fully balancing workloads with the application of standard techniques.

IEEE transactions on systems, man and cybernetics. Part A. Systems and humans 42 (6), pp. 1346–1363

DOI: 10.1109/TSMCA.2012.2210207

2010, Contributo in atti di convegno

A Model Optimizing the Port-Hinterland Logistics of Containers. The Case of the Campania Region in Southern Italy

Iannone Fedele

The Quest for Sustainable Shipping and Port Industries, Lisbona

2010, Poster

A Sustainable Logistics Model for the Economic Analysis and Planning of the Inland Container Distribution

Iannone Fedele

Identità, Qualità e Competitività territoriale Sviluppo economico e coesione nei Territori alpini, Aosta

1976, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG

Problems related to crew planning and scheduling in a railroad company

Mercatanti M.; Rindi B.; Volpentesta A.

The aim of the paper is first of all to describe and formulate some mathematical programming problems, which arise in a railroad company, and which are at present unsolved, at least as it regards large-scale real situation. Problems of such a king are crew and manpower planning, optimal time-table determination. For the crew scheduling problem a new algorithm is proposed which is based on the upper bound linear assignment algorithm. The optimal time-table problem is formulated as an optimal vertex-packing on an undirected graph, with additional linear integer constraints; this integer linear program is structured, i. e., it has a block angular matrix of the constraining system. Computational experience has been made on a sample of real problems coming from the Italian railroad company.

Assignement Approaches and Algorithms Abstracts. IX International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, Budapest, 24-27 agosto 1976
InstituteSelected 0/4
    IASI, Istituto di analisi dei sistemi ed informatica "Antonio Ruberti" (4)
    IRISS, Istituto di Ricerca su Innovazione e Servizi per lo Sviluppo (4)
    IMATI, Istituto di matematica applicata e tecnologie informatiche "Enrico Magenes" (1)
    ISTI, Istituto di scienza e tecnologie dell'informazione "Alessandro Faedo" (1)
AuthorSelected 0/3
    Gentile Claudio (1)
    Lanzarone Ettore (1)
    Stecca Giuseppe (1)
TypeSelected 0/5
    Contributo in atti di convegno (4)
    Articolo in rivista (3)
    Abstract in atti di convegno (1)
    Altro prodotto (1)
    Poster (1)
Research programSelected 0/6
    IC.P05.012.001, Innovazione e creazione del valore (4)
    DIT.AD021.027.001, OPTIMA - Ottimizzazione, Matematica Discreta e Applicazioni per la Società e l'Industria (3)
    DIT.AD021.070.001, MINOA - Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Optimisation Applications (1)
    ICT.P11.005.001, Controllo e Ottimizzazione di Sistemi Complessi (1)
    ME.P07.004.002, Metodi statistici per problemi biomedici (1)
    SAC.AD002.072.064, Prin 2015 - IASI - 2015B5F27W_005 (1)
EU Funding ProgramSelected 0/1
    H2020 (1)
EU ProjectSelected 0/1
    MINOA (1)
YearSelected 0/6
    2010 (4)
    2020 (2)
    1976 (1)
    2012 (1)
    2016 (1)
    2018 (1)
LanguageSelected 0/1
    Inglese (6)

mathematical programming