2021, Abstract in atti di convegno, ENG
Zaupa M.; Dalla Palma M.; Tinti P.; Zaccaria P.; Graceffa J.; Bragulat E.; Lopez A.; Micò Montava G.; Sampedro Durà A.; Arrillaga X.; Azpiroz X.; Carmona J.M.; Iriarte M.; Jimenez Aguinaga C.
The operating principle of the ITER heating neutral beam injector ( is based on the acceleration and neutralisation of negative ions . The remaining charged particles after the neutralization process shall be removed by an e lectrostatic residual ion d ump (ERID) in which electrostatic fields are used to deflect the ions that are so dumped onto five water actively cooled p anels delimiting the four channels particle beam In order to realize the electrostatic field, three panels are grounded and the other two are polarised at a negative potential up to 25 kV The electric insulation on cooling pipes between polarised panels and ground is realized by ceramic breaks with 145 mm outer diameter and made of explosion bonded 316L tutanium grade 2 plates that are brazed to an alumina type IV tube ( titanium grade 2 side) and welded to cooling pipes (316L side)side). Alumina ha s excellen t thermal stability, oxidation and corrosion resistance . On the other hand, titanium grade 2 ha s good ductility besides the high strength and l imited mismatch of the coefficient of thermal expansion with respect to alumina . Nevertheless, large residual stress es are expected in the brazed joint due to the wide temperature range between solidus temperature (780 °C) of the brazing alloy ( Ticusil® and room temperature Different brazed joint configurations were analyses by means of finite element analysis (FE A)A), by modifying the geometry and the position of the braz ed joint . The involved materials were simulated by bi linear model s of the stress strain curve and with n on linear temperature dependence of thermal expansion coefficients Influence of a 50 µm thic k interlayer made of Ticusil® between alumina and titanium was also simulated in order to reduce the stresses Von Mises criterion was selected to evaluate the st r ess field in the metallic parts while Drucker Prager criterion was implemented to assess the strength of the alumina tube.
2021, Poster, ENG
Dalla Palma M.; Pasqualotto R.; Sartori E.
In the ITER neutral beam test facility, a 40 MW precursor D --/H beam will be produced neutralised and filtered along the beamline . A 18 MW D 0 /H 0 beam will be dumped onto a calorimeter corresponding to a 16.5 MW neutral beam to be injected into the ITER plasma. Heat fluxes up to 20 MW/m 2 will be exhausted through water cooled channels operating up to 1 h continuously in subcooled boiling. During beam operation, the high heat flux components along the beamline will be monitor ed using embedded thermo mechanical sensors : 642 thermocouples and 105 fiber optic sensors that includes temperature sensors, strain gauges, and accelerometers to detect implosion of vapour bubbles in the subcooled water bulk after boiling nucleation at the cooling channel inner wall. Positions of sensors have been determined through simulations of component particle beam interaction. Signals of these sensors will be processed for component protection against critical conditions, for performance monitoring through calorimetry, and for retrieving parameters of the particle beam. The fiber Bragg grating technology has been identified to manufacture temperature sensors with high dielectric strength to be installed on panels polarised up to 25 kV to electrostatically deflect the residual ions emerging from the neutralisation process. Moreover, fiber optics are compatible with strong magnetic fields produced in ITER for plasma confinement. Materials of sensors, including the optic fiber, present r adiation hardness consistent with high neutron and gamma fluxes produced from fusion reactions. The optic f iber is polyimide coated, compatible with 300 °C continuous service temperature , and inserted into a protective braided sleeve made of continuous filament fiberg lass preliminarily heat cleaned. F iber optic sensors and patch cords have been designed to be c ompatible with the vacuum environment limiting the outgassing of species contaminating the in vessel experimental environment and avoiding virtual leakages. Sensor mounting s h ave been designed considering stiffness, thermal contact, and vibration resonant frequenc y . The expected total exposure time to the environment conditions is 2780 h. Each sensor is supplied with its own calibration curve The fiber connectivity though FC/APC connectors and fusion splices has been studied and implemented considering the interrogation optical budget and the m ultiple and reliable disconnections required for installation and maintenance of in vessel components. A 8 channel configuration in the 160 nm wavelength range have been realised.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Sottocornola A.; Zaccaria P.; Marcuzzi D.; Zanotto L.; Bigi M.; Luchetta A.; Pomaro N.; Pasqualotto R.; Serianni G.; Chitarin G.; Dal Bello S.
The activities performed in the third quarter (Q3) and described in detail in the attached documents, are summarized in this document.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Dalla Palma, M.; Zaupa, M.
This Activity Report includes all the deliverables related to the assembly, installation, and testing of the SPIDER Beam Dump.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Dalla Palma M.; Brombin M.; Tollin M.; Zaupa M.
The preliminary assembly plan prepared by ITER Organization [R1] describes the SBD interfaces, but it requires to be integrated by another document as lifting, drawing up, and positioning have to be carried out by using a lifting jig. Existing documents regarding SBD handling and installation have been analysed and remaining issues have been addressed as described in the present document. The on-site acceptance test plan has been developed considering component characteristics, installed sensors, and analysed risks [A1].
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Dalla Palma, M.
This document presents the design of the lifting jig for SPIDER Beam Dump (SBD). This structure will be used for handling and lifting operations during the installation of SPIDER Beam Dump onto the front lid of SPIDER vessel. Mechanical verifications of bolted connections and of structural elements are described in the design document including strength, stability, and deformation. These verifications have been carried out by applying BS EN 13155:2003+A2:2009 "Cranes - Safety - Non-fixed load lifting attachments" in order to satisfy requirements of the Directive 2006/42/EC of 17 May 2006 on machinery.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Luchetta A.; Moressa M.
This document is the test plan of the Safety Instrumented Functions (SIF) of the SPIDER Central Safety System (CSS) procurement subcontracted to TREESSE Company. It integrates the Site Acceptance Tests of CSS (RFX-SPIDER-IP-009-r2, F4E_D_2G85G7 v2.0) covering the validation of the implementation of SIF.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Dalla Palma M.
This Technical Specification concerns the supply of the fiber optic instrumentation for the beamline components of MITICA, a facility under procurement with technical and management support of Consorzio RFX. Based on this Technical Specification, the Supplier shall manufacture or procure the instrumentation items, carry out tests, and deliver the supply at Consorzio RFX.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Barzon A.; Cervaro V.; Dalla Palma M.; Degli Agostini F.; Fasolo D.; Fincato M.; Grando L.; Pasqualotto R.; Rossetto F.; Tollin M.; Zaupa M.
The aim of this report is to describe the preparatory activities including modifications performed to the SPIDER Beam Dump (SDB) before the installation of the component on the vessel front lid. These modifications have been implemented to fix issues discovered on site checking the interfaces. Then, the Beam Dump installation of the vessel has been executed as documented in the second part of this document. Finally, data for the procurement of spare cooling bellows are provided.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Tollin M.; Zaupa M.; Dalla Palma M.
This document includes the technical specification for design and CE certification in accordance with the Directive 2006/42/CE of the lifting jig to be used to lift the SPIDER Beam Dump (SBD) for installation onto the front lid of the SPIDER vacuum vessel. Indeed, simple ropes to handle SBD are not compatible with the lid curvature to carry out SBD lifting, front lid approaching, and lid flange interfacing. Technical data of the SBD are provided in the following especially for jig interfaces and for required constraining conditions. Finally, some requirements about the lifting jig to be designed and certified as lifting equipment in accordance with the Directive 2006/42/CE are specified. Reference documents mentioned in the following are provided annexed to this technical specification.
2019, Nota tecnica, ITA
Barbato P.
Alcuni sistemi di acquisizione dati utilizzati durante le sessioni sperimentali impiegano comunicazioni di tipo Multicast. Si tratta di un protocollo definito da numerosi IETF RFC [1], che ha lo scopo di distribuire una stessa informazione nello stesso istante ad un gruppo di destinatari identificati da un particolare indirizzo IP. Nelle reti IP è un meccanismo simile a quello Broadcast, con la differenza che mentre i pacchetti Broadcast vengono propagati su di una stessa LAN o VLANa livello 2 SO/OSI, ovvero Ethernet, limitandone l'indirizzamento a tutti i nodi di una stessa sottorete IP, livello 3 ISO/OSI attraverso l'IP Network Mask, i pacchetti Multicast possono essere propagati a sottoreti e LAN diverse, anche distribuite geograficamente grazie a particolari configurazioni di routing da predisporre sugli Switch o Router.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Luchetta A.; Moressa M.
This document is the test plan for the Factory Acceptance Tests of the SPIDER Central Safety System procurement subcontracted to TREESSE Company.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Luchetta A.; Moressa M.
This document reports on the results of the Factory Acceptance Tests executed at the premises of the Supplier's subcontractor in charge of manufacturing the I&C cubicle and the compact enclosures of the SPIDER Central Safety System.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Luchetta A.; Barbato P.; Polato S.
This document lists the MITICA Central CODAS and networks requirements.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Luchetta A.; Pomaro N.
This document lists in detail the requirements of the MITICA interface between the Ground Related Power Supply plant unit and MITICA CODAS and Interlock System.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Luchetta A.; Pomaro N.
This document lists in detail the requirements of the MITICAinterface between the Acceleration Grid Power Supply plant unit and MITICACODAS and Interlock System.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Luchetta A.; Pomaro N.
This documentlists in detail the requirements of the interface between the Ion Source and Extraction Power Supply plant unit and MITICA CODAS and Interlock System.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Taliercio C.; Pasqualotto R.; Croci G.
This document defines the interface between the Neutron Diagnostics and SPIDER CODAS. It contains the interface requirements, the interface sheet, and the interface final design.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Marcuzzi D.; Maistrello A.; Bernardi M.; Recchia M.; Pavei M.; Chitarin G.
This document concerns the final design of the enhanced configuration for SPIDER drivers, as a consequence of the optimization of the RF circuit.
2019, Rapporto di progetto (Project report), ENG
Grando L.; Barbato P.; Carraro M.; Baseggio L.
This document is intended as the Manufacturing Design required in Task Order #03 of F4E-OFC-280 Framework Contract for the part related to the Surveillance Camera System (OPTION #03) to be installed in the NBTF buildings.